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[Cogitatio-concepts] unveil disadvantaged

From: Marian Mccormick
Subject: [Cogitatio-concepts] unveil disadvantaged
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2006 12:56:32 +0530

Nine-tenths of theberg is below the water in the darkness. Let him that is without sin among you first cast thestone seems to me decisive.
Let him that is without sin among you first cast thestone seems to me decisive.
Now, the reason can find noargument against this proposal. This is my mother and these are my brethren who dothe will of my Father.
By rejecting old truths we bottom them ordiscover better. To the great agnostic this seemed the perfect ideal of religion, theultimate of human wisdom.
Aubrey had not that penetration and width of vision.
Are we to bring virtues and faults to ripeness?
Thecentrifugal law is also a consequence of the attraction ofgravitation.
There is more than one Boswell in our English literature.
Spenser wasa little man, wore short hair, a little band, and little cuffs. Let us see if a modern comparison will helpus. It is ridiculous to ask us toaccept injustice and wrong in our governors.
Boswell is a type of the Dutch artist: like another Tenier he givesus all the small details. In industry it ledto the heaping up of riches in a few hands and to the sordid misery ofthe many.
Sir John Denham said twas the finest coffin he ever saw.
Spend as much time as possible in the open air. We believed in the Reason and were bold to accept noother authority. What shall it profit a manif he gain the whole world and lose his own soul? Will you take part in the fight between the Haves and the Havenots?
It is ourduty to keep the body in perfect health, for if it suffers the mind,too, must suffer. Clearly theHebraic precepts are not binding on us; nor in themselves perhaps veryadmirable. Still,after reading both the historians, our knowledge of the great man issadly meager and scrappy.
But the idea beckons, a light fixed high above racial peculiarities orcompensations. But against thisthere is a fixed loathing in humanity, a prejudice stronger than anyreason. All the things it needs for its growth it is its duty toget and to enjoy.
He cannot fix foreternity an individual by his special features.
Whether the prize, is worth the effort must be a question for theindividual.
Temporary excesses are not harmful; sometimes, indeed, they arepositively beneficial. The heart, we say, has ahigher authority. The weak, on the other hand, will suffer out of measure for allmistakes.
We progress from the simple to the complex. The weak, on the other hand, will suffer out of measure for allmistakes. Naturepunishes us, as we know; are we justified in forestalling hersentences?

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