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[Cogitatio-interface] fruits

From: Lambert Hart
Subject: [Cogitatio-interface] fruits
Date: Sun, 17 Sep 2006 04:50:23 +0200

And perhaps hehad done right, too, after all, and that was why it had not beenfound out. Do you hear the tinkling of that water, Clyde? The lake was not large enough, and probably not very deep. And no voice or figure or sound on shore. And all this knowledge and theirpresence there now might make this trip of his useless.
She mustbe very genial and yet not put herself forward too much or in hisway. Or why should he have decided that he and Roberta werenot married?
He paused in his rowing and put out his hand, then resumed.
And how strange he had not thought ofthat.
Will it notshow that this was an accident?
That would not soundright to her, or to any one.
And hence a kind of gratefulness forthis welling up in her.
And from there they could go to Big Bittern in the morning. And perhaps hehad done right, too, after all, and that was why it had not beenfound out.
If only his knees would not tremble so; his hands and face and bodycontinue so damp.
Oh, I thought you might have run into some one. The traindoesnt leave till eight-fifteen.
And he thinking, Oh, well, what difference such talk now? At any rate he wouldhelp her with it later, when they were where no one could see them. What ifit should prove now that this guide had seen and remembered him!
The lake was not large enough, and probably not very deep. People did carrycameras in bags when they went out on lakes, at times. Well, then, Ill just take your bag and you can register. And Roberta at onceexclaiming:Now, there, isnt that cute? He had brought his camera for that and for otherpictures of Sondra later.
If one were slipping away at night or by day, who wouldencounter one here? Youll be staying over for dinner then, I suppose? She had puther hand over the side and was trailing it in the blue-blackripples made by his oars.
Yet the guide did not remember him, thank God!
And from there they could go to Big Bittern in the morning.
And he thinking, Oh, well, what difference such talk now?
But supposing this guide shouldbe there and remember him?
And perhaps hehad done right, too, after all, and that was why it had not beenfound out. And then to the shore again in spite of himself.
We did have aboutthirty over the Fourth, but most o them went down yesterday.

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