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gnue/gnue-common/src/dbdrivers popy/

From: Jason Cater
Subject: gnue/gnue-common/src/dbdrivers popy/
Date: Tue, 06 Nov 2001 14:41:10 -0500

CVSROOT:        /home/cvs
Module name:    gnue
Changes by:     Jason Cater <address@hidden>    01/11/06 14:41:10

Modified files:

Log message:
        Fixed introspection methods in alternate postgresql drivers


Index: gnue/gnue-common/src/dbdrivers/popy/
diff -u gnue/gnue-common/src/dbdrivers/popy/ 
--- gnue/gnue-common/src/dbdrivers/popy/ Sun Nov  4 17:22:35 2001
+++ gnue/gnue-common/src/dbdrivers/popy/     Tue Nov  6 14:41:10 2001
@@ -74,41 +74,90 @@
   # Return a list of the types of Schema objects this driver provides
-  def getSchemaTypes(self): 
+  def getSchemaTypes(self):
     return [('view','View',1), ('table','Table',1)]
   # Return a list of Schema objects
-  def getSchemaList(self, type=None): 
+  def getSchemaList(self, type=None):
     includeTables = (type in ('table','sources', None))
     includeViews = (type in ('view','sources', None))
     inClause = []
-    if includeTables: 
+    if includeTables:
       inClause.append ("'r'")
-    if includeViews: 
+    if includeViews:
       inClause.append ("'v'")
     # TODO: This excludes any system tables and views. Should it?
     statement = "select relname, relkind from pg_class " + \
             "where relkind in (%s) " % (join(inClause,',')) + \
             "and relname not like 'pg_%' " + \
-            "order by relname" 
+            "order by relname"
     cursor = self._dataConnection.cursor()
     list = []
-    for rs in cursor.fetchall(): 
-      list.append(GDataObjects.Schema(id=lower(rs[0]), name=rs[0],
-                         type=rs[1] == 'v' and 'view' or 'table'))
+    for rs in cursor.fetchall():
+      list.append(GDataObjects.Schema(attrs={'id':lower(rs[0]), 'name':rs[0],
+                         'type':rs[1] == 'v' and 'view' or 'table'},
+                         getChildSchema=self.__getFieldSchema))
     return list
   # Find a schema object with specified name
   def getSchemaByName(self, name, type=None):
-    return None
+    statement = "select relname, relkind, oid from pg_class " + \
+            "where relname = '%s'" % (name)
+    cursor = self._dataConnection.cursor()
+    cursor.execute(statement)
+    rs = cursor.fetchone()
+    schema = GDataObjects.Schema(attrs={'id':rs[2], 'name':rs[0],
+                         'type':rs[1] == 'v' and 'view' or 'table'},
+                         getChildSchema=self.__getFieldSchema)
+    cursor.close()
+    return schema
+  # Get fields for a table
+  def __getFieldSchema(self, parent):
+    statement = "select attname, pg_attribute.oid, typname, " + \
+            " attnotnull, atthasdef, atttypmod " + \
+            "from pg_attribute, pg_type " + \
+            "where attrelid = %d and " % ( + \
+            "pg_type.oid = atttypid and attnum >= 0" + \
+            "order by attnum"
+    cursor = self._dataConnection.cursor()
+    cursor.execute(statement)
+    list = []
+    for rs in cursor.fetchall():
+      attrs={'id': rs[1], 'name': rs[0],
+             'type':'field', 'nativetype': rs[2],
+             'required': rs[3] and not rs[4]}
+      if rs[2] in ('int8','int2','int4','numeric',
+                   'float4','float8','money','bool'):
+        attrs['datatype']='number'
+      elif rs[2] in ('date','time','timestamp','abstime','reltime'):
+        attrs['datatype']='date'
+      else:
+        attrs['datatype']='text'
+      if rs[5] != -1:
+        attrs['length'] = rs[5]
+      list.append(GDataObjects.Schema(attrs=attrs))
+    cursor.close()
+    return list
Index: gnue/gnue-common/src/dbdrivers/psycopg/
diff -u gnue/gnue-common/src/dbdrivers/psycopg/ 
--- gnue/gnue-common/src/dbdrivers/psycopg/      Sun Nov  4 
17:22:35 2001
+++ gnue/gnue-common/src/dbdrivers/psycopg/  Tue Nov  6 14:41:10 2001
@@ -74,41 +74,90 @@
   # Return a list of the types of Schema objects this driver provides
-  def getSchemaTypes(self): 
+  def getSchemaTypes(self):
     return [('view','View',1), ('table','Table',1)]
   # Return a list of Schema objects
-  def getSchemaList(self, type=None): 
+  def getSchemaList(self, type=None):
     includeTables = (type in ('table','sources', None))
     includeViews = (type in ('view','sources', None))
     inClause = []
-    if includeTables: 
+    if includeTables:
       inClause.append ("'r'")
-    if includeViews: 
+    if includeViews:
       inClause.append ("'v'")
     # TODO: This excludes any system tables and views. Should it?
     statement = "select relname, relkind from pg_class " + \
             "where relkind in (%s) " % (join(inClause,',')) + \
             "and relname not like 'pg_%' " + \
-            "order by relname" 
+            "order by relname"
     cursor = self._dataConnection.cursor()
     list = []
-    for rs in cursor.fetchall(): 
-      list.append(GDataObjects.Schema(id=lower(rs[0]), name=rs[0],
-                         type=rs[1] == 'v' and 'view' or 'table'))
+    for rs in cursor.fetchall():
+      list.append(GDataObjects.Schema(attrs={'id':lower(rs[0]), 'name':rs[0],
+                         'type':rs[1] == 'v' and 'view' or 'table'},
+                         getChildSchema=self.__getFieldSchema))
     return list
   # Find a schema object with specified name
   def getSchemaByName(self, name, type=None):
-    return None
+    statement = "select relname, relkind, oid from pg_class " + \
+            "where relname = '%s'" % (name)
+    cursor = self._dataConnection.cursor()
+    cursor.execute(statement)
+    rs = cursor.fetchone()
+    schema = GDataObjects.Schema(attrs={'id':rs[2], 'name':rs[0],
+                         'type':rs[1] == 'v' and 'view' or 'table'},
+                         getChildSchema=self.__getFieldSchema)
+    cursor.close()
+    return schema
+  # Get fields for a table
+  def __getFieldSchema(self, parent):
+    statement = "select attname, pg_attribute.oid, typname, " + \
+            " attnotnull, atthasdef, atttypmod " + \
+            "from pg_attribute, pg_type " + \
+            "where attrelid = %d and " % ( + \
+            "pg_type.oid = atttypid and attnum >= 0" + \
+            "order by attnum"
+    cursor = self._dataConnection.cursor()
+    cursor.execute(statement)
+    list = []
+    for rs in cursor.fetchall():
+      attrs={'id': rs[1], 'name': rs[0],
+             'type':'field', 'nativetype': rs[2],
+             'required': rs[3] and not rs[4]}
+      if rs[2] in ('int8','int2','int4','numeric',
+                   'float4','float8','money','bool'):
+        attrs['datatype']='number'
+      elif rs[2] in ('date','time','timestamp','abstime','reltime'):
+        attrs['datatype']='date'
+      else:
+        attrs['datatype']='text'
+      if rs[5] != -1:
+        attrs['length'] = rs[5]
+      list.append(GDataObjects.Schema(attrs=attrs))
+    cursor.close()
+    return list
Index: gnue/gnue-common/src/dbdrivers/pypgsql/
diff -u gnue/gnue-common/src/dbdrivers/pypgsql/ 
--- gnue/gnue-common/src/dbdrivers/pypgsql/      Mon Nov  5 
22:55:24 2001
+++ gnue/gnue-common/src/dbdrivers/pypgsql/  Tue Nov  6 14:41:10 2001
@@ -82,41 +82,90 @@
   # Return a list of the types of Schema objects this driver provides
-  def getSchemaTypes(self): 
+  def getSchemaTypes(self):
     return [('view','View',1), ('table','Table',1)]
   # Return a list of Schema objects
-  def getSchemaList(self, type=None): 
+  def getSchemaList(self, type=None):
     includeTables = (type in ('table','sources', None))
     includeViews = (type in ('view','sources', None))
     inClause = []
-    if includeTables: 
+    if includeTables:
       inClause.append ("'r'")
-    if includeViews: 
+    if includeViews:
       inClause.append ("'v'")
     # TODO: This excludes any system tables and views. Should it?
     statement = "select relname, relkind from pg_class " + \
             "where relkind in (%s) " % (join(inClause,',')) + \
             "and relname not like 'pg_%' " + \
-            "order by relname" 
+            "order by relname"
     cursor = self._dataConnection.cursor()
     list = []
-    for rs in cursor.fetchall(): 
-      list.append(GDataObjects.Schema(id=lower(rs[0]), name=rs[0],
-                         type=rs[1] == 'v' and 'view' or 'table'))
+    for rs in cursor.fetchall():
+      list.append(GDataObjects.Schema(attrs={'id':lower(rs[0]), 'name':rs[0],
+                         'type':rs[1] == 'v' and 'view' or 'table'},
+                         getChildSchema=self.__getFieldSchema))
     return list
   # Find a schema object with specified name
   def getSchemaByName(self, name, type=None):
-    return None
+    statement = "select relname, relkind, oid from pg_class " + \
+            "where relname = '%s'" % (name)
+    cursor = self._dataConnection.cursor()
+    cursor.execute(statement)
+    rs = cursor.fetchone()
+    schema = GDataObjects.Schema(attrs={'id':rs[2], 'name':rs[0],
+                         'type':rs[1] == 'v' and 'view' or 'table'},
+                         getChildSchema=self.__getFieldSchema)
+    cursor.close()
+    return schema
+  # Get fields for a table
+  def __getFieldSchema(self, parent):
+    statement = "select attname, pg_attribute.oid, typname, " + \
+            " attnotnull, atthasdef, atttypmod " + \
+            "from pg_attribute, pg_type " + \
+            "where attrelid = %d and " % ( + \
+            "pg_type.oid = atttypid and attnum >= 0" + \
+            "order by attnum"
+    cursor = self._dataConnection.cursor()
+    cursor.execute(statement)
+    list = []
+    for rs in cursor.fetchall():
+      attrs={'id': rs[1], 'name': rs[0],
+             'type':'field', 'nativetype': rs[2],
+             'required': rs[3] and not rs[4]}
+      if rs[2] in ('int8','int2','int4','numeric',
+                   'float4','float8','money','bool'):
+        attrs['datatype']='number'
+      elif rs[2] in ('date','time','timestamp','abstime','reltime'):
+        attrs['datatype']='date'
+      else:
+        attrs['datatype']='text'
+      if rs[5] != -1:
+        attrs['length'] = rs[5]
+      list.append(GDataObjects.Schema(attrs=attrs))
+    cursor.close()
+    return list

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