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gnue designer/src/reports/ designer...

From: Jason Cater
Subject: gnue designer/src/reports/ designer...
Date: Wed, 01 Jan 2003 21:06:25 -0500

CVSROOT:        /cvsroot/gnue
Module name:    gnue
Changes by:     Jason Cater <address@hidden>    03/01/01 21:06:24

Modified files:
        reports        : 
Removed files:
        reports/src    : 

Log message:
        cleaning up reports structure


Index: gnue/designer/src/reports/
diff -c gnue/designer/src/reports/ 
*** gnue/designer/src/reports/  Wed Jan  1 19:45:47 2003
--- gnue/designer/src/reports/      Wed Jan  1 21:06:22 2003
*** 28,34 ****
  from gnue.common import GDebug, GParserHelpers
! from gnue.reports import GRParser, GRReport, GRLayout
  from gnue.designer.base.Incubator import BaseIncubator
  class Incubator(BaseIncubator):
--- 28,35 ----
  from gnue.common import GDebug, GParserHelpers
! from gnue.reports.base import GRParser, GRReport
! from gnue.reports.base import layout as GRLayout
  from gnue.designer.base.Incubator import BaseIncubator
  class Incubator(BaseIncubator):
Index: gnue/designer/src/reports/
diff -c gnue/designer/src/reports/ 
*** gnue/designer/src/reports/  Wed Jan  1 19:45:47 2003
--- gnue/designer/src/reports/       Wed Jan  1 21:06:22 2003
*** 42,48 ****
  from import TriggerEditor
  from import EventEditor
! from gnue.reports import GRReport, GRParser, GRLayout, GRSources, 
GRParameters, GRSortOptions
  class Instance(BaseInstance):
--- 42,49 ----
  from import TriggerEditor
  from import EventEditor
! from gnue.reports.base import GRReport, GRParser, GRSources, GRParameters, 
! from gnue.reports.base import layout as GRLayout
  class Instance(BaseInstance):
Index: gnue/designer/src/reports/Standard/
diff -c gnue/designer/src/reports/Standard/ 
*** gnue/designer/src/reports/Standard/ Wed Jan  1 19:45:47 2003
--- gnue/designer/src/reports/Standard/     Wed Jan  1 21:06:22 2003
*** 28,36 ****
  from gnue.common import GDebug, GParserHelpers
! from gnue.reports import GRParser, GRReport, GRLayout
  from gnue.designer.reports.Incubator import Incubator as BaseReportIncubator
  class Incubator(BaseReportIncubator):
\ No newline at end of file
--- 28,36 ----
  from gnue.common import GDebug, GParserHelpers
! from gnue.reports.base import GRParser, GRReport, GRLayout
  from gnue.designer.reports.Incubator import Incubator as BaseReportIncubator
  class Incubator(BaseReportIncubator):
Index: gnue/designer/src/reports/
diff -c gnue/designer/src/reports/ 
*** gnue/designer/src/reports/    Wed Jan  1 19:45:47 2003
--- gnue/designer/src/reports/        Wed Jan  1 21:06:22 2003
*** 28,34 ****
  from gnue.designer.base.TemplateBase import *
! from gnue.reports.GRReport import GRReport
  def createRootObject(instance):
--- 28,34 ----
  from gnue.designer.base.TemplateBase import *
! from gnue.reports.base.GRReport import GRReport
  def createRootObject(instance):
Index: gnue/designer/src/reports/
diff -c gnue/designer/src/reports/ 
*** gnue/designer/src/reports/   Wed Jan  1 19:45:47 2003
--- gnue/designer/src/reports/       Wed Jan  1 21:06:22 2003
*** 30,36 ****
  import sys, os
  from wxPython.wx import *
  from gnue.common import GDebug
! from gnue.reports import GRReport, GRLayout, GRSources, GRParameters, 
  from gnue.designer.base.PopupMenu import ObjectMenu
  from gnue.designer.base.Icons import treeIconMap, treeIconList
  from import TreeView as BaseTreeView
--- 30,37 ----
  import sys, os
  from wxPython.wx import *
  from gnue.common import GDebug
! from gnue.reports.base import GRReport, GRLayout, GRSources, GRParameters, 
! from gnue.reports.base import layout as GRLayout
  from gnue.designer.base.PopupMenu import ObjectMenu
  from gnue.designer.base.Icons import treeIconMap, treeIconList
  from import TreeView as BaseTreeView
Index: gnue/reports/scripts/
diff -c gnue/reports/scripts/ 
*** gnue/reports/scripts/     Wed Jan  1 19:45:49 2003
--- gnue/reports/scripts/ Wed Jan  1 21:06:23 2003
*** 29,36 ****
      if os.path.isfile(INST_GNUE_CONNECTIONS):
! from  gnue.reports.GRRun import GRRun
  if __name__ == '__main__':
--- 29,36 ----
      if os.path.isfile(INST_GNUE_CONNECTIONS):
! from  gnue.reports.server.GRServer import GRServer
  if __name__ == '__main__':
Index: gnue/reports/scripts/
diff -c gnue/reports/scripts/ 
*** gnue/reports/scripts/    Wed Jan  1 19:45:49 2003
--- gnue/reports/scripts/        Wed Jan  1 21:06:23 2003
*** 29,36 ****
      if os.path.isfile(INST_GNUE_CONNECTIONS):
! from  gnue.reports.GRRun import GRRun
  if __name__ == '__main__':
--- 29,36 ----
      if os.path.isfile(INST_GNUE_CONNECTIONS):
! from  gnue.reports.client.GRRun import GRRun
  if __name__ == '__main__':
Index: gnue/reports/
diff -c gnue/reports/ gnue/reports/
*** gnue/reports/  Wed Jan  1 19:45:48 2003
--- gnue/reports/       Wed Jan  1 21:06:22 2003
*** 240,245 ****
--- 240,249 ----
                         ) ],
         packages = ["gnue.reports",
+                    "gnue.reports.base",
+                    "gnue.reports.base.layout",
+                    "gnue.reports.client",
+                    "gnue.reports.server",                   
Index: gnue/reports/src/base/
diff -c gnue/reports/src/base/ 
*** gnue/reports/src/base/      Wed Jan  1 19:45:49 2003
--- gnue/reports/src/base/   Wed Jan  1 21:06:23 2003
*** 29,35 ****
! import GRReport, GRSources, GRParameters, GRSortOptions, GRLayout
  from gnue.common import GDataSource, GTypecast, GParser, GTrigger
  import copy, types
--- 29,36 ----
! from gnue.reports.base import GRReport, GRSources, GRParameters, GRSortOptions
! from gnue.reports.base import layout as GRLayout
  from gnue.common import GDataSource, GTypecast, GParser, GTrigger
  import copy, types
Index: gnue/reports/src/base/
diff -c gnue/reports/src/base/ 
*** gnue/reports/src/base/      Wed Jan  1 19:45:49 2003
--- gnue/reports/src/base/   Wed Jan  1 21:06:23 2003
*** 37,43 ****
  import sys
  import GRParser
  import GRParameters
! import GRLayout
  import GRSortOptions
  import GRSources
  import GRExceptions
--- 37,43 ----
  import sys
  import GRParser
  import GRParameters
! import layout as GRLayout
  import GRSortOptions
  import GRSources
  import GRExceptions
Index: gnue/reports/src/base/layout/
diff -c gnue/reports/src/base/layout/ 
*** gnue/reports/src/base/layout/       Wed Jan  1 
19:45:49 2003
--- gnue/reports/src/base/layout/    Wed Jan  1 21:06:23 2003
*** 36,259 ****
  import GRExceptions
  import string
  from xml.sax import saxutils
! ############################################################
! #
! # Used to send structural comment
! # Chose not to do  "if COMMENT == 1: dest.write"
! # for performance reasons  # TODO: Was this a good decision?
! #
! def _structuralComment(dest, text):
!   dest.write(text)
! def _noStructuralComment(dest, text):
!   pass
! structuralComment = _noStructuralComment
! ############################################################
! #
! # GRLayout
! #
! class GRLayout (GObj):
!   def __init__(self, parent):
!     GObj.__init__(self, parent, type='GRLayout')
!     self._inits = (self.initialize,)
!     self.suppressGNUeTags = 0
!   def initialize(self):
!     # Find the xml namespace in use by any child passthru objects
!     # If there is more than one object attached to a layout
!     # object, then create an unbound section to contain them.
!     # This is a convenience for the layout engine code :)
!     if  len(self._children) > 1 or \
!        ( len(self._children) and \
!          self._children[0]._type != 'GRSection' ):
!       temp = self._children[:]
!       self._children = []
!       section = GRSection(self)
!       section._children = temp
!       section._buildObject()
!     elif len(self._children) == 0:
!       raise GRExceptions.NoLayoutDefined, \
!         "The layout section does not contain any instructions. What do I do?"
!     self._xmlchildnamespace = self._findNamespace()
!     self._parent._namespace = self._xmlchildnamespace
!   # Find the xml namespace in use by any child passthru objects
!   def _findNamespace(self, object=None):
!     if object==None: object = self
!     for child in object._children:
!       try:
!         if child._xmlnamespace:
!           namespace =  child._xmlnamespace
!         else:
!           namespace = self._findNamespace(child)
!         if namespace:
!           return namespace
!       except AttributeError:
!         pass
!   #
!   # Prepare for running
!   #
!   def prepare(self, mapper, parameters):
!     self._mapper = mapper
!     self._parameters = parameters
!     self.walk(self.__prepare)
!   # Used by prepare()
!   def __prepare(self, object):
!     if isinstance(object, GRLayoutElement):
!       # This all looks confusing, but basically it simply figures out
!       # what section a field or summary actually pulls from and also
!       # makes sure a section, field, or summary isn't trying to use
!       # a source outside of the source's scope.  After it's satisfied
!       # with the results, it adds the element to the mapper object.
!       # TODO: This can probably be simplified by moving
!       # TODO: the various functions to the actual child
!       # TODO: object's phaseInits.
!       parentSection = object.findParentOfType('GRSection',includeSelf=0)
!       if isinstance(object, GRSection) and object._source != None:
!         if parentSection is None:
!           self._mapper.addSection(object._name, object._source, None)
!         else:
!           self._mapper.addSection(object._name,
!                                   object._source,
!                                   parentSection._name)
!         object._mymapper = self._mapper.sectionMap[object._name]
!         object._mymapper._object = object
!       elif isinstance(object, GRField):
!         s = parentSection.getAncestorWithSource(object._source)
!         if s == None:
!           raise GRExceptions.SourceOutOfScope, \
!                 'Field "%s" in section "%s" uses out-of-scope source "%s"' \
!                      % (, parentSection._name, object._source)
!         object._section = s._name
!         if hasattr(object,'section') and object.section:
!           sec = string.lower(object.section)
!           curr = s
!           section = None
!           while curr:
!             if curr._name == sec:
!               section = curr
!               break
!             curr = curr._parent.findParentOfType('GRSection')
!           if section == None:
!             raise GRExceptions.SourceOutOfScope, \
!                 'Field "%s" in section "%s" uses out-of-scope section "%s"' \
!                      % (, parentSection._name, object.section)
!           object._section = section._name
!         object._mymapper = self._mapper.sectionMap[object._section]
!         GDebug.printMesg(6,'Mapping field "%s" to section "%s"' \
!                    % (, object._section))
!         self._mapper.addFieldToSection(object._section,
!       elif isinstance(object, GRSumm):
!         if object.section == None:
!           s = object._parent.findParentOfType('GRSection')
!         else:
!           sec = string.lower(object.section)
!           s = self._mapper.sectionMap[sec]._object
!         if s == None:
!           raise GRExceptions.SourceOutOfScope, \
!             'Summary "%s" in section "%s" uses out-of-scope source "%s"' \
!                  % (object._field,, object._source)
!         object._section = s._name
!         object._mymapper = self._mapper.sectionMap[s._name]
!         GDebug.printMesg(6,'Mapping summary %s [%s] to section %s' \
!                    % (object._field, object.function, object._section))
!         self._mapper.addSummaryToSection(object.function,
!                                  object._section, object._field)
!   #
!   # Process layout and dump output.
!   # self.prepare *must* be called prior to processing
!   #
!   def process(self, dest, includeStructuralComments=0):
!     global structuralComment
!     if includeStructuralComments:
!       structuralComment = _structuralComment
!     for child in self._children:
!       structuralComment(dest, '<!-- [layout] -->')
!       child.processAsController(dest, self._mapper)
!       structuralComment(dest, '<!-- [/layout] -->\n')
! ############################################################
! #
! # Any elements contained within a <layout> element
! # inherit GRLayoutElement
! #
! class GRLayoutElement (GObj,GTriggerExtension):
!   def __init__(self, parent=None, type='GRLayoutElement'):
!     GTriggerExtension.__init__(self)
!     GObj.__init__(self, parent, type=type)
! = None
!     self._source = None
!     self._mymapper = None
!     self._inits = [self.primaryInit]
!   # Called if section contains data
!   def process(self, dest, *args, **parms):
!     tag = self.getXmlTag()
!     attrs = ""
!     for attr in self.__dict__.keys():
!       try:    prefix, att = attr.split('__',1)
!       except: continue
!       if prefix in self._xmlnamespaces.keys():
!         attrs += ' %s="%s"' % (att, saxutils.escape(self.__dict__[attr]))
!     dest.write('<%s%s>' % (tag, attrs))
!     rv = self._process(dest, *args, **parms)
!     dest.write('</%s>' % tag)
!     return rv
!   # Called if section contains data (the non-namespace version)
!   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
!     return nextSection
!   def primaryInit(self):
!     if hasattr(self,'source') and self.source is not None:
!       self._source = self.source
!     else:
!       try:
!         self._source = self._parent._source
!       except AttributeError:
!         self._source = None
!     if not self._xmlnamespaces:
!       # Avoid any overhead if this element doesn't
!       # contain namespace-qualified attributes
!       self.process = self._process
--- 36,42 ----
  import GRExceptions
  import string
  from xml.sax import saxutils
! from GRLayoutElement import GRLayoutElement
*** 325,656 ****
        return self._parent.getAncestorWithSource(source)
        return None
- ############################################################
- #
- # <section> tag
- #
- class GRSection (ContainerElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRSection')
-     self._childSections = []
-     self._validTriggers = {'PRE-SECTION':'Pre-Section',
-                            'POST-SECTION':'Post-Section',
-                            'ON-PROCESS':'On-Process'}
-   def _buildObject(self):
-     if not hasattr(self,'name') or == None:
-       self._name = id(self)
-     else:
-       self._name = string.lower(
-     # Keep track of "child" section names (for the firstRow stuff)
-     psec = self._parent.findParentOfType('GRSection')
-     if psec is not None:
-       psec._childSections = self._childSections[:]
-       psec._childSections.insert(0, self._name)
-     return ContainerElement._buildObject(self)
-   #
-   # Retrieve the first row of data, if available.
-   # Handle default data if no rows retrieved.
-   #
-   def processAsController(self, dest, mapper):
-     GDebug.printMesg(10,
-        "Controlling section %s's processAsController() called" % self._name)
-     if self._source == None:
-       # This is a dataless section...
-       # simply process it's children
-       self.process(dest, mapper, 1, 1, None, None)
-     else:
-       firstSection, nextSection = self.getGotos(mapper, 1)
-       if firstSection:
-         # This is a data-bound section and there
-         # was data returned, so process section
-         self.process(dest, mapper, 1, nextSection == None, self, nextSection)
-       else:
-         # This is a data-bound section and there
-         # was no data returned, so generate default
-         # text (if any)
-         for c2 in self._children:
-           if isinstance (c2, GRDefault):
-             c2.processDefault(dest, mapper)
-   #
-   # Used internally to determine next section to move
-   #
-   def getGotos(self, mapper, init=0):
-     # Determine the next section to process our data.
-     # (i.e., handle section grouping)
-     if init:
-       goto, gotoNext = mapper.getFirstRecord(self._source)
-     else:
-       goto, gotoNext = mapper.getNextRecord(self._source)
-     # Get the actual GRSection objects
-     if not goto:
-       return (None, None)
-     firstSection = mapper.sectionMap[goto]._object
-     if gotoNext:
-       nextSection = mapper.sectionMap[gotoNext]._object
-     else:
-       nextSection = None
-     # And return them
-     return (firstSection, nextSection)
-   #
-   #  getAncestorWithSource()
-   #
-   def getAncestorWithSource(self, source):
-     if self._source == source:
-       return self
-     elif isinstance(self._parent, GRSection):
-       return self._parent.getAncestorWithSource(source)
-     else:
-       return None
-   # Generic process() method.  Process the
-   # current record and handle any children.
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     self.processTrigger('Pre-Section')
-     GDebug.printMesg(10,"Repeating Section %s" % self._name)
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [section:%s] -->" % self._name)
-     nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
-     try:
-       structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [Setting %s to clear on next set] -->" % 
-       mapper.sectionMap[]._clearOnNextSet = 1
-     except KeyError:
-       pass
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/section:%s] -->" % self._name)
-     GDebug.printMesg(10,"Leaving section %s" % self._name)
-     self.processTrigger('Post-Section')
-     return nextSection
- ############################################################
- #
- # <default> tag
- # Text in this tag is only displayed if datasource
- # returns no data. Note: this will be the only thing
- # in the section that will be displayed.
- #
- class GRDefault (GObj):
-   def __init__(self, parent=None, type='GRDefault'):
-     GObj.__init__(self, parent, type=type)
- = None
-     self._source = None
-     self._mymapper = None
-   def processDefault(self, dest, mapper):
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [default] -->")
-     for child in self._children:
-       if child._type == "_content_":
-         dest.write(child.getContent())
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/default] -->")
-   def process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, nextSection):
-     return nextSection
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     return nextSection
- ############################################################
- #
- # <field> tag
- #
- class GRField (GRLayoutElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     GRLayoutElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRField')
-     self._section = None
-     self.format = None
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [field:%s] -->" %
-     dest.write (string.replace(saxutils.escape("%s" % 
-                                               self.format)), '\r',''))
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/field:%s] -->" %
-     return nextSection
- ############################################################
- #
- # <formula> tag
- #
- class GRFormula (GRLayoutElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     GRLayoutElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRFormula')
-     self.section = None
-     self.format = None
-     self._inits = [self.init]
-   def _buildObject(self):
-     if self.section:
-       self._section = string.lower(self.section)
-     else:
-       self._section = None
-     return GRLayoutElement._buildObject(self)
-   def init(self):
-     code = ""
-     for f in self.getChildrenAsContent().code.split('\n'):
-       if f.strip()[:1] != '#':
-         code += f + ' '
-     self._code = code
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [formula:%s] -->" % (self.section))
- #    dest.write (self._mymapper.getSummary(self._field, self.function, 
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/formula] -->")
-     return nextSection
- ############################################################
- #
- # <summ> tag
- #
- class GRSumm (GRLayoutElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     GRLayoutElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRSumm')
-     self.section = None
-     self.function = "count"
-     self.format = None
-   def _buildObject(self):
-     if self.section:
-       self._section = string.lower(self.section)
-     else:
-       self._section = None
-     self._field = string.lower(self.field)
-     return GRLayoutElement._buildObject(self)
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [summ:%s:%s:%s] -->" % (self.section, 
self._field, self.function))
-     dest.write (self._mymapper.getSummary(self._field, self.function, 
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/summ] -->")
-     return nextSection
- ############################################################
- #
- # Parameters
- #
- class GRParam(GRLayoutElement, GRStubParam):
-   _typestub = 'GRParam'
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     # This is passed parent=None so that
-     # the GObj.__init__ doesn't add this
-     # object twice to its parent (icky)
-     GRLayoutElement.__init__(self, parent=None)
-     GRStubParam.__init__(self, parent)
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [param:%s] -->" %
-     dest.write (self.getFormattedValue())
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/param:%s] -->" %
-     return nextSection
- ############################################################
- #
- # Logic support within sections
- #
- class GRFirstRow(ContainerElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRFirstRow')
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     if isfirst:
-       nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
-     return nextSection
- class GRNotFirstRow(ContainerElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRNotFirstRow')
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     if not isfirst:
-       nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
-     return nextSection
- class GRLastRow(ContainerElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRLastRow')
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     if islast:
-       nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
-     return nextSection
- class GRNotLastRow(ContainerElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRNotLastRow')
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     if not islast:
-       nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
-     return nextSection
- ############################################################
- #
- # Any namespaced tags designed to
- # simply pass thru our layout engine
- #
- class GRPassThru(ContainerElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRPassThru')
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     dest.write('<%s' % self._xmltag)
-     for attr in self._loadedxmlattrs.keys():
-       dest.write(' %s="%s"' % (attr, 
-     if len(self._children):
-       dest.write('>')
-       nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
-       dest.write('</%s>' % self._xmltag)
-     else:
-       dest.write('/>')
-     return nextSection
-   def getXmlTag(self):
-     return self._xmltag
--- 108,110 ----
Index: gnue/reports/src/base/layout/
diff -c gnue/reports/src/base/layout/ 
*** gnue/reports/src/base/layout/      Wed Jan  1 19:45:49 2003
--- gnue/reports/src/base/layout/   Wed Jan  1 21:06:23 2003
*** 38,452 ****
  from xml.sax import saxutils
- ############################################################
- #
- # Used to send structural comment
- # Chose not to do  "if COMMENT == 1: dest.write"
- # for performance reasons  # TODO: Was this a good decision?
- #
- def _structuralComment(dest, text):
-   dest.write(text)
- def _noStructuralComment(dest, text):
-   pass
- structuralComment = _noStructuralComment
- ############################################################
- #
- # GRLayout
- #
- class GRLayout (GObj):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     GObj.__init__(self, parent, type='GRLayout')
-     self._inits = (self.initialize,)
-     self.suppressGNUeTags = 0
-   def initialize(self):
-     # Find the xml namespace in use by any child passthru objects
-     # If there is more than one object attached to a layout
-     # object, then create an unbound section to contain them.
-     # This is a convenience for the layout engine code :)
-     if  len(self._children) > 1 or \
-        ( len(self._children) and \
-          self._children[0]._type != 'GRSection' ):
-       temp = self._children[:]
-       self._children = []
-       section = GRSection(self)
-       section._children = temp
-       section._buildObject()
-     elif len(self._children) == 0:
-       raise GRExceptions.NoLayoutDefined, \
-         "The layout section does not contain any instructions. What do I do?"
-     self._xmlchildnamespace = self._findNamespace()
-     self._parent._namespace = self._xmlchildnamespace
-   # Find the xml namespace in use by any child passthru objects
-   def _findNamespace(self, object=None):
-     if object==None: object = self
-     for child in object._children:
-       try:
-         if child._xmlnamespace:
-           namespace =  child._xmlnamespace
-         else:
-           namespace = self._findNamespace(child)
-         if namespace:
-           return namespace
-       except AttributeError:
-         pass
-   #
-   # Prepare for running
-   #
-   def prepare(self, mapper, parameters):
-     self._mapper = mapper
-     self._parameters = parameters
-     self.walk(self.__prepare)
-   # Used by prepare()
-   def __prepare(self, object):
-     if isinstance(object, GRLayoutElement):
-       # This all looks confusing, but basically it simply figures out
-       # what section a field or summary actually pulls from and also
-       # makes sure a section, field, or summary isn't trying to use
-       # a source outside of the source's scope.  After it's satisfied
-       # with the results, it adds the element to the mapper object.
-       # TODO: This can probably be simplified by moving
-       # TODO: the various functions to the actual child
-       # TODO: object's phaseInits.
-       parentSection = object.findParentOfType('GRSection',includeSelf=0)
-       if isinstance(object, GRSection) and object._source != None:
-         if parentSection is None:
-           self._mapper.addSection(object._name, object._source, None)
-         else:
-           self._mapper.addSection(object._name,
-                                   object._source,
-                                   parentSection._name)
-         object._mymapper = self._mapper.sectionMap[object._name]
-         object._mymapper._object = object
-       elif isinstance(object, GRField):
-         s = parentSection.getAncestorWithSource(object._source)
-         if s == None:
-           raise GRExceptions.SourceOutOfScope, \
-                 'Field "%s" in section "%s" uses out-of-scope source "%s"' \
-                      % (, parentSection._name, object._source)
-         object._section = s._name
-         if hasattr(object,'section') and object.section:
-           sec = string.lower(object.section)
-           curr = s
-           section = None
-           while curr:
-             if curr._name == sec:
-               section = curr
-               break
-             curr = curr._parent.findParentOfType('GRSection')
-           if section == None:
-             raise GRExceptions.SourceOutOfScope, \
-                 'Field "%s" in section "%s" uses out-of-scope section "%s"' \
-                      % (, parentSection._name, object.section)
-           object._section = section._name
-         object._mymapper = self._mapper.sectionMap[object._section]
-         GDebug.printMesg(6,'Mapping field "%s" to section "%s"' \
-                    % (, object._section))
-         self._mapper.addFieldToSection(object._section,
-       elif isinstance(object, GRSumm):
-         if object.section == None:
-           s = object._parent.findParentOfType('GRSection')
-         else:
-           sec = string.lower(object.section)
-           s = self._mapper.sectionMap[sec]._object
-         if s == None:
-           raise GRExceptions.SourceOutOfScope, \
-             'Summary "%s" in section "%s" uses out-of-scope source "%s"' \
-                  % (object._field,, object._source)
-         object._section = s._name
-         object._mymapper = self._mapper.sectionMap[s._name]
-         GDebug.printMesg(6,'Mapping summary %s [%s] to section %s' \
-                    % (object._field, object.function, object._section))
-         self._mapper.addSummaryToSection(object.function,
-                                  object._section, object._field)
-   #
-   # Process layout and dump output.
-   # self.prepare *must* be called prior to processing
-   #
-   def process(self, dest, includeStructuralComments=0):
-     global structuralComment
-     if includeStructuralComments:
-       structuralComment = _structuralComment
-     for child in self._children:
-       structuralComment(dest, '<!-- [layout] -->')
-       child.processAsController(dest, self._mapper)
-       structuralComment(dest, '<!-- [/layout] -->\n')
- ############################################################
- #
- # Any elements contained within a <layout> element
- # inherit GRLayoutElement
- #
- class GRLayoutElement (GObj,GTriggerExtension):
-   def __init__(self, parent=None, type='GRLayoutElement'):
-     GTriggerExtension.__init__(self)
-     GObj.__init__(self, parent, type=type)
- = None
-     self._source = None
-     self._mymapper = None
-     self._inits = [self.primaryInit]
-   # Called if section contains data
-   def process(self, dest, *args, **parms):
-     tag = self.getXmlTag()
-     attrs = ""
-     for attr in self.__dict__.keys():
-       try:    prefix, att = attr.split('__',1)
-       except: continue
-       if prefix in self._xmlnamespaces.keys():
-         attrs += ' %s="%s"' % (att, saxutils.escape(self.__dict__[attr]))
-     dest.write('<%s%s>' % (tag, attrs))
-     rv = self._process(dest, *args, **parms)
-     dest.write('</%s>' % tag)
-     return rv
-   # Called if section contains data (the non-namespace version)
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     return nextSection
-   def primaryInit(self):
-     if hasattr(self,'source') and self.source is not None:
-       self._source = self.source
-     else:
-       try:
-         self._source = self._parent._source
-       except AttributeError:
-         self._source = None
-     if not self._xmlnamespaces:
-       # Avoid any overhead if this element doesn't
-       # contain namespace-qualified attributes
-       self.process = self._process
- ############################################################
- #
- # Any elements contained within a <layout> element
- # that can themselves be containers
- #
- class ContainerElement (GRLayoutElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent=None, type='GRContainerElement'):
-     GRLayoutElement.__init__(self, parent, type=type)
-     # TODO: remove.. this is for debugging
-     self._name = "untitled"
-   # Process all children, handling GRSections properly
-   def processChildren(self, dest, mapper,
-                       isfirst, islast, firstSection, nextSection):
-     first = isfirst or self._type == 'GRSection'
-     while 1:
-       if isinstance(self, GRSection) :
-         self.processTrigger('On-Process')
-       for child in self._children:
-         if child._type == "_content_":
-           dest.write(child.getContent())
-         else:
-           # Handle GRSections specially as
-           # they require extra logic
-           if isinstance(child, GRSection):
-             # If this is the top-most section for a datasource,
-             # it needs to be called with processAsController.
-             if child._mymapper.toplevel:
-               GDebug.printMesg(10, "Calling new controlling section")
-               child.processAsController(dest, mapper)
-             # ..otherwise call the GRSection's process method.
-             else:
-               nextSection = child.process(dest, mapper,isfirst=1,
-                                           islast=(nextSection == None) or \
-                                           (nextSection._name not in 
-                                           firstSection=firstSection, 
-           # Don't allow the processing to enter trigger objects
-           elif isinstance(child, GTrigger):
-             pass
-           else:
-             # Handle the layout element.
-             nextSection = child.process(dest, mapper, first, islast,
-                                         firstSection, nextSection)
-       first = 0
-       if nextSection == self:
-         firstSection, nextSection = self.getGotos(mapper)
-         islast = (nextSection == None)
-       else:
-         break
-     return nextSection
-   #
-   #  getAncestorWithSource()
-   #
-   def getAncestorWithSource(self, source):
-     if isinstance(self._parent, GRSection):
-       return self._parent.getAncestorWithSource(source)
-     else:
-       return None
- ############################################################
- #
- # <section> tag
- #
- class GRSection (ContainerElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRSection')
-     self._childSections = []
-     self._validTriggers = {'PRE-SECTION':'Pre-Section',
-                            'POST-SECTION':'Post-Section',
-                            'ON-PROCESS':'On-Process'}
-   def _buildObject(self):
-     if not hasattr(self,'name') or == None:
-       self._name = id(self)
-     else:
-       self._name = string.lower(
-     # Keep track of "child" section names (for the firstRow stuff)
-     psec = self._parent.findParentOfType('GRSection')
-     if psec is not None:
-       psec._childSections = self._childSections[:]
-       psec._childSections.insert(0, self._name)
-     return ContainerElement._buildObject(self)
-   #
-   # Retrieve the first row of data, if available.
-   # Handle default data if no rows retrieved.
-   #
-   def processAsController(self, dest, mapper):
-     GDebug.printMesg(10,
-        "Controlling section %s's processAsController() called" % self._name)
-     if self._source == None:
-       # This is a dataless section...
-       # simply process it's children
-       self.process(dest, mapper, 1, 1, None, None)
-     else:
-       firstSection, nextSection = self.getGotos(mapper, 1)
-       if firstSection:
-         # This is a data-bound section and there
-         # was data returned, so process section
-         self.process(dest, mapper, 1, nextSection == None, self, nextSection)
-       else:
-         # This is a data-bound section and there
-         # was no data returned, so generate default
-         # text (if any)
-         for c2 in self._children:
-           if isinstance (c2, GRDefault):
-             c2.processDefault(dest, mapper)
-   #
-   # Used internally to determine next section to move
-   #
-   def getGotos(self, mapper, init=0):
-     # Determine the next section to process our data.
-     # (i.e., handle section grouping)
-     if init:
-       goto, gotoNext = mapper.getFirstRecord(self._source)
-     else:
-       goto, gotoNext = mapper.getNextRecord(self._source)
-     # Get the actual GRSection objects
-     if not goto:
-       return (None, None)
-     firstSection = mapper.sectionMap[goto]._object
-     if gotoNext:
-       nextSection = mapper.sectionMap[gotoNext]._object
-     else:
-       nextSection = None
-     # And return them
-     return (firstSection, nextSection)
-   #
-   #  getAncestorWithSource()
-   #
-   def getAncestorWithSource(self, source):
-     if self._source == source:
-       return self
-     elif isinstance(self._parent, GRSection):
-       return self._parent.getAncestorWithSource(source)
-     else:
-       return None
-   # Generic process() method.  Process the
-   # current record and handle any children.
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     self.processTrigger('Pre-Section')
-     GDebug.printMesg(10,"Repeating Section %s" % self._name)
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [section:%s] -->" % self._name)
-     nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
-     try:
-       structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [Setting %s to clear on next set] -->" % 
-       mapper.sectionMap[]._clearOnNextSet = 1
-     except KeyError:
-       pass
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/section:%s] -->" % self._name)
-     GDebug.printMesg(10,"Leaving section %s" % self._name)
-     self.processTrigger('Post-Section')
-     return nextSection
--- 38,43 ----
*** 474,656 ****
    def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
      return nextSection
- ############################################################
- #
- # <field> tag
- #
- class GRField (GRLayoutElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     GRLayoutElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRField')
-     self._section = None
-     self.format = None
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [field:%s] -->" %
-     dest.write (string.replace(saxutils.escape("%s" % 
-                                               self.format)), '\r',''))
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/field:%s] -->" %
-     return nextSection
- ############################################################
- #
- # <formula> tag
- #
- class GRFormula (GRLayoutElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     GRLayoutElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRFormula')
-     self.section = None
-     self.format = None
-     self._inits = [self.init]
-   def _buildObject(self):
-     if self.section:
-       self._section = string.lower(self.section)
-     else:
-       self._section = None
-     return GRLayoutElement._buildObject(self)
-   def init(self):
-     code = ""
-     for f in self.getChildrenAsContent().code.split('\n'):
-       if f.strip()[:1] != '#':
-         code += f + ' '
-     self._code = code
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [formula:%s] -->" % (self.section))
- #    dest.write (self._mymapper.getSummary(self._field, self.function, 
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/formula] -->")
-     return nextSection
- ############################################################
- #
- # <summ> tag
- #
- class GRSumm (GRLayoutElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     GRLayoutElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRSumm')
-     self.section = None
-     self.function = "count"
-     self.format = None
-   def _buildObject(self):
-     if self.section:
-       self._section = string.lower(self.section)
-     else:
-       self._section = None
-     self._field = string.lower(self.field)
-     return GRLayoutElement._buildObject(self)
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [summ:%s:%s:%s] -->" % (self.section, 
self._field, self.function))
-     dest.write (self._mymapper.getSummary(self._field, self.function, 
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/summ] -->")
-     return nextSection
- ############################################################
- #
- # Parameters
- #
- class GRParam(GRLayoutElement, GRStubParam):
-   _typestub = 'GRParam'
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     # This is passed parent=None so that
-     # the GObj.__init__ doesn't add this
-     # object twice to its parent (icky)
-     GRLayoutElement.__init__(self, parent=None)
-     GRStubParam.__init__(self, parent)
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [param:%s] -->" %
-     dest.write (self.getFormattedValue())
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/param:%s] -->" %
-     return nextSection
- ############################################################
- #
- # Logic support within sections
- #
- class GRFirstRow(ContainerElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRFirstRow')
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     if isfirst:
-       nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
-     return nextSection
- class GRNotFirstRow(ContainerElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRNotFirstRow')
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     if not isfirst:
-       nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
-     return nextSection
- class GRLastRow(ContainerElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRLastRow')
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     if islast:
-       nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
-     return nextSection
- class GRNotLastRow(ContainerElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRNotLastRow')
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     if not islast:
-       nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
-     return nextSection
- ############################################################
- #
- # Any namespaced tags designed to
- # simply pass thru our layout engine
- #
- class GRPassThru(ContainerElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRPassThru')
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     dest.write('<%s' % self._xmltag)
-     for attr in self._loadedxmlattrs.keys():
-       dest.write(' %s="%s"' % (attr, 
-     if len(self._children):
-       dest.write('>')
-       nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
-       dest.write('</%s>' % self._xmltag)
-     else:
-       dest.write('/>')
-     return nextSection
-   def getXmlTag(self):
-     return self._xmltag
--- 65,68 ----
Index: gnue/reports/src/base/layout/
diff -c gnue/reports/src/base/layout/ 
*** gnue/reports/src/base/layout/        Wed Jan  1 19:45:49 2003
--- gnue/reports/src/base/layout/     Wed Jan  1 21:06:23 2003
*** 36,480 ****
  import GRExceptions
  import string
  from xml.sax import saxutils
! ############################################################
! #
! # Used to send structural comment
! # Chose not to do  "if COMMENT == 1: dest.write"
! # for performance reasons  # TODO: Was this a good decision?
! #
! def _structuralComment(dest, text):
!   dest.write(text)
! def _noStructuralComment(dest, text):
!   pass
! structuralComment = _noStructuralComment
! ############################################################
! #
! # GRLayout
! #
! class GRLayout (GObj):
!   def __init__(self, parent):
!     GObj.__init__(self, parent, type='GRLayout')
!     self._inits = (self.initialize,)
!     self.suppressGNUeTags = 0
!   def initialize(self):
!     # Find the xml namespace in use by any child passthru objects
!     # If there is more than one object attached to a layout
!     # object, then create an unbound section to contain them.
!     # This is a convenience for the layout engine code :)
!     if  len(self._children) > 1 or \
!        ( len(self._children) and \
!          self._children[0]._type != 'GRSection' ):
!       temp = self._children[:]
!       self._children = []
!       section = GRSection(self)
!       section._children = temp
!       section._buildObject()
!     elif len(self._children) == 0:
!       raise GRExceptions.NoLayoutDefined, \
!         "The layout section does not contain any instructions. What do I do?"
!     self._xmlchildnamespace = self._findNamespace()
!     self._parent._namespace = self._xmlchildnamespace
!   # Find the xml namespace in use by any child passthru objects
!   def _findNamespace(self, object=None):
!     if object==None: object = self
!     for child in object._children:
!       try:
!         if child._xmlnamespace:
!           namespace =  child._xmlnamespace
!         else:
!           namespace = self._findNamespace(child)
!         if namespace:
!           return namespace
!       except AttributeError:
!         pass
!   #
!   # Prepare for running
!   #
!   def prepare(self, mapper, parameters):
!     self._mapper = mapper
!     self._parameters = parameters
!     self.walk(self.__prepare)
!   # Used by prepare()
!   def __prepare(self, object):
!     if isinstance(object, GRLayoutElement):
!       # This all looks confusing, but basically it simply figures out
!       # what section a field or summary actually pulls from and also
!       # makes sure a section, field, or summary isn't trying to use
!       # a source outside of the source's scope.  After it's satisfied
!       # with the results, it adds the element to the mapper object.
!       # TODO: This can probably be simplified by moving
!       # TODO: the various functions to the actual child
!       # TODO: object's phaseInits.
!       parentSection = object.findParentOfType('GRSection',includeSelf=0)
!       if isinstance(object, GRSection) and object._source != None:
!         if parentSection is None:
!           self._mapper.addSection(object._name, object._source, None)
!         else:
!           self._mapper.addSection(object._name,
!                                   object._source,
!                                   parentSection._name)
!         object._mymapper = self._mapper.sectionMap[object._name]
!         object._mymapper._object = object
!       elif isinstance(object, GRField):
!         s = parentSection.getAncestorWithSource(object._source)
!         if s == None:
!           raise GRExceptions.SourceOutOfScope, \
!                 'Field "%s" in section "%s" uses out-of-scope source "%s"' \
!                      % (, parentSection._name, object._source)
!         object._section = s._name
!         if hasattr(object,'section') and object.section:
!           sec = string.lower(object.section)
!           curr = s
!           section = None
!           while curr:
!             if curr._name == sec:
!               section = curr
!               break
!             curr = curr._parent.findParentOfType('GRSection')
!           if section == None:
!             raise GRExceptions.SourceOutOfScope, \
!                 'Field "%s" in section "%s" uses out-of-scope section "%s"' \
!                      % (, parentSection._name, object.section)
!           object._section = section._name
!         object._mymapper = self._mapper.sectionMap[object._section]
!         GDebug.printMesg(6,'Mapping field "%s" to section "%s"' \
!                    % (, object._section))
!         self._mapper.addFieldToSection(object._section,
!       elif isinstance(object, GRSumm):
!         if object.section == None:
!           s = object._parent.findParentOfType('GRSection')
!         else:
!           sec = string.lower(object.section)
!           s = self._mapper.sectionMap[sec]._object
!         if s == None:
!           raise GRExceptions.SourceOutOfScope, \
!             'Summary "%s" in section "%s" uses out-of-scope source "%s"' \
!                  % (object._field,, object._source)
!         object._section = s._name
!         object._mymapper = self._mapper.sectionMap[s._name]
!         GDebug.printMesg(6,'Mapping summary %s [%s] to section %s' \
!                    % (object._field, object.function, object._section))
!         self._mapper.addSummaryToSection(object.function,
!                                  object._section, object._field)
!   #
!   # Process layout and dump output.
!   # self.prepare *must* be called prior to processing
!   #
!   def process(self, dest, includeStructuralComments=0):
!     global structuralComment
!     if includeStructuralComments:
!       structuralComment = _structuralComment
!     for child in self._children:
!       structuralComment(dest, '<!-- [layout] -->')
!       child.processAsController(dest, self._mapper)
!       structuralComment(dest, '<!-- [/layout] -->\n')
! ############################################################
! #
! # Any elements contained within a <layout> element
! # inherit GRLayoutElement
! #
! class GRLayoutElement (GObj,GTriggerExtension):
!   def __init__(self, parent=None, type='GRLayoutElement'):
!     GTriggerExtension.__init__(self)
!     GObj.__init__(self, parent, type=type)
! = None
!     self._source = None
!     self._mymapper = None
!     self._inits = [self.primaryInit]
!   # Called if section contains data
!   def process(self, dest, *args, **parms):
!     tag = self.getXmlTag()
!     attrs = ""
!     for attr in self.__dict__.keys():
!       try:    prefix, att = attr.split('__',1)
!       except: continue
!       if prefix in self._xmlnamespaces.keys():
!         attrs += ' %s="%s"' % (att, saxutils.escape(self.__dict__[attr]))
!     dest.write('<%s%s>' % (tag, attrs))
!     rv = self._process(dest, *args, **parms)
!     dest.write('</%s>' % tag)
!     return rv
!   # Called if section contains data (the non-namespace version)
!   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
!     return nextSection
!   def primaryInit(self):
!     if hasattr(self,'source') and self.source is not None:
!       self._source = self.source
!     else:
!       try:
!         self._source = self._parent._source
!       except AttributeError:
!         self._source = None
!     if not self._xmlnamespaces:
!       # Avoid any overhead if this element doesn't
!       # contain namespace-qualified attributes
!       self.process = self._process
! ############################################################
! #
! # Any elements contained within a <layout> element
! # that can themselves be containers
! #
! class ContainerElement (GRLayoutElement):
!   def __init__(self, parent=None, type='GRContainerElement'):
!     GRLayoutElement.__init__(self, parent, type=type)
!     # TODO: remove.. this is for debugging
!     self._name = "untitled"
!   # Process all children, handling GRSections properly
!   def processChildren(self, dest, mapper,
!                       isfirst, islast, firstSection, nextSection):
!     first = isfirst or self._type == 'GRSection'
!     while 1:
!       if isinstance(self, GRSection) :
!         self.processTrigger('On-Process')
!       for child in self._children:
!         if child._type == "_content_":
!           dest.write(child.getContent())
!         else:
!           # Handle GRSections specially as
!           # they require extra logic
!           if isinstance(child, GRSection):
!             # If this is the top-most section for a datasource,
!             # it needs to be called with processAsController.
!             if child._mymapper.toplevel:
!               GDebug.printMesg(10, "Calling new controlling section")
!               child.processAsController(dest, mapper)
!             # ..otherwise call the GRSection's process method.
!             else:
!               nextSection = child.process(dest, mapper,isfirst=1,
!                                           islast=(nextSection == None) or \
!                                           (nextSection._name not in 
!                                           firstSection=firstSection, 
!           # Don't allow the processing to enter trigger objects
!           elif isinstance(child, GTrigger):
!             pass
!           else:
!             # Handle the layout element.
!             nextSection = child.process(dest, mapper, first, islast,
!                                         firstSection, nextSection)
!       first = 0
!       if nextSection == self:
!         firstSection, nextSection = self.getGotos(mapper)
!         islast = (nextSection == None)
!       else:
!         break
!     return nextSection
!   #
!   #  getAncestorWithSource()
!   #
!   def getAncestorWithSource(self, source):
!     if isinstance(self._parent, GRSection):
!       return self._parent.getAncestorWithSource(source)
!     else:
!       return None
! ############################################################
! #
! # <section> tag
! #
! class GRSection (ContainerElement):
!   def __init__(self, parent):
!     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRSection')
!     self._childSections = []
!     self._validTriggers = {'PRE-SECTION':'Pre-Section',
!                            'POST-SECTION':'Post-Section',
!                            'ON-PROCESS':'On-Process'}
!   def _buildObject(self):
!     if not hasattr(self,'name') or == None:
!       self._name = id(self)
!     else:
!       self._name = string.lower(
!     # Keep track of "child" section names (for the firstRow stuff)
!     psec = self._parent.findParentOfType('GRSection')
!     if psec is not None:
!       psec._childSections = self._childSections[:]
!       psec._childSections.insert(0, self._name)
!     return ContainerElement._buildObject(self)
!   #
!   # Retrieve the first row of data, if available.
!   # Handle default data if no rows retrieved.
!   #
!   def processAsController(self, dest, mapper):
!     GDebug.printMesg(10,
!        "Controlling section %s's processAsController() called" % self._name)
!     if self._source == None:
!       # This is a dataless section...
!       # simply process it's children
!       self.process(dest, mapper, 1, 1, None, None)
!     else:
!       firstSection, nextSection = self.getGotos(mapper, 1)
!       if firstSection:
!         # This is a data-bound section and there
!         # was data returned, so process section
!         self.process(dest, mapper, 1, nextSection == None, self, nextSection)
!       else:
!         # This is a data-bound section and there
!         # was no data returned, so generate default
!         # text (if any)
!         for c2 in self._children:
!           if isinstance (c2, GRDefault):
!             c2.processDefault(dest, mapper)
!   #
!   # Used internally to determine next section to move
!   #
!   def getGotos(self, mapper, init=0):
!     # Determine the next section to process our data.
!     # (i.e., handle section grouping)
!     if init:
!       goto, gotoNext = mapper.getFirstRecord(self._source)
!     else:
!       goto, gotoNext = mapper.getNextRecord(self._source)
!     # Get the actual GRSection objects
!     if not goto:
!       return (None, None)
!     firstSection = mapper.sectionMap[goto]._object
!     if gotoNext:
!       nextSection = mapper.sectionMap[gotoNext]._object
!     else:
!       nextSection = None
!     # And return them
!     return (firstSection, nextSection)
!   #
!   #  getAncestorWithSource()
!   #
!   def getAncestorWithSource(self, source):
!     if self._source == source:
!       return self
!     elif isinstance(self._parent, GRSection):
!       return self._parent.getAncestorWithSource(source)
!     else:
!       return None
!   # Generic process() method.  Process the
!   # current record and handle any children.
!   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
!     self.processTrigger('Pre-Section')
!     GDebug.printMesg(10,"Repeating Section %s" % self._name)
!     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [section:%s] -->" % self._name)
!     nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
!     try:
!       structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [Setting %s to clear on next set] -->" % 
!       mapper.sectionMap[]._clearOnNextSet = 1
!     except KeyError:
!       pass
!     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/section:%s] -->" % self._name)
!     GDebug.printMesg(10,"Leaving section %s" % self._name)
!     self.processTrigger('Post-Section')
!     return nextSection
! ############################################################
! #
! # <default> tag
! # Text in this tag is only displayed if datasource
! # returns no data. Note: this will be the only thing
! # in the section that will be displayed.
! #
! class GRDefault (GObj):
!   def __init__(self, parent=None, type='GRDefault'):
!     GObj.__init__(self, parent, type=type)
! = None
!     self._source = None
!     self._mymapper = None
!   def processDefault(self, dest, mapper):
!     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [default] -->")
!     for child in self._children:
!       if child._type == "_content_":
!         dest.write(child.getContent())
!     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/default] -->")
!   def process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, nextSection):
!     return nextSection
!   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
!     return nextSection
--- 36,42 ----
  import GRExceptions
  import string
  from xml.sax import saxutils
! from GRLayoutElement import GRLayoutElement
*** 493,656 ****
                                                self.format)), '\r',''))
      structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/field:%s] -->" %
      return nextSection
- ############################################################
- #
- # <formula> tag
- #
- class GRFormula (GRLayoutElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     GRLayoutElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRFormula')
-     self.section = None
-     self.format = None
-     self._inits = [self.init]
-   def _buildObject(self):
-     if self.section:
-       self._section = string.lower(self.section)
-     else:
-       self._section = None
-     return GRLayoutElement._buildObject(self)
-   def init(self):
-     code = ""
-     for f in self.getChildrenAsContent().code.split('\n'):
-       if f.strip()[:1] != '#':
-         code += f + ' '
-     self._code = code
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [formula:%s] -->" % (self.section))
- #    dest.write (self._mymapper.getSummary(self._field, self.function, 
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/formula] -->")
-     return nextSection
- ############################################################
- #
- # <summ> tag
- #
- class GRSumm (GRLayoutElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     GRLayoutElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRSumm')
-     self.section = None
-     self.function = "count"
-     self.format = None
-   def _buildObject(self):
-     if self.section:
-       self._section = string.lower(self.section)
-     else:
-       self._section = None
-     self._field = string.lower(self.field)
-     return GRLayoutElement._buildObject(self)
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [summ:%s:%s:%s] -->" % (self.section, 
self._field, self.function))
-     dest.write (self._mymapper.getSummary(self._field, self.function, 
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/summ] -->")
-     return nextSection
- ############################################################
- #
- # Parameters
- #
- class GRParam(GRLayoutElement, GRStubParam):
-   _typestub = 'GRParam'
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     # This is passed parent=None so that
-     # the GObj.__init__ doesn't add this
-     # object twice to its parent (icky)
-     GRLayoutElement.__init__(self, parent=None)
-     GRStubParam.__init__(self, parent)
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [param:%s] -->" %
-     dest.write (self.getFormattedValue())
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/param:%s] -->" %
-     return nextSection
- ############################################################
- #
- # Logic support within sections
- #
- class GRFirstRow(ContainerElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRFirstRow')
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     if isfirst:
-       nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
-     return nextSection
- class GRNotFirstRow(ContainerElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRNotFirstRow')
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     if not isfirst:
-       nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
-     return nextSection
- class GRLastRow(ContainerElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRLastRow')
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     if islast:
-       nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
-     return nextSection
- class GRNotLastRow(ContainerElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRNotLastRow')
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     if not islast:
-       nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
-     return nextSection
- ############################################################
- #
- # Any namespaced tags designed to
- # simply pass thru our layout engine
- #
- class GRPassThru(ContainerElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRPassThru')
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     dest.write('<%s' % self._xmltag)
-     for attr in self._loadedxmlattrs.keys():
-       dest.write(' %s="%s"' % (attr, 
-     if len(self._children):
-       dest.write('>')
-       nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
-       dest.write('</%s>' % self._xmltag)
-     else:
-       dest.write('/>')
-     return nextSection
-   def getXmlTag(self):
-     return self._xmltag
--- 55,57 ----
Index: gnue/reports/src/base/layout/
diff -c gnue/reports/src/base/layout/ 
*** gnue/reports/src/base/layout/     Wed Jan  1 19:45:49 2003
--- gnue/reports/src/base/layout/  Wed Jan  1 21:06:23 2003
*** 36,591 ****
  import GRExceptions
  import string
  from xml.sax import saxutils
- ############################################################
- #
- # Used to send structural comment
- # Chose not to do  "if COMMENT == 1: dest.write"
- # for performance reasons  # TODO: Was this a good decision?
- #
- def _structuralComment(dest, text):
-   dest.write(text)
- def _noStructuralComment(dest, text):
-   pass
- structuralComment = _noStructuralComment
- ############################################################
- #
- # GRLayout
- #
- class GRLayout (GObj):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     GObj.__init__(self, parent, type='GRLayout')
-     self._inits = (self.initialize,)
-     self.suppressGNUeTags = 0
-   def initialize(self):
-     # Find the xml namespace in use by any child passthru objects
-     # If there is more than one object attached to a layout
-     # object, then create an unbound section to contain them.
-     # This is a convenience for the layout engine code :)
-     if  len(self._children) > 1 or \
-        ( len(self._children) and \
-          self._children[0]._type != 'GRSection' ):
-       temp = self._children[:]
-       self._children = []
-       section = GRSection(self)
-       section._children = temp
-       section._buildObject()
-     elif len(self._children) == 0:
-       raise GRExceptions.NoLayoutDefined, \
-         "The layout section does not contain any instructions. What do I do?"
-     self._xmlchildnamespace = self._findNamespace()
-     self._parent._namespace = self._xmlchildnamespace
-   # Find the xml namespace in use by any child passthru objects
-   def _findNamespace(self, object=None):
-     if object==None: object = self
-     for child in object._children:
-       try:
-         if child._xmlnamespace:
-           namespace =  child._xmlnamespace
-         else:
-           namespace = self._findNamespace(child)
-         if namespace:
-           return namespace
-       except AttributeError:
-         pass
-   #
-   # Prepare for running
-   #
-   def prepare(self, mapper, parameters):
-     self._mapper = mapper
-     self._parameters = parameters
-     self.walk(self.__prepare)
-   # Used by prepare()
-   def __prepare(self, object):
-     if isinstance(object, GRLayoutElement):
-       # This all looks confusing, but basically it simply figures out
-       # what section a field or summary actually pulls from and also
-       # makes sure a section, field, or summary isn't trying to use
-       # a source outside of the source's scope.  After it's satisfied
-       # with the results, it adds the element to the mapper object.
-       # TODO: This can probably be simplified by moving
-       # TODO: the various functions to the actual child
-       # TODO: object's phaseInits.
-       parentSection = object.findParentOfType('GRSection',includeSelf=0)
-       if isinstance(object, GRSection) and object._source != None:
-         if parentSection is None:
-           self._mapper.addSection(object._name, object._source, None)
-         else:
-           self._mapper.addSection(object._name,
-                                   object._source,
-                                   parentSection._name)
-         object._mymapper = self._mapper.sectionMap[object._name]
-         object._mymapper._object = object
-       elif isinstance(object, GRField):
-         s = parentSection.getAncestorWithSource(object._source)
-         if s == None:
-           raise GRExceptions.SourceOutOfScope, \
-                 'Field "%s" in section "%s" uses out-of-scope source "%s"' \
-                      % (, parentSection._name, object._source)
-         object._section = s._name
-         if hasattr(object,'section') and object.section:
-           sec = string.lower(object.section)
-           curr = s
-           section = None
-           while curr:
-             if curr._name == sec:
-               section = curr
-               break
-             curr = curr._parent.findParentOfType('GRSection')
-           if section == None:
-             raise GRExceptions.SourceOutOfScope, \
-                 'Field "%s" in section "%s" uses out-of-scope section "%s"' \
-                      % (, parentSection._name, object.section)
-           object._section = section._name
-         object._mymapper = self._mapper.sectionMap[object._section]
-         GDebug.printMesg(6,'Mapping field "%s" to section "%s"' \
-                    % (, object._section))
-         self._mapper.addFieldToSection(object._section,
-       elif isinstance(object, GRSumm):
-         if object.section == None:
-           s = object._parent.findParentOfType('GRSection')
-         else:
-           sec = string.lower(object.section)
-           s = self._mapper.sectionMap[sec]._object
-         if s == None:
-           raise GRExceptions.SourceOutOfScope, \
-             'Summary "%s" in section "%s" uses out-of-scope source "%s"' \
-                  % (object._field,, object._source)
-         object._section = s._name
-         object._mymapper = self._mapper.sectionMap[s._name]
-         GDebug.printMesg(6,'Mapping summary %s [%s] to section %s' \
-                    % (object._field, object.function, object._section))
-         self._mapper.addSummaryToSection(object.function,
-                                  object._section, object._field)
-   #
-   # Process layout and dump output.
-   # self.prepare *must* be called prior to processing
-   #
-   def process(self, dest, includeStructuralComments=0):
-     global structuralComment
-     if includeStructuralComments:
-       structuralComment = _structuralComment
-     for child in self._children:
-       structuralComment(dest, '<!-- [layout] -->')
-       child.processAsController(dest, self._mapper)
-       structuralComment(dest, '<!-- [/layout] -->\n')
- ############################################################
- #
- # Any elements contained within a <layout> element
- # inherit GRLayoutElement
- #
- class GRLayoutElement (GObj,GTriggerExtension):
-   def __init__(self, parent=None, type='GRLayoutElement'):
-     GTriggerExtension.__init__(self)
-     GObj.__init__(self, parent, type=type)
- = None
-     self._source = None
-     self._mymapper = None
-     self._inits = [self.primaryInit]
-   # Called if section contains data
-   def process(self, dest, *args, **parms):
-     tag = self.getXmlTag()
-     attrs = ""
-     for attr in self.__dict__.keys():
-       try:    prefix, att = attr.split('__',1)
-       except: continue
-       if prefix in self._xmlnamespaces.keys():
-         attrs += ' %s="%s"' % (att, saxutils.escape(self.__dict__[attr]))
-     dest.write('<%s%s>' % (tag, attrs))
-     rv = self._process(dest, *args, **parms)
-     dest.write('</%s>' % tag)
-     return rv
-   # Called if section contains data (the non-namespace version)
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     return nextSection
-   def primaryInit(self):
-     if hasattr(self,'source') and self.source is not None:
-       self._source = self.source
-     else:
-       try:
-         self._source = self._parent._source
-       except AttributeError:
-         self._source = None
-     if not self._xmlnamespaces:
-       # Avoid any overhead if this element doesn't
-       # contain namespace-qualified attributes
-       self.process = self._process
- ############################################################
- #
- # Any elements contained within a <layout> element
- # that can themselves be containers
- #
- class ContainerElement (GRLayoutElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent=None, type='GRContainerElement'):
-     GRLayoutElement.__init__(self, parent, type=type)
-     # TODO: remove.. this is for debugging
-     self._name = "untitled"
-   # Process all children, handling GRSections properly
-   def processChildren(self, dest, mapper,
-                       isfirst, islast, firstSection, nextSection):
-     first = isfirst or self._type == 'GRSection'
-     while 1:
-       if isinstance(self, GRSection) :
-         self.processTrigger('On-Process')
-       for child in self._children:
-         if child._type == "_content_":
-           dest.write(child.getContent())
-         else:
-           # Handle GRSections specially as
-           # they require extra logic
-           if isinstance(child, GRSection):
-             # If this is the top-most section for a datasource,
-             # it needs to be called with processAsController.
-             if child._mymapper.toplevel:
-               GDebug.printMesg(10, "Calling new controlling section")
-               child.processAsController(dest, mapper)
-             # ..otherwise call the GRSection's process method.
-             else:
-               nextSection = child.process(dest, mapper,isfirst=1,
-                                           islast=(nextSection == None) or \
-                                           (nextSection._name not in 
-                                           firstSection=firstSection, 
-           # Don't allow the processing to enter trigger objects
-           elif isinstance(child, GTrigger):
-             pass
-           else:
-             # Handle the layout element.
-             nextSection = child.process(dest, mapper, first, islast,
-                                         firstSection, nextSection)
-       first = 0
-       if nextSection == self:
-         firstSection, nextSection = self.getGotos(mapper)
-         islast = (nextSection == None)
-       else:
-         break
-     return nextSection
-   #
-   #  getAncestorWithSource()
-   #
-   def getAncestorWithSource(self, source):
-     if isinstance(self._parent, GRSection):
-       return self._parent.getAncestorWithSource(source)
-     else:
-       return None
- ############################################################
- #
- # <section> tag
- #
- class GRSection (ContainerElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRSection')
-     self._childSections = []
-     self._validTriggers = {'PRE-SECTION':'Pre-Section',
-                            'POST-SECTION':'Post-Section',
-                            'ON-PROCESS':'On-Process'}
-   def _buildObject(self):
-     if not hasattr(self,'name') or == None:
-       self._name = id(self)
-     else:
-       self._name = string.lower(
-     # Keep track of "child" section names (for the firstRow stuff)
-     psec = self._parent.findParentOfType('GRSection')
-     if psec is not None:
-       psec._childSections = self._childSections[:]
-       psec._childSections.insert(0, self._name)
-     return ContainerElement._buildObject(self)
-   #
-   # Retrieve the first row of data, if available.
-   # Handle default data if no rows retrieved.
-   #
-   def processAsController(self, dest, mapper):
-     GDebug.printMesg(10,
-        "Controlling section %s's processAsController() called" % self._name)
-     if self._source == None:
-       # This is a dataless section...
-       # simply process it's children
-       self.process(dest, mapper, 1, 1, None, None)
-     else:
-       firstSection, nextSection = self.getGotos(mapper, 1)
-       if firstSection:
-         # This is a data-bound section and there
-         # was data returned, so process section
-         self.process(dest, mapper, 1, nextSection == None, self, nextSection)
-       else:
-         # This is a data-bound section and there
-         # was no data returned, so generate default
-         # text (if any)
-         for c2 in self._children:
-           if isinstance (c2, GRDefault):
-             c2.processDefault(dest, mapper)
-   #
-   # Used internally to determine next section to move
-   #
-   def getGotos(self, mapper, init=0):
-     # Determine the next section to process our data.
-     # (i.e., handle section grouping)
-     if init:
-       goto, gotoNext = mapper.getFirstRecord(self._source)
-     else:
-       goto, gotoNext = mapper.getNextRecord(self._source)
-     # Get the actual GRSection objects
-     if not goto:
-       return (None, None)
-     firstSection = mapper.sectionMap[goto]._object
-     if gotoNext:
-       nextSection = mapper.sectionMap[gotoNext]._object
-     else:
-       nextSection = None
-     # And return them
-     return (firstSection, nextSection)
-   #
-   #  getAncestorWithSource()
-   #
-   def getAncestorWithSource(self, source):
-     if self._source == source:
-       return self
-     elif isinstance(self._parent, GRSection):
-       return self._parent.getAncestorWithSource(source)
-     else:
-       return None
-   # Generic process() method.  Process the
-   # current record and handle any children.
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     self.processTrigger('Pre-Section')
-     GDebug.printMesg(10,"Repeating Section %s" % self._name)
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [section:%s] -->" % self._name)
-     nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
-     try:
-       structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [Setting %s to clear on next set] -->" % 
-       mapper.sectionMap[]._clearOnNextSet = 1
-     except KeyError:
-       pass
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/section:%s] -->" % self._name)
-     GDebug.printMesg(10,"Leaving section %s" % self._name)
-     self.processTrigger('Post-Section')
-     return nextSection
- ############################################################
- #
- # <default> tag
- # Text in this tag is only displayed if datasource
- # returns no data. Note: this will be the only thing
- # in the section that will be displayed.
- #
- class GRDefault (GObj):
-   def __init__(self, parent=None, type='GRDefault'):
-     GObj.__init__(self, parent, type=type)
- = None
-     self._source = None
-     self._mymapper = None
-   def processDefault(self, dest, mapper):
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [default] -->")
-     for child in self._children:
-       if child._type == "_content_":
-         dest.write(child.getContent())
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/default] -->")
-   def process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, nextSection):
-     return nextSection
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     return nextSection
- ############################################################
- #
- # <field> tag
- #
- class GRField (GRLayoutElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     GRLayoutElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRField')
-     self._section = None
-     self.format = None
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [field:%s] -->" %
-     dest.write (string.replace(saxutils.escape("%s" % 
-                                               self.format)), '\r',''))
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/field:%s] -->" %
-     return nextSection
- ############################################################
- #
- # <formula> tag
- #
- class GRFormula (GRLayoutElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     GRLayoutElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRFormula')
-     self.section = None
-     self.format = None
-     self._inits = [self.init]
-   def _buildObject(self):
-     if self.section:
-       self._section = string.lower(self.section)
-     else:
-       self._section = None
-     return GRLayoutElement._buildObject(self)
-   def init(self):
-     code = ""
-     for f in self.getChildrenAsContent().code.split('\n'):
-       if f.strip()[:1] != '#':
-         code += f + ' '
-     self._code = code
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [formula:%s] -->" % (self.section))
- #    dest.write (self._mymapper.getSummary(self._field, self.function, 
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/formula] -->")
-     return nextSection
- ############################################################
- #
- # <summ> tag
- #
- class GRSumm (GRLayoutElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     GRLayoutElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRSumm')
-     self.section = None
-     self.function = "count"
-     self.format = None
-   def _buildObject(self):
-     if self.section:
-       self._section = string.lower(self.section)
-     else:
-       self._section = None
-     self._field = string.lower(self.field)
-     return GRLayoutElement._buildObject(self)
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [summ:%s:%s:%s] -->" % (self.section, 
self._field, self.function))
-     dest.write (self._mymapper.getSummary(self._field, self.function, 
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/summ] -->")
-     return nextSection
- ############################################################
- #
- # Parameters
- #
- class GRParam(GRLayoutElement, GRStubParam):
-   _typestub = 'GRParam'
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     # This is passed parent=None so that
-     # the GObj.__init__ doesn't add this
-     # object twice to its parent (icky)
-     GRLayoutElement.__init__(self, parent=None)
-     GRStubParam.__init__(self, parent)
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [param:%s] -->" %
-     dest.write (self.getFormattedValue())
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/param:%s] -->" %
-     return nextSection
- ############################################################
- #
- # Logic support within sections
- #
  class GRFirstRow(ContainerElement):
    def __init__(self, parent):
      ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRFirstRow')
--- 36,44 ----
  import GRExceptions
  import string
  from xml.sax import saxutils
+ from ContainerElement import ContainerElement
  class GRFirstRow(ContainerElement):
    def __init__(self, parent):
      ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRFirstRow')
*** 594,656 ****
      if isfirst:
        nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
      return nextSection
- class GRNotFirstRow(ContainerElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRNotFirstRow')
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     if not isfirst:
-       nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
-     return nextSection
- class GRLastRow(ContainerElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRLastRow')
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     if islast:
-       nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
-     return nextSection
- class GRNotLastRow(ContainerElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRNotLastRow')
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     if not islast:
-       nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
-     return nextSection
- ############################################################
- #
- # Any namespaced tags designed to
- # simply pass thru our layout engine
- #
- class GRPassThru(ContainerElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRPassThru')
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     dest.write('<%s' % self._xmltag)
-     for attr in self._loadedxmlattrs.keys():
-       dest.write(' %s="%s"' % (attr, 
-     if len(self._children):
-       dest.write('>')
-       nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
-       dest.write('</%s>' % self._xmltag)
-     else:
-       dest.write('/>')
-     return nextSection
-   def getXmlTag(self):
-     return self._xmltag
--- 47,49 ----
Index: gnue/reports/src/base/layout/
diff -c gnue/reports/src/base/layout/ 
*** gnue/reports/src/base/layout/      Wed Jan  1 19:45:49 2003
--- gnue/reports/src/base/layout/   Wed Jan  1 21:06:23 2003
*** 36,499 ****
  import GRExceptions
  import string
  from xml.sax import saxutils
! ############################################################
! #
! # Used to send structural comment
! # Chose not to do  "if COMMENT == 1: dest.write"
! # for performance reasons  # TODO: Was this a good decision?
! #
! def _structuralComment(dest, text):
!   dest.write(text)
! def _noStructuralComment(dest, text):
!   pass
! structuralComment = _noStructuralComment
! ############################################################
! #
! # GRLayout
! #
! class GRLayout (GObj):
!   def __init__(self, parent):
!     GObj.__init__(self, parent, type='GRLayout')
!     self._inits = (self.initialize,)
!     self.suppressGNUeTags = 0
!   def initialize(self):
!     # Find the xml namespace in use by any child passthru objects
!     # If there is more than one object attached to a layout
!     # object, then create an unbound section to contain them.
!     # This is a convenience for the layout engine code :)
!     if  len(self._children) > 1 or \
!        ( len(self._children) and \
!          self._children[0]._type != 'GRSection' ):
!       temp = self._children[:]
!       self._children = []
!       section = GRSection(self)
!       section._children = temp
!       section._buildObject()
!     elif len(self._children) == 0:
!       raise GRExceptions.NoLayoutDefined, \
!         "The layout section does not contain any instructions. What do I do?"
!     self._xmlchildnamespace = self._findNamespace()
!     self._parent._namespace = self._xmlchildnamespace
!   # Find the xml namespace in use by any child passthru objects
!   def _findNamespace(self, object=None):
!     if object==None: object = self
!     for child in object._children:
!       try:
!         if child._xmlnamespace:
!           namespace =  child._xmlnamespace
!         else:
!           namespace = self._findNamespace(child)
!         if namespace:
!           return namespace
!       except AttributeError:
!         pass
!   #
!   # Prepare for running
!   #
!   def prepare(self, mapper, parameters):
!     self._mapper = mapper
!     self._parameters = parameters
!     self.walk(self.__prepare)
!   # Used by prepare()
!   def __prepare(self, object):
!     if isinstance(object, GRLayoutElement):
!       # This all looks confusing, but basically it simply figures out
!       # what section a field or summary actually pulls from and also
!       # makes sure a section, field, or summary isn't trying to use
!       # a source outside of the source's scope.  After it's satisfied
!       # with the results, it adds the element to the mapper object.
!       # TODO: This can probably be simplified by moving
!       # TODO: the various functions to the actual child
!       # TODO: object's phaseInits.
!       parentSection = object.findParentOfType('GRSection',includeSelf=0)
!       if isinstance(object, GRSection) and object._source != None:
!         if parentSection is None:
!           self._mapper.addSection(object._name, object._source, None)
!         else:
!           self._mapper.addSection(object._name,
!                                   object._source,
!                                   parentSection._name)
!         object._mymapper = self._mapper.sectionMap[object._name]
!         object._mymapper._object = object
!       elif isinstance(object, GRField):
!         s = parentSection.getAncestorWithSource(object._source)
!         if s == None:
!           raise GRExceptions.SourceOutOfScope, \
!                 'Field "%s" in section "%s" uses out-of-scope source "%s"' \
!                      % (, parentSection._name, object._source)
!         object._section = s._name
!         if hasattr(object,'section') and object.section:
!           sec = string.lower(object.section)
!           curr = s
!           section = None
!           while curr:
!             if curr._name == sec:
!               section = curr
!               break
!             curr = curr._parent.findParentOfType('GRSection')
!           if section == None:
!             raise GRExceptions.SourceOutOfScope, \
!                 'Field "%s" in section "%s" uses out-of-scope section "%s"' \
!                      % (, parentSection._name, object.section)
!           object._section = section._name
!         object._mymapper = self._mapper.sectionMap[object._section]
!         GDebug.printMesg(6,'Mapping field "%s" to section "%s"' \
!                    % (, object._section))
!         self._mapper.addFieldToSection(object._section,
!       elif isinstance(object, GRSumm):
!         if object.section == None:
!           s = object._parent.findParentOfType('GRSection')
!         else:
!           sec = string.lower(object.section)
!           s = self._mapper.sectionMap[sec]._object
!         if s == None:
!           raise GRExceptions.SourceOutOfScope, \
!             'Summary "%s" in section "%s" uses out-of-scope source "%s"' \
!                  % (object._field,, object._source)
!         object._section = s._name
!         object._mymapper = self._mapper.sectionMap[s._name]
!         GDebug.printMesg(6,'Mapping summary %s [%s] to section %s' \
!                    % (object._field, object.function, object._section))
!         self._mapper.addSummaryToSection(object.function,
!                                  object._section, object._field)
!   #
!   # Process layout and dump output.
!   # self.prepare *must* be called prior to processing
!   #
!   def process(self, dest, includeStructuralComments=0):
!     global structuralComment
!     if includeStructuralComments:
!       structuralComment = _structuralComment
!     for child in self._children:
!       structuralComment(dest, '<!-- [layout] -->')
!       child.processAsController(dest, self._mapper)
!       structuralComment(dest, '<!-- [/layout] -->\n')
! ############################################################
! #
! # Any elements contained within a <layout> element
! # inherit GRLayoutElement
! #
! class GRLayoutElement (GObj,GTriggerExtension):
!   def __init__(self, parent=None, type='GRLayoutElement'):
!     GTriggerExtension.__init__(self)
!     GObj.__init__(self, parent, type=type)
! = None
!     self._source = None
!     self._mymapper = None
!     self._inits = [self.primaryInit]
!   # Called if section contains data
!   def process(self, dest, *args, **parms):
!     tag = self.getXmlTag()
!     attrs = ""
!     for attr in self.__dict__.keys():
!       try:    prefix, att = attr.split('__',1)
!       except: continue
!       if prefix in self._xmlnamespaces.keys():
!         attrs += ' %s="%s"' % (att, saxutils.escape(self.__dict__[attr]))
!     dest.write('<%s%s>' % (tag, attrs))
!     rv = self._process(dest, *args, **parms)
!     dest.write('</%s>' % tag)
!     return rv
!   # Called if section contains data (the non-namespace version)
!   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
!     return nextSection
!   def primaryInit(self):
!     if hasattr(self,'source') and self.source is not None:
!       self._source = self.source
!     else:
!       try:
!         self._source = self._parent._source
!       except AttributeError:
!         self._source = None
!     if not self._xmlnamespaces:
!       # Avoid any overhead if this element doesn't
!       # contain namespace-qualified attributes
!       self.process = self._process
! ############################################################
! #
! # Any elements contained within a <layout> element
! # that can themselves be containers
! #
! class ContainerElement (GRLayoutElement):
!   def __init__(self, parent=None, type='GRContainerElement'):
!     GRLayoutElement.__init__(self, parent, type=type)
!     # TODO: remove.. this is for debugging
!     self._name = "untitled"
!   # Process all children, handling GRSections properly
!   def processChildren(self, dest, mapper,
!                       isfirst, islast, firstSection, nextSection):
!     first = isfirst or self._type == 'GRSection'
!     while 1:
!       if isinstance(self, GRSection) :
!         self.processTrigger('On-Process')
!       for child in self._children:
!         if child._type == "_content_":
!           dest.write(child.getContent())
!         else:
!           # Handle GRSections specially as
!           # they require extra logic
!           if isinstance(child, GRSection):
!             # If this is the top-most section for a datasource,
!             # it needs to be called with processAsController.
!             if child._mymapper.toplevel:
!               GDebug.printMesg(10, "Calling new controlling section")
!               child.processAsController(dest, mapper)
!             # ..otherwise call the GRSection's process method.
!             else:
!               nextSection = child.process(dest, mapper,isfirst=1,
!                                           islast=(nextSection == None) or \
!                                           (nextSection._name not in 
!                                           firstSection=firstSection, 
!           # Don't allow the processing to enter trigger objects
!           elif isinstance(child, GTrigger):
!             pass
!           else:
!             # Handle the layout element.
!             nextSection = child.process(dest, mapper, first, islast,
!                                         firstSection, nextSection)
!       first = 0
!       if nextSection == self:
!         firstSection, nextSection = self.getGotos(mapper)
!         islast = (nextSection == None)
!       else:
!         break
!     return nextSection
!   #
!   #  getAncestorWithSource()
!   #
!   def getAncestorWithSource(self, source):
!     if isinstance(self._parent, GRSection):
!       return self._parent.getAncestorWithSource(source)
!     else:
!       return None
! ############################################################
! #
! # <section> tag
! #
! class GRSection (ContainerElement):
!   def __init__(self, parent):
!     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRSection')
!     self._childSections = []
!     self._validTriggers = {'PRE-SECTION':'Pre-Section',
!                            'POST-SECTION':'Post-Section',
!                            'ON-PROCESS':'On-Process'}
!   def _buildObject(self):
!     if not hasattr(self,'name') or == None:
!       self._name = id(self)
!     else:
!       self._name = string.lower(
!     # Keep track of "child" section names (for the firstRow stuff)
!     psec = self._parent.findParentOfType('GRSection')
!     if psec is not None:
!       psec._childSections = self._childSections[:]
!       psec._childSections.insert(0, self._name)
!     return ContainerElement._buildObject(self)
!   #
!   # Retrieve the first row of data, if available.
!   # Handle default data if no rows retrieved.
!   #
!   def processAsController(self, dest, mapper):
!     GDebug.printMesg(10,
!        "Controlling section %s's processAsController() called" % self._name)
!     if self._source == None:
!       # This is a dataless section...
!       # simply process it's children
!       self.process(dest, mapper, 1, 1, None, None)
!     else:
!       firstSection, nextSection = self.getGotos(mapper, 1)
!       if firstSection:
!         # This is a data-bound section and there
!         # was data returned, so process section
!         self.process(dest, mapper, 1, nextSection == None, self, nextSection)
!       else:
!         # This is a data-bound section and there
!         # was no data returned, so generate default
!         # text (if any)
!         for c2 in self._children:
!           if isinstance (c2, GRDefault):
!             c2.processDefault(dest, mapper)
!   #
!   # Used internally to determine next section to move
!   #
!   def getGotos(self, mapper, init=0):
!     # Determine the next section to process our data.
!     # (i.e., handle section grouping)
!     if init:
!       goto, gotoNext = mapper.getFirstRecord(self._source)
!     else:
!       goto, gotoNext = mapper.getNextRecord(self._source)
!     # Get the actual GRSection objects
!     if not goto:
!       return (None, None)
!     firstSection = mapper.sectionMap[goto]._object
!     if gotoNext:
!       nextSection = mapper.sectionMap[gotoNext]._object
!     else:
!       nextSection = None
!     # And return them
!     return (firstSection, nextSection)
!   #
!   #  getAncestorWithSource()
!   #
!   def getAncestorWithSource(self, source):
!     if self._source == source:
!       return self
!     elif isinstance(self._parent, GRSection):
!       return self._parent.getAncestorWithSource(source)
!     else:
!       return None
!   # Generic process() method.  Process the
!   # current record and handle any children.
!   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
!     self.processTrigger('Pre-Section')
!     GDebug.printMesg(10,"Repeating Section %s" % self._name)
!     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [section:%s] -->" % self._name)
!     nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
!     try:
!       structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [Setting %s to clear on next set] -->" % 
!       mapper.sectionMap[]._clearOnNextSet = 1
!     except KeyError:
!       pass
!     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/section:%s] -->" % self._name)
!     GDebug.printMesg(10,"Leaving section %s" % self._name)
!     self.processTrigger('Post-Section')
!     return nextSection
! ############################################################
! #
! # <default> tag
! # Text in this tag is only displayed if datasource
! # returns no data. Note: this will be the only thing
! # in the section that will be displayed.
! #
! class GRDefault (GObj):
!   def __init__(self, parent=None, type='GRDefault'):
!     GObj.__init__(self, parent, type=type)
! = None
!     self._source = None
!     self._mymapper = None
!   def processDefault(self, dest, mapper):
!     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [default] -->")
!     for child in self._children:
!       if child._type == "_content_":
!         dest.write(child.getContent())
!     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/default] -->")
!   def process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, nextSection):
!     return nextSection
!   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
!     return nextSection
! ############################################################
! #
! # <field> tag
! #
! class GRField (GRLayoutElement):
!   def __init__(self, parent):
!     GRLayoutElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRField')
!     self._section = None
!     self.format = None
!   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
!     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [field:%s] -->" %
!     dest.write (string.replace(saxutils.escape("%s" % 
!                                               self.format)), '\r',''))
!     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/field:%s] -->" %
!     return nextSection
--- 36,42 ----
  import GRExceptions
  import string
  from xml.sax import saxutils
! from GRLayoutElement import GRLayoutElement
Index: gnue/reports/src/base/layout/
diff -c gnue/reports/src/base/layout/ 
*** gnue/reports/src/base/layout/      Wed Jan  1 19:45:49 2003
--- gnue/reports/src/base/layout/   Wed Jan  1 21:06:23 2003
*** 36,611 ****
  import GRExceptions
  import string
  from xml.sax import saxutils
- ############################################################
- #
- # Used to send structural comment
- # Chose not to do  "if COMMENT == 1: dest.write"
- # for performance reasons  # TODO: Was this a good decision?
- #
- def _structuralComment(dest, text):
-   dest.write(text)
- def _noStructuralComment(dest, text):
-   pass
- structuralComment = _noStructuralComment
- ############################################################
- #
- # GRLayout
- #
- class GRLayout (GObj):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     GObj.__init__(self, parent, type='GRLayout')
-     self._inits = (self.initialize,)
-     self.suppressGNUeTags = 0
-   def initialize(self):
-     # Find the xml namespace in use by any child passthru objects
-     # If there is more than one object attached to a layout
-     # object, then create an unbound section to contain them.
-     # This is a convenience for the layout engine code :)
-     if  len(self._children) > 1 or \
-        ( len(self._children) and \
-          self._children[0]._type != 'GRSection' ):
-       temp = self._children[:]
-       self._children = []
-       section = GRSection(self)
-       section._children = temp
-       section._buildObject()
-     elif len(self._children) == 0:
-       raise GRExceptions.NoLayoutDefined, \
-         "The layout section does not contain any instructions. What do I do?"
-     self._xmlchildnamespace = self._findNamespace()
-     self._parent._namespace = self._xmlchildnamespace
-   # Find the xml namespace in use by any child passthru objects
-   def _findNamespace(self, object=None):
-     if object==None: object = self
-     for child in object._children:
-       try:
-         if child._xmlnamespace:
-           namespace =  child._xmlnamespace
-         else:
-           namespace = self._findNamespace(child)
-         if namespace:
-           return namespace
-       except AttributeError:
-         pass
-   #
-   # Prepare for running
-   #
-   def prepare(self, mapper, parameters):
-     self._mapper = mapper
-     self._parameters = parameters
-     self.walk(self.__prepare)
-   # Used by prepare()
-   def __prepare(self, object):
-     if isinstance(object, GRLayoutElement):
-       # This all looks confusing, but basically it simply figures out
-       # what section a field or summary actually pulls from and also
-       # makes sure a section, field, or summary isn't trying to use
-       # a source outside of the source's scope.  After it's satisfied
-       # with the results, it adds the element to the mapper object.
-       # TODO: This can probably be simplified by moving
-       # TODO: the various functions to the actual child
-       # TODO: object's phaseInits.
-       parentSection = object.findParentOfType('GRSection',includeSelf=0)
-       if isinstance(object, GRSection) and object._source != None:
-         if parentSection is None:
-           self._mapper.addSection(object._name, object._source, None)
-         else:
-           self._mapper.addSection(object._name,
-                                   object._source,
-                                   parentSection._name)
-         object._mymapper = self._mapper.sectionMap[object._name]
-         object._mymapper._object = object
-       elif isinstance(object, GRField):
-         s = parentSection.getAncestorWithSource(object._source)
-         if s == None:
-           raise GRExceptions.SourceOutOfScope, \
-                 'Field "%s" in section "%s" uses out-of-scope source "%s"' \
-                      % (, parentSection._name, object._source)
-         object._section = s._name
-         if hasattr(object,'section') and object.section:
-           sec = string.lower(object.section)
-           curr = s
-           section = None
-           while curr:
-             if curr._name == sec:
-               section = curr
-               break
-             curr = curr._parent.findParentOfType('GRSection')
-           if section == None:
-             raise GRExceptions.SourceOutOfScope, \
-                 'Field "%s" in section "%s" uses out-of-scope section "%s"' \
-                      % (, parentSection._name, object.section)
-           object._section = section._name
-         object._mymapper = self._mapper.sectionMap[object._section]
-         GDebug.printMesg(6,'Mapping field "%s" to section "%s"' \
-                    % (, object._section))
-         self._mapper.addFieldToSection(object._section,
-       elif isinstance(object, GRSumm):
-         if object.section == None:
-           s = object._parent.findParentOfType('GRSection')
-         else:
-           sec = string.lower(object.section)
-           s = self._mapper.sectionMap[sec]._object
-         if s == None:
-           raise GRExceptions.SourceOutOfScope, \
-             'Summary "%s" in section "%s" uses out-of-scope source "%s"' \
-                  % (object._field,, object._source)
-         object._section = s._name
-         object._mymapper = self._mapper.sectionMap[s._name]
-         GDebug.printMesg(6,'Mapping summary %s [%s] to section %s' \
-                    % (object._field, object.function, object._section))
-         self._mapper.addSummaryToSection(object.function,
-                                  object._section, object._field)
-   #
-   # Process layout and dump output.
-   # self.prepare *must* be called prior to processing
-   #
-   def process(self, dest, includeStructuralComments=0):
-     global structuralComment
-     if includeStructuralComments:
-       structuralComment = _structuralComment
-     for child in self._children:
-       structuralComment(dest, '<!-- [layout] -->')
-       child.processAsController(dest, self._mapper)
-       structuralComment(dest, '<!-- [/layout] -->\n')
- ############################################################
- #
- # Any elements contained within a <layout> element
- # inherit GRLayoutElement
- #
- class GRLayoutElement (GObj,GTriggerExtension):
-   def __init__(self, parent=None, type='GRLayoutElement'):
-     GTriggerExtension.__init__(self)
-     GObj.__init__(self, parent, type=type)
- = None
-     self._source = None
-     self._mymapper = None
-     self._inits = [self.primaryInit]
-   # Called if section contains data
-   def process(self, dest, *args, **parms):
-     tag = self.getXmlTag()
-     attrs = ""
-     for attr in self.__dict__.keys():
-       try:    prefix, att = attr.split('__',1)
-       except: continue
-       if prefix in self._xmlnamespaces.keys():
-         attrs += ' %s="%s"' % (att, saxutils.escape(self.__dict__[attr]))
-     dest.write('<%s%s>' % (tag, attrs))
-     rv = self._process(dest, *args, **parms)
-     dest.write('</%s>' % tag)
-     return rv
-   # Called if section contains data (the non-namespace version)
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     return nextSection
-   def primaryInit(self):
-     if hasattr(self,'source') and self.source is not None:
-       self._source = self.source
-     else:
-       try:
-         self._source = self._parent._source
-       except AttributeError:
-         self._source = None
-     if not self._xmlnamespaces:
-       # Avoid any overhead if this element doesn't
-       # contain namespace-qualified attributes
-       self.process = self._process
- ############################################################
- #
- # Any elements contained within a <layout> element
- # that can themselves be containers
- #
- class ContainerElement (GRLayoutElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent=None, type='GRContainerElement'):
-     GRLayoutElement.__init__(self, parent, type=type)
-     # TODO: remove.. this is for debugging
-     self._name = "untitled"
-   # Process all children, handling GRSections properly
-   def processChildren(self, dest, mapper,
-                       isfirst, islast, firstSection, nextSection):
-     first = isfirst or self._type == 'GRSection'
-     while 1:
-       if isinstance(self, GRSection) :
-         self.processTrigger('On-Process')
-       for child in self._children:
-         if child._type == "_content_":
-           dest.write(child.getContent())
-         else:
-           # Handle GRSections specially as
-           # they require extra logic
-           if isinstance(child, GRSection):
-             # If this is the top-most section for a datasource,
-             # it needs to be called with processAsController.
-             if child._mymapper.toplevel:
-               GDebug.printMesg(10, "Calling new controlling section")
-               child.processAsController(dest, mapper)
-             # ..otherwise call the GRSection's process method.
-             else:
-               nextSection = child.process(dest, mapper,isfirst=1,
-                                           islast=(nextSection == None) or \
-                                           (nextSection._name not in 
-                                           firstSection=firstSection, 
-           # Don't allow the processing to enter trigger objects
-           elif isinstance(child, GTrigger):
-             pass
-           else:
-             # Handle the layout element.
-             nextSection = child.process(dest, mapper, first, islast,
-                                         firstSection, nextSection)
-       first = 0
-       if nextSection == self:
-         firstSection, nextSection = self.getGotos(mapper)
-         islast = (nextSection == None)
-       else:
-         break
-     return nextSection
-   #
-   #  getAncestorWithSource()
-   #
-   def getAncestorWithSource(self, source):
-     if isinstance(self._parent, GRSection):
-       return self._parent.getAncestorWithSource(source)
-     else:
-       return None
- ############################################################
- #
- # <section> tag
- #
- class GRSection (ContainerElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRSection')
-     self._childSections = []
-     self._validTriggers = {'PRE-SECTION':'Pre-Section',
-                            'POST-SECTION':'Post-Section',
-                            'ON-PROCESS':'On-Process'}
-   def _buildObject(self):
-     if not hasattr(self,'name') or == None:
-       self._name = id(self)
-     else:
-       self._name = string.lower(
-     # Keep track of "child" section names (for the firstRow stuff)
-     psec = self._parent.findParentOfType('GRSection')
-     if psec is not None:
-       psec._childSections = self._childSections[:]
-       psec._childSections.insert(0, self._name)
-     return ContainerElement._buildObject(self)
-   #
-   # Retrieve the first row of data, if available.
-   # Handle default data if no rows retrieved.
-   #
-   def processAsController(self, dest, mapper):
-     GDebug.printMesg(10,
-        "Controlling section %s's processAsController() called" % self._name)
-     if self._source == None:
-       # This is a dataless section...
-       # simply process it's children
-       self.process(dest, mapper, 1, 1, None, None)
-     else:
-       firstSection, nextSection = self.getGotos(mapper, 1)
-       if firstSection:
-         # This is a data-bound section and there
-         # was data returned, so process section
-         self.process(dest, mapper, 1, nextSection == None, self, nextSection)
-       else:
-         # This is a data-bound section and there
-         # was no data returned, so generate default
-         # text (if any)
-         for c2 in self._children:
-           if isinstance (c2, GRDefault):
-             c2.processDefault(dest, mapper)
-   #
-   # Used internally to determine next section to move
-   #
-   def getGotos(self, mapper, init=0):
-     # Determine the next section to process our data.
-     # (i.e., handle section grouping)
-     if init:
-       goto, gotoNext = mapper.getFirstRecord(self._source)
-     else:
-       goto, gotoNext = mapper.getNextRecord(self._source)
-     # Get the actual GRSection objects
-     if not goto:
-       return (None, None)
-     firstSection = mapper.sectionMap[goto]._object
-     if gotoNext:
-       nextSection = mapper.sectionMap[gotoNext]._object
-     else:
-       nextSection = None
-     # And return them
-     return (firstSection, nextSection)
-   #
-   #  getAncestorWithSource()
-   #
-   def getAncestorWithSource(self, source):
-     if self._source == source:
-       return self
-     elif isinstance(self._parent, GRSection):
-       return self._parent.getAncestorWithSource(source)
-     else:
-       return None
-   # Generic process() method.  Process the
-   # current record and handle any children.
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     self.processTrigger('Pre-Section')
-     GDebug.printMesg(10,"Repeating Section %s" % self._name)
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [section:%s] -->" % self._name)
-     nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
-     try:
-       structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [Setting %s to clear on next set] -->" % 
-       mapper.sectionMap[]._clearOnNextSet = 1
-     except KeyError:
-       pass
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/section:%s] -->" % self._name)
-     GDebug.printMesg(10,"Leaving section %s" % self._name)
-     self.processTrigger('Post-Section')
-     return nextSection
- ############################################################
- #
- # <default> tag
- # Text in this tag is only displayed if datasource
- # returns no data. Note: this will be the only thing
- # in the section that will be displayed.
- #
- class GRDefault (GObj):
-   def __init__(self, parent=None, type='GRDefault'):
-     GObj.__init__(self, parent, type=type)
- = None
-     self._source = None
-     self._mymapper = None
-   def processDefault(self, dest, mapper):
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [default] -->")
-     for child in self._children:
-       if child._type == "_content_":
-         dest.write(child.getContent())
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/default] -->")
-   def process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, nextSection):
-     return nextSection
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     return nextSection
- ############################################################
- #
- # <field> tag
- #
- class GRField (GRLayoutElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     GRLayoutElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRField')
-     self._section = None
-     self.format = None
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [field:%s] -->" %
-     dest.write (string.replace(saxutils.escape("%s" % 
-                                               self.format)), '\r',''))
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/field:%s] -->" %
-     return nextSection
- ############################################################
- #
- # <formula> tag
- #
- class GRFormula (GRLayoutElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     GRLayoutElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRFormula')
-     self.section = None
-     self.format = None
-     self._inits = [self.init]
-   def _buildObject(self):
-     if self.section:
-       self._section = string.lower(self.section)
-     else:
-       self._section = None
-     return GRLayoutElement._buildObject(self)
-   def init(self):
-     code = ""
-     for f in self.getChildrenAsContent().code.split('\n'):
-       if f.strip()[:1] != '#':
-         code += f + ' '
-     self._code = code
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [formula:%s] -->" % (self.section))
- #    dest.write (self._mymapper.getSummary(self._field, self.function, 
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/formula] -->")
-     return nextSection
- ############################################################
- #
- # <summ> tag
- #
- class GRSumm (GRLayoutElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     GRLayoutElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRSumm')
-     self.section = None
-     self.function = "count"
-     self.format = None
-   def _buildObject(self):
-     if self.section:
-       self._section = string.lower(self.section)
-     else:
-       self._section = None
-     self._field = string.lower(self.field)
-     return GRLayoutElement._buildObject(self)
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [summ:%s:%s:%s] -->" % (self.section, 
self._field, self.function))
-     dest.write (self._mymapper.getSummary(self._field, self.function, 
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/summ] -->")
-     return nextSection
- ############################################################
- #
- # Parameters
- #
- class GRParam(GRLayoutElement, GRStubParam):
-   _typestub = 'GRParam'
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     # This is passed parent=None so that
-     # the GObj.__init__ doesn't add this
-     # object twice to its parent (icky)
-     GRLayoutElement.__init__(self, parent=None)
-     GRStubParam.__init__(self, parent)
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [param:%s] -->" %
-     dest.write (self.getFormattedValue())
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/param:%s] -->" %
-     return nextSection
- ############################################################
- #
- # Logic support within sections
- #
- class GRFirstRow(ContainerElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRFirstRow')
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     if isfirst:
-       nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
-     return nextSection
- class GRNotFirstRow(ContainerElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRNotFirstRow')
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     if not isfirst:
-       nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
-     return nextSection
  class GRLastRow(ContainerElement):
    def __init__(self, parent):
--- 36,44 ----
  import GRExceptions
  import string
  from xml.sax import saxutils
+ from ContainerElement import ContainerElement
  class GRLastRow(ContainerElement):
    def __init__(self, parent):
*** 615,656 ****
      if islast:
        nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
      return nextSection
- class GRNotLastRow(ContainerElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRNotLastRow')
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     if not islast:
-       nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
-     return nextSection
- ############################################################
- #
- # Any namespaced tags designed to
- # simply pass thru our layout engine
- #
- class GRPassThru(ContainerElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRPassThru')
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     dest.write('<%s' % self._xmltag)
-     for attr in self._loadedxmlattrs.keys():
-       dest.write(' %s="%s"' % (attr, 
-     if len(self._children):
-       dest.write('>')
-       nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
-       dest.write('</%s>' % self._xmltag)
-     else:
-       dest.write('/>')
-     return nextSection
-   def getXmlTag(self):
-     return self._xmltag
--- 48,51 ----
Index: gnue/reports/src/base/layout/
diff -c gnue/reports/src/base/layout/ 
*** gnue/reports/src/base/layout/       Wed Jan  1 19:45:49 2003
--- gnue/reports/src/base/layout/    Wed Jan  1 21:06:24 2003
*** 40,60 ****
- # Used to send structural comment
- # Chose not to do  "if COMMENT == 1: dest.write"
- # for performance reasons  # TODO: Was this a good decision?
- #
- def _structuralComment(dest, text):
-   dest.write(text)
- def _noStructuralComment(dest, text):
-   pass
- structuralComment = _noStructuralComment
- ############################################################
- #
  # GRLayout
  class GRLayout (GObj):
--- 40,45 ----
*** 204,656 ****
        structuralComment(dest, '<!-- [/layout] -->\n')
- ############################################################
- #
- # Any elements contained within a <layout> element
- # inherit GRLayoutElement
- #
- class GRLayoutElement (GObj,GTriggerExtension):
-   def __init__(self, parent=None, type='GRLayoutElement'):
-     GTriggerExtension.__init__(self)
-     GObj.__init__(self, parent, type=type)
- = None
-     self._source = None
-     self._mymapper = None
-     self._inits = [self.primaryInit]
-   # Called if section contains data
-   def process(self, dest, *args, **parms):
-     tag = self.getXmlTag()
-     attrs = ""
-     for attr in self.__dict__.keys():
-       try:    prefix, att = attr.split('__',1)
-       except: continue
-       if prefix in self._xmlnamespaces.keys():
-         attrs += ' %s="%s"' % (att, saxutils.escape(self.__dict__[attr]))
-     dest.write('<%s%s>' % (tag, attrs))
-     rv = self._process(dest, *args, **parms)
-     dest.write('</%s>' % tag)
-     return rv
-   # Called if section contains data (the non-namespace version)
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     return nextSection
-   def primaryInit(self):
-     if hasattr(self,'source') and self.source is not None:
-       self._source = self.source
-     else:
-       try:
-         self._source = self._parent._source
-       except AttributeError:
-         self._source = None
-     if not self._xmlnamespaces:
-       # Avoid any overhead if this element doesn't
-       # contain namespace-qualified attributes
-       self.process = self._process
- ############################################################
- #
- # Any elements contained within a <layout> element
- # that can themselves be containers
- #
- class ContainerElement (GRLayoutElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent=None, type='GRContainerElement'):
-     GRLayoutElement.__init__(self, parent, type=type)
-     # TODO: remove.. this is for debugging
-     self._name = "untitled"
-   # Process all children, handling GRSections properly
-   def processChildren(self, dest, mapper,
-                       isfirst, islast, firstSection, nextSection):
-     first = isfirst or self._type == 'GRSection'
-     while 1:
-       if isinstance(self, GRSection) :
-         self.processTrigger('On-Process')
-       for child in self._children:
-         if child._type == "_content_":
-           dest.write(child.getContent())
-         else:
-           # Handle GRSections specially as
-           # they require extra logic
-           if isinstance(child, GRSection):
-             # If this is the top-most section for a datasource,
-             # it needs to be called with processAsController.
-             if child._mymapper.toplevel:
-               GDebug.printMesg(10, "Calling new controlling section")
-               child.processAsController(dest, mapper)
-             # ..otherwise call the GRSection's process method.
-             else:
-               nextSection = child.process(dest, mapper,isfirst=1,
-                                           islast=(nextSection == None) or \
-                                           (nextSection._name not in 
-                                           firstSection=firstSection, 
-           # Don't allow the processing to enter trigger objects
-           elif isinstance(child, GTrigger):
-             pass
-           else:
-             # Handle the layout element.
-             nextSection = child.process(dest, mapper, first, islast,
-                                         firstSection, nextSection)
-       first = 0
-       if nextSection == self:
-         firstSection, nextSection = self.getGotos(mapper)
-         islast = (nextSection == None)
-       else:
-         break
-     return nextSection
-   #
-   #  getAncestorWithSource()
-   #
-   def getAncestorWithSource(self, source):
-     if isinstance(self._parent, GRSection):
-       return self._parent.getAncestorWithSource(source)
-     else:
-       return None
- ############################################################
- #
- # <section> tag
- #
- class GRSection (ContainerElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRSection')
-     self._childSections = []
-     self._validTriggers = {'PRE-SECTION':'Pre-Section',
-                            'POST-SECTION':'Post-Section',
-                            'ON-PROCESS':'On-Process'}
-   def _buildObject(self):
-     if not hasattr(self,'name') or == None:
-       self._name = id(self)
-     else:
-       self._name = string.lower(
-     # Keep track of "child" section names (for the firstRow stuff)
-     psec = self._parent.findParentOfType('GRSection')
-     if psec is not None:
-       psec._childSections = self._childSections[:]
-       psec._childSections.insert(0, self._name)
-     return ContainerElement._buildObject(self)
-   #
-   # Retrieve the first row of data, if available.
-   # Handle default data if no rows retrieved.
-   #
-   def processAsController(self, dest, mapper):
-     GDebug.printMesg(10,
-        "Controlling section %s's processAsController() called" % self._name)
-     if self._source == None:
-       # This is a dataless section...
-       # simply process it's children
-       self.process(dest, mapper, 1, 1, None, None)
-     else:
-       firstSection, nextSection = self.getGotos(mapper, 1)
-       if firstSection:
-         # This is a data-bound section and there
-         # was data returned, so process section
-         self.process(dest, mapper, 1, nextSection == None, self, nextSection)
-       else:
-         # This is a data-bound section and there
-         # was no data returned, so generate default
-         # text (if any)
-         for c2 in self._children:
-           if isinstance (c2, GRDefault):
-             c2.processDefault(dest, mapper)
-   #
-   # Used internally to determine next section to move
-   #
-   def getGotos(self, mapper, init=0):
-     # Determine the next section to process our data.
-     # (i.e., handle section grouping)
-     if init:
-       goto, gotoNext = mapper.getFirstRecord(self._source)
-     else:
-       goto, gotoNext = mapper.getNextRecord(self._source)
-     # Get the actual GRSection objects
-     if not goto:
-       return (None, None)
-     firstSection = mapper.sectionMap[goto]._object
-     if gotoNext:
-       nextSection = mapper.sectionMap[gotoNext]._object
-     else:
-       nextSection = None
-     # And return them
-     return (firstSection, nextSection)
-   #
-   #  getAncestorWithSource()
-   #
-   def getAncestorWithSource(self, source):
-     if self._source == source:
-       return self
-     elif isinstance(self._parent, GRSection):
-       return self._parent.getAncestorWithSource(source)
-     else:
-       return None
-   # Generic process() method.  Process the
-   # current record and handle any children.
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     self.processTrigger('Pre-Section')
-     GDebug.printMesg(10,"Repeating Section %s" % self._name)
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [section:%s] -->" % self._name)
-     nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
-     try:
-       structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [Setting %s to clear on next set] -->" % 
-       mapper.sectionMap[]._clearOnNextSet = 1
-     except KeyError:
-       pass
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/section:%s] -->" % self._name)
-     GDebug.printMesg(10,"Leaving section %s" % self._name)
-     self.processTrigger('Post-Section')
-     return nextSection
- ############################################################
- #
- # <default> tag
- # Text in this tag is only displayed if datasource
- # returns no data. Note: this will be the only thing
- # in the section that will be displayed.
- #
- class GRDefault (GObj):
-   def __init__(self, parent=None, type='GRDefault'):
-     GObj.__init__(self, parent, type=type)
- = None
-     self._source = None
-     self._mymapper = None
-   def processDefault(self, dest, mapper):
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [default] -->")
-     for child in self._children:
-       if child._type == "_content_":
-         dest.write(child.getContent())
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/default] -->")
-   def process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, nextSection):
-     return nextSection
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     return nextSection
- ############################################################
- #
- # <field> tag
- #
- class GRField (GRLayoutElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     GRLayoutElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRField')
-     self._section = None
-     self.format = None
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [field:%s] -->" %
-     dest.write (string.replace(saxutils.escape("%s" % 
-                                               self.format)), '\r',''))
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/field:%s] -->" %
-     return nextSection
- ############################################################
- #
- # <formula> tag
- #
- class GRFormula (GRLayoutElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     GRLayoutElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRFormula')
-     self.section = None
-     self.format = None
-     self._inits = [self.init]
-   def _buildObject(self):
-     if self.section:
-       self._section = string.lower(self.section)
-     else:
-       self._section = None
-     return GRLayoutElement._buildObject(self)
-   def init(self):
-     code = ""
-     for f in self.getChildrenAsContent().code.split('\n'):
-       if f.strip()[:1] != '#':
-         code += f + ' '
-     self._code = code
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [formula:%s] -->" % (self.section))
- #    dest.write (self._mymapper.getSummary(self._field, self.function, 
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/formula] -->")
-     return nextSection
- ############################################################
- #
- # <summ> tag
- #
- class GRSumm (GRLayoutElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     GRLayoutElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRSumm')
-     self.section = None
-     self.function = "count"
-     self.format = None
-   def _buildObject(self):
-     if self.section:
-       self._section = string.lower(self.section)
-     else:
-       self._section = None
-     self._field = string.lower(self.field)
-     return GRLayoutElement._buildObject(self)
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [summ:%s:%s:%s] -->" % (self.section, 
self._field, self.function))
-     dest.write (self._mymapper.getSummary(self._field, self.function, 
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/summ] -->")
-     return nextSection
- ############################################################
- #
- # Parameters
- #
- class GRParam(GRLayoutElement, GRStubParam):
-   _typestub = 'GRParam'
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     # This is passed parent=None so that
-     # the GObj.__init__ doesn't add this
-     # object twice to its parent (icky)
-     GRLayoutElement.__init__(self, parent=None)
-     GRStubParam.__init__(self, parent)
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [param:%s] -->" %
-     dest.write (self.getFormattedValue())
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/param:%s] -->" %
-     return nextSection
- ############################################################
- #
- # Logic support within sections
- #
- class GRFirstRow(ContainerElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRFirstRow')
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     if isfirst:
-       nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
-     return nextSection
- class GRNotFirstRow(ContainerElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRNotFirstRow')
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     if not isfirst:
-       nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
-     return nextSection
- class GRLastRow(ContainerElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRLastRow')
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     if islast:
-       nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
-     return nextSection
- class GRNotLastRow(ContainerElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRNotLastRow')
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     if not islast:
-       nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
-     return nextSection
- ############################################################
- #
- # Any namespaced tags designed to
- # simply pass thru our layout engine
- #
- class GRPassThru(ContainerElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRPassThru')
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     dest.write('<%s' % self._xmltag)
-     for attr in self._loadedxmlattrs.keys():
-       dest.write(' %s="%s"' % (attr, 
-     if len(self._children):
-       dest.write('>')
-       nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
-       dest.write('</%s>' % self._xmltag)
-     else:
-       dest.write('/>')
-     return nextSection
-   def getXmlTag(self):
-     return self._xmltag
--- 189,192 ----
Index: gnue/reports/src/base/layout/
diff -c gnue/reports/src/base/layout/ 
*** gnue/reports/src/base/layout/        Wed Jan  1 
19:45:49 2003
--- gnue/reports/src/base/layout/     Wed Jan  1 21:06:24 2003
*** 40,213 ****
- # Used to send structural comment
- # Chose not to do  "if COMMENT == 1: dest.write"
- # for performance reasons  # TODO: Was this a good decision?
- #
- def _structuralComment(dest, text):
-   dest.write(text)
- def _noStructuralComment(dest, text):
-   pass
- structuralComment = _noStructuralComment
- ############################################################
- #
- # GRLayout
- #
- class GRLayout (GObj):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     GObj.__init__(self, parent, type='GRLayout')
-     self._inits = (self.initialize,)
-     self.suppressGNUeTags = 0
-   def initialize(self):
-     # Find the xml namespace in use by any child passthru objects
-     # If there is more than one object attached to a layout
-     # object, then create an unbound section to contain them.
-     # This is a convenience for the layout engine code :)
-     if  len(self._children) > 1 or \
-        ( len(self._children) and \
-          self._children[0]._type != 'GRSection' ):
-       temp = self._children[:]
-       self._children = []
-       section = GRSection(self)
-       section._children = temp
-       section._buildObject()
-     elif len(self._children) == 0:
-       raise GRExceptions.NoLayoutDefined, \
-         "The layout section does not contain any instructions. What do I do?"
-     self._xmlchildnamespace = self._findNamespace()
-     self._parent._namespace = self._xmlchildnamespace
-   # Find the xml namespace in use by any child passthru objects
-   def _findNamespace(self, object=None):
-     if object==None: object = self
-     for child in object._children:
-       try:
-         if child._xmlnamespace:
-           namespace =  child._xmlnamespace
-         else:
-           namespace = self._findNamespace(child)
-         if namespace:
-           return namespace
-       except AttributeError:
-         pass
-   #
-   # Prepare for running
-   #
-   def prepare(self, mapper, parameters):
-     self._mapper = mapper
-     self._parameters = parameters
-     self.walk(self.__prepare)
-   # Used by prepare()
-   def __prepare(self, object):
-     if isinstance(object, GRLayoutElement):
-       # This all looks confusing, but basically it simply figures out
-       # what section a field or summary actually pulls from and also
-       # makes sure a section, field, or summary isn't trying to use
-       # a source outside of the source's scope.  After it's satisfied
-       # with the results, it adds the element to the mapper object.
-       # TODO: This can probably be simplified by moving
-       # TODO: the various functions to the actual child
-       # TODO: object's phaseInits.
-       parentSection = object.findParentOfType('GRSection',includeSelf=0)
-       if isinstance(object, GRSection) and object._source != None:
-         if parentSection is None:
-           self._mapper.addSection(object._name, object._source, None)
-         else:
-           self._mapper.addSection(object._name,
-                                   object._source,
-                                   parentSection._name)
-         object._mymapper = self._mapper.sectionMap[object._name]
-         object._mymapper._object = object
-       elif isinstance(object, GRField):
-         s = parentSection.getAncestorWithSource(object._source)
-         if s == None:
-           raise GRExceptions.SourceOutOfScope, \
-                 'Field "%s" in section "%s" uses out-of-scope source "%s"' \
-                      % (, parentSection._name, object._source)
-         object._section = s._name
-         if hasattr(object,'section') and object.section:
-           sec = string.lower(object.section)
-           curr = s
-           section = None
-           while curr:
-             if curr._name == sec:
-               section = curr
-               break
-             curr = curr._parent.findParentOfType('GRSection')
-           if section == None:
-             raise GRExceptions.SourceOutOfScope, \
-                 'Field "%s" in section "%s" uses out-of-scope section "%s"' \
-                      % (, parentSection._name, object.section)
-           object._section = section._name
-         object._mymapper = self._mapper.sectionMap[object._section]
-         GDebug.printMesg(6,'Mapping field "%s" to section "%s"' \
-                    % (, object._section))
-         self._mapper.addFieldToSection(object._section,
-       elif isinstance(object, GRSumm):
-         if object.section == None:
-           s = object._parent.findParentOfType('GRSection')
-         else:
-           sec = string.lower(object.section)
-           s = self._mapper.sectionMap[sec]._object
-         if s == None:
-           raise GRExceptions.SourceOutOfScope, \
-             'Summary "%s" in section "%s" uses out-of-scope source "%s"' \
-                  % (object._field,, object._source)
-         object._section = s._name
-         object._mymapper = self._mapper.sectionMap[s._name]
-         GDebug.printMesg(6,'Mapping summary %s [%s] to section %s' \
-                    % (object._field, object.function, object._section))
-         self._mapper.addSummaryToSection(object.function,
-                                  object._section, object._field)
-   #
-   # Process layout and dump output.
-   # self.prepare *must* be called prior to processing
-   #
-   def process(self, dest, includeStructuralComments=0):
-     global structuralComment
-     if includeStructuralComments:
-       structuralComment = _structuralComment
-     for child in self._children:
-       structuralComment(dest, '<!-- [layout] -->')
-       child.processAsController(dest, self._mapper)
-       structuralComment(dest, '<!-- [/layout] -->\n')
- ############################################################
- #
  # Any elements contained within a <layout> element
  # inherit GRLayoutElement
--- 40,45 ----
*** 227,240 ****
      for attr in self.__dict__.keys():
        try:    prefix, att = attr.split('__',1)
        except: continue
        if prefix in self._xmlnamespaces.keys():
          attrs += ' %s="%s"' % (att, saxutils.escape(self.__dict__[attr]))
      dest.write('<%s%s>' % (tag, attrs))
      rv = self._process(dest, *args, **parms)
      dest.write('</%s>' % tag)
      return rv
    # Called if section contains data (the non-namespace version)
--- 59,72 ----
      for attr in self.__dict__.keys():
        try:    prefix, att = attr.split('__',1)
        except: continue
        if prefix in self._xmlnamespaces.keys():
          attrs += ' %s="%s"' % (att, saxutils.escape(self.__dict__[attr]))
      dest.write('<%s%s>' % (tag, attrs))
      rv = self._process(dest, *args, **parms)
      dest.write('</%s>' % tag)
      return rv
    # Called if section contains data (the non-namespace version)
*** 254,656 ****
        # Avoid any overhead if this element doesn't
        # contain namespace-qualified attributes
        self.process = self._process
- ############################################################
- #
- # Any elements contained within a <layout> element
- # that can themselves be containers
- #
- class ContainerElement (GRLayoutElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent=None, type='GRContainerElement'):
-     GRLayoutElement.__init__(self, parent, type=type)
-     # TODO: remove.. this is for debugging
-     self._name = "untitled"
-   # Process all children, handling GRSections properly
-   def processChildren(self, dest, mapper,
-                       isfirst, islast, firstSection, nextSection):
-     first = isfirst or self._type == 'GRSection'
-     while 1:
-       if isinstance(self, GRSection) :
-         self.processTrigger('On-Process')
-       for child in self._children:
-         if child._type == "_content_":
-           dest.write(child.getContent())
-         else:
-           # Handle GRSections specially as
-           # they require extra logic
-           if isinstance(child, GRSection):
-             # If this is the top-most section for a datasource,
-             # it needs to be called with processAsController.
-             if child._mymapper.toplevel:
-               GDebug.printMesg(10, "Calling new controlling section")
-               child.processAsController(dest, mapper)
-             # ..otherwise call the GRSection's process method.
-             else:
-               nextSection = child.process(dest, mapper,isfirst=1,
-                                           islast=(nextSection == None) or \
-                                           (nextSection._name not in 
-                                           firstSection=firstSection, 
-           # Don't allow the processing to enter trigger objects
-           elif isinstance(child, GTrigger):
-             pass
-           else:
-             # Handle the layout element.
-             nextSection = child.process(dest, mapper, first, islast,
-                                         firstSection, nextSection)
-       first = 0
-       if nextSection == self:
-         firstSection, nextSection = self.getGotos(mapper)
-         islast = (nextSection == None)
-       else:
-         break
-     return nextSection
-   #
-   #  getAncestorWithSource()
-   #
-   def getAncestorWithSource(self, source):
-     if isinstance(self._parent, GRSection):
-       return self._parent.getAncestorWithSource(source)
-     else:
-       return None
- ############################################################
- #
- # <section> tag
- #
- class GRSection (ContainerElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRSection')
-     self._childSections = []
-     self._validTriggers = {'PRE-SECTION':'Pre-Section',
-                            'POST-SECTION':'Post-Section',
-                            'ON-PROCESS':'On-Process'}
-   def _buildObject(self):
-     if not hasattr(self,'name') or == None:
-       self._name = id(self)
-     else:
-       self._name = string.lower(
-     # Keep track of "child" section names (for the firstRow stuff)
-     psec = self._parent.findParentOfType('GRSection')
-     if psec is not None:
-       psec._childSections = self._childSections[:]
-       psec._childSections.insert(0, self._name)
-     return ContainerElement._buildObject(self)
-   #
-   # Retrieve the first row of data, if available.
-   # Handle default data if no rows retrieved.
-   #
-   def processAsController(self, dest, mapper):
-     GDebug.printMesg(10,
-        "Controlling section %s's processAsController() called" % self._name)
-     if self._source == None:
-       # This is a dataless section...
-       # simply process it's children
-       self.process(dest, mapper, 1, 1, None, None)
-     else:
-       firstSection, nextSection = self.getGotos(mapper, 1)
-       if firstSection:
-         # This is a data-bound section and there
-         # was data returned, so process section
-         self.process(dest, mapper, 1, nextSection == None, self, nextSection)
-       else:
-         # This is a data-bound section and there
-         # was no data returned, so generate default
-         # text (if any)
-         for c2 in self._children:
-           if isinstance (c2, GRDefault):
-             c2.processDefault(dest, mapper)
-   #
-   # Used internally to determine next section to move
-   #
-   def getGotos(self, mapper, init=0):
-     # Determine the next section to process our data.
-     # (i.e., handle section grouping)
-     if init:
-       goto, gotoNext = mapper.getFirstRecord(self._source)
-     else:
-       goto, gotoNext = mapper.getNextRecord(self._source)
-     # Get the actual GRSection objects
-     if not goto:
-       return (None, None)
-     firstSection = mapper.sectionMap[goto]._object
-     if gotoNext:
-       nextSection = mapper.sectionMap[gotoNext]._object
-     else:
-       nextSection = None
-     # And return them
-     return (firstSection, nextSection)
-   #
-   #  getAncestorWithSource()
-   #
-   def getAncestorWithSource(self, source):
-     if self._source == source:
-       return self
-     elif isinstance(self._parent, GRSection):
-       return self._parent.getAncestorWithSource(source)
-     else:
-       return None
-   # Generic process() method.  Process the
-   # current record and handle any children.
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     self.processTrigger('Pre-Section')
-     GDebug.printMesg(10,"Repeating Section %s" % self._name)
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [section:%s] -->" % self._name)
-     nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
-     try:
-       structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [Setting %s to clear on next set] -->" % 
-       mapper.sectionMap[]._clearOnNextSet = 1
-     except KeyError:
-       pass
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/section:%s] -->" % self._name)
-     GDebug.printMesg(10,"Leaving section %s" % self._name)
-     self.processTrigger('Post-Section')
-     return nextSection
- ############################################################
- #
- # <default> tag
- # Text in this tag is only displayed if datasource
- # returns no data. Note: this will be the only thing
- # in the section that will be displayed.
- #
- class GRDefault (GObj):
-   def __init__(self, parent=None, type='GRDefault'):
-     GObj.__init__(self, parent, type=type)
- = None
-     self._source = None
-     self._mymapper = None
-   def processDefault(self, dest, mapper):
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [default] -->")
-     for child in self._children:
-       if child._type == "_content_":
-         dest.write(child.getContent())
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/default] -->")
-   def process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, nextSection):
-     return nextSection
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     return nextSection
- ############################################################
- #
- # <field> tag
- #
- class GRField (GRLayoutElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     GRLayoutElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRField')
-     self._section = None
-     self.format = None
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [field:%s] -->" %
-     dest.write (string.replace(saxutils.escape("%s" % 
-                                               self.format)), '\r',''))
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/field:%s] -->" %
-     return nextSection
- ############################################################
- #
- # <formula> tag
- #
- class GRFormula (GRLayoutElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     GRLayoutElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRFormula')
-     self.section = None
-     self.format = None
-     self._inits = [self.init]
-   def _buildObject(self):
-     if self.section:
-       self._section = string.lower(self.section)
-     else:
-       self._section = None
-     return GRLayoutElement._buildObject(self)
-   def init(self):
-     code = ""
-     for f in self.getChildrenAsContent().code.split('\n'):
-       if f.strip()[:1] != '#':
-         code += f + ' '
-     self._code = code
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [formula:%s] -->" % (self.section))
- #    dest.write (self._mymapper.getSummary(self._field, self.function, 
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/formula] -->")
-     return nextSection
- ############################################################
- #
- # <summ> tag
- #
- class GRSumm (GRLayoutElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     GRLayoutElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRSumm')
-     self.section = None
-     self.function = "count"
-     self.format = None
-   def _buildObject(self):
-     if self.section:
-       self._section = string.lower(self.section)
-     else:
-       self._section = None
-     self._field = string.lower(self.field)
-     return GRLayoutElement._buildObject(self)
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [summ:%s:%s:%s] -->" % (self.section, 
self._field, self.function))
-     dest.write (self._mymapper.getSummary(self._field, self.function, 
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/summ] -->")
-     return nextSection
- ############################################################
- #
- # Parameters
- #
- class GRParam(GRLayoutElement, GRStubParam):
-   _typestub = 'GRParam'
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     # This is passed parent=None so that
-     # the GObj.__init__ doesn't add this
-     # object twice to its parent (icky)
-     GRLayoutElement.__init__(self, parent=None)
-     GRStubParam.__init__(self, parent)
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [param:%s] -->" %
-     dest.write (self.getFormattedValue())
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/param:%s] -->" %
-     return nextSection
- ############################################################
- #
- # Logic support within sections
- #
- class GRFirstRow(ContainerElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRFirstRow')
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     if isfirst:
-       nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
-     return nextSection
- class GRNotFirstRow(ContainerElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRNotFirstRow')
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     if not isfirst:
-       nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
-     return nextSection
- class GRLastRow(ContainerElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRLastRow')
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     if islast:
-       nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
-     return nextSection
- class GRNotLastRow(ContainerElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRNotLastRow')
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     if not islast:
-       nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
-     return nextSection
- ############################################################
- #
- # Any namespaced tags designed to
- # simply pass thru our layout engine
- #
- class GRPassThru(ContainerElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRPassThru')
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     dest.write('<%s' % self._xmltag)
-     for attr in self._loadedxmlattrs.keys():
-       dest.write(' %s="%s"' % (attr, 
-     if len(self._children):
-       dest.write('>')
-       nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
-       dest.write('</%s>' % self._xmltag)
-     else:
-       dest.write('/>')
-     return nextSection
-   def getXmlTag(self):
-     return self._xmltag
--- 86,89 ----
Index: gnue/reports/src/base/layout/
diff -c gnue/reports/src/base/layout/ 
*** gnue/reports/src/base/layout/  Wed Jan  1 19:45:49 2003
--- gnue/reports/src/base/layout/       Wed Jan  1 21:06:24 2003
*** 36,600 ****
  import GRExceptions
  import string
  from xml.sax import saxutils
! ############################################################
! #
! # Used to send structural comment
! # Chose not to do  "if COMMENT == 1: dest.write"
! # for performance reasons  # TODO: Was this a good decision?
! #
! def _structuralComment(dest, text):
!   dest.write(text)
! def _noStructuralComment(dest, text):
!   pass
! structuralComment = _noStructuralComment
! ############################################################
! #
! # GRLayout
! #
! class GRLayout (GObj):
!   def __init__(self, parent):
!     GObj.__init__(self, parent, type='GRLayout')
!     self._inits = (self.initialize,)
!     self.suppressGNUeTags = 0
!   def initialize(self):
!     # Find the xml namespace in use by any child passthru objects
!     # If there is more than one object attached to a layout
!     # object, then create an unbound section to contain them.
!     # This is a convenience for the layout engine code :)
!     if  len(self._children) > 1 or \
!        ( len(self._children) and \
!          self._children[0]._type != 'GRSection' ):
!       temp = self._children[:]
!       self._children = []
!       section = GRSection(self)
!       section._children = temp
!       section._buildObject()
!     elif len(self._children) == 0:
!       raise GRExceptions.NoLayoutDefined, \
!         "The layout section does not contain any instructions. What do I do?"
!     self._xmlchildnamespace = self._findNamespace()
!     self._parent._namespace = self._xmlchildnamespace
!   # Find the xml namespace in use by any child passthru objects
!   def _findNamespace(self, object=None):
!     if object==None: object = self
!     for child in object._children:
!       try:
!         if child._xmlnamespace:
!           namespace =  child._xmlnamespace
!         else:
!           namespace = self._findNamespace(child)
!         if namespace:
!           return namespace
!       except AttributeError:
!         pass
!   #
!   # Prepare for running
!   #
!   def prepare(self, mapper, parameters):
!     self._mapper = mapper
!     self._parameters = parameters
!     self.walk(self.__prepare)
!   # Used by prepare()
!   def __prepare(self, object):
!     if isinstance(object, GRLayoutElement):
!       # This all looks confusing, but basically it simply figures out
!       # what section a field or summary actually pulls from and also
!       # makes sure a section, field, or summary isn't trying to use
!       # a source outside of the source's scope.  After it's satisfied
!       # with the results, it adds the element to the mapper object.
!       # TODO: This can probably be simplified by moving
!       # TODO: the various functions to the actual child
!       # TODO: object's phaseInits.
!       parentSection = object.findParentOfType('GRSection',includeSelf=0)
!       if isinstance(object, GRSection) and object._source != None:
!         if parentSection is None:
!           self._mapper.addSection(object._name, object._source, None)
!         else:
!           self._mapper.addSection(object._name,
!                                   object._source,
!                                   parentSection._name)
!         object._mymapper = self._mapper.sectionMap[object._name]
!         object._mymapper._object = object
!       elif isinstance(object, GRField):
!         s = parentSection.getAncestorWithSource(object._source)
!         if s == None:
!           raise GRExceptions.SourceOutOfScope, \
!                 'Field "%s" in section "%s" uses out-of-scope source "%s"' \
!                      % (, parentSection._name, object._source)
!         object._section = s._name
!         if hasattr(object,'section') and object.section:
!           sec = string.lower(object.section)
!           curr = s
!           section = None
!           while curr:
!             if curr._name == sec:
!               section = curr
!               break
!             curr = curr._parent.findParentOfType('GRSection')
!           if section == None:
!             raise GRExceptions.SourceOutOfScope, \
!                 'Field "%s" in section "%s" uses out-of-scope section "%s"' \
!                      % (, parentSection._name, object.section)
!           object._section = section._name
!         object._mymapper = self._mapper.sectionMap[object._section]
!         GDebug.printMesg(6,'Mapping field "%s" to section "%s"' \
!                    % (, object._section))
!         self._mapper.addFieldToSection(object._section,
!       elif isinstance(object, GRSumm):
!         if object.section == None:
!           s = object._parent.findParentOfType('GRSection')
!         else:
!           sec = string.lower(object.section)
!           s = self._mapper.sectionMap[sec]._object
!         if s == None:
!           raise GRExceptions.SourceOutOfScope, \
!             'Summary "%s" in section "%s" uses out-of-scope source "%s"' \
!                  % (object._field,, object._source)
!         object._section = s._name
!         object._mymapper = self._mapper.sectionMap[s._name]
!         GDebug.printMesg(6,'Mapping summary %s [%s] to section %s' \
!                    % (object._field, object.function, object._section))
!         self._mapper.addSummaryToSection(object.function,
!                                  object._section, object._field)
!   #
!   # Process layout and dump output.
!   # self.prepare *must* be called prior to processing
!   #
!   def process(self, dest, includeStructuralComments=0):
!     global structuralComment
!     if includeStructuralComments:
!       structuralComment = _structuralComment
!     for child in self._children:
!       structuralComment(dest, '<!-- [layout] -->')
!       child.processAsController(dest, self._mapper)
!       structuralComment(dest, '<!-- [/layout] -->\n')
! ############################################################
! #
! # Any elements contained within a <layout> element
! # inherit GRLayoutElement
! #
! class GRLayoutElement (GObj,GTriggerExtension):
!   def __init__(self, parent=None, type='GRLayoutElement'):
!     GTriggerExtension.__init__(self)
!     GObj.__init__(self, parent, type=type)
! = None
!     self._source = None
!     self._mymapper = None
!     self._inits = [self.primaryInit]
!   # Called if section contains data
!   def process(self, dest, *args, **parms):
!     tag = self.getXmlTag()
!     attrs = ""
!     for attr in self.__dict__.keys():
!       try:    prefix, att = attr.split('__',1)
!       except: continue
!       if prefix in self._xmlnamespaces.keys():
!         attrs += ' %s="%s"' % (att, saxutils.escape(self.__dict__[attr]))
!     dest.write('<%s%s>' % (tag, attrs))
!     rv = self._process(dest, *args, **parms)
!     dest.write('</%s>' % tag)
!     return rv
!   # Called if section contains data (the non-namespace version)
!   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
!     return nextSection
!   def primaryInit(self):
!     if hasattr(self,'source') and self.source is not None:
!       self._source = self.source
!     else:
!       try:
!         self._source = self._parent._source
!       except AttributeError:
!         self._source = None
!     if not self._xmlnamespaces:
!       # Avoid any overhead if this element doesn't
!       # contain namespace-qualified attributes
!       self.process = self._process
! ############################################################
! #
! # Any elements contained within a <layout> element
! # that can themselves be containers
! #
! class ContainerElement (GRLayoutElement):
!   def __init__(self, parent=None, type='GRContainerElement'):
!     GRLayoutElement.__init__(self, parent, type=type)
!     # TODO: remove.. this is for debugging
!     self._name = "untitled"
!   # Process all children, handling GRSections properly
!   def processChildren(self, dest, mapper,
!                       isfirst, islast, firstSection, nextSection):
!     first = isfirst or self._type == 'GRSection'
!     while 1:
!       if isinstance(self, GRSection) :
!         self.processTrigger('On-Process')
!       for child in self._children:
!         if child._type == "_content_":
!           dest.write(child.getContent())
!         else:
!           # Handle GRSections specially as
!           # they require extra logic
!           if isinstance(child, GRSection):
!             # If this is the top-most section for a datasource,
!             # it needs to be called with processAsController.
!             if child._mymapper.toplevel:
!               GDebug.printMesg(10, "Calling new controlling section")
!               child.processAsController(dest, mapper)
!             # ..otherwise call the GRSection's process method.
!             else:
!               nextSection = child.process(dest, mapper,isfirst=1,
!                                           islast=(nextSection == None) or \
!                                           (nextSection._name not in 
!                                           firstSection=firstSection, 
!           # Don't allow the processing to enter trigger objects
!           elif isinstance(child, GTrigger):
!             pass
!           else:
!             # Handle the layout element.
!             nextSection = child.process(dest, mapper, first, islast,
!                                         firstSection, nextSection)
!       first = 0
!       if nextSection == self:
!         firstSection, nextSection = self.getGotos(mapper)
!         islast = (nextSection == None)
!       else:
!         break
!     return nextSection
!   #
!   #  getAncestorWithSource()
!   #
!   def getAncestorWithSource(self, source):
!     if isinstance(self._parent, GRSection):
!       return self._parent.getAncestorWithSource(source)
!     else:
!       return None
! ############################################################
! #
! # <section> tag
! #
! class GRSection (ContainerElement):
!   def __init__(self, parent):
!     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRSection')
!     self._childSections = []
!     self._validTriggers = {'PRE-SECTION':'Pre-Section',
!                            'POST-SECTION':'Post-Section',
!                            'ON-PROCESS':'On-Process'}
!   def _buildObject(self):
!     if not hasattr(self,'name') or == None:
!       self._name = id(self)
!     else:
!       self._name = string.lower(
!     # Keep track of "child" section names (for the firstRow stuff)
!     psec = self._parent.findParentOfType('GRSection')
!     if psec is not None:
!       psec._childSections = self._childSections[:]
!       psec._childSections.insert(0, self._name)
!     return ContainerElement._buildObject(self)
!   #
!   # Retrieve the first row of data, if available.
!   # Handle default data if no rows retrieved.
!   #
!   def processAsController(self, dest, mapper):
!     GDebug.printMesg(10,
!        "Controlling section %s's processAsController() called" % self._name)
!     if self._source == None:
!       # This is a dataless section...
!       # simply process it's children
!       self.process(dest, mapper, 1, 1, None, None)
!     else:
!       firstSection, nextSection = self.getGotos(mapper, 1)
!       if firstSection:
!         # This is a data-bound section and there
!         # was data returned, so process section
!         self.process(dest, mapper, 1, nextSection == None, self, nextSection)
!       else:
!         # This is a data-bound section and there
!         # was no data returned, so generate default
!         # text (if any)
!         for c2 in self._children:
!           if isinstance (c2, GRDefault):
!             c2.processDefault(dest, mapper)
!   #
!   # Used internally to determine next section to move
!   #
!   def getGotos(self, mapper, init=0):
!     # Determine the next section to process our data.
!     # (i.e., handle section grouping)
!     if init:
!       goto, gotoNext = mapper.getFirstRecord(self._source)
!     else:
!       goto, gotoNext = mapper.getNextRecord(self._source)
!     # Get the actual GRSection objects
!     if not goto:
!       return (None, None)
!     firstSection = mapper.sectionMap[goto]._object
!     if gotoNext:
!       nextSection = mapper.sectionMap[gotoNext]._object
!     else:
!       nextSection = None
!     # And return them
!     return (firstSection, nextSection)
!   #
!   #  getAncestorWithSource()
!   #
!   def getAncestorWithSource(self, source):
!     if self._source == source:
!       return self
!     elif isinstance(self._parent, GRSection):
!       return self._parent.getAncestorWithSource(source)
!     else:
!       return None
!   # Generic process() method.  Process the
!   # current record and handle any children.
!   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
!     self.processTrigger('Pre-Section')
!     GDebug.printMesg(10,"Repeating Section %s" % self._name)
!     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [section:%s] -->" % self._name)
!     nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
!     try:
!       structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [Setting %s to clear on next set] -->" % 
!       mapper.sectionMap[]._clearOnNextSet = 1
!     except KeyError:
!       pass
!     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/section:%s] -->" % self._name)
!     GDebug.printMesg(10,"Leaving section %s" % self._name)
!     self.processTrigger('Post-Section')
!     return nextSection
! ############################################################
! #
! # <default> tag
! # Text in this tag is only displayed if datasource
! # returns no data. Note: this will be the only thing
! # in the section that will be displayed.
! #
! class GRDefault (GObj):
!   def __init__(self, parent=None, type='GRDefault'):
!     GObj.__init__(self, parent, type=type)
! = None
!     self._source = None
!     self._mymapper = None
!   def processDefault(self, dest, mapper):
!     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [default] -->")
!     for child in self._children:
!       if child._type == "_content_":
!         dest.write(child.getContent())
!     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/default] -->")
!   def process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, nextSection):
!     return nextSection
!   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
!     return nextSection
! ############################################################
! #
! # <field> tag
! #
! class GRField (GRLayoutElement):
!   def __init__(self, parent):
!     GRLayoutElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRField')
!     self._section = None
!     self.format = None
!   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
!     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [field:%s] -->" %
!     dest.write (string.replace(saxutils.escape("%s" % 
!                                               self.format)), '\r',''))
!     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/field:%s] -->" %
!     return nextSection
! ############################################################
! #
! # <formula> tag
! #
! class GRFormula (GRLayoutElement):
!   def __init__(self, parent):
!     GRLayoutElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRFormula')
!     self.section = None
!     self.format = None
!     self._inits = [self.init]
!   def _buildObject(self):
!     if self.section:
!       self._section = string.lower(self.section)
!     else:
!       self._section = None
!     return GRLayoutElement._buildObject(self)
!   def init(self):
!     code = ""
!     for f in self.getChildrenAsContent().code.split('\n'):
!       if f.strip()[:1] != '#':
!         code += f + ' '
!     self._code = code
!   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
!     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [formula:%s] -->" % (self.section))
! #    dest.write (self._mymapper.getSummary(self._field, self.function, 
!     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/formula] -->")
!     return nextSection
! ############################################################
! #
! # <summ> tag
! #
! class GRSumm (GRLayoutElement):
!   def __init__(self, parent):
!     GRLayoutElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRSumm')
!     self.section = None
!     self.function = "count"
!     self.format = None
!   def _buildObject(self):
!     if self.section:
!       self._section = string.lower(self.section)
!     else:
!       self._section = None
!     self._field = string.lower(self.field)
!     return GRLayoutElement._buildObject(self)
!   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
!     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [summ:%s:%s:%s] -->" % (self.section, 
self._field, self.function))
!     dest.write (self._mymapper.getSummary(self._field, self.function, 
!     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/summ] -->")
!     return nextSection
! ############################################################
! #
! # Parameters
! #
! class GRParam(GRLayoutElement, GRStubParam):
!   _typestub = 'GRParam'
!   def __init__(self, parent):
!     # This is passed parent=None so that
!     # the GObj.__init__ doesn't add this
!     # object twice to its parent (icky)
!     GRLayoutElement.__init__(self, parent=None)
!     GRStubParam.__init__(self, parent)
!   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
!     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [param:%s] -->" %
!     dest.write (self.getFormattedValue())
!     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/param:%s] -->" %
!     return nextSection
! ############################################################
! #
! # Logic support within sections
! #
! class GRFirstRow(ContainerElement):
!   def __init__(self, parent):
!     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRFirstRow')
!   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
!     if isfirst:
!       nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
!     return nextSection
  class GRNotFirstRow(ContainerElement):
--- 36,42 ----
  import GRExceptions
  import string
  from xml.sax import saxutils
! from ContainerElement import ContainerElement
  class GRNotFirstRow(ContainerElement):
*** 605,656 ****
      if not isfirst:
        nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
      return nextSection
- class GRLastRow(ContainerElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRLastRow')
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     if islast:
-       nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
-     return nextSection
- class GRNotLastRow(ContainerElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRNotLastRow')
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     if not islast:
-       nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
-     return nextSection
- ############################################################
- #
- # Any namespaced tags designed to
- # simply pass thru our layout engine
- #
- class GRPassThru(ContainerElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRPassThru')
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     dest.write('<%s' % self._xmltag)
-     for attr in self._loadedxmlattrs.keys():
-       dest.write(' %s="%s"' % (attr, 
-     if len(self._children):
-       dest.write('>')
-       nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
-       dest.write('</%s>' % self._xmltag)
-     else:
-       dest.write('/>')
-     return nextSection
-   def getXmlTag(self):
-     return self._xmltag
--- 47,50 ----
Index: gnue/reports/src/base/layout/
diff -c gnue/reports/src/base/layout/ 
*** gnue/reports/src/base/layout/   Wed Jan  1 19:45:49 2003
--- gnue/reports/src/base/layout/        Wed Jan  1 21:06:24 2003
*** 36,620 ****
  import GRExceptions
  import string
  from xml.sax import saxutils
! ############################################################
! #
! # Used to send structural comment
! # Chose not to do  "if COMMENT == 1: dest.write"
! # for performance reasons  # TODO: Was this a good decision?
! #
! def _structuralComment(dest, text):
!   dest.write(text)
! def _noStructuralComment(dest, text):
!   pass
! structuralComment = _noStructuralComment
! ############################################################
! #
! # GRLayout
! #
! class GRLayout (GObj):
!   def __init__(self, parent):
!     GObj.__init__(self, parent, type='GRLayout')
!     self._inits = (self.initialize,)
!     self.suppressGNUeTags = 0
!   def initialize(self):
!     # Find the xml namespace in use by any child passthru objects
!     # If there is more than one object attached to a layout
!     # object, then create an unbound section to contain them.
!     # This is a convenience for the layout engine code :)
!     if  len(self._children) > 1 or \
!        ( len(self._children) and \
!          self._children[0]._type != 'GRSection' ):
!       temp = self._children[:]
!       self._children = []
!       section = GRSection(self)
!       section._children = temp
!       section._buildObject()
!     elif len(self._children) == 0:
!       raise GRExceptions.NoLayoutDefined, \
!         "The layout section does not contain any instructions. What do I do?"
!     self._xmlchildnamespace = self._findNamespace()
!     self._parent._namespace = self._xmlchildnamespace
!   # Find the xml namespace in use by any child passthru objects
!   def _findNamespace(self, object=None):
!     if object==None: object = self
!     for child in object._children:
!       try:
!         if child._xmlnamespace:
!           namespace =  child._xmlnamespace
!         else:
!           namespace = self._findNamespace(child)
!         if namespace:
!           return namespace
!       except AttributeError:
!         pass
!   #
!   # Prepare for running
!   #
!   def prepare(self, mapper, parameters):
!     self._mapper = mapper
!     self._parameters = parameters
!     self.walk(self.__prepare)
!   # Used by prepare()
!   def __prepare(self, object):
!     if isinstance(object, GRLayoutElement):
!       # This all looks confusing, but basically it simply figures out
!       # what section a field or summary actually pulls from and also
!       # makes sure a section, field, or summary isn't trying to use
!       # a source outside of the source's scope.  After it's satisfied
!       # with the results, it adds the element to the mapper object.
!       # TODO: This can probably be simplified by moving
!       # TODO: the various functions to the actual child
!       # TODO: object's phaseInits.
!       parentSection = object.findParentOfType('GRSection',includeSelf=0)
!       if isinstance(object, GRSection) and object._source != None:
!         if parentSection is None:
!           self._mapper.addSection(object._name, object._source, None)
!         else:
!           self._mapper.addSection(object._name,
!                                   object._source,
!                                   parentSection._name)
!         object._mymapper = self._mapper.sectionMap[object._name]
!         object._mymapper._object = object
!       elif isinstance(object, GRField):
!         s = parentSection.getAncestorWithSource(object._source)
!         if s == None:
!           raise GRExceptions.SourceOutOfScope, \
!                 'Field "%s" in section "%s" uses out-of-scope source "%s"' \
!                      % (, parentSection._name, object._source)
!         object._section = s._name
!         if hasattr(object,'section') and object.section:
!           sec = string.lower(object.section)
!           curr = s
!           section = None
!           while curr:
!             if curr._name == sec:
!               section = curr
!               break
!             curr = curr._parent.findParentOfType('GRSection')
!           if section == None:
!             raise GRExceptions.SourceOutOfScope, \
!                 'Field "%s" in section "%s" uses out-of-scope section "%s"' \
!                      % (, parentSection._name, object.section)
!           object._section = section._name
!         object._mymapper = self._mapper.sectionMap[object._section]
!         GDebug.printMesg(6,'Mapping field "%s" to section "%s"' \
!                    % (, object._section))
!         self._mapper.addFieldToSection(object._section,
!       elif isinstance(object, GRSumm):
!         if object.section == None:
!           s = object._parent.findParentOfType('GRSection')
!         else:
!           sec = string.lower(object.section)
!           s = self._mapper.sectionMap[sec]._object
!         if s == None:
!           raise GRExceptions.SourceOutOfScope, \
!             'Summary "%s" in section "%s" uses out-of-scope source "%s"' \
!                  % (object._field,, object._source)
!         object._section = s._name
!         object._mymapper = self._mapper.sectionMap[s._name]
!         GDebug.printMesg(6,'Mapping summary %s [%s] to section %s' \
!                    % (object._field, object.function, object._section))
!         self._mapper.addSummaryToSection(object.function,
!                                  object._section, object._field)
!   #
!   # Process layout and dump output.
!   # self.prepare *must* be called prior to processing
!   #
!   def process(self, dest, includeStructuralComments=0):
!     global structuralComment
!     if includeStructuralComments:
!       structuralComment = _structuralComment
!     for child in self._children:
!       structuralComment(dest, '<!-- [layout] -->')
!       child.processAsController(dest, self._mapper)
!       structuralComment(dest, '<!-- [/layout] -->\n')
! ############################################################
! #
! # Any elements contained within a <layout> element
! # inherit GRLayoutElement
! #
! class GRLayoutElement (GObj,GTriggerExtension):
!   def __init__(self, parent=None, type='GRLayoutElement'):
!     GTriggerExtension.__init__(self)
!     GObj.__init__(self, parent, type=type)
! = None
!     self._source = None
!     self._mymapper = None
!     self._inits = [self.primaryInit]
!   # Called if section contains data
!   def process(self, dest, *args, **parms):
!     tag = self.getXmlTag()
!     attrs = ""
!     for attr in self.__dict__.keys():
!       try:    prefix, att = attr.split('__',1)
!       except: continue
!       if prefix in self._xmlnamespaces.keys():
!         attrs += ' %s="%s"' % (att, saxutils.escape(self.__dict__[attr]))
!     dest.write('<%s%s>' % (tag, attrs))
!     rv = self._process(dest, *args, **parms)
!     dest.write('</%s>' % tag)
!     return rv
!   # Called if section contains data (the non-namespace version)
!   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
!     return nextSection
!   def primaryInit(self):
!     if hasattr(self,'source') and self.source is not None:
!       self._source = self.source
!     else:
!       try:
!         self._source = self._parent._source
!       except AttributeError:
!         self._source = None
!     if not self._xmlnamespaces:
!       # Avoid any overhead if this element doesn't
!       # contain namespace-qualified attributes
!       self.process = self._process
! ############################################################
! #
! # Any elements contained within a <layout> element
! # that can themselves be containers
! #
! class ContainerElement (GRLayoutElement):
!   def __init__(self, parent=None, type='GRContainerElement'):
!     GRLayoutElement.__init__(self, parent, type=type)
!     # TODO: remove.. this is for debugging
!     self._name = "untitled"
!   # Process all children, handling GRSections properly
!   def processChildren(self, dest, mapper,
!                       isfirst, islast, firstSection, nextSection):
!     first = isfirst or self._type == 'GRSection'
!     while 1:
!       if isinstance(self, GRSection) :
!         self.processTrigger('On-Process')
!       for child in self._children:
!         if child._type == "_content_":
!           dest.write(child.getContent())
!         else:
!           # Handle GRSections specially as
!           # they require extra logic
!           if isinstance(child, GRSection):
!             # If this is the top-most section for a datasource,
!             # it needs to be called with processAsController.
!             if child._mymapper.toplevel:
!               GDebug.printMesg(10, "Calling new controlling section")
!               child.processAsController(dest, mapper)
!             # ..otherwise call the GRSection's process method.
!             else:
!               nextSection = child.process(dest, mapper,isfirst=1,
!                                           islast=(nextSection == None) or \
!                                           (nextSection._name not in 
!                                           firstSection=firstSection, 
!           # Don't allow the processing to enter trigger objects
!           elif isinstance(child, GTrigger):
!             pass
!           else:
!             # Handle the layout element.
!             nextSection = child.process(dest, mapper, first, islast,
!                                         firstSection, nextSection)
!       first = 0
!       if nextSection == self:
!         firstSection, nextSection = self.getGotos(mapper)
!         islast = (nextSection == None)
!       else:
!         break
!     return nextSection
!   #
!   #  getAncestorWithSource()
!   #
!   def getAncestorWithSource(self, source):
!     if isinstance(self._parent, GRSection):
!       return self._parent.getAncestorWithSource(source)
!     else:
!       return None
! ############################################################
! #
! # <section> tag
! #
! class GRSection (ContainerElement):
!   def __init__(self, parent):
!     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRSection')
!     self._childSections = []
!     self._validTriggers = {'PRE-SECTION':'Pre-Section',
!                            'POST-SECTION':'Post-Section',
!                            'ON-PROCESS':'On-Process'}
!   def _buildObject(self):
!     if not hasattr(self,'name') or == None:
!       self._name = id(self)
!     else:
!       self._name = string.lower(
!     # Keep track of "child" section names (for the firstRow stuff)
!     psec = self._parent.findParentOfType('GRSection')
!     if psec is not None:
!       psec._childSections = self._childSections[:]
!       psec._childSections.insert(0, self._name)
!     return ContainerElement._buildObject(self)
!   #
!   # Retrieve the first row of data, if available.
!   # Handle default data if no rows retrieved.
!   #
!   def processAsController(self, dest, mapper):
!     GDebug.printMesg(10,
!        "Controlling section %s's processAsController() called" % self._name)
!     if self._source == None:
!       # This is a dataless section...
!       # simply process it's children
!       self.process(dest, mapper, 1, 1, None, None)
!     else:
!       firstSection, nextSection = self.getGotos(mapper, 1)
!       if firstSection:
!         # This is a data-bound section and there
!         # was data returned, so process section
!         self.process(dest, mapper, 1, nextSection == None, self, nextSection)
!       else:
!         # This is a data-bound section and there
!         # was no data returned, so generate default
!         # text (if any)
!         for c2 in self._children:
!           if isinstance (c2, GRDefault):
!             c2.processDefault(dest, mapper)
!   #
!   # Used internally to determine next section to move
!   #
!   def getGotos(self, mapper, init=0):
!     # Determine the next section to process our data.
!     # (i.e., handle section grouping)
!     if init:
!       goto, gotoNext = mapper.getFirstRecord(self._source)
!     else:
!       goto, gotoNext = mapper.getNextRecord(self._source)
!     # Get the actual GRSection objects
!     if not goto:
!       return (None, None)
!     firstSection = mapper.sectionMap[goto]._object
!     if gotoNext:
!       nextSection = mapper.sectionMap[gotoNext]._object
!     else:
!       nextSection = None
!     # And return them
!     return (firstSection, nextSection)
!   #
!   #  getAncestorWithSource()
!   #
!   def getAncestorWithSource(self, source):
!     if self._source == source:
!       return self
!     elif isinstance(self._parent, GRSection):
!       return self._parent.getAncestorWithSource(source)
!     else:
!       return None
!   # Generic process() method.  Process the
!   # current record and handle any children.
!   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
!     self.processTrigger('Pre-Section')
!     GDebug.printMesg(10,"Repeating Section %s" % self._name)
!     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [section:%s] -->" % self._name)
!     nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
!     try:
!       structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [Setting %s to clear on next set] -->" % 
!       mapper.sectionMap[]._clearOnNextSet = 1
!     except KeyError:
!       pass
!     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/section:%s] -->" % self._name)
!     GDebug.printMesg(10,"Leaving section %s" % self._name)
!     self.processTrigger('Post-Section')
!     return nextSection
! ############################################################
! #
! # <default> tag
! # Text in this tag is only displayed if datasource
! # returns no data. Note: this will be the only thing
! # in the section that will be displayed.
! #
! class GRDefault (GObj):
!   def __init__(self, parent=None, type='GRDefault'):
!     GObj.__init__(self, parent, type=type)
! = None
!     self._source = None
!     self._mymapper = None
!   def processDefault(self, dest, mapper):
!     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [default] -->")
!     for child in self._children:
!       if child._type == "_content_":
!         dest.write(child.getContent())
!     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/default] -->")
!   def process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, nextSection):
!     return nextSection
!   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
!     return nextSection
! ############################################################
! #
! # <field> tag
! #
! class GRField (GRLayoutElement):
!   def __init__(self, parent):
!     GRLayoutElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRField')
!     self._section = None
!     self.format = None
!   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
!     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [field:%s] -->" %
!     dest.write (string.replace(saxutils.escape("%s" % 
!                                               self.format)), '\r',''))
!     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/field:%s] -->" %
!     return nextSection
! ############################################################
! #
! # <formula> tag
! #
! class GRFormula (GRLayoutElement):
!   def __init__(self, parent):
!     GRLayoutElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRFormula')
!     self.section = None
!     self.format = None
!     self._inits = [self.init]
!   def _buildObject(self):
!     if self.section:
!       self._section = string.lower(self.section)
!     else:
!       self._section = None
!     return GRLayoutElement._buildObject(self)
!   def init(self):
!     code = ""
!     for f in self.getChildrenAsContent().code.split('\n'):
!       if f.strip()[:1] != '#':
!         code += f + ' '
!     self._code = code
!   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
!     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [formula:%s] -->" % (self.section))
! #    dest.write (self._mymapper.getSummary(self._field, self.function, 
!     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/formula] -->")
!     return nextSection
! ############################################################
! #
! # <summ> tag
! #
! class GRSumm (GRLayoutElement):
!   def __init__(self, parent):
!     GRLayoutElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRSumm')
!     self.section = None
!     self.function = "count"
!     self.format = None
!   def _buildObject(self):
!     if self.section:
!       self._section = string.lower(self.section)
!     else:
!       self._section = None
!     self._field = string.lower(self.field)
!     return GRLayoutElement._buildObject(self)
!   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
!     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [summ:%s:%s:%s] -->" % (self.section, 
self._field, self.function))
!     dest.write (self._mymapper.getSummary(self._field, self.function, 
!     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/summ] -->")
!     return nextSection
! ############################################################
! #
! # Parameters
! #
! class GRParam(GRLayoutElement, GRStubParam):
!   _typestub = 'GRParam'
!   def __init__(self, parent):
!     # This is passed parent=None so that
!     # the GObj.__init__ doesn't add this
!     # object twice to its parent (icky)
!     GRLayoutElement.__init__(self, parent=None)
!     GRStubParam.__init__(self, parent)
!   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
!     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [param:%s] -->" %
!     dest.write (self.getFormattedValue())
!     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/param:%s] -->" %
!     return nextSection
! ############################################################
! #
! # Logic support within sections
! #
! class GRFirstRow(ContainerElement):
!   def __init__(self, parent):
!     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRFirstRow')
!   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
!     if isfirst:
!       nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
!     return nextSection
! class GRNotFirstRow(ContainerElement):
!   def __init__(self, parent):
!     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRNotFirstRow')
!   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
!     if not isfirst:
!       nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
!     return nextSection
! class GRLastRow(ContainerElement):
!   def __init__(self, parent):
!     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRLastRow')
!   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
!     if islast:
!       nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
!     return nextSection
  class GRNotLastRow(ContainerElement):
--- 36,42 ----
  import GRExceptions
  import string
  from xml.sax import saxutils
! from ContainerElement import ContainerElement
  class GRNotLastRow(ContainerElement):
*** 625,656 ****
      if not islast:
        nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
      return nextSection
- ############################################################
- #
- # Any namespaced tags designed to
- # simply pass thru our layout engine
- #
- class GRPassThru(ContainerElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRPassThru')
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     dest.write('<%s' % self._xmltag)
-     for attr in self._loadedxmlattrs.keys():
-       dest.write(' %s="%s"' % (attr, 
-     if len(self._children):
-       dest.write('>')
-       nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
-       dest.write('</%s>' % self._xmltag)
-     else:
-       dest.write('/>')
-     return nextSection
-   def getXmlTag(self):
-     return self._xmltag
--- 47,50 ----
Index: gnue/reports/src/base/layout/
diff -c gnue/reports/src/base/layout/ 
*** gnue/reports/src/base/layout/        Wed Jan  1 19:45:49 2003
--- gnue/reports/src/base/layout/     Wed Jan  1 21:06:24 2003
*** 36,562 ****
  import GRExceptions
  import string
  from xml.sax import saxutils
! ############################################################
! #
! # Used to send structural comment
! # Chose not to do  "if COMMENT == 1: dest.write"
! # for performance reasons  # TODO: Was this a good decision?
! #
! def _structuralComment(dest, text):
!   dest.write(text)
! def _noStructuralComment(dest, text):
!   pass
! structuralComment = _noStructuralComment
! ############################################################
! #
! # GRLayout
! #
! class GRLayout (GObj):
!   def __init__(self, parent):
!     GObj.__init__(self, parent, type='GRLayout')
!     self._inits = (self.initialize,)
!     self.suppressGNUeTags = 0
!   def initialize(self):
!     # Find the xml namespace in use by any child passthru objects
!     # If there is more than one object attached to a layout
!     # object, then create an unbound section to contain them.
!     # This is a convenience for the layout engine code :)
!     if  len(self._children) > 1 or \
!        ( len(self._children) and \
!          self._children[0]._type != 'GRSection' ):
!       temp = self._children[:]
!       self._children = []
!       section = GRSection(self)
!       section._children = temp
!       section._buildObject()
!     elif len(self._children) == 0:
!       raise GRExceptions.NoLayoutDefined, \
!         "The layout section does not contain any instructions. What do I do?"
!     self._xmlchildnamespace = self._findNamespace()
!     self._parent._namespace = self._xmlchildnamespace
!   # Find the xml namespace in use by any child passthru objects
!   def _findNamespace(self, object=None):
!     if object==None: object = self
!     for child in object._children:
!       try:
!         if child._xmlnamespace:
!           namespace =  child._xmlnamespace
!         else:
!           namespace = self._findNamespace(child)
!         if namespace:
!           return namespace
!       except AttributeError:
!         pass
!   #
!   # Prepare for running
!   #
!   def prepare(self, mapper, parameters):
!     self._mapper = mapper
!     self._parameters = parameters
!     self.walk(self.__prepare)
!   # Used by prepare()
!   def __prepare(self, object):
!     if isinstance(object, GRLayoutElement):
!       # This all looks confusing, but basically it simply figures out
!       # what section a field or summary actually pulls from and also
!       # makes sure a section, field, or summary isn't trying to use
!       # a source outside of the source's scope.  After it's satisfied
!       # with the results, it adds the element to the mapper object.
!       # TODO: This can probably be simplified by moving
!       # TODO: the various functions to the actual child
!       # TODO: object's phaseInits.
!       parentSection = object.findParentOfType('GRSection',includeSelf=0)
!       if isinstance(object, GRSection) and object._source != None:
!         if parentSection is None:
!           self._mapper.addSection(object._name, object._source, None)
!         else:
!           self._mapper.addSection(object._name,
!                                   object._source,
!                                   parentSection._name)
!         object._mymapper = self._mapper.sectionMap[object._name]
!         object._mymapper._object = object
!       elif isinstance(object, GRField):
!         s = parentSection.getAncestorWithSource(object._source)
!         if s == None:
!           raise GRExceptions.SourceOutOfScope, \
!                 'Field "%s" in section "%s" uses out-of-scope source "%s"' \
!                      % (, parentSection._name, object._source)
!         object._section = s._name
!         if hasattr(object,'section') and object.section:
!           sec = string.lower(object.section)
!           curr = s
!           section = None
!           while curr:
!             if curr._name == sec:
!               section = curr
!               break
!             curr = curr._parent.findParentOfType('GRSection')
!           if section == None:
!             raise GRExceptions.SourceOutOfScope, \
!                 'Field "%s" in section "%s" uses out-of-scope section "%s"' \
!                      % (, parentSection._name, object.section)
!           object._section = section._name
!         object._mymapper = self._mapper.sectionMap[object._section]
!         GDebug.printMesg(6,'Mapping field "%s" to section "%s"' \
!                    % (, object._section))
!         self._mapper.addFieldToSection(object._section,
!       elif isinstance(object, GRSumm):
!         if object.section == None:
!           s = object._parent.findParentOfType('GRSection')
!         else:
!           sec = string.lower(object.section)
!           s = self._mapper.sectionMap[sec]._object
!         if s == None:
!           raise GRExceptions.SourceOutOfScope, \
!             'Summary "%s" in section "%s" uses out-of-scope source "%s"' \
!                  % (object._field,, object._source)
!         object._section = s._name
!         object._mymapper = self._mapper.sectionMap[s._name]
!         GDebug.printMesg(6,'Mapping summary %s [%s] to section %s' \
!                    % (object._field, object.function, object._section))
!         self._mapper.addSummaryToSection(object.function,
!                                  object._section, object._field)
!   #
!   # Process layout and dump output.
!   # self.prepare *must* be called prior to processing
!   #
!   def process(self, dest, includeStructuralComments=0):
!     global structuralComment
!     if includeStructuralComments:
!       structuralComment = _structuralComment
!     for child in self._children:
!       structuralComment(dest, '<!-- [layout] -->')
!       child.processAsController(dest, self._mapper)
!       structuralComment(dest, '<!-- [/layout] -->\n')
! ############################################################
! #
! # Any elements contained within a <layout> element
! # inherit GRLayoutElement
! #
! class GRLayoutElement (GObj,GTriggerExtension):
!   def __init__(self, parent=None, type='GRLayoutElement'):
!     GTriggerExtension.__init__(self)
!     GObj.__init__(self, parent, type=type)
! = None
!     self._source = None
!     self._mymapper = None
!     self._inits = [self.primaryInit]
!   # Called if section contains data
!   def process(self, dest, *args, **parms):
!     tag = self.getXmlTag()
!     attrs = ""
!     for attr in self.__dict__.keys():
!       try:    prefix, att = attr.split('__',1)
!       except: continue
!       if prefix in self._xmlnamespaces.keys():
!         attrs += ' %s="%s"' % (att, saxutils.escape(self.__dict__[attr]))
!     dest.write('<%s%s>' % (tag, attrs))
!     rv = self._process(dest, *args, **parms)
!     dest.write('</%s>' % tag)
!     return rv
!   # Called if section contains data (the non-namespace version)
!   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
!     return nextSection
!   def primaryInit(self):
!     if hasattr(self,'source') and self.source is not None:
!       self._source = self.source
!     else:
!       try:
!         self._source = self._parent._source
!       except AttributeError:
!         self._source = None
!     if not self._xmlnamespaces:
!       # Avoid any overhead if this element doesn't
!       # contain namespace-qualified attributes
!       self.process = self._process
! ############################################################
! #
! # Any elements contained within a <layout> element
! # that can themselves be containers
! #
! class ContainerElement (GRLayoutElement):
!   def __init__(self, parent=None, type='GRContainerElement'):
!     GRLayoutElement.__init__(self, parent, type=type)
!     # TODO: remove.. this is for debugging
!     self._name = "untitled"
!   # Process all children, handling GRSections properly
!   def processChildren(self, dest, mapper,
!                       isfirst, islast, firstSection, nextSection):
!     first = isfirst or self._type == 'GRSection'
!     while 1:
!       if isinstance(self, GRSection) :
!         self.processTrigger('On-Process')
!       for child in self._children:
!         if child._type == "_content_":
!           dest.write(child.getContent())
!         else:
!           # Handle GRSections specially as
!           # they require extra logic
!           if isinstance(child, GRSection):
!             # If this is the top-most section for a datasource,
!             # it needs to be called with processAsController.
!             if child._mymapper.toplevel:
!               GDebug.printMesg(10, "Calling new controlling section")
!               child.processAsController(dest, mapper)
!             # ..otherwise call the GRSection's process method.
!             else:
!               nextSection = child.process(dest, mapper,isfirst=1,
!                                           islast=(nextSection == None) or \
!                                           (nextSection._name not in 
!                                           firstSection=firstSection, 
!           # Don't allow the processing to enter trigger objects
!           elif isinstance(child, GTrigger):
!             pass
!           else:
!             # Handle the layout element.
!             nextSection = child.process(dest, mapper, first, islast,
!                                         firstSection, nextSection)
!       first = 0
!       if nextSection == self:
!         firstSection, nextSection = self.getGotos(mapper)
!         islast = (nextSection == None)
!       else:
!         break
!     return nextSection
!   #
!   #  getAncestorWithSource()
!   #
!   def getAncestorWithSource(self, source):
!     if isinstance(self._parent, GRSection):
!       return self._parent.getAncestorWithSource(source)
!     else:
!       return None
! ############################################################
! #
! # <section> tag
! #
! class GRSection (ContainerElement):
!   def __init__(self, parent):
!     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRSection')
!     self._childSections = []
!     self._validTriggers = {'PRE-SECTION':'Pre-Section',
!                            'POST-SECTION':'Post-Section',
!                            'ON-PROCESS':'On-Process'}
!   def _buildObject(self):
!     if not hasattr(self,'name') or == None:
!       self._name = id(self)
!     else:
!       self._name = string.lower(
!     # Keep track of "child" section names (for the firstRow stuff)
!     psec = self._parent.findParentOfType('GRSection')
!     if psec is not None:
!       psec._childSections = self._childSections[:]
!       psec._childSections.insert(0, self._name)
!     return ContainerElement._buildObject(self)
!   #
!   # Retrieve the first row of data, if available.
!   # Handle default data if no rows retrieved.
!   #
!   def processAsController(self, dest, mapper):
!     GDebug.printMesg(10,
!        "Controlling section %s's processAsController() called" % self._name)
!     if self._source == None:
!       # This is a dataless section...
!       # simply process it's children
!       self.process(dest, mapper, 1, 1, None, None)
!     else:
!       firstSection, nextSection = self.getGotos(mapper, 1)
!       if firstSection:
!         # This is a data-bound section and there
!         # was data returned, so process section
!         self.process(dest, mapper, 1, nextSection == None, self, nextSection)
!       else:
!         # This is a data-bound section and there
!         # was no data returned, so generate default
!         # text (if any)
!         for c2 in self._children:
!           if isinstance (c2, GRDefault):
!             c2.processDefault(dest, mapper)
!   #
!   # Used internally to determine next section to move
!   #
!   def getGotos(self, mapper, init=0):
!     # Determine the next section to process our data.
!     # (i.e., handle section grouping)
!     if init:
!       goto, gotoNext = mapper.getFirstRecord(self._source)
!     else:
!       goto, gotoNext = mapper.getNextRecord(self._source)
!     # Get the actual GRSection objects
!     if not goto:
!       return (None, None)
!     firstSection = mapper.sectionMap[goto]._object
!     if gotoNext:
!       nextSection = mapper.sectionMap[gotoNext]._object
!     else:
!       nextSection = None
!     # And return them
!     return (firstSection, nextSection)
!   #
!   #  getAncestorWithSource()
!   #
!   def getAncestorWithSource(self, source):
!     if self._source == source:
!       return self
!     elif isinstance(self._parent, GRSection):
!       return self._parent.getAncestorWithSource(source)
!     else:
!       return None
!   # Generic process() method.  Process the
!   # current record and handle any children.
!   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
!     self.processTrigger('Pre-Section')
!     GDebug.printMesg(10,"Repeating Section %s" % self._name)
!     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [section:%s] -->" % self._name)
!     nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
!     try:
!       structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [Setting %s to clear on next set] -->" % 
!       mapper.sectionMap[]._clearOnNextSet = 1
!     except KeyError:
!       pass
!     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/section:%s] -->" % self._name)
!     GDebug.printMesg(10,"Leaving section %s" % self._name)
!     self.processTrigger('Post-Section')
!     return nextSection
! ############################################################
! #
! # <default> tag
! # Text in this tag is only displayed if datasource
! # returns no data. Note: this will be the only thing
! # in the section that will be displayed.
! #
! class GRDefault (GObj):
!   def __init__(self, parent=None, type='GRDefault'):
!     GObj.__init__(self, parent, type=type)
! = None
!     self._source = None
!     self._mymapper = None
!   def processDefault(self, dest, mapper):
!     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [default] -->")
!     for child in self._children:
!       if child._type == "_content_":
!         dest.write(child.getContent())
!     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/default] -->")
!   def process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, nextSection):
!     return nextSection
!   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
!     return nextSection
! ############################################################
! #
! # <field> tag
! #
! class GRField (GRLayoutElement):
!   def __init__(self, parent):
!     GRLayoutElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRField')
!     self._section = None
!     self.format = None
!   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
!     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [field:%s] -->" %
!     dest.write (string.replace(saxutils.escape("%s" % 
!                                               self.format)), '\r',''))
!     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/field:%s] -->" %
!     return nextSection
! ############################################################
! #
! # <formula> tag
! #
! class GRFormula (GRLayoutElement):
!   def __init__(self, parent):
!     GRLayoutElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRFormula')
!     self.section = None
!     self.format = None
!     self._inits = [self.init]
!   def _buildObject(self):
!     if self.section:
!       self._section = string.lower(self.section)
!     else:
!       self._section = None
!     return GRLayoutElement._buildObject(self)
!   def init(self):
!     code = ""
!     for f in self.getChildrenAsContent().code.split('\n'):
!       if f.strip()[:1] != '#':
!         code += f + ' '
!     self._code = code
!   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
!     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [formula:%s] -->" % (self.section))
! #    dest.write (self._mymapper.getSummary(self._field, self.function, 
!     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/formula] -->")
!     return nextSection
! ############################################################
! #
! # <summ> tag
! #
! class GRSumm (GRLayoutElement):
!   def __init__(self, parent):
!     GRLayoutElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRSumm')
!     self.section = None
!     self.function = "count"
!     self.format = None
!   def _buildObject(self):
!     if self.section:
!       self._section = string.lower(self.section)
!     else:
!       self._section = None
!     self._field = string.lower(self.field)
!     return GRLayoutElement._buildObject(self)
!   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
!     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [summ:%s:%s:%s] -->" % (self.section, 
self._field, self.function))
!     dest.write (self._mymapper.getSummary(self._field, self.function, 
!     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/summ] -->")
!     return nextSection
--- 36,42 ----
  import GRExceptions
  import string
  from xml.sax import saxutils
! from GRLayoutElement import GRLayoutElement
*** 577,656 ****
      dest.write (self.getFormattedValue())
      structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/param:%s] -->" %
      return nextSection
- ############################################################
- #
- # Logic support within sections
- #
- class GRFirstRow(ContainerElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRFirstRow')
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     if isfirst:
-       nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
-     return nextSection
- class GRNotFirstRow(ContainerElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRNotFirstRow')
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     if not isfirst:
-       nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
-     return nextSection
- class GRLastRow(ContainerElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRLastRow')
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     if islast:
-       nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
-     return nextSection
- class GRNotLastRow(ContainerElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRNotLastRow')
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     if not islast:
-       nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
-     return nextSection
- ############################################################
- #
- # Any namespaced tags designed to
- # simply pass thru our layout engine
- #
- class GRPassThru(ContainerElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRPassThru')
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     dest.write('<%s' % self._xmltag)
-     for attr in self._loadedxmlattrs.keys():
-       dest.write(' %s="%s"' % (attr, 
-     if len(self._children):
-       dest.write('>')
-       nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
-       dest.write('</%s>' % self._xmltag)
-     else:
-       dest.write('/>')
-     return nextSection
-   def getXmlTag(self):
-     return self._xmltag
--- 57,59 ----
Index: gnue/reports/src/base/layout/
diff -c gnue/reports/src/base/layout/ 
*** gnue/reports/src/base/layout/     Wed Jan  1 19:45:49 2003
--- gnue/reports/src/base/layout/  Wed Jan  1 21:06:24 2003
*** 36,631 ****
  import GRExceptions
  import string
  from xml.sax import saxutils
! ############################################################
! #
! # Used to send structural comment
! # Chose not to do  "if COMMENT == 1: dest.write"
! # for performance reasons  # TODO: Was this a good decision?
! #
! def _structuralComment(dest, text):
!   dest.write(text)
! def _noStructuralComment(dest, text):
!   pass
! structuralComment = _noStructuralComment
! ############################################################
! #
! # GRLayout
! #
! class GRLayout (GObj):
!   def __init__(self, parent):
!     GObj.__init__(self, parent, type='GRLayout')
!     self._inits = (self.initialize,)
!     self.suppressGNUeTags = 0
!   def initialize(self):
!     # Find the xml namespace in use by any child passthru objects
!     # If there is more than one object attached to a layout
!     # object, then create an unbound section to contain them.
!     # This is a convenience for the layout engine code :)
!     if  len(self._children) > 1 or \
!        ( len(self._children) and \
!          self._children[0]._type != 'GRSection' ):
!       temp = self._children[:]
!       self._children = []
!       section = GRSection(self)
!       section._children = temp
!       section._buildObject()
!     elif len(self._children) == 0:
!       raise GRExceptions.NoLayoutDefined, \
!         "The layout section does not contain any instructions. What do I do?"
!     self._xmlchildnamespace = self._findNamespace()
!     self._parent._namespace = self._xmlchildnamespace
!   # Find the xml namespace in use by any child passthru objects
!   def _findNamespace(self, object=None):
!     if object==None: object = self
!     for child in object._children:
!       try:
!         if child._xmlnamespace:
!           namespace =  child._xmlnamespace
!         else:
!           namespace = self._findNamespace(child)
!         if namespace:
!           return namespace
!       except AttributeError:
!         pass
!   #
!   # Prepare for running
!   #
!   def prepare(self, mapper, parameters):
!     self._mapper = mapper
!     self._parameters = parameters
!     self.walk(self.__prepare)
!   # Used by prepare()
!   def __prepare(self, object):
!     if isinstance(object, GRLayoutElement):
!       # This all looks confusing, but basically it simply figures out
!       # what section a field or summary actually pulls from and also
!       # makes sure a section, field, or summary isn't trying to use
!       # a source outside of the source's scope.  After it's satisfied
!       # with the results, it adds the element to the mapper object.
!       # TODO: This can probably be simplified by moving
!       # TODO: the various functions to the actual child
!       # TODO: object's phaseInits.
!       parentSection = object.findParentOfType('GRSection',includeSelf=0)
!       if isinstance(object, GRSection) and object._source != None:
!         if parentSection is None:
!           self._mapper.addSection(object._name, object._source, None)
!         else:
!           self._mapper.addSection(object._name,
!                                   object._source,
!                                   parentSection._name)
!         object._mymapper = self._mapper.sectionMap[object._name]
!         object._mymapper._object = object
!       elif isinstance(object, GRField):
!         s = parentSection.getAncestorWithSource(object._source)
!         if s == None:
!           raise GRExceptions.SourceOutOfScope, \
!                 'Field "%s" in section "%s" uses out-of-scope source "%s"' \
!                      % (, parentSection._name, object._source)
!         object._section = s._name
!         if hasattr(object,'section') and object.section:
!           sec = string.lower(object.section)
!           curr = s
!           section = None
!           while curr:
!             if curr._name == sec:
!               section = curr
!               break
!             curr = curr._parent.findParentOfType('GRSection')
!           if section == None:
!             raise GRExceptions.SourceOutOfScope, \
!                 'Field "%s" in section "%s" uses out-of-scope section "%s"' \
!                      % (, parentSection._name, object.section)
!           object._section = section._name
!         object._mymapper = self._mapper.sectionMap[object._section]
!         GDebug.printMesg(6,'Mapping field "%s" to section "%s"' \
!                    % (, object._section))
!         self._mapper.addFieldToSection(object._section,
!       elif isinstance(object, GRSumm):
!         if object.section == None:
!           s = object._parent.findParentOfType('GRSection')
!         else:
!           sec = string.lower(object.section)
!           s = self._mapper.sectionMap[sec]._object
!         if s == None:
!           raise GRExceptions.SourceOutOfScope, \
!             'Summary "%s" in section "%s" uses out-of-scope source "%s"' \
!                  % (object._field,, object._source)
!         object._section = s._name
!         object._mymapper = self._mapper.sectionMap[s._name]
!         GDebug.printMesg(6,'Mapping summary %s [%s] to section %s' \
!                    % (object._field, object.function, object._section))
!         self._mapper.addSummaryToSection(object.function,
!                                  object._section, object._field)
!   #
!   # Process layout and dump output.
!   # self.prepare *must* be called prior to processing
!   #
!   def process(self, dest, includeStructuralComments=0):
!     global structuralComment
!     if includeStructuralComments:
!       structuralComment = _structuralComment
!     for child in self._children:
!       structuralComment(dest, '<!-- [layout] -->')
!       child.processAsController(dest, self._mapper)
!       structuralComment(dest, '<!-- [/layout] -->\n')
! ############################################################
! #
! # Any elements contained within a <layout> element
! # inherit GRLayoutElement
! #
! class GRLayoutElement (GObj,GTriggerExtension):
!   def __init__(self, parent=None, type='GRLayoutElement'):
!     GTriggerExtension.__init__(self)
!     GObj.__init__(self, parent, type=type)
! = None
!     self._source = None
!     self._mymapper = None
!     self._inits = [self.primaryInit]
!   # Called if section contains data
!   def process(self, dest, *args, **parms):
!     tag = self.getXmlTag()
!     attrs = ""
!     for attr in self.__dict__.keys():
!       try:    prefix, att = attr.split('__',1)
!       except: continue
!       if prefix in self._xmlnamespaces.keys():
!         attrs += ' %s="%s"' % (att, saxutils.escape(self.__dict__[attr]))
!     dest.write('<%s%s>' % (tag, attrs))
!     rv = self._process(dest, *args, **parms)
!     dest.write('</%s>' % tag)
!     return rv
!   # Called if section contains data (the non-namespace version)
!   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
!     return nextSection
!   def primaryInit(self):
!     if hasattr(self,'source') and self.source is not None:
!       self._source = self.source
!     else:
!       try:
!         self._source = self._parent._source
!       except AttributeError:
!         self._source = None
!     if not self._xmlnamespaces:
!       # Avoid any overhead if this element doesn't
!       # contain namespace-qualified attributes
!       self.process = self._process
! ############################################################
! #
! # Any elements contained within a <layout> element
! # that can themselves be containers
! #
! class ContainerElement (GRLayoutElement):
!   def __init__(self, parent=None, type='GRContainerElement'):
!     GRLayoutElement.__init__(self, parent, type=type)
!     # TODO: remove.. this is for debugging
!     self._name = "untitled"
!   # Process all children, handling GRSections properly
!   def processChildren(self, dest, mapper,
!                       isfirst, islast, firstSection, nextSection):
!     first = isfirst or self._type == 'GRSection'
!     while 1:
!       if isinstance(self, GRSection) :
!         self.processTrigger('On-Process')
!       for child in self._children:
!         if child._type == "_content_":
!           dest.write(child.getContent())
!         else:
!           # Handle GRSections specially as
!           # they require extra logic
!           if isinstance(child, GRSection):
!             # If this is the top-most section for a datasource,
!             # it needs to be called with processAsController.
!             if child._mymapper.toplevel:
!               GDebug.printMesg(10, "Calling new controlling section")
!               child.processAsController(dest, mapper)
!             # ..otherwise call the GRSection's process method.
!             else:
!               nextSection = child.process(dest, mapper,isfirst=1,
!                                           islast=(nextSection == None) or \
!                                           (nextSection._name not in 
!                                           firstSection=firstSection, 
!           # Don't allow the processing to enter trigger objects
!           elif isinstance(child, GTrigger):
!             pass
!           else:
!             # Handle the layout element.
!             nextSection = child.process(dest, mapper, first, islast,
!                                         firstSection, nextSection)
!       first = 0
!       if nextSection == self:
!         firstSection, nextSection = self.getGotos(mapper)
!         islast = (nextSection == None)
!       else:
!         break
!     return nextSection
!   #
!   #  getAncestorWithSource()
!   #
!   def getAncestorWithSource(self, source):
!     if isinstance(self._parent, GRSection):
!       return self._parent.getAncestorWithSource(source)
!     else:
!       return None
! ############################################################
! #
! # <section> tag
! #
! class GRSection (ContainerElement):
!   def __init__(self, parent):
!     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRSection')
!     self._childSections = []
!     self._validTriggers = {'PRE-SECTION':'Pre-Section',
!                            'POST-SECTION':'Post-Section',
!                            'ON-PROCESS':'On-Process'}
!   def _buildObject(self):
!     if not hasattr(self,'name') or == None:
!       self._name = id(self)
!     else:
!       self._name = string.lower(
!     # Keep track of "child" section names (for the firstRow stuff)
!     psec = self._parent.findParentOfType('GRSection')
!     if psec is not None:
!       psec._childSections = self._childSections[:]
!       psec._childSections.insert(0, self._name)
!     return ContainerElement._buildObject(self)
!   #
!   # Retrieve the first row of data, if available.
!   # Handle default data if no rows retrieved.
!   #
!   def processAsController(self, dest, mapper):
!     GDebug.printMesg(10,
!        "Controlling section %s's processAsController() called" % self._name)
!     if self._source == None:
!       # This is a dataless section...
!       # simply process it's children
!       self.process(dest, mapper, 1, 1, None, None)
!     else:
!       firstSection, nextSection = self.getGotos(mapper, 1)
!       if firstSection:
!         # This is a data-bound section and there
!         # was data returned, so process section
!         self.process(dest, mapper, 1, nextSection == None, self, nextSection)
!       else:
!         # This is a data-bound section and there
!         # was no data returned, so generate default
!         # text (if any)
!         for c2 in self._children:
!           if isinstance (c2, GRDefault):
!             c2.processDefault(dest, mapper)
!   #
!   # Used internally to determine next section to move
!   #
!   def getGotos(self, mapper, init=0):
!     # Determine the next section to process our data.
!     # (i.e., handle section grouping)
!     if init:
!       goto, gotoNext = mapper.getFirstRecord(self._source)
!     else:
!       goto, gotoNext = mapper.getNextRecord(self._source)
!     # Get the actual GRSection objects
!     if not goto:
!       return (None, None)
!     firstSection = mapper.sectionMap[goto]._object
!     if gotoNext:
!       nextSection = mapper.sectionMap[gotoNext]._object
!     else:
!       nextSection = None
!     # And return them
!     return (firstSection, nextSection)
!   #
!   #  getAncestorWithSource()
!   #
!   def getAncestorWithSource(self, source):
!     if self._source == source:
!       return self
!     elif isinstance(self._parent, GRSection):
!       return self._parent.getAncestorWithSource(source)
!     else:
!       return None
!   # Generic process() method.  Process the
!   # current record and handle any children.
!   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
!     self.processTrigger('Pre-Section')
!     GDebug.printMesg(10,"Repeating Section %s" % self._name)
!     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [section:%s] -->" % self._name)
!     nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
!     try:
!       structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [Setting %s to clear on next set] -->" % 
!       mapper.sectionMap[]._clearOnNextSet = 1
!     except KeyError:
!       pass
!     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/section:%s] -->" % self._name)
!     GDebug.printMesg(10,"Leaving section %s" % self._name)
!     self.processTrigger('Post-Section')
!     return nextSection
! ############################################################
! #
! # <default> tag
! # Text in this tag is only displayed if datasource
! # returns no data. Note: this will be the only thing
! # in the section that will be displayed.
! #
! class GRDefault (GObj):
!   def __init__(self, parent=None, type='GRDefault'):
!     GObj.__init__(self, parent, type=type)
! = None
!     self._source = None
!     self._mymapper = None
!   def processDefault(self, dest, mapper):
!     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [default] -->")
!     for child in self._children:
!       if child._type == "_content_":
!         dest.write(child.getContent())
!     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/default] -->")
!   def process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, nextSection):
!     return nextSection
!   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
!     return nextSection
! ############################################################
! #
! # <field> tag
! #
! class GRField (GRLayoutElement):
!   def __init__(self, parent):
!     GRLayoutElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRField')
!     self._section = None
!     self.format = None
!   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
!     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [field:%s] -->" %
!     dest.write (string.replace(saxutils.escape("%s" % 
!                                               self.format)), '\r',''))
!     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/field:%s] -->" %
!     return nextSection
! ############################################################
! #
! # <formula> tag
! #
! class GRFormula (GRLayoutElement):
!   def __init__(self, parent):
!     GRLayoutElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRFormula')
!     self.section = None
!     self.format = None
!     self._inits = [self.init]
!   def _buildObject(self):
!     if self.section:
!       self._section = string.lower(self.section)
!     else:
!       self._section = None
!     return GRLayoutElement._buildObject(self)
!   def init(self):
!     code = ""
!     for f in self.getChildrenAsContent().code.split('\n'):
!       if f.strip()[:1] != '#':
!         code += f + ' '
!     self._code = code
!   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
!     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [formula:%s] -->" % (self.section))
! #    dest.write (self._mymapper.getSummary(self._field, self.function, 
!     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/formula] -->")
!     return nextSection
! ############################################################
! #
! # <summ> tag
! #
! class GRSumm (GRLayoutElement):
!   def __init__(self, parent):
!     GRLayoutElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRSumm')
!     self.section = None
!     self.function = "count"
!     self.format = None
!   def _buildObject(self):
!     if self.section:
!       self._section = string.lower(self.section)
!     else:
!       self._section = None
!     self._field = string.lower(self.field)
!     return GRLayoutElement._buildObject(self)
!   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
!     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [summ:%s:%s:%s] -->" % (self.section, 
self._field, self.function))
!     dest.write (self._mymapper.getSummary(self._field, self.function, 
!     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/summ] -->")
!     return nextSection
! ############################################################
! #
! # Parameters
! #
! class GRParam(GRLayoutElement, GRStubParam):
!   _typestub = 'GRParam'
!   def __init__(self, parent):
!     # This is passed parent=None so that
!     # the GObj.__init__ doesn't add this
!     # object twice to its parent (icky)
!     GRLayoutElement.__init__(self, parent=None)
!     GRStubParam.__init__(self, parent)
!   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
!     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [param:%s] -->" %
!     dest.write (self.getFormattedValue())
!     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/param:%s] -->" %
!     return nextSection
! ############################################################
! #
! # Logic support within sections
! #
! class GRFirstRow(ContainerElement):
!   def __init__(self, parent):
!     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRFirstRow')
!   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
!     if isfirst:
!       nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
!     return nextSection
! class GRNotFirstRow(ContainerElement):
!   def __init__(self, parent):
!     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRNotFirstRow')
!   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
!     if not isfirst:
!       nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
!     return nextSection
! class GRLastRow(ContainerElement):
!   def __init__(self, parent):
!     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRLastRow')
!   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
!     if islast:
!       nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
!     return nextSection
! class GRNotLastRow(ContainerElement):
!   def __init__(self, parent):
!     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRNotLastRow')
!   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
!     if not islast:
!       nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
!     return nextSection
--- 36,42 ----
  import GRExceptions
  import string
  from xml.sax import saxutils
! from ContainerElement import ContainerElement
Index: gnue/reports/src/base/layout/
diff -c gnue/reports/src/base/layout/ 
*** gnue/reports/src/base/layout/      Wed Jan  1 19:45:49 2003
--- gnue/reports/src/base/layout/   Wed Jan  1 21:06:24 2003
*** 36,331 ****
  import GRExceptions
  import string
  from xml.sax import saxutils
! ############################################################
! #
! # Used to send structural comment
! # Chose not to do  "if COMMENT == 1: dest.write"
! # for performance reasons  # TODO: Was this a good decision?
! #
! def _structuralComment(dest, text):
!   dest.write(text)
! def _noStructuralComment(dest, text):
!   pass
! structuralComment = _noStructuralComment
! ############################################################
! #
! # GRLayout
! #
! class GRLayout (GObj):
!   def __init__(self, parent):
!     GObj.__init__(self, parent, type='GRLayout')
!     self._inits = (self.initialize,)
!     self.suppressGNUeTags = 0
!   def initialize(self):
!     # Find the xml namespace in use by any child passthru objects
!     # If there is more than one object attached to a layout
!     # object, then create an unbound section to contain them.
!     # This is a convenience for the layout engine code :)
!     if  len(self._children) > 1 or \
!        ( len(self._children) and \
!          self._children[0]._type != 'GRSection' ):
!       temp = self._children[:]
!       self._children = []
!       section = GRSection(self)
!       section._children = temp
!       section._buildObject()
!     elif len(self._children) == 0:
!       raise GRExceptions.NoLayoutDefined, \
!         "The layout section does not contain any instructions. What do I do?"
!     self._xmlchildnamespace = self._findNamespace()
!     self._parent._namespace = self._xmlchildnamespace
!   # Find the xml namespace in use by any child passthru objects
!   def _findNamespace(self, object=None):
!     if object==None: object = self
!     for child in object._children:
!       try:
!         if child._xmlnamespace:
!           namespace =  child._xmlnamespace
!         else:
!           namespace = self._findNamespace(child)
!         if namespace:
!           return namespace
!       except AttributeError:
!         pass
!   #
!   # Prepare for running
!   #
!   def prepare(self, mapper, parameters):
!     self._mapper = mapper
!     self._parameters = parameters
!     self.walk(self.__prepare)
!   # Used by prepare()
!   def __prepare(self, object):
!     if isinstance(object, GRLayoutElement):
!       # This all looks confusing, but basically it simply figures out
!       # what section a field or summary actually pulls from and also
!       # makes sure a section, field, or summary isn't trying to use
!       # a source outside of the source's scope.  After it's satisfied
!       # with the results, it adds the element to the mapper object.
!       # TODO: This can probably be simplified by moving
!       # TODO: the various functions to the actual child
!       # TODO: object's phaseInits.
!       parentSection = object.findParentOfType('GRSection',includeSelf=0)
!       if isinstance(object, GRSection) and object._source != None:
!         if parentSection is None:
!           self._mapper.addSection(object._name, object._source, None)
!         else:
!           self._mapper.addSection(object._name,
!                                   object._source,
!                                   parentSection._name)
!         object._mymapper = self._mapper.sectionMap[object._name]
!         object._mymapper._object = object
!       elif isinstance(object, GRField):
!         s = parentSection.getAncestorWithSource(object._source)
!         if s == None:
!           raise GRExceptions.SourceOutOfScope, \
!                 'Field "%s" in section "%s" uses out-of-scope source "%s"' \
!                      % (, parentSection._name, object._source)
!         object._section = s._name
!         if hasattr(object,'section') and object.section:
!           sec = string.lower(object.section)
!           curr = s
!           section = None
!           while curr:
!             if curr._name == sec:
!               section = curr
!               break
!             curr = curr._parent.findParentOfType('GRSection')
!           if section == None:
!             raise GRExceptions.SourceOutOfScope, \
!                 'Field "%s" in section "%s" uses out-of-scope section "%s"' \
!                      % (, parentSection._name, object.section)
!           object._section = section._name
!         object._mymapper = self._mapper.sectionMap[object._section]
!         GDebug.printMesg(6,'Mapping field "%s" to section "%s"' \
!                    % (, object._section))
!         self._mapper.addFieldToSection(object._section,
!       elif isinstance(object, GRSumm):
!         if object.section == None:
!           s = object._parent.findParentOfType('GRSection')
!         else:
!           sec = string.lower(object.section)
!           s = self._mapper.sectionMap[sec]._object
!         if s == None:
!           raise GRExceptions.SourceOutOfScope, \
!             'Summary "%s" in section "%s" uses out-of-scope source "%s"' \
!                  % (object._field,, object._source)
!         object._section = s._name
!         object._mymapper = self._mapper.sectionMap[s._name]
!         GDebug.printMesg(6,'Mapping summary %s [%s] to section %s' \
!                    % (object._field, object.function, object._section))
!         self._mapper.addSummaryToSection(object.function,
!                                  object._section, object._field)
!   #
!   # Process layout and dump output.
!   # self.prepare *must* be called prior to processing
!   #
!   def process(self, dest, includeStructuralComments=0):
!     global structuralComment
!     if includeStructuralComments:
!       structuralComment = _structuralComment
!     for child in self._children:
!       structuralComment(dest, '<!-- [layout] -->')
!       child.processAsController(dest, self._mapper)
!       structuralComment(dest, '<!-- [/layout] -->\n')
! ############################################################
! #
! # Any elements contained within a <layout> element
! # inherit GRLayoutElement
! #
! class GRLayoutElement (GObj,GTriggerExtension):
!   def __init__(self, parent=None, type='GRLayoutElement'):
!     GTriggerExtension.__init__(self)
!     GObj.__init__(self, parent, type=type)
! = None
!     self._source = None
!     self._mymapper = None
!     self._inits = [self.primaryInit]
!   # Called if section contains data
!   def process(self, dest, *args, **parms):
!     tag = self.getXmlTag()
!     attrs = ""
!     for attr in self.__dict__.keys():
!       try:    prefix, att = attr.split('__',1)
!       except: continue
!       if prefix in self._xmlnamespaces.keys():
!         attrs += ' %s="%s"' % (att, saxutils.escape(self.__dict__[attr]))
!     dest.write('<%s%s>' % (tag, attrs))
!     rv = self._process(dest, *args, **parms)
!     dest.write('</%s>' % tag)
!     return rv
!   # Called if section contains data (the non-namespace version)
!   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
!     return nextSection
!   def primaryInit(self):
!     if hasattr(self,'source') and self.source is not None:
!       self._source = self.source
!     else:
!       try:
!         self._source = self._parent._source
!       except AttributeError:
!         self._source = None
!     if not self._xmlnamespaces:
!       # Avoid any overhead if this element doesn't
!       # contain namespace-qualified attributes
!       self.process = self._process
! ############################################################
! #
! # Any elements contained within a <layout> element
! # that can themselves be containers
! #
! class ContainerElement (GRLayoutElement):
!   def __init__(self, parent=None, type='GRContainerElement'):
!     GRLayoutElement.__init__(self, parent, type=type)
!     # TODO: remove.. this is for debugging
!     self._name = "untitled"
!   # Process all children, handling GRSections properly
!   def processChildren(self, dest, mapper,
!                       isfirst, islast, firstSection, nextSection):
!     first = isfirst or self._type == 'GRSection'
!     while 1:
!       if isinstance(self, GRSection) :
!         self.processTrigger('On-Process')
!       for child in self._children:
!         if child._type == "_content_":
!           dest.write(child.getContent())
!         else:
!           # Handle GRSections specially as
!           # they require extra logic
!           if isinstance(child, GRSection):
!             # If this is the top-most section for a datasource,
!             # it needs to be called with processAsController.
!             if child._mymapper.toplevel:
!               GDebug.printMesg(10, "Calling new controlling section")
!               child.processAsController(dest, mapper)
!             # ..otherwise call the GRSection's process method.
!             else:
!               nextSection = child.process(dest, mapper,isfirst=1,
!                                           islast=(nextSection == None) or \
!                                           (nextSection._name not in 
!                                           firstSection=firstSection, 
!           # Don't allow the processing to enter trigger objects
!           elif isinstance(child, GTrigger):
!             pass
!           else:
!             # Handle the layout element.
!             nextSection = child.process(dest, mapper, first, islast,
!                                         firstSection, nextSection)
!       first = 0
!       if nextSection == self:
!         firstSection, nextSection = self.getGotos(mapper)
!         islast = (nextSection == None)
!       else:
!         break
!     return nextSection
!   #
!   #  getAncestorWithSource()
!   #
!   def getAncestorWithSource(self, source):
!     if isinstance(self._parent, GRSection):
!       return self._parent.getAncestorWithSource(source)
!     else:
!       return None
--- 36,42 ----
  import GRExceptions
  import string
  from xml.sax import saxutils
! from GRLayoutElement import GRLayoutElement
*** 446,656 ****
      GDebug.printMesg(10,"Leaving section %s" % self._name)
      return nextSection
- ############################################################
- #
- # <default> tag
- # Text in this tag is only displayed if datasource
- # returns no data. Note: this will be the only thing
- # in the section that will be displayed.
- #
- class GRDefault (GObj):
-   def __init__(self, parent=None, type='GRDefault'):
-     GObj.__init__(self, parent, type=type)
- = None
-     self._source = None
-     self._mymapper = None
-   def processDefault(self, dest, mapper):
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [default] -->")
-     for child in self._children:
-       if child._type == "_content_":
-         dest.write(child.getContent())
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/default] -->")
-   def process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, nextSection):
-     return nextSection
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     return nextSection
- ############################################################
- #
- # <field> tag
- #
- class GRField (GRLayoutElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     GRLayoutElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRField')
-     self._section = None
-     self.format = None
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [field:%s] -->" %
-     dest.write (string.replace(saxutils.escape("%s" % 
-                                               self.format)), '\r',''))
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/field:%s] -->" %
-     return nextSection
- ############################################################
- #
- # <formula> tag
- #
- class GRFormula (GRLayoutElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     GRLayoutElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRFormula')
-     self.section = None
-     self.format = None
-     self._inits = [self.init]
-   def _buildObject(self):
-     if self.section:
-       self._section = string.lower(self.section)
-     else:
-       self._section = None
-     return GRLayoutElement._buildObject(self)
-   def init(self):
-     code = ""
-     for f in self.getChildrenAsContent().code.split('\n'):
-       if f.strip()[:1] != '#':
-         code += f + ' '
-     self._code = code
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [formula:%s] -->" % (self.section))
- #    dest.write (self._mymapper.getSummary(self._field, self.function, 
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/formula] -->")
-     return nextSection
- ############################################################
- #
- # <summ> tag
- #
- class GRSumm (GRLayoutElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     GRLayoutElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRSumm')
-     self.section = None
-     self.function = "count"
-     self.format = None
-   def _buildObject(self):
-     if self.section:
-       self._section = string.lower(self.section)
-     else:
-       self._section = None
-     self._field = string.lower(self.field)
-     return GRLayoutElement._buildObject(self)
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [summ:%s:%s:%s] -->" % (self.section, 
self._field, self.function))
-     dest.write (self._mymapper.getSummary(self._field, self.function, 
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/summ] -->")
-     return nextSection
- ############################################################
- #
- # Parameters
- #
- class GRParam(GRLayoutElement, GRStubParam):
-   _typestub = 'GRParam'
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     # This is passed parent=None so that
-     # the GObj.__init__ doesn't add this
-     # object twice to its parent (icky)
-     GRLayoutElement.__init__(self, parent=None)
-     GRStubParam.__init__(self, parent)
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [param:%s] -->" %
-     dest.write (self.getFormattedValue())
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/param:%s] -->" %
-     return nextSection
- ############################################################
- #
- # Logic support within sections
- #
- class GRFirstRow(ContainerElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRFirstRow')
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     if isfirst:
-       nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
-     return nextSection
- class GRNotFirstRow(ContainerElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRNotFirstRow')
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     if not isfirst:
-       nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
-     return nextSection
- class GRLastRow(ContainerElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRLastRow')
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     if islast:
-       nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
-     return nextSection
- class GRNotLastRow(ContainerElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRNotLastRow')
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     if not islast:
-       nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
-     return nextSection
- ############################################################
- #
- # Any namespaced tags designed to
- # simply pass thru our layout engine
- #
- class GRPassThru(ContainerElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRPassThru')
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     dest.write('<%s' % self._xmltag)
-     for attr in self._loadedxmlattrs.keys():
-       dest.write(' %s="%s"' % (attr, 
-     if len(self._children):
-       dest.write('>')
-       nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
-       dest.write('</%s>' % self._xmltag)
-     else:
-       dest.write('/>')
-     return nextSection
-   def getXmlTag(self):
-     return self._xmltag
--- 157,160 ----
Index: gnue/reports/src/base/layout/
diff -c gnue/reports/src/base/layout/ 
*** gnue/reports/src/base/layout/ Wed Jan  1 19:45:49 2003
--- gnue/reports/src/base/layout/      Wed Jan  1 21:06:24 2003
*** 28,537 ****
! from gnue.common.GObjects import *
! from gnue.common import GDebug, GConditions
! from gnue.common.GTrigger import GTrigger,GTriggerExtension
  from GRParameters import GRStubParam
  import GRExceptions
  import string
  from xml.sax import saxutils
- # Used to send structural comment
- # Chose not to do  "if COMMENT == 1: dest.write"
- # for performance reasons  # TODO: Was this a good decision?
- #
- def _structuralComment(dest, text):
-   dest.write(text)
- def _noStructuralComment(dest, text):
-   pass
- structuralComment = _noStructuralComment
- ############################################################
- #
- # GRLayout
- #
- class GRLayout (GObj):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     GObj.__init__(self, parent, type='GRLayout')
-     self._inits = (self.initialize,)
-     self.suppressGNUeTags = 0
-   def initialize(self):
-     # Find the xml namespace in use by any child passthru objects
-     # If there is more than one object attached to a layout
-     # object, then create an unbound section to contain them.
-     # This is a convenience for the layout engine code :)
-     if  len(self._children) > 1 or \
-        ( len(self._children) and \
-          self._children[0]._type != 'GRSection' ):
-       temp = self._children[:]
-       self._children = []
-       section = GRSection(self)
-       section._children = temp
-       section._buildObject()
-     elif len(self._children) == 0:
-       raise GRExceptions.NoLayoutDefined, \
-         "The layout section does not contain any instructions. What do I do?"
-     self._xmlchildnamespace = self._findNamespace()
-     self._parent._namespace = self._xmlchildnamespace
-   # Find the xml namespace in use by any child passthru objects
-   def _findNamespace(self, object=None):
-     if object==None: object = self
-     for child in object._children:
-       try:
-         if child._xmlnamespace:
-           namespace =  child._xmlnamespace
-         else:
-           namespace = self._findNamespace(child)
-         if namespace:
-           return namespace
-       except AttributeError:
-         pass
-   #
-   # Prepare for running
-   #
-   def prepare(self, mapper, parameters):
-     self._mapper = mapper
-     self._parameters = parameters
-     self.walk(self.__prepare)
-   # Used by prepare()
-   def __prepare(self, object):
-     if isinstance(object, GRLayoutElement):
-       # This all looks confusing, but basically it simply figures out
-       # what section a field or summary actually pulls from and also
-       # makes sure a section, field, or summary isn't trying to use
-       # a source outside of the source's scope.  After it's satisfied
-       # with the results, it adds the element to the mapper object.
-       # TODO: This can probably be simplified by moving
-       # TODO: the various functions to the actual child
-       # TODO: object's phaseInits.
-       parentSection = object.findParentOfType('GRSection',includeSelf=0)
-       if isinstance(object, GRSection) and object._source != None:
-         if parentSection is None:
-           self._mapper.addSection(object._name, object._source, None)
-         else:
-           self._mapper.addSection(object._name,
-                                   object._source,
-                                   parentSection._name)
-         object._mymapper = self._mapper.sectionMap[object._name]
-         object._mymapper._object = object
-       elif isinstance(object, GRField):
-         s = parentSection.getAncestorWithSource(object._source)
-         if s == None:
-           raise GRExceptions.SourceOutOfScope, \
-                 'Field "%s" in section "%s" uses out-of-scope source "%s"' \
-                      % (, parentSection._name, object._source)
-         object._section = s._name
-         if hasattr(object,'section') and object.section:
-           sec = string.lower(object.section)
-           curr = s
-           section = None
-           while curr:
-             if curr._name == sec:
-               section = curr
-               break
-             curr = curr._parent.findParentOfType('GRSection')
-           if section == None:
-             raise GRExceptions.SourceOutOfScope, \
-                 'Field "%s" in section "%s" uses out-of-scope section "%s"' \
-                      % (, parentSection._name, object.section)
-           object._section = section._name
-         object._mymapper = self._mapper.sectionMap[object._section]
-         GDebug.printMesg(6,'Mapping field "%s" to section "%s"' \
-                    % (, object._section))
-         self._mapper.addFieldToSection(object._section,
-       elif isinstance(object, GRSumm):
-         if object.section == None:
-           s = object._parent.findParentOfType('GRSection')
-         else:
-           sec = string.lower(object.section)
-           s = self._mapper.sectionMap[sec]._object
-         if s == None:
-           raise GRExceptions.SourceOutOfScope, \
-             'Summary "%s" in section "%s" uses out-of-scope source "%s"' \
-                  % (object._field,, object._source)
-         object._section = s._name
-         object._mymapper = self._mapper.sectionMap[s._name]
-         GDebug.printMesg(6,'Mapping summary %s [%s] to section %s' \
-                    % (object._field, object.function, object._section))
-         self._mapper.addSummaryToSection(object.function,
-                                  object._section, object._field)
-   #
-   # Process layout and dump output.
-   # self.prepare *must* be called prior to processing
-   #
-   def process(self, dest, includeStructuralComments=0):
-     global structuralComment
-     if includeStructuralComments:
-       structuralComment = _structuralComment
-     for child in self._children:
-       structuralComment(dest, '<!-- [layout] -->')
-       child.processAsController(dest, self._mapper)
-       structuralComment(dest, '<!-- [/layout] -->\n')
- ############################################################
- #
- # Any elements contained within a <layout> element
- # inherit GRLayoutElement
- #
- class GRLayoutElement (GObj,GTriggerExtension):
-   def __init__(self, parent=None, type='GRLayoutElement'):
-     GTriggerExtension.__init__(self)
-     GObj.__init__(self, parent, type=type)
- = None
-     self._source = None
-     self._mymapper = None
-     self._inits = [self.primaryInit]
-   # Called if section contains data
-   def process(self, dest, *args, **parms):
-     tag = self.getXmlTag()
-     attrs = ""
-     for attr in self.__dict__.keys():
-       try:    prefix, att = attr.split('__',1)
-       except: continue
-       if prefix in self._xmlnamespaces.keys():
-         attrs += ' %s="%s"' % (att, saxutils.escape(self.__dict__[attr]))
-     dest.write('<%s%s>' % (tag, attrs))
-     rv = self._process(dest, *args, **parms)
-     dest.write('</%s>' % tag)
-     return rv
-   # Called if section contains data (the non-namespace version)
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     return nextSection
-   def primaryInit(self):
-     if hasattr(self,'source') and self.source is not None:
-       self._source = self.source
-     else:
-       try:
-         self._source = self._parent._source
-       except AttributeError:
-         self._source = None
-     if not self._xmlnamespaces:
-       # Avoid any overhead if this element doesn't
-       # contain namespace-qualified attributes
-       self.process = self._process
- ############################################################
- #
- # Any elements contained within a <layout> element
- # that can themselves be containers
- #
- class ContainerElement (GRLayoutElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent=None, type='GRContainerElement'):
-     GRLayoutElement.__init__(self, parent, type=type)
-     # TODO: remove.. this is for debugging
-     self._name = "untitled"
-   # Process all children, handling GRSections properly
-   def processChildren(self, dest, mapper,
-                       isfirst, islast, firstSection, nextSection):
-     first = isfirst or self._type == 'GRSection'
-     while 1:
-       if isinstance(self, GRSection) :
-         self.processTrigger('On-Process')
-       for child in self._children:
-         if child._type == "_content_":
-           dest.write(child.getContent())
-         else:
-           # Handle GRSections specially as
-           # they require extra logic
-           if isinstance(child, GRSection):
-             # If this is the top-most section for a datasource,
-             # it needs to be called with processAsController.
-             if child._mymapper.toplevel:
-               GDebug.printMesg(10, "Calling new controlling section")
-               child.processAsController(dest, mapper)
-             # ..otherwise call the GRSection's process method.
-             else:
-               nextSection = child.process(dest, mapper,isfirst=1,
-                                           islast=(nextSection == None) or \
-                                           (nextSection._name not in 
-                                           firstSection=firstSection, 
-           # Don't allow the processing to enter trigger objects
-           elif isinstance(child, GTrigger):
-             pass
-           else:
-             # Handle the layout element.
-             nextSection = child.process(dest, mapper, first, islast,
-                                         firstSection, nextSection)
-       first = 0
-       if nextSection == self:
-         firstSection, nextSection = self.getGotos(mapper)
-         islast = (nextSection == None)
-       else:
-         break
-     return nextSection
-   #
-   #  getAncestorWithSource()
-   #
-   def getAncestorWithSource(self, source):
-     if isinstance(self._parent, GRSection):
-       return self._parent.getAncestorWithSource(source)
-     else:
-       return None
- ############################################################
- #
- # <section> tag
- #
- class GRSection (ContainerElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRSection')
-     self._childSections = []
-     self._validTriggers = {'PRE-SECTION':'Pre-Section',
-                            'POST-SECTION':'Post-Section',
-                            'ON-PROCESS':'On-Process'}
-   def _buildObject(self):
-     if not hasattr(self,'name') or == None:
-       self._name = id(self)
-     else:
-       self._name = string.lower(
-     # Keep track of "child" section names (for the firstRow stuff)
-     psec = self._parent.findParentOfType('GRSection')
-     if psec is not None:
-       psec._childSections = self._childSections[:]
-       psec._childSections.insert(0, self._name)
-     return ContainerElement._buildObject(self)
-   #
-   # Retrieve the first row of data, if available.
-   # Handle default data if no rows retrieved.
-   #
-   def processAsController(self, dest, mapper):
-     GDebug.printMesg(10,
-        "Controlling section %s's processAsController() called" % self._name)
-     if self._source == None:
-       # This is a dataless section...
-       # simply process it's children
-       self.process(dest, mapper, 1, 1, None, None)
-     else:
-       firstSection, nextSection = self.getGotos(mapper, 1)
-       if firstSection:
-         # This is a data-bound section and there
-         # was data returned, so process section
-         self.process(dest, mapper, 1, nextSection == None, self, nextSection)
-       else:
-         # This is a data-bound section and there
-         # was no data returned, so generate default
-         # text (if any)
-         for c2 in self._children:
-           if isinstance (c2, GRDefault):
-             c2.processDefault(dest, mapper)
-   #
-   # Used internally to determine next section to move
-   #
-   def getGotos(self, mapper, init=0):
-     # Determine the next section to process our data.
-     # (i.e., handle section grouping)
-     if init:
-       goto, gotoNext = mapper.getFirstRecord(self._source)
-     else:
-       goto, gotoNext = mapper.getNextRecord(self._source)
-     # Get the actual GRSection objects
-     if not goto:
-       return (None, None)
-     firstSection = mapper.sectionMap[goto]._object
-     if gotoNext:
-       nextSection = mapper.sectionMap[gotoNext]._object
-     else:
-       nextSection = None
-     # And return them
-     return (firstSection, nextSection)
-   #
-   #  getAncestorWithSource()
-   #
-   def getAncestorWithSource(self, source):
-     if self._source == source:
-       return self
-     elif isinstance(self._parent, GRSection):
-       return self._parent.getAncestorWithSource(source)
-     else:
-       return None
-   # Generic process() method.  Process the
-   # current record and handle any children.
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     self.processTrigger('Pre-Section')
-     GDebug.printMesg(10,"Repeating Section %s" % self._name)
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [section:%s] -->" % self._name)
-     nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
-     try:
-       structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [Setting %s to clear on next set] -->" % 
-       mapper.sectionMap[]._clearOnNextSet = 1
-     except KeyError:
-       pass
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/section:%s] -->" % self._name)
-     GDebug.printMesg(10,"Leaving section %s" % self._name)
-     self.processTrigger('Post-Section')
-     return nextSection
- ############################################################
- #
- # <default> tag
- # Text in this tag is only displayed if datasource
- # returns no data. Note: this will be the only thing
- # in the section that will be displayed.
- #
- class GRDefault (GObj):
-   def __init__(self, parent=None, type='GRDefault'):
-     GObj.__init__(self, parent, type=type)
- = None
-     self._source = None
-     self._mymapper = None
-   def processDefault(self, dest, mapper):
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [default] -->")
-     for child in self._children:
-       if child._type == "_content_":
-         dest.write(child.getContent())
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/default] -->")
-   def process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, nextSection):
-     return nextSection
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     return nextSection
- ############################################################
- #
- # <field> tag
- #
- class GRField (GRLayoutElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     GRLayoutElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRField')
-     self._section = None
-     self.format = None
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [field:%s] -->" %
-     dest.write (string.replace(saxutils.escape("%s" % 
-                                               self.format)), '\r',''))
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/field:%s] -->" %
-     return nextSection
- ############################################################
- #
- # <formula> tag
- #
- class GRFormula (GRLayoutElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     GRLayoutElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRFormula')
-     self.section = None
-     self.format = None
-     self._inits = [self.init]
-   def _buildObject(self):
-     if self.section:
-       self._section = string.lower(self.section)
-     else:
-       self._section = None
-     return GRLayoutElement._buildObject(self)
-   def init(self):
-     code = ""
-     for f in self.getChildrenAsContent().code.split('\n'):
-       if f.strip()[:1] != '#':
-         code += f + ' '
-     self._code = code
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [formula:%s] -->" % (self.section))
- #    dest.write (self._mymapper.getSummary(self._field, self.function, 
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/formula] -->")
-     return nextSection
- ############################################################
- #
  # <summ> tag
  class GRSumm (GRLayoutElement):
--- 28,43 ----
! from gnue.common import GDebug
  from GRParameters import GRStubParam
  import GRExceptions
  import string
+ from GRLayoutElement import GRLayoutElement
  from xml.sax import saxutils
  # <summ> tag
  class GRSumm (GRLayoutElement):
*** 555,656 ****
      dest.write (self._mymapper.getSummary(self._field, self.function, 
      structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/summ] -->")
      return nextSection
- ############################################################
- #
- # Parameters
- #
- class GRParam(GRLayoutElement, GRStubParam):
-   _typestub = 'GRParam'
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     # This is passed parent=None so that
-     # the GObj.__init__ doesn't add this
-     # object twice to its parent (icky)
-     GRLayoutElement.__init__(self, parent=None)
-     GRStubParam.__init__(self, parent)
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [param:%s] -->" %
-     dest.write (self.getFormattedValue())
-     structuralComment(dest,"<!-- [/param:%s] -->" %
-     return nextSection
- ############################################################
- #
- # Logic support within sections
- #
- class GRFirstRow(ContainerElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRFirstRow')
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     if isfirst:
-       nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
-     return nextSection
- class GRNotFirstRow(ContainerElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRNotFirstRow')
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     if not isfirst:
-       nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
-     return nextSection
- class GRLastRow(ContainerElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRLastRow')
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     if islast:
-       nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
-     return nextSection
- class GRNotLastRow(ContainerElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRNotLastRow')
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     if not islast:
-       nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
-     return nextSection
- ############################################################
- #
- # Any namespaced tags designed to
- # simply pass thru our layout engine
- #
- class GRPassThru(ContainerElement):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     ContainerElement.__init__(self, parent, 'GRPassThru')
-   def _process(self, dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, firstSection, 
-     dest.write('<%s' % self._xmltag)
-     for attr in self._loadedxmlattrs.keys():
-       dest.write(' %s="%s"' % (attr, 
-     if len(self._children):
-       dest.write('>')
-       nextSection = self.processChildren(dest, mapper, isfirst, islast, 
firstSection, nextSection)
-       dest.write('</%s>' % self._xmltag)
-     else:
-       dest.write('/>')
-     return nextSection
-   def getXmlTag(self):
-     return self._xmltag
--- 61,64 ----
Index: gnue/reports/src/base/layout/
diff -c gnue/reports/src/base/layout/ 
*** gnue/reports/src/base/layout/        Wed Jan  1 20:36:28 2003
--- gnue/reports/src/base/layout/    Wed Jan  1 21:06:24 2003
*** 0 ****
--- 1,43 ----
+ #
+ # This file is part of GNU Enterprise.
+ #
+ # GNU Enterprise is free software; you can redistribute it
+ # and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ # version 2, or (at your option) any later version.
+ #
+ # GNU Enterprise is distributed in the hope that it will be
+ # useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+ # PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+ #
+ # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+ # License along with program; see the file COPYING. If not,
+ # write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place
+ # - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ #
+ # Copyright 2000-2003 Free Software Foundation
+ #
+ # FILE:
+ # layout/
+ #
+ # Classes related to the Layout section
+ #
+ # NOTES:
+ #
+ from GRLayout import GRLayout
+ from GRLayoutElement import GRLayoutElement
+ from ContainerElement import ContainerElement
+ from GRSection import GRSection
+ from GRDefault import GRDefault
+ from GRField import GRField
+ from GRFormula import GRFormula
+ from GRSumm import GRSumm
+ from GRParam import GRParam
+ from GRFirstRow import GRFirstRow
+ from GRNotFirstRow import GRNotFirstRow
+ from GRLastRow import GRLastRow
+ from GRNotLastRow import GRNotLastRow
+ from GRPassThru import GRPassThru
Index: gnue/reports/src/client/
diff -c gnue/reports/src/client/ 
*** gnue/reports/src/client/       Wed Jan  1 19:45:49 2003
--- gnue/reports/src/client/    Wed Jan  1 21:06:24 2003
*** 31,41 ****
  from gnue.reports import VERSION
  from gnue.common import GDebug
  from gnue.common.GClientApp import GClientApp
! from GREngine import GREngine
! import GRFilters
! import GRExceptions
  from GRRunUI import GRRunUI
! from GRReportInfo import GRReportInfo
  import string, sys
  import tempfile
  from gnue.reports.GRConfig import ConfigOptions
--- 31,40 ----
  from gnue.reports import VERSION
  from gnue.common import GDebug
  from gnue.common.GClientApp import GClientApp
! from gnue.reports.base.GREngine import GREngine
! from gnue.reports.base import GRFilters, GRExceptions
  from GRRunUI import GRRunUI
! from gnue.reports.base.GRReportInfo import GRReportInfo
  import string, sys
  import tempfile
  from gnue.reports.GRConfig import ConfigOptions
Index: gnue/reports/src/server/
diff -c gnue/reports/src/server/ 
*** gnue/reports/src/server/    Wed Jan  1 19:45:49 2003
--- gnue/reports/src/server/ Wed Jan  1 21:06:24 2003
*** 29,37 ****
  from gnue.common import GDebug, GComm, GServerApp, GConfig
! from GREngine import GREngine
! from GRConfig import ConfigOptions
! import GRExceptions
  import string, sys, time
  from gnue.reports import VERSION
--- 29,37 ----
  from gnue.common import GDebug, GComm, GServerApp, GConfig
! from gnue.reports.base.GREngine import GREngine
! from gnue.reports.base.GRConfig import ConfigOptions
! from gnue.reports.base import GRExceptions
  import string, sys, time
  from gnue.reports import VERSION

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