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From: Jason Cater
Subject: gnue/common/src
Date: Thu, 09 Jan 2003 20:30:52 -0500

CVSROOT:        /cvsroot/gnue
Module name:    gnue
Changes by:     Jason Cater <address@hidden>    03/01/09 20:30:52

Modified files:
        common/src     : 

Log message:
        * Cleaned up some init routines
        * Added a multiplexing GObj


Index: gnue/common/src/
diff -c gnue/common/src/ gnue/common/src/
*** gnue/common/src/    Wed Jan  1 19:45:41 2003
--- gnue/common/src/ Thu Jan  9 20:30:52 2003
*** 32,60 ****
  import GDebug
  import string
  import types
! from GParserHelpers import GContent
  import GTypecast
  from GTriggerCore import GTriggerCore
  # Class GObj
! # Base class for GNUe objects which can be represented as XML
! class GObj(GTriggerCore):
!   def __init__(self, parent=None, type='GObj'):
!     self._type = type
!     self._parent = parent       # The object that contains this object
!     self._children = []         # The objects contained by this object
!     self._attributes = {}
!     self._inits = []            # functions called during phaseInit stage
!     self._xmlnamespace = None   # If the object is namespace-qualified, the 
!     self._xmlnamespaces = {}    # If attributes are namespace-qualified, a map
!     if parent :
!       parent.addChild(self)
    # This is a convenience function for applications
    # NOT using GParser to load an object tree.
    def buildObject(self, **params):
--- 32,53 ----
  import GDebug
  import string
  import types
! from GParserHelpers import GContent, ParserObj
  import GTypecast
  from GTriggerCore import GTriggerCore
  # Class GObj
! # Base class for GNUe objects which 
! # can be represented by XML tags
! class GObj(GTriggerCore, ParserObj):
!   def __init__(self, *args, **parms):
!     ParserObj.__init__(self, *args, **parms)
    # This is a convenience function for applications
    # NOT using GParser to load an object tree.
    def buildObject(self, **params):
*** 84,90 ****
  ## TODO: Below is a call-less recursive version of
  ## TODO: phaseInit.  Needs to be profiled both ways.
- ##    object = self
  ##    stack = [self]
  ##    while stack:
  ##      object = stack.pop()
--- 77,82 ----
*** 93,110 ****
  ##      try:
  ##        init = object._inits[phase]
  ##      except IndexError:
! ##        init = None
! ##      if init:
! ##        init()
!     if (len(self._inits) > phase) and self._inits[phase]:
        GDebug.printMesg(6,"%s: Init Phase %s" % (self._type, phase+1))
!       self._inits[phase]()
      for child in self._children:
!       if isinstance(child, GObj):
!          child._phaseInit(phase)
    # This function is called after the parsers have completely
    # constructed. All children should be in place and
    # attributes and content should be set at this point.
--- 85,106 ----
  ##      try:
  ##        init = object._inits[phase]
  ##      except IndexError:
! ##        continue
! ##      init()
!     inits = self._inits
!     if (len(inits) > phase) and inits[phase]:
        GDebug.printMesg(6,"%s: Init Phase %s" % (self._type, phase+1))
!       inits[phase]()
      for child in self._children:
!       try: 
!         initter = child._phaseInit
!       except AttributeError: 
!         continue
!       initter(phase)
    # This function is called after the parsers have completely
    # constructed. All children should be in place and
    # attributes and content should be set at this point.
*** 384,386 ****
--- 380,423 ----
    def _setItemHook(self, key, value):
      self.__dict__[key] = value
+ #
+ # ParserMultiplexor
+ #
+ # When a GParser's BaseClass needs to be dependent upon 
+ # an attribute, the tool can use a customized ParserMultiplexor,
+ # overwriting the getClass method. 
+ #
+ # e.g., assume we have an xml tag 'goblin', that 
+ # corresponds to a GObj-based class Goblin.  However, 
+ # if <goblin style="boo"> we really need a BooGoblin
+ # object or if <goblin style="foo"> then we need a
+ # FooBoblin object, then the a GoblinPlexor would 
+ # define getClass as: 
+ #
+ # def getClass(self): 
+ #   if == 'boo': 
+ #     return BooGoblin
+ #   elif == 'foo': 
+ #     return FooGoblin
+ #   else: 
+ #     return Goblin
+ #
+ class ParserMultiplexor(ParserObj): 
+   def _buildObject(self): 
+     newObj = self.getClass()(None)
+     for attr, value in self.__dict__.items(): 
+       if attr not in ('_buildObject','getClass') and attr[:2] != '__': 
+         newObj.__dict__[attr] = value
+     if self._parent: 
+       self._parent._children[self._parent._children.find(self)] = newObj
+     return newObj._buildObject(self)
+   # This should return a GObj-based class
+   def getClass(self): 
+     raise "Virtual method not implemented"
\ No newline at end of file
Index: gnue/common/src/
diff -c gnue/common/src/ 
*** gnue/common/src/       Wed Jan  1 19:45:41 2003
--- gnue/common/src/   Thu Jan  9 20:30:52 2003
*** 32,57 ****
  from xml.sax import saxutils
  # Class GContent
  # Base class for xml content
! class GContent:
    def __init__(self, parent, content):
      self._content = content
-     self._type = "_content_"
-     if parent :
-       parent.addChild(self)
    def getEscapedContent(self):
      return saxutils.escape(self._content)
    def getContent(self):
      return self._content
-   def toXML(self):
-     return saxutils.escape(self._content)
    def dumpXML(self, lookupDict, treeDump=None, gap=None,
                escape=1, xmlnamespaces={}):
--- 32,70 ----
  from xml.sax import saxutils
+ # Class ParserObj
+ #
+ # Common initialization for GParser objects
+ #
+ class ParserObj:
+   def __init__(self, parent=None, type='_NotSet_'):
+     self._type = type
+     self._parent = parent       # The object that contains this object
+     self._children = []         # The objects contained by this object
+     self._attributes = {}
+     self._inits = []            # functions called during phaseInit stage
+     self._xmlnamespace = None   # If the object is namespace-qualified, the 
+     self._xmlnamespaces = {}    # If attributes are namespace-qualified, a map
+     if parent :
+       parent.addChild(self)
+ #
  # Class GContent
  # Base class for xml content
! class GContent(ParserObj):
    def __init__(self, parent, content):
+     ParserObj.__init__(self, parent, '_content_')
      self._content = content
    def getEscapedContent(self):
      return saxutils.escape(self._content)
    def getContent(self):
      return self._content
    def dumpXML(self, lookupDict, treeDump=None, gap=None,
                escape=1, xmlnamespaces={}):

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