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gnue/common/src GFormul...

From: Jason Cater
Subject: gnue/common/src GFormul...
Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2003 01:01:03 -0500

CVSROOT:        /cvsroot/gnue
Module name:    gnue
Changes by:     Jason Cater <address@hidden>    03/02/10 01:00:58

Modified files:
        common/src     : 
Added files:
        common/src     : 

Log message:
        * Separation of namespace-logic from trigger-specific code
        * Start of formula support


Index: gnue/common/src/
diff -c gnue/common/src/ gnue/common/src/
*** gnue/common/src/    Wed Feb  5 21:36:57 2003
--- gnue/common/src/ Mon Feb 10 01:00:58 2003
*** 30,36 ****
! from gnue.common.GTrigger import GTriggerNamespace
  from gnue.common.GObjects import GObj
  # GRootObj
--- 30,36 ----
! from gnue.common.NamespaceCore import GObjNamespace
  from gnue.common.GObjects import GObj
  # GRootObj
*** 50,56 ****
      self._globalRuntimeNamespace = {}
    def initTriggerSystem(self):
!     self._triggerNamespaceTree = GTriggerNamespace(self,rootName=self._rname)
    def dumpXML(self, treeDump=1, gap="  "):
      return GObj.dumpXML(self, self.__xmlElementCallback(),
--- 50,56 ----
      self._globalRuntimeNamespace = {}
    def initTriggerSystem(self):
!     self._triggerNamespaceTree = GObjNamespace(self,rootName=self._rname)
    def dumpXML(self, treeDump=1, gap="  "):
      return GObj.dumpXML(self, self.__xmlElementCallback(),
Index: gnue/common/src/
diff -c gnue/common/src/ gnue/common/src/
*** gnue/common/src/    Wed Jan  1 19:45:41 2003
--- gnue/common/src/ Mon Feb 10 01:00:58 2003
*** 52,335 ****
- #######################################################################
- #
- # Trigger namespace classes
- #
- # Classes used in implementing the trigger namespace
- #
- #
- # GTriggerNamespace
- #
- # Manager class for a namespace.  Passed a GObj based
- # tree at __init__ which it uses to construct a new
- # GTriggerNSObject based tree
- #
- class GTriggerNamespace(GObj):
-   def __init__(self,objectTree = None, rootName="root"):
-     self._globalNamespace = {'True' : 1,
-                              'False': 0,
-                              }
-     self._rname = rootName
-     if objectTree:
-       self._globalNamespace[self._rname] = 
-     else:
-       GDebug.printMesg(0,'GTriggerNamespace was passed an empty object tree')
-   #
-   # constructTriggerObject
-   #
-   # Travels down thru a GObj based tree and builds a set
-   # of GTriggerNSObjects that will implement the namespace
-   # inside triggers.
-   #
-   def constructTriggerObject(self, gobjObject, triggerParent=None):
-     triggerObject = None
-     # Some items in a GObj tree may not be GObj based (GContent for instance)
-     if isinstance(gobjObject,GObj) and hasattr(gobjObject,'name'):
-       triggerObject = GTriggerNSObject(triggerParent)
-       triggerObject._object = gobjObject
-       # Add this triggerObject to global namespace if the GObj requests it
-       if gobjObject._triggerGlobal:
-         self._globalNamespace[] = triggerObject
-       # setup get and set functions when they exist in the GObj
-       triggerObject._triggerSet = gobjObject._triggerSet
-       triggerObject._triggerGet = gobjObject._triggerGet
-       # Add any trigger methods defined by GObj
-       if len(gobjObject._triggerFunctions):
-         for item in gobjObject._triggerFunctions.keys():
-           if type(gobjObject._triggerFunctions[item]['function']) == 
-             object = 
-             triggerObject.__dict__[item] = object
-             # Add this function to global namespace if the GObj requests it
-             if gobjObject._triggerFunctions[item].has_key('global') and \
-                gobjObject._triggerFunctions[item]['global'] != 0:
-               self._globalNamespace[item] = object
-           else:
-             GDebug.printMesg(0,'Only functions are supported in an objects 
_triggerFunctions %s %s' % (gobjObject,item))
-             sys.exit()
-       # Load the defined __properties__ into this object's
-       # GTriggerNSObjectProperties instance
-       if len(gobjObject._triggerProperties):
-         for item in gobjObject._triggerProperties.keys():
-           if gobjObject._triggerProperties[item].has_key('set'):
-             setFunc = gobjObject._triggerProperties[item]['set']
-           else:
-             setFunc = None
-       # Process the children of this Gobj
-       if len(gobjObject._children):
-         for child in gobjObject._children:
-           object = self.constructTriggerObject(child, triggerObject)
-           # Add this objects children to it's namespace by their name
-           if object:
-             triggerObject.__dict__[] = object
-       #
-       # populate the GObj's _localTriggerNamespace
-       localNamespace = {'self':triggerObject}
-       localNamespace.update(triggerObject.__dict__)
-       gobjObject._localTriggerNamespace = localNamespace
-     return triggerObject
- #
- # GTriggerNSObject
- #
- # Inherits GObj to gain it's parent/child system
- #
- class GTriggerNSObject(GObj):
-   def __init__(self, parent):
-     GObj.__init__(self,parent)
-     self._triggerProperties = GTriggerNSObjectProperties()
-     self._triggerSet = None
-     self._triggerGet = None
-     self._object = None
-   #
-   # showTree
-   #
-   # Handy function to dump a rough look at the namespace
-   # doesn't show things nested properly though
-   def showTree(self, indent=0):
-     print '  ' * indent + `self._type` + `self`
-     for item in self.__dict__.keys():
-       if item[:1] != '_':
-         print '  ' * indent + ' :' + item
-     for child in self._children:
-       child.showTree(indent + 2)
-   #
-   # __setattr__
-   #
-   # This is called when trying to write something inside a trigger object
-   # namespace.  It checks to see if the var name is already linked to a
-   # GTriggerNSObject based object and calls that objects _triggerSet if it
-   # exists.
-   #
-   # Example: form.block1.entry1 = "foo"
-   #
-   # The __setattr__ will execute at the block1 and call the functions that
-   # are part of the entry1 object to set it's value
-   #
-   def __setattr__(self, name, value):
-     if self.__dict__.has_key(name) and \
-        isinstance(self.__dict__[name], GTriggerNSObject):
-      if isinstance(self.__dict__[name], GTriggerNSObject):
-       if self.__dict__[name]._triggerSet:
-         self.__dict__[name]._triggerSet(value)
-       else:
-         GDebug.printMesg(0,'Trigger attempting to reset a form object')
-     else:
-       self.__dict__[name] = value
-   #
-   # __getattr__
-   #
-   # Only needed to return the GTriggerNSObjectProperties
-   # object
-   #
-   def __getattr__(self,name):
-     if name == '__properties__':
-         return self._triggerProperties
-     else:
- #      GDebug.printMesg(1,"AttributeError: %s" % name)
- #      print self.__dict__
-       raise AttributeError, '%s' % (name)
-   #
-   # __str__
-   #
-   # This executes at a different level than the __setattr__
-   # While __setattr__ is executed in the parent object to protect
-   # it's namespace object links, this routine is called by the
-   # object referenced
-   #
-   # Example: foo = form.block1.entry1
-   #
-   # This __str__ would execute against the entry1 object
-   #
-   def __str__(self):
-     if self._triggerGet:
-       return str(self._triggerGet())
-     else:
-       return ""
-   #
-   # __cmp__
-   #
-   # Forces the system to compare the string values of
-   # GTriggerNSObject objects and not their instances
-   #
-   def __cmp__(self,other):
-     selfvalue = "%s" % self
-     othervalue = "%s" % other
-     if selfvalue == othervalue:
-       return 0
-     elif selfvalue < othervalue:
-       return -1
-     else:
-       return 1
-   #
-   # __nonzero__
-   #
-   # Needed to make __len__ function below play nice
-   #
-   def __nonzero__(self):
-     return 1
-   #
-   # __len__
-   #
-   # Implements len() support
-   #
-   def __len__(self):
-     string =  "%s" % self
-     return len(string)
-   #
-   # __getitem__
-   #
-   # implements support for sub selections of strings
-   #
-   # example: block1.fieldname[0:4]
-   #
-   def __getitem__(self, key) :
-     string = self.__str__()
-     return string[key.start:key.stop]
- #
- # GTriggerNSFunction
- #
- # Accessor class for functions that are made available in the trigger
- # namespace
- #     
- class GTriggerNSFunction:
-   def __init__(self, name, functionLink):
-     self._name = name
-     self._objectFunction = functionLink
-   def __call__(self, *args):
-     return self._objectFunction(*args)
- #
- # GTriggerNSObjectProperties
- #
- # Accessor class for properties that are made available in this an
- # object's __properties__ namespace
- #
- class GTriggerNSObjectProperties:
-   def __init__(self):
-     self._properties = {}
-   def addProperty(self,name, getFunc, setFunc):
-     self._properties[name] = {'get':getFunc,
-                               'set':setFunc,
-                               }
-   def __setattr__(self, name, value):
-     # Hack to ensure that self._properties exists
-     if not self.__dict__.has_key('_properties'):
-       self.__dict__['_properties'] = {}
-     if self._properties.has_key(name):
-       # If none the it's readonly
-       if self._properties[name]['set']:
-         self._properties[name]['set'](value)
-       else:
-         GDebug.printMesg(0,'Attempt to set readonly property :%s' %(name))
-     else:
-       self.__dict__[name] = value
-   def __getattr__(self,name):
-     if self.__dict__['_properties'].has_key(name):
-       return self._properties[name]['get']()
-     else:
-       raise AttributeError
  # Trigger instance classes
--- 52,57 ----

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