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From: Jason Cater
Subject: gnue/forms/src/uidrivers/qt
Date: Wed, 05 Mar 2003 23:13:09 -0500

CVSROOT:        /cvsroot/gnue
Module name:    gnue
Changes by:     Jason Cater <address@hidden>    03/03/05 23:13:08

Modified files:

Log message:
        usable, but not very pretty login handler


Index: gnue/forms/src/uidrivers/qt/
diff -c gnue/forms/src/uidrivers/qt/ 
*** gnue/forms/src/uidrivers/qt/   Fri Feb 21 01:30:50 2003
--- gnue/forms/src/uidrivers/qt/       Wed Mar  5 23:13:08 2003
*** 53,62 ****
  class UILoginHandler(GLoginHandler.LoginHandler):
    def __init__(self):
!     self._wxapp = getQtApp()
      self.dlg = None
!   def getLogin(self, loginData, errortext=None):#"Invalid username/password"):
      if 1: # TODO: This is left here to prevent me from having to unindent 
this code
            # TODO: Since the UI stuff is currently being gutted I'm not 
wasting the time
            # TODO: to do the right thing
--- 53,62 ----
  class UILoginHandler(GLoginHandler.LoginHandler):
    def __init__(self):
!     self._qtapp = getQtApp()
      self.dlg = None
!   def getLogin(self, loginData, errortext=None):
      if 1: # TODO: This is left here to prevent me from having to unindent 
this code
            # TODO: Since the UI stuff is currently being gutted I'm not 
wasting the time
            # TODO: to do the right thing
*** 65,137 ****
          loginMesg = _('Login required for %s') % (loginData[0])
!       self.dlg = wxDialog(NULL, -1, _("GNU Enterprise: Login to %s") % 
!       self.dlg.SetAutoLayout(true)
!       bmp = wxImage(images_dir+gConfigForms('smallPNG'), 
!       messageField = WrappedStaticText(self.dlg, -1, str(loginMesg), 300, 
        self.textctrlList = []
        labelList = []
!       dlgWidth = max(bmp.GetWidth(), messageField.GetSize().GetWidth()+20)
!       dlgHeight = bmp.GetHeight() + messageField.GetSize().GetHeight() + 80
        xSpacing = 0
        ySpacing = 0
        fieldLabelWidth = 0
        for prompt in loginData[2]:
!         s = wxStaticText(self.dlg, -1, '%s:' % prompt[1])
          if prompt[2]:
!           t = wxTextCtrl(self.dlg, -1,"",wxPoint(1, 1), wxSize(150, 20),
!                          style=wxTE_PASSWORD|wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER)
!         else:
!           t = wxTextCtrl(self.dlg, -1,"",wxPoint(1, 1), wxSize(150, 20),
!                          style=wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER)
          myID = len(self.textctrlList)
!         EVT_CHAR(t, LoginFieldHandler(self, myID).loginFieldEventTrap)
          fieldLabelWidth = max(fieldLabelWidth,
!                   s.GetSize().GetWidth() + t.GetSize().GetWidth() + 10)
          dlgWidth = max(dlgWidth, \
!                        s.GetSize().GetWidth() + t.GetSize().GetWidth() + 20)
!         xSpacing = max(xSpacing, s.GetSize().GetWidth())
!         ySpacing = max(ySpacing, s.GetSize().GetHeight())
!         ySpacing = max(ySpacing, t.GetSize().GetHeight())
!       loginId = wxNewId()
!       cancelId = wxNewId()
!       loginButton = wxButton(self.dlg,loginId,_('Login'))
!       cancelButton = wxButton(self.dlg,cancelId,_('Cancel'))
!       EVT_BUTTON(self.dlg, loginId, self.loginButtonEventTrap)
!       EVT_BUTTON(self.dlg, cancelId, self.loginCancelEventTrap)
!       dlgWidth = max(dlgWidth, loginButton.GetSize().GetWidth() +
!                             cancelButton.GetSize().GetWidth() + 6) + 20
!       dlgHeight += max(loginButton.GetSize().GetHeight(),
!                        cancelButton.GetSize().GetHeight()) - 6
        if errortext:
!         errorField = WrappedStaticText(self.dlg, -1, str(errortext), 300,
!                                        style=wxALIGN_CENTER)
!         errorField.SetForegroundColour(wxColour(223,0,0))
!         dlgWidth = max(dlgWidth, errorField.GetSize().width+10)
!         dlgHeight += errorField.GetSize().height + 6
!       firstY = bmp.GetHeight() + messageField.GetSize().GetHeight() + 50
        lastY = firstY
        xSpacing += 10  # Add whitespace between widgets
        ySpacing += 6   # Add whitespace between widgets
--- 65,140 ----
          loginMesg = _('Login required for %s') % (loginData[0])
!       self.dlg = QDialog(None, _("GNU Enterprise: Login to %s") % 
loginData[0], 1)
!       self.dlg.setCaption ( _("GNU Enterprise: Login to %s") % loginData[0])
!       bmp = QPixmap(images_dir+gConfigForms('smallPNG'))
!       messageField = WrappedStaticText(self.dlg, str(loginMesg), 300)
        self.textctrlList = []
        labelList = []
!       dlgWidth = max(bmp.width(), messageField.width()+20)
!       dlgHeight = bmp.height() + messageField.height() + 80
        xSpacing = 0
        ySpacing = 0
        fieldLabelWidth = 0
        for prompt in loginData[2]:
!         s = QLabel('%s:' % prompt[1], self.dlg)
+         t = QLineEdit(self.dlg)
+         t.setFixedWidth(150)
          if prompt[2]:
!           t.setEchoMode(QLineEdit.Password)
          myID = len(self.textctrlList)
! ##        EVT_CHAR(t, LoginFieldHandler(self, myID).loginFieldEventTrap)
          fieldLabelWidth = max(fieldLabelWidth,
!                   s.width() + t.width() + 10)
          dlgWidth = max(dlgWidth, \
!                        s.width() + t.width() + 20)
!         xSpacing = max(xSpacing, s.width())
!         ySpacing = max(ySpacing, s.height())
!         ySpacing = max(ySpacing, t.height())
! ##      loginId = wxNewId()
! ##      cancelId = wxNewId()
!       loginButton = QPushButton(self.dlg)       
!       loginButton.setText(_('Login'))
!       cancelButton = QPushButton(self.dlg)
!       cancelButton.setText(_('Cancel'))
!       QObject.connect(loginButton, SIGNAL("clicked()"),
!                      self.loginButtonEventTrap)
!       QObject.connect(loginButton, SIGNAL("clicked()"),
!                      self.loginCancelEventTrap)
!       dlgWidth = max(dlgWidth, loginButton.width() +
!                             cancelButton.width() + 6) + 20
!       dlgHeight += max(loginButton.height(),
!                        cancelButton.height()) - 6
        if errortext:
!         errorField = WrappedStaticText(self.dlg, str(errortext), 300)
! ##        errorField.SetForegroundColour(wxColour(223,0,0))
!         dlgWidth = max(dlgWidth, errorField.width()+10)
!         dlgHeight += errorField.height() + 6
!       firstY = bmp.height() + messageField.height() + 50
        lastY = firstY
        xSpacing += 10  # Add whitespace between widgets
        ySpacing += 6   # Add whitespace between widgets
*** 141,199 ****
        # Move the fields and labels into position
        for i in range(0, len(self.textctrlList)):
          dlgHeight = dlgHeight + ySpacing
!         labelList[i].SetPosition(wxPoint(xPos, lastY))
!         self.textctrlList[i].SetPosition(wxPoint(xPos + xSpacing, lastY))
          lastY = lastY + ySpacing
        if errortext:
!         errorField.SetPosition(
!           wxPoint(dlgWidth/2 - errorField.GetSize().width/2,
!                 lastY+3))
        # Set the focus to the first text entry field
!       self.textctrlList[0].SetFocus()
        # Create and position the logo
!       wxStaticBitmap(self.dlg,-1, bmp,
!                      wxPoint((dlgWidth-bmp.GetWidth())/2, 12),
!                      wxSize(bmp.GetWidth(), bmp.GetHeight()))
        # Move the various widgets into position
!       messageField.SetPosition(
!         wxPoint(dlgWidth/2 - messageField.GetSize().GetWidth()/2,
!                 30 + bmp.GetHeight()))
!       cancelButton.SetPosition(
!         wxPoint(dlgWidth - 10 - cancelButton.GetSize().GetWidth(),
!                 dlgHeight - 10 - max(loginButton.GetSize().GetHeight(),
!       loginButton.SetPosition(
!         wxPoint(dlgWidth - 16 - cancelButton.GetSize().GetWidth() - \
!                 loginButton.GetSize().GetWidth(),
!                 dlgHeight - 10 - max(loginButton.GetSize().GetHeight(),
        self.loginButton = loginButton
!       self.dlg.SetSize(wxSize(dlgWidth, dlgHeight))
!       self.dlg.Refresh()
!       self.dlg.Fit()
!       self.dlg.Raise()
!       self.dlg.CenterOnScreen()
!     # If user cancels, this will be set to 0
!     self._completed = 0
!     self.dlg.ShowModal()
!     if not self._completed:
!       raise GLoginHandler.UserCanceledLogin
!     rv = {}
!     for i in range(0, len(loginData[2])):
!       rv[loginData[2][i][0]] = self.textctrlList[i].GetValue()
!     return rv
    # Login is completed, for whatever reason
--- 144,200 ----
        # Move the fields and labels into position
        for i in range(0, len(self.textctrlList)):
          dlgHeight = dlgHeight + ySpacing
!         labelList[i].move(xPos, lastY)
!         self.textctrlList[i].move(xPos + xSpacing, lastY)
          lastY = lastY + ySpacing
+         self.textctrlList[i].show()
        if errortext:
!         errorField.move(
!           dlgWidth/2 - errorField.width()/2,
!                 lastY+3)
        # Set the focus to the first text entry field
! ##      self.textctrlList[0].SetFocus()
        # Create and position the logo
!       img = QLabel(self.dlg)
!       img.setFrameRect(QRect(dlgWidth-bmp.width()/2, 12, bmp.width(), 
!       img.setPixmap(bmp)
        # Move the various widgets into position
!       messageField.move(
!         dlgWidth/2 - messageField.width()/2,
!                 30 + bmp.height())
!       cancelButton.move(
!          dlgWidth - 10 - cancelButton.width(),
!                 dlgHeight - 10 - max(loginButton.height(),
!                                             cancelButton.height()))
!       print "Cancel Button %s,%s" % (cancelButton.x(),cancelButton.y())
!       loginButton.move(
!         dlgWidth - 16 - cancelButton.width() - \
!                 loginButton.width(),
!                 dlgHeight - 10 - max(loginButton.height(),
!                                             cancelButton.height()))
        self.loginButton = loginButton
!       self.dlg.setFixedSize(dlgWidth, dlgHeight)
!       # If user cancels, this will be set to 0
!       completed = self.dlg.exec_loop()
!       if completed == QDialog.Rejected:
!         raise GLoginHandler.UserCanceledLogin
!       rv = {}
!       for i in range(0, len(loginData[2])):
!         rv[loginData[2][i][0]] = self.textctrlList[i].text()
!       return rv
    # Login is completed, for whatever reason
*** 205,265 ****
    # Called when user clicks "login"
!   def loginButtonEventTrap(self, event):
!     self.loginCompleted(1)
    # Called when user clicks "cancel"
!   def loginCancelEventTrap(self, event):
!     self.loginCompleted(0)
    # TODO: This is a hack required because windows
    # TODO: seems to have issues with wxWindows dialogs
    def destroyLoginDialog(self):
!     self.dlg.Destroy()
! #
! # LoginFieldHandler
! #
! # Used by the login handler
! # enables the user to press return and have it jump to the next box
! #
! class LoginFieldHandler:
!   def __init__(self, app, seq):
! = app
!     self.seq = seq
!   def loginFieldEventTrap(self, event):
!      if event.KeyCode() in (WXK_RETURN, WXK_TAB):
!        if self.seq < len( - 1:
!        else:
!          if event.KeyCode() == WXK_TAB:
!            if event.ShiftDown():
!    [self.seq-1].SetFocus()
!            else:
!          else:
!      else:
!       event.Skip()
  class WrappedStaticText(QLabel):
!   def __init__(self, parent, id, label, width, *args, **params):
! ##    QLabel.__init__(self, parent, id, "bah!", *args, **params)
      textSoFar = ""
      thisLine = ""
      for part in string.split(label,'\n'):
        for word in string.split(part):
!         self.SetLabel(thisLine + word)
!         if self.GetSize().width > width:
            textSoFar += thisLine + " \n"
            thisLine = word + " "
--- 206,242 ----
    # Called when user clicks "login"
!   def loginButtonEventTrap(self):
!     self.dlg.accept()
    # Called when user clicks "cancel"
!   def loginCancelEventTrap(self):
!     self.dlg.reject()
    # TODO: This is a hack required because windows
    # TODO: seems to have issues with wxWindows dialogs
    def destroyLoginDialog(self):
!     self.dlg.hide()
  class WrappedStaticText(QLabel):
!   def __init__(self, parent, label, width, *args, **params):
!     QLabel.__init__(self, label, parent, *args, **params)
+ ##    QLabel.setFixedWidth(width)
      textSoFar = ""
      thisLine = ""
      for part in string.split(label,'\n'):
        for word in string.split(part):
!         self.setText(thisLine + word)
!         if self.width() > width:
            textSoFar += thisLine + " \n"
            thisLine = word + " "
*** 269,275 ****
        thisLine = ""
      if len(textSoFar):
!       self.SetLabel(string.replace(textSoFar,' \n','\n')[:-1])
!       self.SetLabel("")
--- 246,252 ----
        thisLine = ""
      if len(textSoFar):
!       self.setText(string.replace(textSoFar,' \n','\n')[:-1])
!       self.setText("")

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