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[gnue] r8369 - in trunk/gnue-common/utils: . vim

From: reinhard
Subject: [gnue] r8369 - in trunk/gnue-common/utils: . vim
Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2006 06:02:24 -0500 (CDT)

Author: reinhard
Date: 2006-04-05 06:02:24 -0500 (Wed, 05 Apr 2006)
New Revision: 8369

Added some magic files helpful for those editing with vim.

Added: trunk/gnue-common/utils/vim/ftplugin_python.vim
--- trunk/gnue-common/utils/vim/ftplugin_python.vim     2006-04-05 09:56:28 UTC 
(rev 8368)
+++ trunk/gnue-common/utils/vim/ftplugin_python.vim     2006-04-05 11:02:24 UTC 
(rev 8369)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+" Save this file as .vim/after/ftplugin/python.vim
+" This file does:
+" 1. set indenting to 4 spaces as required by pep8
+" 2. map ^X to inserting a --- comment block indented 4 spaces
+" 3. map ^Y to inserting a === comment block without indention
+set shiftwidth=4
+map  O0C    # 73A-o# 73A-o2ko# 
+map  O0C# 77A=o# 77A=o2ko# 

Added: trunk/gnue-common/utils/vim/indent_python.vim
--- trunk/gnue-common/utils/vim/indent_python.vim       2006-04-05 09:56:28 UTC 
(rev 8368)
+++ trunk/gnue-common/utils/vim/indent_python.vim       2006-04-05 11:02:24 UTC 
(rev 8369)
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+" Save this file as .vim/after/indent/python.vim
+" This file changes standard behaviour of python indenting to also indent
+" continuation lines within open [] and {} pairs just like it does for ()
+" pairs.
+" Patch is already sent to the maintainer of the original python indenting
+" definition, maybe he'll include it in a later release of vim.
+let s:maxoff = 50
+setlocal indentexpr=GetPythonIndent_new(v:lnum)
+function GetPythonIndent_new(lnum)
+  " If this line is explicitly joined: If the previous line was also joined,
+  " line it up with that one, otherwise add two 'shiftwidth'
+  if getline(a:lnum - 1) =~ '\\$'
+    if a:lnum > 1 && getline(a:lnum - 2) =~ '\\$'
+      return indent(a:lnum - 1)
+    endif
+    return indent(a:lnum - 1) + (&sw * 2)
+  endif
+  " If the start of the line is in a string don't change the indent.
+  if has('syntax_items')
+       \ && synIDattr(synID(a:lnum, 1, 1), "name") =~ "String$"
+    return -1
+  endif
+  " Search backwards for the previous non-empty line.
+  let plnum = prevnonblank(v:lnum - 1)
+  if plnum == 0
+    " This is the first non-empty line, use zero indent.
+    return 0
+  endif
+  " If the previous line is inside parenthesis, use the indent of the starting
+  " line.
+  " Trick: use the non-existing "dummy" variable to break out of the loop when
+  " going too far back.
+  call cursor(plnum, 1)
+  let parlnum = searchpair('(\|{\|\[', '', ')\|}\|\]', 'nbW',
+         \ "line('.') < " . (plnum - s:maxoff) . " ? dummy :"
+         \ . " synIDattr(synID(line('.'), col('.'), 1), 'name')"
+         \ . " =~ '\\(Comment\\|String\\)$'")
+  if parlnum > 0
+    let plindent = indent(parlnum)
+    let plnumstart = parlnum
+  else
+    let plindent = indent(plnum)
+    let plnumstart = plnum
+  endif
+  " When inside parenthesis: If at the first line below the parenthesis add
+  " two 'shiftwidth', otherwise same as previous line.
+  " i = (a
+  "       + b
+  "       + c)
+  call cursor(a:lnum, 1)
+  let p = searchpair('(\|{\|\[', '', ')\|}\|\]', 'bW',
+         \ "line('.') < " . (a:lnum - s:maxoff) . " ? dummy :"
+         \ . " synIDattr(synID(line('.'), col('.'), 1), 'name')"
+         \ . " =~ '\\(Comment\\|String\\)$'")
+  if p > 0
+    if p == plnum
+      " When the start is inside parenthesis, only indent one 'shiftwidth'.
+      let pp = searchpair('(\|{\|\[', '', ')\|}\|\]', 'bW',
+         \ "line('.') < " . (a:lnum - s:maxoff) . " ? dummy :"
+         \ . " synIDattr(synID(line('.'), col('.'), 1), 'name')"
+         \ . " =~ '\\(Comment\\|String\\)$'")
+      if pp > 0
+       return indent(plnum) + &sw
+      endif
+      return indent(plnum) + (&sw * 2)
+    endif
+    if plnumstart == p
+      return indent(plnum)
+    endif
+    return plindent
+  endif
+  " Get the line and remove a trailing comment.
+  " Use syntax highlighting attributes when possible.
+  let pline = getline(plnum)
+  let pline_len = strlen(pline)
+  if has('syntax_items')
+    " If the last character in the line is a comment, do a binary search for
+    " the start of the comment.  synID() is slow, a linear search would take
+    " too long on a long line.
+    if synIDattr(synID(plnum, pline_len, 1), "name") =~ "Comment$"
+      let min = 1
+      let max = pline_len
+      while min < max
+       let col = (min + max) / 2
+       if synIDattr(synID(plnum, col, 1), "name") =~ "Comment$"
+         let max = col
+       else
+         let min = col + 1
+       endif
+      endwhile
+      echomsg min
+      let pline = strpart(pline, 0, min - 1)
+      echomsg pline  
+      sleep 1
+    endif
+  else
+    let col = 0
+    while col < pline_len
+      if pline[col] == '#'
+       let pline = strpart(pline, 0, col)
+       break
+      endif
+      let col = col + 1
+    endwhile
+  endif
+  " If the previous line ended with a colon, indent this line
+  if pline =~ ':\s*$'
+    return plindent + &sw
+  endif
+  " If the previous line was a stop-execution statement...
+  if getline(plnum) =~ '^\s*\(break\|continue\|raise\|return\)\>'
+    " See if the user has already dedented
+    if indent(a:lnum) > indent(plnum) - &sw
+      " If not, recommend one dedent
+      return indent(plnum) - &sw
+    endif
+    " Otherwise, trust the user
+    return -1
+  endif
+  " If the current line begins with a keyword that lines up with "try"
+  if getline(a:lnum) =~ '^\s*\(except\|finally\)\>'
+    let lnum = a:lnum - 1
+    while lnum >= 1
+      echomsg 'got here'
+      if getline(lnum) =~ '^\s*\(try\|except\)\>'
+       let ind = indent(lnum)
+       echomsg 'got here, indent is ' . ind
+       if ind >= indent(a:lnum)
+         return -1     " indent is already less than this
+       endif
+       return ind      " line up with previous try or except
+      endif
+      let lnum = lnum - 1
+    endwhile
+    echomsg 'got to the end'
+    return -1          " no matching "try"!
+  endif
+  " If the current line begins with a header keyword, dedent
+  if getline(a:lnum) =~ '^\s*\(elif\|else\)\>'
+    " Unless the previous line was a one-liner
+    if getline(plnumstart) =~ '^\s*\(for\|if\|try\)\>'
+      return plindent
+    endif
+    " Or the user has already dedented
+    if indent(a:lnum) <= plindent - &sw
+      return -1
+    endif
+    return plindent - &sw
+  endif
+  " When after a () construct we probably want to go back to the start line.
+  " a = (b
+  "       + c)
+  " here
+  if parlnum > 0
+    return plindent
+  endif
+  return -1
+" vim:sw=2

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