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[gnue] r9416 - trunk/gnue-forms/src/uidrivers/qt3/widgets

From: johannes
Subject: [gnue] r9416 - trunk/gnue-forms/src/uidrivers/qt3/widgets
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2007 04:57:48 -0600 (CST)

Author: johannes
Date: 2007-02-28 04:57:48 -0600 (Wed, 28 Feb 2007)
New Revision: 9416

Added implementation of select_files()

issue152 in-progress

Modified: trunk/gnue-forms/src/uidrivers/qt3/widgets/
--- trunk/gnue-forms/src/uidrivers/qt3/widgets/  2007-02-28 08:42:46 UTC 
(rev 9415)
+++ trunk/gnue-forms/src/uidrivers/qt3/widgets/  2007-02-28 10:57:48 UTC 
(rev 9416)
@@ -333,6 +333,79 @@
     # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    def _ui_select_files_(self, title, default_dir, default_file, wildcard,
+            mode, multiple, overwrite_prompt, file_must_exist):
+        """
+        Bring up a dialog for selecting filenames.
+        @param title: Message to show on the dialog
+        @param default_dir: the default directory, or the empty string
+        @param default_file: the default filename, or the empty string
+        @param wildcard: a list of tuples describing the filters used by the
+            dialog.  Such a tuple constists of a description and a fileter.
+            Example: [('PNG Files', '*.png'), ('JPEG Files', '*.jpg')]
+            If no wildcard is given, all files will match (*.*)
+        @param mode: Is this dialog an open- or a save-dialog.  If mode is
+            'save' it is a save dialog, everything else would be an
+            open-dialog.
+        @param multiple: for open-dialog only: if True, allows selecting
+            multiple files
+        @param overwrite_prompt: for save-dialog only: if True, prompt for a
+            confirmation if a file will be overwritten
+        @param file_must_exist: if True, the user may only select files that
+            actually exist
+        @returns: a sequence of filenames or None if the dialog has been
+            cancelled.
+        """
+        wst = ";;".join(["%s (%s)" % (desc, filt) for (desc, filt) in 
+        dlg = qt.QFileDialog(default_dir, wst, self.main_window, "File Dialog",
+                True)
+        dlg.setCaption(title)
+        if multiple:
+            dmode = qt.QFileDialog.ExistingFiles
+        else:
+            dmode = qt.QFileDialog.ExistingFile
+        if mode.lower().startswith('save'):
+            dmode = qt.QFileDialog.AnyFile
+        dlg.setMode(dmode)
+        while True:
+            mres = dlg.exec_loop()
+            # User cancelled the dialog
+            if not mres:
+                result = None
+                break
+            if dmode == qt.QFileDialog.AnyFile:
+                fname = unicode(dlg.selectedFile())
+                if overwrite_prompt and os.path.exists(fname):
+                    answ = self._ui_show_message_( \
+                        u_("The file '%(file)s' already exists. " \
+                           "Overwrite it?") % {'file': fname},
+                        'Question', u_("File already exists"), True)
+                    if answ:
+                        result = [fname]
+                        break
+            elif dmode == qt.QFileDialog.ExistingFile:
+                result = [unicode(dlg.selectedFile())]
+                break
+            else:
+                result = [unicode(i) for i in dlg.selectedFiles()]
+                if result:
+                    break
+        return result
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     def _ui_show_about_(self, name, version, author, description):
         Show the about box describing the current application

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