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[gnue] r9799 - trunk/gnue-common/src/apps

From: johannes
Subject: [gnue] r9799 - trunk/gnue-common/src/apps
Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2007 08:15:53 -0600 (CST)

Author: johannes
Date: 2007-11-13 08:15:52 -0600 (Tue, 13 Nov 2007)
New Revision: 9799

Start of PEP8-ification

Modified: trunk/gnue-common/src/apps/
--- trunk/gnue-common/src/apps/  2007-11-13 14:07:03 UTC (rev 9798)
+++ trunk/gnue-common/src/apps/  2007-11-13 14:15:52 UTC (rev 9799)
@@ -55,235 +55,236 @@
 # Convert Unicode to String, let everything else untouched. This is o().
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-def outconv (message):
-  """
-  Encodes a message to L{encoding} (the current locale's encoding).  This
-  function is available as the builtin function "o()".
-  """
-  if isinstance (message, unicode):
-    return message.encode (encoding, 'replace')
-  else:
-    return message
+def outconv(message):
+    """
+    Encodes a message to L{encoding} (the current locale's encoding).  This
+    function is available as the builtin function "o()".
+    """
+    if isinstance(message, unicode):
+        return message.encode(encoding, 'replace')
+    else:
+        return message
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Find a module from filename
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-def __find_module (filename):
-  if __modules.has_key (filename):
-    return __modules [filename]
-  for mod in sys.modules.values ():
-    if hasattr (mod, '__file__'):
-      # mod.__file__ can be .pyc if the module is already compiled
-      mod_filename = mod.__file__
-      if mod_filename.endswith('c'):
-        mod_filename = mod_filename [:-1]
-      if os.path.normcase (mod_filename) == os.path.normcase (filename):
-        __modules [filename] = mod
-        return mod
+def __find_module(filename):
+    if __modules.has_key(filename):
+        return __modules[filename]
+    for mod in sys.modules.values():
+        if hasattr(mod, '__file__'):
+            # mod.__file__ can be .pyc if the module is already compiled
+            mod_filename = mod.__file__
+            if mod_filename.endswith('c'):
+                mod_filename = mod_filename[:-1]
+            if os.path.normcase(mod_filename) == os.path.normcase(filename):
+                __modules[filename] = mod
+                return mod
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Find the correct translation catalog
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-def __find_catalog ():
+def __find_catalog():
-  # find out the filename of the calling function
-  caller_file = (sys._getframe (2)).f_code.co_filename
+    # find out the filename of the calling function
+    caller_file = (sys._getframe(2)).f_code.co_filename
-  # find out the module name
-  caller_module = __find_module (caller_file)
+    # find out the module name
+    caller_module = __find_module(caller_file)
-  if caller_module is None:
-    return None
+    if caller_module is None:
+        return None
-  # make 'gnue-common' from ''
-  module_name = caller_module.__name__.replace('.', '-', 1)
-  i = module_name.find('.')
-  domain = module_name [:i]
+    # make 'gnue-common' from ''
+    module_name = caller_module.__name__.replace('.', '-', 1)
+    i = module_name.find('.')
+    domain = module_name[:i]
-  if __catalogs.has_key (domain + ':' + language):
-    return __catalogs [domain + ':' + language]
-  else:
-    try:
-      catalog = gettext.translation (domain, + '/share/locale',
-                                     [language])
-    except:
-      catalog = None
+    if __catalogs.has_key(domain + ':' + language):
+        return __catalogs[domain + ':' + language]
+    else:
+        try:
+            catalog = gettext.translation(domain, + '/share/locale',
+                                          [language])
+        except:
+            catalog = None
-    __catalogs [domain + ':' + language] = catalog
+        __catalogs[domain + ':' + language] = catalog
-    return catalog
+        return catalog
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Translate a message and return unicode
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-def utranslate (message):
-  """
-  Translates a message and returns a unicode string.  This function is
-  available as the builtin function "u_()".
-  """
-  catalog = __find_catalog ()
+def utranslate(message):
+    """
+    Translates a message and returns a unicode string.  This function is
+    available as the builtin function "u_()".
+    """
+    catalog = __find_catalog()
-  if catalog is None:
-    return message
+    if catalog is None:
+        return message
-  return catalog.ugettext (message)
+    return catalog.ugettext(message)
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Translate a message and return local encoding
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-def translate (message):
-  """
-  Translates a message and returns an 8 bit string, encoded with L{encoding}
-  (the current locale's encoding).  This function is available as the builtin
-  function "_()".
-  """
-  return outconv (utranslate (message))
+def translate(message):
+    """
+    Translates a message and returns an 8 bit string, encoded with L{encoding}
+    (the current locale's encoding).  This function is available as the builtin
+    function "_()".
+    """
+    return outconv(utranslate(message))
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Get the current language
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-def getlanguage ():
-  """
-  Returns the language of the currently acitve locale. This can be changed with
-  L{setcurrentlocale}.
+def getlanguage():
+    """
+    Returns the language of the currently acitve locale. This can be changed
+    with L{setcurrentlocale}.
-  @return: language of the current locale.
-  """
-  return language
+    @return: language of the current locale.
+    """
+    return language
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Get the current encoding
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-def getencoding ():
-  """
-  Returns the encoding of the currently active locale. This can be changed with
-  L{setcurrentlocale}.
+def getencoding():
+    """
+    Returns the encoding of the currently active locale. This can be changed
+    with L{setcurrentlocale}.
-  @return: encoding of the current locale.
-  """
-  return encoding
+    @return: encoding of the current locale.
+    """
+    return encoding
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Get the locale string of the current user
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-def getuserlocale ():
-  """
-  Try to find out which locale the user is using.  This is always the locale of
-  the user running the program and is not touched by setcurrentlocale.
+def getuserlocale():
+    """
+    Try to find out which locale the user is using.  This is always the locale
+    of the user running the program and is not touched by setcurrentlocale.
-  @return: localestring of the user's locale, i.e. address@hidden
-  """
+    @return: localestring of the user's locale, i.e. address@hidden
+    """
-  # *Actually* the following is very much what locale.getdefaultlocale should
-  # do anyway.  However, that function is broken for $LANGUAGE containing a
-  # list of locales, separated with ":". So we have to manually rebuild it...
-  items = ['LANGUAGE', 'LC_ALL', 'LC_MESSAGES', 'LANG']
-  for key in items:
-    if os.environ.has_key (key):
-      # Some systems (most notably Debian...) set $LANGUAGE to a *list* of
-      # locales, separated by a ":".
-      env_lang = (os.environ [key]).split (':') [0]
-      return locale.locale_alias.get (env_lang, env_lang)
+    # *Actually* the following is very much what locale.getdefaultlocale should
+    # do anyway.  However, that function is broken for $LANGUAGE containing a
+    # list of locales, separated with ":". So we have to manually rebuild it...
+    items = ['LANGUAGE', 'LC_ALL', 'LC_MESSAGES', 'LANG']
+    for key in items:
+        if os.environ.has_key(key):
+            # Some systems (most notably Debian...) set $LANGUAGE to a *list*
+            # of locales, separated by a ":".
+            env_lang = (os.environ[key]).split(':')[0]
+            return locale.locale_alias.get(env_lang, env_lang)
-  # Now this should only happen on Windows, where getdefaultlocale seems to
-  # work ok.
-  try:
-    result = locale.getdefaultlocale () [0]
-  except locale.Error:
-    result = ''
+    # Now this should only happen on Windows, where getdefaultlocale seems to
+    # work ok.
+    try:
+        result = locale.getdefaultlocale()[0]
+    except locale.Error:
+        result = ''
-  return result or 'C'
+    return result or 'C'
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Update global variables
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-def __updateglobals ():
+def __updateglobals():
-  global language, encoding
+    global language, encoding
-  # On win32, getlocale is broken - it returns strings like Hungarian_Hungary
-  # instead of hu_HU.
-  if sys.platform in ['win32', 'Pocket PC']:
-    (language, encoding) = locale.getdefaultlocale ()
-  else:
-    (language, encoding) = locale.getlocale ()
+    # On win32, getlocale is broken - it returns strings like Hungarian_Hungary
+    # instead of hu_HU.
+    if sys.platform in ['win32', 'Pocket PC']:
+        (language, encoding) = locale.getdefaultlocale()
+    else:
+        (language, encoding) = locale.getlocale()
-  # Make sure language and encoding are not None
-  if not language:
-    language = 'C'
-  if not encoding:
-    encoding = 'ascii'
+    # Make sure language and encoding are not None
+    if not language:
+        language = 'C'
+    if not encoding:
+        encoding = 'ascii'
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Change the current locale
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-def setcurrentlocale (new_locale):
-  """
-  Set the current locale.
-  If it fails it tries to succeed using a more general form of the requested
-  locale, i.e. if 'address@hidden' fails, 'de_AT' will be tried next. If that 
-  too, 'de' will be tried.
+def setcurrentlocale(new_locale):
+    """
+    Set the current locale.
-  @param new_locale: string of the locale to be set, e.g. address@hidden
-    (full blown) or 'de_AT' or 'en_AU'
-  """
-  # Setting a locale different than the current locale doesn't work on Windows.
-  if sys.platform == 'win32':
-    return
+    If it fails it tries to succeed using a more general form of the requested
+    locale, i.e. if 'address@hidden' fails, 'de_AT' will be tried next. If that
+    fails too, 'de' will be tried.
-  if new_locale is None:
-    new_locale = ''
+    @param new_locale: string of the locale to be set, e.g. address@hidden
+        (full blown) or 'de_AT' or 'en_AU'
+    """
+    # Setting a locale different than the current locale doesn't work on
+    # Windows.
+    if sys.platform == 'win32':
+        return
-  new_locale = new_locale.encode ()
+    if new_locale is None:
+        new_locale = ''
-  parts  = []
-  add    = []
-  normal = locale.normalize (new_locale)         # address@hidden
-  next   = normal.split ('@') [0]               # lc_CC.ENCODING
-  lang   = next.split ('.') [0]                 # lc_CC
+    new_locale = new_locale.encode()
-  alias  = locale.locale_alias.get (lang.split ('_') [0].lower ())
-  if alias:
-    add = [alias.split ('@') [0]]
-    add.append (add [-1].split ('.') [0])
-    add.append (locale.locale_alias.get (add [-1].split ('_') [0].lower ()))
+    parts  = []
+    add    = []
+    normal = locale.normalize(new_locale)         # address@hidden
+    next   = normal.split('@')[0]                 # lc_CC.ENCODING
+    lang   = next.split('.')[0]                   # lc_CC
-  for item in [normal, next, lang] + add:
-    if item is not None and item not in parts:
-      parts.append (item)
+    alias  = locale.locale_alias.get(lang.split('_')[0].lower())
+    if alias:
+        add = [alias.split('@')[0]]
+        add.append(add[-1].split('.')[0])
+        add.append(locale.locale_alias.get(add[-1].split('_')[0].lower()))
-  for item in parts:
-    try:
-      locale.setlocale (locale.LC_ALL, item)
+    for item in [normal, next, lang] + add:
+        if item is not None and item not in parts:
+            parts.append(item)
-    except locale.Error:
-      pass
+    for item in parts:
+        try:
+            locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, item)
-    else:
-      break
+        except locale.Error:
+            pass
-  __updateglobals ()
+        else:
+            break
+    __updateglobals()
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Module initialization
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -291,18 +292,18 @@
 # Initialize locale.  On Mac locale.setlocale() does not return the default
 # locale.  Instead we have to query the system preferences for the AppleLocale
 if sys.platform == 'darwin':
-  pipe = os.popen('defaults read -g AppleLocale')
-  deflc = + '.UTF-8'
-  pipe.close()
+    pipe = os.popen('defaults read -g AppleLocale')
+    deflc = + '.UTF-8'
+    pipe.close()
-  deflc = ''
+    deflc = ''
-  locale.setlocale (locale.LC_ALL, deflc)
+    locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, deflc)
-  pass
+    pass
-__updateglobals ()
 # Now define the new builtin stuff
 import __builtin__

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