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[Commit-gnuradio] r11633 - gnuradio/branches/developers/matt/new_eth/usr

From: matt
Subject: [Commit-gnuradio] r11633 - gnuradio/branches/developers/matt/new_eth/usrp2/fpga/simple_gemac
Date: Mon, 31 Aug 2009 00:54:53 -0600 (MDT)

Author: matt
Date: 2009-08-31 00:54:53 -0600 (Mon, 31 Aug 2009)
New Revision: 11633

testbench code

                           (rev 0)
   2009-08-31 06:54:53 UTC (rev 11633)
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+task SendFlowCtrl;
+   input [15:0] fc_len;
+   begin
+      $display("Sending Flow Control, quanta = %d, time = %d", fc_len,$time);
+      pause_time <= fc_len;
+      @(posedge clk);
+      pause_req <= 1;
+      @(posedge clk);
+      pause_req <= 0;
+      $display("Sent Flow Control");
+   end
+endtask // SendFlowCtrl
+task SendPacket_to_fifo36;
+   input [31:0] data_start;
+   input [15:0] data_len;
+   reg [15:0]  count;
+   begin
+      $display("Sending Packet Len=%d, %d", data_len, $time);
+      count   <= 2;
+      tx_f36_dat <= {2'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, data_start};
+      tx_f36_src_rdy  <= 1;
+      #1;
+      while(count < data_len)
+       begin
+          while(~tx_f36_dst_rdy)
+            @(posedge clk);
+          @(posedge clk);
+          tx_f36_dat[31:0] = tx_f36_dat[31:0] + 32'h0101_0101;
+          count           = count + 4;
+          tx_f36_dat[32] <= 0;
+       end
+      tx_f36_dat[3]      <= 1;
+      while(~tx_f36_dst_rdy)
+       @(posedge clk);
+      @(posedge clk);
+      tx_f36_src_rdy <= 0;
+   end
+endtask // SendPacket_to_fifo36
+task Waiter;
+   input [31:0] wait_length;
+   begin
+      tx_ll_src_rdy2 <= 0;
+      repeat(wait_length)
+       @(posedge clk);
+      tx_ll_src_rdy2 <= 1;
+   end
+endtask // Waiter
+task SendPacketFromFile_f36;
+   input [31:0] data_len;
+   input [31:0] wait_length;
+   input [31:0] wait_time;
+   integer count;
+   begin
+      $display("Sending Packet From File to LL8 Len=%d, %d",data_len,$time);
+      $readmemh("test_packet.mem",pkt_rom );     
+      while(~tx_f36_dst_rdy)
+       @(posedge clk);
+      tx_f36_data2 <= pkt_rom[0];
+      tx_f36_src_rdy <= 1;
+      tx_ll_eof2     <= 0;
+      @(posedge clk);
+      for(i=1;i<data_len-1;i=i+1)
+       begin
+          while(~tx_ll_dst_rdy2)
+            @(posedge clk);
+          tx_ll_data2 <= pkt_rom[i];
+          tx_ll_sof2  <= 0;
+          @(posedge clk);
+          if(i==wait_time)
+            Waiter(wait_length);
+       end
+      while(~tx_ll_dst_rdy2)
+       @(posedge clk);
+      tx_ll_eof2 <= 1;
+      tx_ll_data2 <= pkt_rom[data_len-1];
+      @(posedge clk);
+      tx_ll_src_rdy2 <= 0;
+   end

                             (rev 0)
     2009-08-31 06:54:53 UTC (rev 11633)
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+module simple_gemac_wrapper_f36_tb;
+`include "eth_tasks_f36.v"
+   reg clk     = 0;
+   reg reset   = 1;
+   initial #1000 reset = 0;
+   always #50 clk = ~clk;
+   reg wb_clk  = 0;
+   wire wb_rst         = reset;
+   always #173 wb_clk = ~wb_clk;
+   wire [7:0] GMII_RXD, GMII_TXD;
+   wire rx_valid, rx_error, rx_ack;
+   wire tx_ack, tx_valid, tx_error;
+   wire [7:0] rx_data, tx_data;
+   reg [15:0] pause_time;
+   reg pause_req      = 0;
+   wire GMII_RX_CLK   = GMII_GTX_CLK;
+   reg [7:0] FORCE_DAT_ERR = 0;
+   reg FORCE_ERR = 0;
+   // Loopback
+   assign GMII_RX_DV  = GMII_TX_EN;
+   assign GMII_RX_ER  = GMII_TX_ER | FORCE_ERR;
+   assign GMII_RXD    = GMII_TXD ^ FORCE_DAT_ERR;
+   wire rx_ll_sof, rx_ll_eof, rx_ll_src_rdy, rx_ll_dst_rdy;
+   wire rx_ll_sof2, rx_ll_eof2, rx_ll_src_rdy2;
+   wire        rx_ll_dst_rdy2;
+   wire [7:0] rx_ll_data, rx_ll_data2;
+   wire rx_ll_error, rx_ll_error2;
+   wire [31:0] wb_dat_o;
+   reg [31:0]  wb_dat_i;
+   reg [7:0]   wb_adr;
+   reg                wb_stb=0, wb_cyc=0, wb_we=0;
+   wire        wb_ack;
+   reg [35:0]  tx_f36_dat;
+   reg                tx_f36_src_rdy;
+   wire        tx_f36_dst_rdy;
+   wire [35:0] rx_f36_dat;
+   wire        rx_f36_src_rdy;
+   reg                rx_f36_dst_rdy  = 1;
+   simple_gemac_wrapper simple_gemac_wrapper
+     (.clk125(clk),  .reset(reset),
+      .pause_req(pause_req), .pause_time(pause_time),
+      .rx_clk(rx_clk), .rx_ll_data(rx_ll_data), .rx_ll_sof(rx_ll_sof),
+      .rx_ll_eof(rx_ll_eof), .rx_ll_src_rdy(rx_ll_src_rdy), 
+      .tx_clk(tx_clk), .tx_ll_data(tx_ll_data), .tx_ll_sof(tx_ll_sof),
+      .tx_ll_eof(tx_ll_eof), .tx_ll_src_rdy(tx_ll_src_rdy), 
+      .wb_clk(wb_clk), .wb_rst(wb_rst), .wb_stb(wb_stb), .wb_cyc(wb_cyc), 
+      .wb_we(wb_we), .wb_adr(wb_adr), .wb_dat_i(wb_dat_i), .wb_dat_o(wb_dat_o),
+      .mdio(mdio), .mdc(mdc) );
+   wire        rx_ll_dst_rdy2_n;
+   assign        rx_ll_dst_rdy2  = ~rx_ll_dst_rdy2_n;
+   ll8_shortfifo rx_sfifo
+     (.clk(clk), .reset(reset), .clear(0),
+      .datain(rx_ll_data), .sof_i(rx_ll_sof), .eof_i(rx_ll_eof),
+      .error_i(rx_ll_error), .src_rdy_i(rx_ll_src_rdy), 
+      .dataout(rx_ll_data2), .sof_o(rx_ll_sof2), .eof_o(rx_ll_eof2),
+      .error_o(rx_ll_error2), .src_rdy_o(rx_ll_src_rdy2), 
+   ll8_to_fifo36 ll8_to_fifo36
+     (.clk(clk), .reset(reset), .clear(0),
+      .ll_data(rx_ll_data2), .ll_sof_n(~rx_ll_sof2), .ll_eof_n(~rx_ll_eof2),
+      .ll_src_rdy_n(~rx_ll_src_rdy2), .ll_dst_rdy_n(rx_ll_dst_rdy2_n),
+      .f36_data(rx_f36_dat), .f36_src_rdy_o(rx_f36_src_rdy), 
+   wire tx_ll_sof, tx_ll_eof, tx_ll_src_rdy, tx_ll_dst_rdy;
+   wire tx_ll_sof2_n, tx_ll_eof2_n;
+   wire tx_ll_src_rdy2_n, tx_ll_dst_rdy2;
+   wire [7:0] tx_ll_data, tx_ll_data2;
+   wire tx_ll_error;
+   wire tx_ll_error2 = 0;
+   fifo36_to_ll8 fifo36_to_ll8
+     (.clk(clk), .reset(reset), .clear(clear),
+      .f36_data(tx_f36_dat), .f36_src_rdy_i(tx_f36_src_rdy), 
+      .ll_data(tx_ll_data2), .ll_sof_n(tx_ll_sof2_n), .ll_eof_n(tx_ll_eof2_n),
+      .ll_src_rdy_n(tx_ll_src_rdy2_n), .ll_dst_rdy_n(~tx_ll_dst_rdy2));
+   ll8_shortfifo tx_sfifo
+     (.clk(clk), .reset(reset), .clear(clear),
+      .datain(tx_ll_data2), .sof_i(~tx_ll_sof2_n), .eof_i(~tx_ll_eof2_n),
+      .error_i(tx_ll_error2), .src_rdy_i(~tx_ll_src_rdy2_n), 
+      .dataout(tx_ll_data), .sof_o(tx_ll_sof), .eof_o(tx_ll_eof),
+      .error_o(tx_ll_error), .src_rdy_o(tx_ll_src_rdy), 
+   initial $dumpfile("simple_gemac_wrapper_f36_tb.vcd");
+   initial $dumpvars(0,simple_gemac_wrapper_f36_tb);
+   integer i; 
+   reg [7:0] pkt_rom[0:65535];
+   reg [1023:0] ROMFile;
+   initial
+     for (i=0;i<65536;i=i+1)
+       pkt_rom[i] <= 8'h0;
+   initial
+     begin
+       @(negedge reset);
+       repeat (10)
+         @(posedge clk);
+       WishboneWR(0,6'b111001);
+       WishboneWR(4,16'hF1F2);
+       WishboneWR(8,32'hF3F4_F5F6);
+       WishboneWR(12,16'h0000);
+       WishboneWR(16,32'h0000_0000);
+       @(posedge clk);
+       SendFlowCtrl(16'h0007);  // Send flow control
+       @(posedge clk);
+       #30000;
+       @(posedge clk);
+       SendFlowCtrl(16'h0009);  // Increase flow control before it expires
+       #10000;
+       @(posedge clk);
+       SendFlowCtrl(16'h0000);  // Cancel flow control before it expires
+       @(posedge clk); 
+       SendPacket_to_fifo36(8'hAA,10);    // This packet gets dropped by the 
+       repeat (10)
+         @(posedge clk);
+       SendPacketFromFile_fifo36(60,0,0);  // The rest are valid packets
+       repeat (10)
+         @(posedge clk);
+       SendPacketFromFile_fifo36(61,0,0);
+       repeat (10)
+         @(posedge clk);
+       SendPacketFromFile_fifo36(62,0,0);
+       repeat (10)
+         @(posedge clk);
+       SendPacketFromFile_fifo36(63,0,0);
+       repeat (1)
+         @(posedge clk);
+       SendPacketFromFile_fifo36(64,0,0);
+       repeat (10)
+         @(posedge clk);
+       SendPacketFromFile_fifo36(59,0,0);
+       repeat (1)
+         @(posedge clk);
+       SendPacketFromFile_fifo36(58,0,0);
+       repeat (1)
+         @(posedge clk);
+       SendPacketFromFile_fifo36(100,0,0);
+       repeat (1)
+         @(posedge clk);
+       SendPacketFromFile_fifo36(200,150,30);  // waiting 14 empties the fifo, 
15 underruns
+       repeat (1)
+         @(posedge clk);
+       SendPacketFromFile_fifo36(100,0,30);
+       #10000 $finish;
+     end
+   // Force a CRC error
+    initial
+     begin
+       #90000;
+       @(posedge clk);
+       FORCE_DAT_ERR <= 8'h10;
+       @(posedge clk);
+       FORCE_DAT_ERR <= 8'h00;
+     end
+   // Force an RX_ER error (i.e. link loss)
+   initial
+     begin
+       #116000;
+       @(posedge clk);
+       FORCE_ERR <= 1;
+       @(posedge clk);
+       FORCE_ERR <= 0;
+     end
+   // Cause receive fifo to fill, causing an RX overrun
+   initial
+     begin
+       #126000;
+       @(posedge clk);
+       rx_f36_dst_rdy <= 0;
+       repeat (30)          // Repeat of 14 fills the shortfifo, but works.  
15 overflows
+         @(posedge clk);
+       rx_f36_dst_rdy <= 1;
+     end
+  */ 
+   // Tests: Send and recv flow control, send and receive good packets, RX CRC 
err, RX_ER, RX overrun, TX underrun
+   // Still need to test: CRC errors on Pause Frames, MDIO, wishbone
+   task WishboneWR;
+      input [7:0] adr;
+      input [31:0] value;
+      begin
+        wb_adr   <= adr;
+        wb_dat_i <= value;
+        wb_stb   <= 1;
+        wb_cyc   <= 1;
+        wb_we    <= 1;
+        while (~wb_ack)
+          @(posedge wb_clk);
+        @(posedge wb_clk);
+        wb_stb <= 0;
+        wb_cyc <= 0;
+        wb_we  <= 0;
+      end
+   endtask // WishboneWR
+   always @(posedge clk)
+     if(rx_f36_src_rdy & rx_f36_dst_rdy)
+       begin
+         if(rx_f36_dat[32] & ~rx_f36_dat[33])
+           $display("RX-PKT-START %d",$time);
+         $display("RX-PKT SOF %d EOF %d ERR %d OCC %d DAT 
+                  &rx_f36_dat[33:32],rx_f36_dat[35:34],rx_f36_dat[31:0]);
+         if(rx_f36_dat[33] & ~rx_f36_dat[32])
+           $display("RX-PKT-END %d",$time);
+         if(rx_f36_dat[33] & rx_f36_dat[32])
+           $display("RX-PKT-ERROR %d",$time);
+       end
+endmodule // simple_gemac_wrapper_tb

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