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[Commit-gnuradio] [gnuradio] 01/39: fec: LDPC: Adding class for LDPC par

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Subject: [Commit-gnuradio] [gnuradio] 01/39: fec: LDPC: Adding class for LDPC parity check matrix.
Date: Thu, 15 Oct 2015 21:21:24 +0000 (UTC)

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jcorgan pushed a commit to branch master
in repository gnuradio.

commit 61ddcf22cd3eb7bf1024926c74093f2657872bf8
Author: tracierenea <address@hidden>
Date:   Mon Jun 2 20:52:45 2014 -0500

    fec: LDPC: Adding class for LDPC parity check matrix.
    This code is from GSOC 2013; start of the port into gr-fec.
 .../gnuradio/fec/ldpc_parity_check_matrix.h        |  126 ++
 gr-fec/lib/             | 1553 ++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 1679 insertions(+)

diff --git a/gr-fec/include/gnuradio/fec/ldpc_parity_check_matrix.h 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d8c9e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gr-fec/include/gnuradio/fec/ldpc_parity_check_matrix.h
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+/* -*- c++ -*- */
+ * Copyright 2013-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * 
+ * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published 
+ * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your 
+ * option) any later version.
+ * 
+ * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * 
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this software; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#include <string>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <gsl/gsl_matrix.h>
+#include <gsl/gsl_randist.h>
+#include <gsl/gsl_permutation.h>
+#include <gsl/gsl_linalg.h>
+#include <gsl/gsl_blas.h>
+using namespace std;
+class LDPC_parity_check_matrix
+    // Codeword length n (also the number of columns in the H matrix)
+    unsigned int d_n;
+    // Information word length k
+    unsigned int d_k;
+    // Rank of the parity check matrix
+    unsigned int d_rank;
+    // Number of rows in the parity check matrix
+    unsigned int d_num_rows;
+    // Gap (when matrix is in TABECD form)
+    unsigned int d_gap;
+    // GSL matrix structure for the parity check matrix
+    gsl_matrix *d_H_ptr;
+    /* Overloading the constructor because the parity matrix may come
+       from one of three places and be in a few forms:
+       1. Be read in from a given filename (must be alist format)
+         a) encoding-ready. (Gap g must be provided)
+            Set flag = 1. This is the default flag/case.
+         b) full rank but not encoding ready
+            Set flag = 2. 
+         c) regular LDPC matrix, not (necessarily) full rank
+            Set flag = 3.
+         d) unknown state, so try (c)
+            Set flag = 4.
+       2. Be already existing in a GSL matrix object
+         - User must call functions as needed to get matrix into
+           encoding-ready state
+       3. Be generated by this class if the properties are specified
+    */
+    // Constructor if filename is given, case 1
+    LDPC_parity_check_matrix(string *,
+                             int flag = 1,
+                             unsigned int gap = 0);
+    // Constructor if a parity check matrix is given, case 2
+    LDPC_parity_check_matrix(gsl_matrix *);
+    // Constructor if n,p,q values are given, case 3
+    LDPC_parity_check_matrix(unsigned int n, 
+                             unsigned int p, 
+                             unsigned int q);
+    // Default constructor, should not be used
+    LDPC_parity_check_matrix();
+    // Get the codeword length n
+    unsigned int get_n();
+    // Get the information word length k
+    unsigned int get_k();
+    // Get the rank of the parity check matrix
+    unsigned int get_rank();
+    // These are the submatrices found during preprocessing which are
+    // used for encoding. TODO should these be private?
+    gsl_matrix *d_T_inverse;
+    gsl_matrix *d_phi_inverse;
+    gsl_matrix *d_E;
+    gsl_matrix *d_A;
+    gsl_matrix *d_B;
+    gsl_matrix *d_D;
+    // Write the matrix out to a file in alist format
+    void write_matrix_to_file(string *);
+    // Read the matrix from a file in alist format
+    void read_matrix_from_file(string *);
+    // Reduce a H matrix which is not full rank to be full rank
+    void reduce_H_to_full_rank_matrix();
+    // Transform full rank parity check H matrix to TABECD form
+    void full_rank_to_TABECD_form(bool extra_shuffle = false);
+    // Preprocess TABECD form matrix to get parameters for encoding
+    // Should only do this one time because it takes a while...
+    void preprocess_for_encoding();
+    // Set the submatrix variables needed for encoding
+    void set_parameters_for_encoding();
+    // Subtract matrices using mod2 operation
+    gsl_matrix *subtract_matrices_mod2(gsl_matrix *, gsl_matrix *);
+    // Perform matrix multiplication using mod 2 operations
+    gsl_matrix *matrix_mult_mod2(gsl_matrix *, gsl_matrix *);
+    // Find the inverse of a square matrix using modulo 2 operations
+    gsl_matrix *calc_inverse_mod2(gsl_matrix *);
+    // Destructor
+    ~LDPC_parity_check_matrix();
diff --git a/gr-fec/lib/ 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d77391
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gr-fec/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,1553 @@
+/* -*- c++ -*- */
+ * Copyright 2013-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * 
+ * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published 
+ * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your 
+ * option) any later version.
+ * 
+ * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * 
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this software; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#include <ldpc_parity_check_matrix.h>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <vector>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <iostream>
+using namespace std;
+// Constructor if filename is given, case 1
+LDPC_parity_check_matrix::LDPC_parity_check_matrix(string *file, 
+                                                   int flag, 
+                                                   unsigned int gap)
+    if (flag == 1 && gap == 0) {
+        cout << "Error in LDPC_parity_check_matrix constructor. If "
+             << "encoding-ready alist file is provided, gap must be "
+             << "specified.\n\n";
+        exit(1);
+    }
+    // Read in matrix from file
+    read_matrix_from_file(file);
+    if (flag == 1 && gap > 0) {
+        // If flag == 1 and g is nonzero: case 1a
+        d_gap = gap;
+        set_parameters_for_encoding();
+    }
+    else if (flag == 2) {
+        // If flag == 2, case 1b
+        try {
+            full_rank_to_TABECD_form();
+        }
+        catch (char const *exceptionString) {
+            cout << exceptionString;
+        }
+        preprocess_for_encoding();
+        set_parameters_for_encoding();
+    }
+    else if (flag == 3) {
+        // If flag == 3, case 1c
+        reduce_H_to_full_rank_matrix();
+        try {
+            full_rank_to_TABECD_form();
+        }
+        catch (char const *exceptionString) {
+            cout << exceptionString;
+        }
+        preprocess_for_encoding();
+        set_parameters_for_encoding();
+    }
+    else if (flag == 4) {
+        // If flag == 4, case 1d. Try to run as flag 3 case
+        reduce_H_to_full_rank_matrix();
+        try {
+            full_rank_to_TABECD_form();
+        }
+        catch (char const *exceptionString) {
+            cout << "Error in LDPC_parity_check_matrix() constructor: " 
+                 << exceptionString;
+        }
+        preprocess_for_encoding();
+        set_parameters_for_encoding();
+        // TODO add some try/catch blocks
+    }
+    else {
+        cout << "Error in LDPC_parity_check_matrix constructor. "
+             << "Invalid flag set in constructor arguments.\n\n";
+        exit(1);
+    }
+    // Turn off GSL error handler so that program does not abort if
+    // an error pops up.
+    gsl_set_error_handler_off();
+} // Constructor if filename is given, case 1
+// Constructor if a parity check matrix is given, case 2
+LDPC_parity_check_matrix::LDPC_parity_check_matrix(gsl_matrix *m_ptr)
+    // Turn off GSL error handler so that program does not abort if
+    // an error pops up.
+    gsl_set_error_handler_off();
+    d_H_ptr = m_ptr;
+    // set n, the number of columns
+    d_n = (*d_H_ptr).size2;
+    // set the number of rows
+    d_num_rows = (*d_H_ptr).size1;
+    // Length of information word = num of columns - number of rows
+    d_k = d_n - d_num_rows;
+    // FIXME need to find the gap or have the user specify it
+} // Constructor if a parity check matrix is given, case 2
+// Constructor if n,p,q values are given, case 3
+LDPC_parity_check_matrix::LDPC_parity_check_matrix(unsigned int n,
+                                                   unsigned int p,
+                                                   unsigned int q)
+    /* This constructor accepts parameters to construct a regular low
+       density parity check (LDPC) parity check matrix H. The
+       algorithm follows Gallager's approach where we create p
+       submatrices and stack them together. Reference: Turbo Coding
+       for Satellite and Wireless Communications, section 9,3.
+       n = codeword length, or number of columns in the matrix
+       p = column weight
+       q = row weight
+       Note: the matrices computed from this algorithm will never
+       have full rank. (Reference Gallager's Dissertation.) They 
+       will have rank = (number of rows - p + 1). To convert it
+       to full rank, the function reduce_H_to_full_rank_matrix is
+       called. Then, the function full_rank_to_TABECD_form is called
+       to complete the preprocessing steps.
+    */
+    // TODO: there should probably be some guidelines for the n, p, 
+    // and q values chosen, but I have not seen any specific
+    // guidelines in the literature.
+    // For this algorithm, n/q must be an integer, because the ratio
+    // defines the number of rows in each submatrix.
+    // Turn off GSL error handler so that program does not abort if
+    // an error pops up.
+    gsl_set_error_handler_off();
+    d_n = n;
+    float test = d_n % q;
+    if (test) {
+        cout << "Error in regular LDPC code contructor algorithm: "
+             << "The ratio of inputs n/q must be a whole number.\n";
+        exit(1);
+    }
+    // First, allocate memory for the H matrix (the big final matrix)
+    d_num_rows = (d_n*p)/q;   // # of rows in the H matrix
+    d_H_ptr = gsl_matrix_alloc(d_num_rows,d_n);
+    gsl_matrix_set_zero(d_H_ptr);
+    // Number of rows in each submatrix
+    unsigned int sub_row_num = d_num_rows/p;
+    // Define the first submatrix
+    gsl_matrix *submatrix1_ptr = gsl_matrix_alloc(sub_row_num,d_n);
+    unsigned int row_number, range1, range2, index;
+    for (row_number = 0; row_number < sub_row_num; row_number++) {
+        range1 = row_number*q;
+        range2 = (row_number+1)*q;
+        index = range1;
+        while (index < range2) {
+            gsl_matrix_set(submatrix1_ptr,row_number,index,1);
+            index++;
+        }
+    }
+    // Copy the first submatrix to the top of the H matrix
+    unsigned int col_index, row_index, value; 
+    for (col_index = 0; col_index < d_n; col_index++) {
+        for (row_index=0; row_index < sub_row_num; row_index++) {
+            value=gsl_matrix_get(submatrix1_ptr,row_index,col_index);
+            gsl_matrix_set(d_H_ptr,row_index,col_index,value);
+        }
+    }
+    // Create an array of the column numbers
+    int column_numbers[d_n];
+    for (index = 0; index < d_n; index ++) {
+        column_numbers[index] = index;
+    }
+    // Setup the random number generator
+    const gsl_rng_type *T;
+    gsl_rng *rng;
+    gsl_rng_env_setup();
+    T = gsl_rng_default;
+    rng = gsl_rng_alloc(T);
+    // Create other submatrices and vertically stack them on below
+    unsigned int submatrix_count = 2;
+    while (submatrix_count <= p) {
+        // Shuffle the array of column numbers. Call function twice.
+        // For some reason, the first and last entries don't ever get
+        // shuffled if this function is only called once. 
+        gsl_ran_shuffle(rng,column_numbers,d_n,sizeof(int));
+        gsl_ran_shuffle(rng,column_numbers,d_n,sizeof(int));
+        // Use shuffled column order to build this submatrix
+        for (col_index = 0; col_index < d_n; col_index++) {
+            int reference_col_index = column_numbers[col_index];
+            for (row_index=0; row_index < sub_row_num; row_index++) {
+                value = gsl_matrix_get(submatrix1_ptr,
+                                       row_index,
+                                       reference_col_index);
+                unsigned int row_index_in_H = row_index + 
+                             (submatrix_count-1)*sub_row_num;
+                gsl_matrix_set(d_H_ptr,
+                               row_index_in_H,
+                               col_index,
+                               value);
+            }
+        }
+        submatrix_count++;
+    }
+    reduce_H_to_full_rank_matrix();
+    bool found_acceptable_H = false;
+    while (!found_acceptable_H) {
+        // full_rank_to_TABECD_form
+        try {
+            full_rank_to_TABECD_form();
+        }
+        catch (char const *exceptionString) {
+            cout << "Error in LDPC_parity_check_matrix()"
+                 << " constructor:\n" << exceptionString;
+        }
+        // preprocess_for_encoding
+        try {
+            preprocess_for_encoding();
+        }
+        catch (char const *exceptionString) {
+            cout << "Error in preprocess_for_encoding() function:\n"
+                 << exceptionString;
+            continue;
+        }
+        // set_parameters_for_encoding
+        try {
+            set_parameters_for_encoding();
+            // If we've made it this far, then we've found an
+            // acceptable H matrix.
+            found_acceptable_H = true;  
+        }
+        catch (char const *exceptionString) {
+            cout << "Error in preprocess_for_encoding() function:\n"
+                 << exceptionString;
+        }
+    }
+} // Constructor if n,p,q values are given, case 3
+// Default constructor, should not be used
+LDPC_parity_check_matrix::LDPC_parity_check_matrix() {
+    cout << "Error in LDPC_parity_check_matrix(): Default "
+         << "constructor called.\nMust provide arguments for one of "
+         << "the constructors so that a parity check matrix can be "
+         << "created. (Constructor for this class is overloaded.)"
+         << "\n\n";
+    exit(1);
+    // Call the gsl_matrix_free function to free the allocated
+    // parity check matrix.
+    gsl_matrix_free (d_H_ptr);
+unsigned int LDPC_parity_check_matrix::get_n() {
+    return d_n;
+unsigned int LDPC_parity_check_matrix::get_k() {
+    return d_k;
+unsigned int LDPC_parity_check_matrix::get_rank() {
+    // Returns the value set in reduce_H_to_full_rank_matrix(). If
+    // that function wasn't ran, then this variable hasn't been set.
+    // I was hoping to use a GSL function to calculate rank but there
+    // doesn't seem to be a simple one for this.
+    return d_rank;
+void LDPC_parity_check_matrix::write_matrix_to_file(string *file) {
+    /*
+        This function writes an alist file for the parity check
+        matrix. The format of alist files is desribed at: 
+    */
+    string alist_filename(*file);
+    ofstream output_file;
+    // Open the file (needs a C-string)
+    if (!output_file) {
+        cout << "Error: Could not open file " << alist_filename
+             << " for writing.\n";
+        exit(1);
+    }
+    // 1st line is number of columns and number of rows
+    output_file << d_n << " " << d_num_rows << endl;
+    // Initialize some variables
+    string temp_string_1("");
+    string temp_string_2("");
+    string temp_string_3("");
+    string temp_string_4("");
+    unsigned int max_row_weight = 0, max_col_weight = 0;
+    unsigned int row_index, col_index, row_weight, col_weight, value;
+    // Use stringstream to convert unsigned int to string.
+    stringstream out;
+    for (row_index = 0; row_index < d_num_rows; row_index++) {
+        row_weight = 0;
+        for (col_index = 0; col_index < d_n; col_index++) {
+            // Get the value from the H matrix.
+            value = gsl_matrix_get(d_H_ptr, row_index,col_index);
+            if (value) {
+                // Increment the weight for this row.
+                row_weight++;
+                // Index from 1, not 0, in the alist format.
+                out << col_index + 1;
+                // Append this index to the string.
+                temp_string_2 += out.str();
+                // Now clear the stringstream
+                out.str("");
+                // Add a space too.
+                temp_string_2 += " ";
+            }
+        }
+        // Add a newline between rows
+        temp_string_2 += "\n";
+        // Check if the current row has the max weight.
+        if (row_weight > max_row_weight) {
+            max_row_weight = row_weight;
+        }
+        // Use stringstream to convert unsigned int to string
+        out << row_weight;
+        temp_string_1 += out.str(); // Append the row weight
+        out.str("");                // Clear the stringstream
+        temp_string_1 += " ";       // Add a space
+    }
+    for (col_index = 0; col_index < d_n; col_index++) {
+        col_weight = 0;
+        for (row_index = 0; row_index < d_num_rows; row_index++) {
+            // Get the value from the H matrix.
+            value = gsl_matrix_get(d_H_ptr, row_index, col_index);
+            if (value) {
+                // Increment the weight for this column.
+                col_weight++;
+                // Index from 1, not 0, in the alist format.
+                out << row_index + 1;
+                // Append this index to the string.
+                temp_string_4 += out.str();
+                // Now clear the stringstream.
+                out.str("");
+                // Add a space too.
+                temp_string_4 += " ";
+            }
+        }
+        // Add a newline between columns
+        temp_string_4 += "\n";
+        // Check if the current column has max weight.
+        if (col_weight > max_col_weight) {
+            max_col_weight = col_weight;
+        }
+        // Use stringstream to convert unsigned int to string
+        out << col_weight; 
+        temp_string_3 += out.str(); // Append the col weight
+        out.str("");                // Clear the stringstream
+        temp_string_3 += " ";       // Add a space b/w values
+    }
+    // We're done with these strings; add a final newline
+    temp_string_1 += "\n";
+    temp_string_3 += "\n";
+    // Write out the max column and row weights.
+    output_file << max_col_weight << " " << max_row_weight << endl;
+    // Write out all of the column weights.
+    output_file << temp_string_3;
+    // Write out all of the row weights.
+    output_file << temp_string_1;
+    // Write out the nonzero indices for each column.
+    output_file << temp_string_4;
+    // Write out the nonzero indices for each row.
+    output_file << temp_string_2;
+    // Close the file. 
+    output_file.close();
+void LDPC_parity_check_matrix::read_matrix_from_file(string *file) {
+    /* This function reads in an alist file and creates the
+        corresponding parity check matrix. The format of alist
+        files is desribed at:
+    */
+    string alist_filename(*file);
+    ifstream inputFile;
+    // Open the alist file (needs a C-string)
+    if (!inputFile) {
+        cout << "There was a problem opening file "
+             << alist_filename << " for reading.\n";
+        exit(1);
+    }
+    // First line of file is matrix size: # columns, # rows
+    inputFile >> d_n >> d_num_rows; 
+    // Now we can allocate memory for the GSL matrix
+    d_H_ptr = gsl_matrix_alloc(d_num_rows, d_n);
+    // Since the matrix will be sparse, start by filling it with 0s
+    gsl_matrix_set_zero(d_H_ptr);
+    // The next few lines in the file are not neccesary in 
+    // contructing the matrix.
+    string tempBuffer;
+    unsigned int counter;
+    for (counter = 0; counter < 4; counter++) {
+        getline(inputFile,tempBuffer);
+    }
+    // These next lines list the indices for where the 1s are in each
+    // column.
+    unsigned int column_count = 0;
+    string row_number;
+    while (column_count < d_n) {
+        getline(inputFile,tempBuffer);
+        stringstream ss(tempBuffer);
+        while (ss >> row_number) {
+            int row_i = atoi(row_number.c_str());
+            // alist files index starting from 1, not 0, so decrement
+            row_i--;
+            // set the corresponding matrix element to 1
+            gsl_matrix_set(d_H_ptr,row_i,column_count,1);
+        }
+        column_count++;
+    }
+    // The subsequent lines in the file list the indices for where
+    // the 1s are in the rows, but this is redundant information that
+    // we already have. 
+    // Close the alist file
+    inputFile.close();
+    // Length of information word = num of columns - number of rows
+    d_k = d_n - d_num_rows;
+ }
+void LDPC_parity_check_matrix::reduce_H_to_full_rank_matrix() {
+    /* This function operates on the parity check matrix H. If H is 
+       not already full rank, then the function will determine which
+       rows are dependant and remove them. 
+       This method, as with the other methods in this class, assumes
+       that the matrix is GF(2), 1s and 0s only. 
+    */
+    cout << "Original matrix has " << d_num_rows << " rows.\n"; 
+    // Create a copy of the original matrix to refer to later
+    gsl_matrix *original_matrix = gsl_matrix_alloc(d_num_rows,d_n);
+    gsl_matrix_memcpy(original_matrix, d_H_ptr); 
+    unsigned int rank = 0, index = 0, limit = d_num_rows;
+    unsigned int col_index, row_index;
+    // Create vectors to save the column and row permutations
+    vector<int> column_order;
+    vector<int> row_order;
+    while (index < d_n) {
+        column_order.push_back(index);
+        index++;
+    }
+    index = 0;
+    while (index < d_num_rows) {
+        row_order.push_back(index);
+        index++;
+    }
+    index = 0; 
+    while (index < limit) {
+        // Flag indicating that row contains a nonzero entry
+        bool found_nonzero_entry = false;
+        for (col_index = 0; col_index < d_n; col_index++) {
+            int value = gsl_matrix_get(d_H_ptr, index, col_index);
+            if (value == 1) {
+                // Encountered a nonzero entry at (index, col_index)
+                found_nonzero_entry = true;
+                // Increment the rank by 1
+                rank++;
+                // Make the entry at (index, index) be 1. This swaps
+                // the columns "in-place"
+                gsl_matrix_swap_columns(d_H_ptr, col_index, index);
+                // keep track of the column swapping
+                int temp_value = column_order[index];
+                column_order[index] = column_order[col_index];
+                column_order[col_index] = temp_value; 
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        if (found_nonzero_entry == true) {
+            for (row_index = 0; row_index < d_num_rows; row_index++) {
+                if (row_index == index) {
+                    continue; 
+                }
+                int value = gsl_matrix_get(d_H_ptr, row_index,index);
+                if (value == 1) {
+                    // Add row # index to row # row_index (few steps)
+                    // 1. Create a GSL vector
+                    gsl_vector *temp_vector = gsl_vector_alloc(d_n);
+                    // 2. Add values from each row, mod 2
+                    unsigned int col;
+                    for (col = 0; col < d_n; col++){
+                        int val1 = gsl_matrix_get(d_H_ptr,index,col);
+                        int val2 = gsl_matrix_get(d_H_ptr, 
+                                                  row_index,
+                                                  col);
+                        int new_val = (val1 + val2) % 2; 
+                        gsl_vector_set(temp_vector, col, new_val);
+                    }
+                    // 3. Set this as the new row number row_index 
+                    //    in H.
+                    gsl_matrix_set_row(d_H_ptr, 
+                                       row_index, 
+                                       temp_vector);
+                    // All of the entries above and below 
+                    // (index, index) are now 0.
+                }
+            }
+            index++;
+        }
+        else {
+            // Push this row of 0s to the bottom, and move the bottom
+            // rows up (sort of a rotation operation). Create a temp
+            // matrix to work with. Keep track of row order. 
+            // Push row number index to the bottom of the matrix.
+            gsl_matrix *temp_matrix=gsl_matrix_alloc(d_num_rows,d_n);
+            gsl_matrix_memcpy(temp_matrix, d_H_ptr);
+            gsl_vector *temp_vector = gsl_vector_alloc(d_n);
+            unsigned int col_index; 
+            for (col_index = 0; col_index < d_n; col_index++){
+                int value = gsl_matrix_get(d_H_ptr, index,col_index);
+                gsl_vector_set(temp_vector, col_index, value);
+            } 
+            gsl_matrix_set_row(temp_matrix,d_num_rows-1,temp_vector);
+            int temp_value1 = row_order[d_num_rows-1];
+            row_order[d_num_rows-1]=row_order[index];
+            // Now rotate the other rows up
+            int value, temp_index = 2;
+            while ((d_num_rows - temp_index) >= index) {
+                int row_to_move = d_num_rows - temp_index + 1;
+                // Keep track of the row shuffling.
+                int temp_value2 = row_order[row_to_move-1];
+                row_order[row_to_move - 1]=temp_value1;
+                temp_value1 = temp_value2;
+                for (col_index=0; col_index < d_n; col_index++) {
+                    value = gsl_matrix_get(d_H_ptr,
+                                           row_to_move,
+                                           col_index);
+                    gsl_vector_set(temp_vector, col_index, value);
+                }
+                gsl_matrix_set_row(temp_matrix,
+                                   row_to_move-1,
+                                   temp_vector);
+                temp_index++;
+            }
+            // copy temporary array into H
+            gsl_matrix_memcpy(d_H_ptr, temp_matrix);
+            // Decrease the limit since we just found a row of all 0s
+            limit--;
+        }
+    }
+    // Finally, reorder H per the column and row permutations
+    unsigned int rows_to_delete = d_num_rows - rank;
+    index = 0;
+    while (index < rows_to_delete) {
+        // The dependent rows will be discared
+        row_order.pop_back();
+        index++;
+    }
+    // Set the variables
+    d_rank = rank;
+    d_num_rows = row_order.size();
+    d_k = d_n - d_num_rows;
+    gsl_matrix *temp_matrix = gsl_matrix_alloc(d_num_rows,d_n);
+    // First, reorder the rows. (Could do cols first; doesn't matter)
+    int value;
+    for (row_index = 0; row_index < d_num_rows; row_index++) {
+        int reference_row = row_order[row_index];
+        for (col_index=0; col_index<d_n; col_index++) {
+            value = gsl_matrix_get(original_matrix,
+                                   reference_row,
+                                   col_index);
+            gsl_matrix_set(temp_matrix,row_index,col_index,value);
+        }
+    }
+    // Second, reorder the columns.
+    for (col_index = 0; col_index < d_n; col_index++) {
+        int reference_col = column_order[col_index];
+        for (row_index = 0; row_index<d_num_rows; row_index++) {
+            value = gsl_matrix_get(original_matrix, 
+                                   row_index, 
+                                   reference_col);
+            gsl_matrix_set(temp_matrix,row_index,col_index,value);
+        }
+    }
+    // Set this as the new H matrix for this object
+    d_H_ptr = temp_matrix;
+    cout << "Final full rank matrix has " << (*d_H_ptr).size1
+         << " rows. (This is the rank of the matrix.)\n";
+void LDPC_parity_check_matrix::full_rank_to_TABECD_form(
+                                                bool extra_shuffle) {
+    /*  This function performs row/column permutations to bring
+        H into approximate upper triangular form via greedy
+        upper triangulation method outlined in Modern Coding
+        Theory Appendix 1, Section A.2. (See Figure A.11)
+        Per email from Dr. Urbanke, author of this textbook, this
+        algorithm requires the precondition of H being full rank. 
+        TODO Need to add a test to confirm that H is full rank
+        before processing, but there isn't a function in GSL that
+        returns rank, so for now, just assuming that 
+        reduce_H_to_full_rank_matrix() has been called if needed.
+    */
+    unsigned int t = 0; // T matrix will be size t x t
+    unsigned int col_index, row_index, value, index, gap = 0;
+    bool found_nonsingular_phi = false;
+    // Create another copy and call it d_H_ptr_temp. We don't want to
+    // save to d_H_ptr until we confirm that the phi matrix is
+    // nonsingular.
+    gsl_matrix *d_H_ptr_temp = gsl_matrix_alloc(d_num_rows, d_n);
+    gsl_matrix_memcpy(d_H_ptr_temp, d_H_ptr);
+    // Create copy of original matrix & save as H_t
+    gsl_matrix *H_t = gsl_matrix_alloc(d_num_rows, d_n);
+    gsl_matrix_memcpy(H_t, d_H_ptr);
+    while (t != (d_n-d_k-gap)) {
+        // Define H_residual (H_r). This is the matrix between the 
+        // bars on page 445 in Modern Coding Theory.
+        unsigned int H_r_num_rows = d_n-d_k-gap-t;
+        unsigned int H_r_num_cols = d_n-t;
+        gsl_matrix *H_r = gsl_matrix_alloc(H_r_num_rows,
+                                           H_r_num_cols);
+        for (row_index = t; row_index < H_r_num_rows+t; row_index++){
+            for (col_index =t;col_index<H_r_num_cols+t;col_index++) {
+                value = gsl_matrix_get(d_H_ptr_temp,
+                                       row_index,
+                                       col_index);
+                gsl_matrix_set(H_r, row_index-t, col_index-t, value);
+            }
+        }
+        // Find the weight, or degree, of each column of H_r
+        vector<unsigned int> column_degrees;
+        unsigned int min_residual_degree = H_r_num_rows;
+        for (col_index = 0; col_index < H_r_num_cols; col_index++) {
+            unsigned int degree = 0;
+            for (row_index=0; row_index < H_r_num_rows;row_index++) {
+                value = gsl_matrix_get(H_r,row_index, col_index);
+                if (value == 1) {
+                    degree++;
+                }
+            }
+            column_degrees.push_back(degree);
+            // Find the minimum nonzero residual degree (must be +)
+            if (degree && (degree < min_residual_degree)) {
+                min_residual_degree = degree;
+            }
+        }
+        // Get indices of all of the columns in H_t that have weight
+        // equal to the minimum residual degree, then pick one of
+        // them at random to be column c.
+        vector<int> indices_in_H_t_with_min_degree;
+        for (index = 0; index < column_degrees.size(); index++) {
+            if (column_degrees[index] == min_residual_degree) {
+                //This is the column number of H_t, not H_r, so add t
+                indices_in_H_t_with_min_degree.push_back(index+t);
+            }
+        }
+        // Setup the random number generator
+        gsl_rng *rng;
+        const gsl_rng_type *T;
+        gsl_rng_env_setup();
+        T = gsl_rng_default;
+        rng = gsl_rng_alloc(T);
+        unsigned int num_of_cols = 
+                               indices_in_H_t_with_min_degree.size();
+        // Have to convert the vector to an array for GSL
+        int indices_in_H_t_with_min_degree_array[num_of_cols];
+        for (index = 0; index < num_of_cols; index++) {
+            indices_in_H_t_with_min_degree_array[index] = 
+                               indices_in_H_t_with_min_degree[index];
+        }
+        // Shuffle twice. For some reason, the first and last entries
+        // don't ever get shuffled if you only shuffle once.
+        gsl_ran_shuffle(rng,
+                        indices_in_H_t_with_min_degree_array,
+                        num_of_cols,
+                        sizeof(unsigned int));
+        gsl_ran_shuffle(rng,
+                        indices_in_H_t_with_min_degree_array,
+                        num_of_cols,
+                        sizeof(unsigned int));
+        unsigned int column_c = 
+                             indices_in_H_t_with_min_degree_array[0];
+        unsigned int row_that_contains_nonzero;
+        if (min_residual_degree == 1) {
+            // This is the 'extend' case
+            // Find the row in column c that contains the 1
+            for (row_index=0; row_index < H_r_num_rows;row_index++) {
+                unsigned int H_r_column = column_c - t;
+                value = gsl_matrix_get(H_r, row_index, H_r_column);
+                if (value == 1) {
+                    row_that_contains_nonzero = row_index + t;
+                }
+            }
+            // Swap column c with column t (book says t+1 but we
+            // index from 0, not 1).
+            gsl_matrix_swap_columns(H_t, column_c, t);
+            // Swap row r with row t (book says t+1 but we index from
+            // 0, not 1).
+            gsl_matrix_swap_rows(H_t,row_that_contains_nonzero,t);
+        }
+        else {
+            // This is the 'choose' case
+            // Find the rows in column c that contains the non-zero
+            // entries.
+            vector <int> rows_that_contain_nonzero_entries;
+            for (row_index=0; row_index < H_r_num_rows;row_index++) {
+                unsigned int H_r_column = column_c - t;
+                value = gsl_matrix_get(H_r, row_index, H_r_column);
+                if (value == 1) {
+                    row_that_contains_nonzero = row_index + t;
+                }
+                else if (value == 0) {
+                    continue;
+                }
+                else {
+                    throw "Error: Found value in the matrix that is not 1 or 
+                }
+            }
+            // Swap column c with column t (book says t+1 but we
+            // index from 0, not 1.)
+            gsl_matrix_swap_columns(H_t, column_c, t);
+            // Swap row r1 with row t
+            gsl_matrix_swap_rows(H_t,
+                                rows_that_contain_nonzero_entries[0],
+                                t);
+            unsigned int rows_to_move, row_in_H_t; 
+            rows_to_move=rows_that_contain_nonzero_entries.size()-1;
+            for (index = 1; index <= rows_to_move; index++) {
+                // Move the other rows that contain nonzero entries
+                // to the bottom of the matrix. We can't just swap 
+                // them, because we would be pulling up rows that
+                // have been previously pushed down. So, use a 
+                // rotation type method.
+                row_in_H_t =rows_that_contain_nonzero_entries[index];
+                // I'm going to do this with a series of swaps. Say 
+                // we had rows 0 1 2 3 4 and we needed to push row 
+                // 2 to the bottom. This series of swaps would
+                // accomplish this by:
+                // swap #1)   0 1 4 3 2
+                // swap #2)   0 1 3 4 2
+                // start swap with the last row number
+                unsigned int row_to_swap_with = (*H_t).size1 - 1;
+                while (row_to_swap_with > row_in_H_t) {
+                    gsl_matrix_swap_rows(H_t,
+                                         row_in_H_t,
+                                         row_to_swap_with);
+                    row_to_swap_with--;
+                }
+            }
+            // the current H_t is our new candidate
+            d_H_ptr_temp = H_t;
+            // calculate the new gap value
+            gap = gap + (min_residual_degree - 1);
+        }
+        // increment up t
+        t++;
+        // clean up memory
+        gsl_matrix_free(H_r);
+    }
+    if (gap == 0) {
+        throw "Error in full_rank_to_TABECD_form(). Gap is 0.\n";
+    }
+    // Phi must be nonsingular if this matrix is to be used in the
+    // encoding algorithm. So, find phi and check.
+    // First, define all of the submatrices.
+    gsl_matrix_view T = gsl_matrix_submatrix(d_H_ptr_temp,
+                                             0, 
+                                             0, 
+                                             t, 
+                                             t);
+    gsl_matrix_view E = gsl_matrix_submatrix(d_H_ptr_temp,
+                                             t,
+                                             0,
+                                             gap,
+                                             d_n - d_k - gap);
+    gsl_matrix_view A = gsl_matrix_submatrix(d_H_ptr_temp,
+                                             0,
+                                             t,
+                                             t,
+                                             gap);
+    gsl_matrix_view C = gsl_matrix_submatrix(d_H_ptr_temp,
+                                             t,
+                                             t,
+                                             gap,
+                                             gap);
+    gsl_matrix_view D = gsl_matrix_submatrix(d_H_ptr_temp,
+                                             t,
+                                             d_n-d_k,
+                                             gap,
+                                             d_k);
+    gsl_matrix *T_inverse;
+    try {
+        T_inverse = calc_inverse_mod2(&T.matrix);
+    }
+    catch (char const *exceptionString) {
+        cout << "Initial T inverse not found : "
+             << exceptionString;
+    }
+    gsl_matrix *temp1 = matrix_mult_mod2(&E.matrix, T_inverse);
+    gsl_matrix *temp2 = matrix_mult_mod2(temp1, &A.matrix);
+    // Solve for phi.
+    gsl_matrix *phi = subtract_matrices_mod2(&C.matrix, temp2);
+    // free some memory
+    gsl_matrix_free(temp1);
+    gsl_matrix_free(temp2);
+    gsl_matrix_free(T_inverse);
+    // If phi has at least one nonzero entry, try for inverse.
+    if (gsl_matrix_max(phi)) {
+        // Test to see if nonsingular phi matrix has been found.
+        try {
+            gsl_matrix *inverse_phi = calc_inverse_mod2(phi);
+            if (gsl_matrix_max(inverse_phi)) {
+                // At this point, nonsingular phi matrix was found.
+                gsl_matrix_memcpy(d_H_ptr, H_t);
+                found_nonsingular_phi = true;
+                d_gap = gap;
+            }
+            else {
+                cout << "Error. calc_inverse_mod2 is returning "
+                     << "an inverse phi matrix that is all zeros"
+                     << ".\n";
+                exit(1);
+            }
+        }
+        catch (char const *exceptionString) {
+            // cout << "Initial phi matrix is nonsingular: "
+            //      << exceptionString;
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+        cout << "Initial phi matrix is all zeros.\n";
+    }
+    // If the C and D submatrices are all zeros, then there is no
+    // point in shuffling them around in an attempt to find a
+    // nonsingular phi.
+    int max_C = gsl_matrix_max(&C.matrix);
+    int max_D = gsl_matrix_max(&D.matrix);
+    if (!(max_C || max_D)) {
+        // Set d_gap = number or rows so it's clear a valid matrix
+        // has not been found. 
+        d_gap = d_num_rows;
+        throw "Error: C and D submatrices are all zeros. It is not possible to 
find a nonsignular phi matrix\nand therefore encoding is not possible with the 
current H matrix candidate.\n";
+    }
+    // We can't look at every row/col permutation possibility because
+    // there are (n-t)! column shuffles and g! row shuffles. So, just
+    // define a maximum number of iterations to evaluate.
+    unsigned int max_iterations = 200, iteration_count = 0,
+                 num_shuffle_rows = gap, num_shuffle_cols = d_n-t;
+    // Create an array of the column numbers that can be shuffled
+    int columns_to_shuffle[num_shuffle_cols];
+    for (index = 0; index < num_shuffle_cols; index++) {
+        columns_to_shuffle[index] = index + t;
+    }
+    // Create an array of the row numbers that can be shuffled.
+    int rows_to_shuffle[num_shuffle_rows];
+    for (index = 0; index < num_shuffle_rows; index++ ) {
+        rows_to_shuffle[index] = index + t;
+    }
+    while ((!found_nonsingular_phi) && 
+           (iteration_count < max_iterations)) {
+        // Allocate memory for the candidate H matrix, temp_H
+        gsl_matrix *temp_H = gsl_matrix_alloc(d_num_rows, d_n);
+        // Create a copy of H_t matrix. 
+        gsl_matrix_memcpy(temp_H, H_t);
+        // Setup the random number generator
+        const gsl_rng_type *T;
+        gsl_rng *rng;
+        gsl_rng_env_setup();
+        T = gsl_rng_default;
+        rng = gsl_rng_alloc(T);
+        // Shuffle the array of column/row numbers. Shuffle twice. 
+        // For some reason, the first and last entries don't ever get
+        // shuffled if you only shuffle once.
+        gsl_ran_shuffle(rng,
+                        columns_to_shuffle,
+                        num_shuffle_cols,
+                        sizeof(int));
+        gsl_ran_shuffle(rng,
+                        columns_to_shuffle,
+                        num_shuffle_cols,
+                        sizeof(int));
+        gsl_ran_shuffle(rng,
+                        rows_to_shuffle,
+                        num_shuffle_rows,
+                        sizeof(int));
+        gsl_ran_shuffle(rng,
+                        rows_to_shuffle,
+                        num_shuffle_rows,
+                        sizeof(int));
+        // If, from the last time this function
+        // full_rank_to_TABECD_form was called, the result was an
+        // unusable matrix, we need to do an extra shuffle here. This
+        // flag is an argument to this function and is set in the
+        // preprocess_for_encoding function.
+        if (extra_shuffle) {
+            gsl_ran_shuffle(rng,
+                            rows_to_shuffle,
+                            num_shuffle_rows,
+                            sizeof(int));
+            gsl_ran_shuffle(rng,
+                            columns_to_shuffle,
+                            num_shuffle_cols,
+                            sizeof(int));
+        }
+        // Shuffle the rows first.
+        for (row_index = t; row_index < d_num_rows; row_index++) {
+            unsigned int ref_row = rows_to_shuffle[row_index-t];
+            for (col_index = 0; col_index < d_n; col_index++) {
+                value = gsl_matrix_get(H_t, ref_row, col_index);
+                gsl_matrix_set(temp_H, row_index, col_index, value);
+            }
+        }
+        // Shuffle the columns next.
+        for (col_index = t; col_index < d_n; col_index++) {
+            unsigned int ref_col = columns_to_shuffle[col_index-t];
+            for (row_index= 0; row_index < d_num_rows; row_index++) {
+                value = gsl_matrix_get(H_t, row_index, ref_col);
+                gsl_matrix_set(temp_H, row_index, col_index, value);
+            }
+        }
+        // Now test this new H matrix candidate.
+        gsl_matrix_memcpy(H_t, temp_H);
+        gsl_matrix_view newT = gsl_matrix_submatrix(H_t,
+                                                    0, 
+                                                    0, 
+                                                    t, 
+                                                    t);
+        gsl_matrix_view newE = gsl_matrix_submatrix(H_t,
+                                                    t,
+                                                    0,
+                                                    gap,
+                                                    d_n-d_k-gap);
+        gsl_matrix_view newA = gsl_matrix_submatrix(H_t,
+                                                    0,
+                                                    t,
+                                                    t,
+                                                    gap);
+        gsl_matrix_view newC = gsl_matrix_submatrix(H_t,
+                                                    t,
+                                                    t,
+                                                    gap,
+                                                    gap);
+        gsl_matrix *new_T_inverse;
+        try {
+            new_T_inverse = calc_inverse_mod2(&newT.matrix);
+        }
+        catch (char const *exceptionString) {
+            cout << "On iteration " << iteration_count << ", failed "
+                 << "to find T inverse: " << exceptionString;
+        }
+        temp1 = matrix_mult_mod2(&newE.matrix, new_T_inverse);
+        temp2 = matrix_mult_mod2(temp1, &newA.matrix);
+        // Solve for phi.
+        phi = subtract_matrices_mod2(&newC.matrix, temp2);
+        // free some memory
+        gsl_matrix_free(temp1);
+        gsl_matrix_free(temp2);
+        gsl_matrix_free(new_T_inverse);
+        // If phi has at least one nonzero entry, try for inverse.
+        if (gsl_matrix_max(phi)) {
+            // Test to see if nonsingular phi matrix has been found.
+            try {
+                gsl_matrix *inverse_phi = calc_inverse_mod2(phi);
+                if (gsl_matrix_max(inverse_phi)) {
+                    // At this point, an inverse was found. 
+                    gsl_matrix_memcpy(d_H_ptr, H_t);
+                    d_gap = gap;
+                    found_nonsingular_phi = true;
+                }
+                else {
+                    cout << "Error. calc_inverse_mod2 is returning "
+                         << "an inverse phi matrix that is all zeros"
+                         << ".\n";
+                    exit(1);
+                }
+            }
+            catch (char const *exceptionString) {
+                // cout << "Iteration count " << iteration_count
+                //      << ", Error finding phi inverse: " 
+                //      << exceptionString;
+            }
+        }
+        iteration_count++;
+        // Free memory.
+        gsl_matrix_free(temp_H);
+    }
+    // Free memory
+    gsl_matrix_free(H_t);
+    // gsl_matrix_free(d_H_ptr_temp); // This causes seg fault (???)
+    if (!found_nonsingular_phi) {
+        // Set the gap equal to the number or rows, since a valid phi
+        // matrix has not been found. 
+        d_gap = d_num_rows;
+        throw "Error: Nonsingular phi matrix not found. It is not possible to 
use the current H matrix candidate for encoding.\n";
+    }
+void LDPC_parity_check_matrix::preprocess_for_encoding() {
+    /*  This function will call the full_rank_to_TABECD_form()
+        function for num_iterations times. Due to some of the random
+        choices made in the Greedy Upper Triangulation algorithm, the
+        same initial matrix can result in matrices with different
+        size gap values. A lower gap corresponds to reduced
+        complexity during the subsquent computations of codewords.
+        Thus, we want to call the Greedy algorithm repeatedly, looking for the 
lowest gap. More details in Richardson and Urbanke's book: Modern Coding 
Theory, Appendix A. 
+        Afterwards, the submatrices are saved for later use during
+        real-time encoding.
+    */
+    // Setting this at 20 because that seemed to be sufficient
+    // during my testing. Feel free to changes this. More iterations
+    // = more time but potentially lower gap.
+    unsigned int num_iterations = 20;
+    // Note the initial parameters for comparison later.
+    unsigned int best_gap = d_gap;
+    gsl_matrix *best_H = gsl_matrix_alloc(d_num_rows, d_n);
+    unsigned int index = 1;
+    // More details regarding the flag in the catch block below
+    bool extra_shuffle_flag = false;
+    if (d_gap != d_num_rows) {
+        cout << "First H matrix has a gap of " << d_gap << ".\n";
+    }
+    else {
+        cout << "\nValid H matrix has not been found. Looking for a "
+             << "candidate.\n";
+    }
+    cout << endl;
+    while (index <= num_iterations) {
+        cout << "Iteration: " << index << "/" << num_iterations 
+             << endl;
+        try {
+            full_rank_to_TABECD_form(extra_shuffle_flag);
+            // If we're here, the full_rank_to_TABECD_form
+            // function found an acceptable matrix.
+            extra_shuffle_flag = false;
+            // See if a better H matrix was found (lower gap)
+            if (d_gap < best_gap) {
+                // This matrix is our new candidate to go with.
+                best_gap = d_gap;
+                gsl_matrix_memcpy(best_H, d_H_ptr);              
+                cout << "  New smaller gap found: " << d_gap << endl;
+            }
+            else {
+                cout << "  Gap found is " << d_gap << ", which is "
+                     << "not smaller than the current best candidate"
+                     << " matrix, which has a gap of " << best_gap
+                     << ".\n";                 
+            }
+        }
+        catch (char const *exceptionString){
+            cout << "  " << exceptionString;
+            // If we're here, then the preprocess_for_encoding()
+            // function didn't find an acceptable H candidate matrix.
+            // So, we need to do some extra shuffling the next time
+            // around, otherwise we'll just keep getting the same bad
+            // matrix again and again.
+            extra_shuffle_flag = true;
+        }
+        index++;
+    }
+    d_gap = best_gap;
+    if (d_gap == d_num_rows) {
+        gsl_matrix_free(best_H);
+        gsl_matrix_free(d_H_ptr);
+        throw "A valid parity check matrix was not found.\n";
+    }
+    else {
+        // Declare the winner!
+        gsl_matrix_memcpy(d_H_ptr, best_H);
+        cout << "\nThe best H matrix was found to have a gap of "
+             << d_gap << ".\n";
+    }
+void LDPC_parity_check_matrix::set_parameters_for_encoding() {
+    // This function defines all of the submatrices that will be
+    // needed during encoding. 
+    unsigned int t = d_num_rows - d_gap; 
+    // T submatrix
+    gsl_matrix_view T_view = gsl_matrix_submatrix(d_H_ptr,
+                                                  0,
+                                                  0,
+                                                  t,
+                                                  t);
+    try {
+        d_T_inverse = calc_inverse_mod2(&T_view.matrix);
+    }
+    catch (char const *exceptionString) {
+        cout << "Error in set_parameters_for_encoding while looking"
+             << " for inverse T: " << exceptionString
+             << "This inverse was already take earlier so there "
+             << "should not be an issue...?\n";
+        exit(1);
+    }
+    // E submatrix
+    gsl_matrix_view E_view = gsl_matrix_submatrix(d_H_ptr,
+                                                  t,
+                                                  0,
+                                                  d_gap,
+                                                  d_n - d_k - d_gap);
+    d_E = &E_view.matrix;
+    // A submatrix
+    gsl_matrix_view A_view = gsl_matrix_submatrix(d_H_ptr,
+                                                  0,
+                                                  t,
+                                                  t,
+                                                  d_gap);
+    d_A = &A_view.matrix;
+    // C submatrix (used to find phi but not during encoding)
+    gsl_matrix_view C_view = gsl_matrix_submatrix(d_H_ptr,
+                                                  t,
+                                                  t,
+                                                  d_gap,
+                                                  d_gap);
+    // These are just temporary matrices used to find phi.
+    gsl_matrix *temp1 = matrix_mult_mod2(d_E, d_T_inverse);
+    gsl_matrix *temp2 = matrix_mult_mod2(temp1, d_A);
+    // Solve for phi.
+    gsl_matrix *phi = subtract_matrices_mod2(&C_view.matrix, temp2);
+    // If phi has at least one nonzero entry, try for inverse.
+    if (gsl_matrix_max(phi)) {
+        try {
+            gsl_matrix *inverse_phi = calc_inverse_mod2(phi);
+            // At this point, an inverse was found. 
+            d_phi_inverse = inverse_phi;
+        }
+        catch (char const *exceptionString) {
+            cout << "Error in set_parameters_for_encoding while "
+                 << "finding inverse_phi: " << exceptionString
+                 << "This inverse was already take earlier so there "
+                 << "should not be an issue...?\n";            
+            exit(1);
+        }
+    }
+    // B submatrix
+    gsl_matrix_view B_view = gsl_matrix_submatrix(d_H_ptr,
+                                                  0,
+                                                  t + d_gap,
+                                                  t,
+                                                  d_n - d_gap - t);
+    d_B = &B_view.matrix;
+    // D submatrix
+    gsl_matrix_view D_view = gsl_matrix_submatrix(d_H_ptr,
+                                                  t,
+                                                  t + d_gap,
+                                                  d_gap,
+                                                  d_n - d_gap - t);
+    d_D = &D_view.matrix;
+gsl_matrix *LDPC_parity_check_matrix::subtract_matrices_mod2(
+                                               gsl_matrix *matrix1,
+                                               gsl_matrix *matrix2) {
+    // This function returns ((matrix1 - matrix2) % 2). 
+    // Verify that matrix sizes are appropriate
+    unsigned int matrix1_rows = (*matrix1).size1;
+    unsigned int matrix1_cols = (*matrix1).size2;
+    unsigned int matrix2_rows = (*matrix2).size1;
+    unsigned int matrix2_cols = (*matrix2).size2;
+    if (matrix1_rows != matrix2_rows) {
+        cout << "Error in subtract_matrices_mod2. Matrices do not "
+             << "have the same number of rows.\n";
+        exit(1);
+    }
+    if (matrix1_cols != matrix2_cols) {
+        cout << "Error in subtract_matrices_mod2. Matrices do not "
+             << "have the same number of columns.\n";
+        exit(1);
+    }
+    // Allocate memory for the result
+    gsl_matrix *result = gsl_matrix_alloc(matrix1_rows,matrix1_cols);
+    // Copy matrix1 into result
+    gsl_matrix_memcpy(result, matrix1);
+    // Do subtraction. This is not mod 2 yet.
+    gsl_matrix_sub(result, matrix2);
+    // Take care of mod 2 manually
+    unsigned int row_index, col_index;
+    for (row_index = 0; row_index < matrix1_rows; row_index++) {
+        for (col_index = 0; col_index < matrix1_cols; col_index++) {
+            int value = gsl_matrix_get(result, row_index, col_index);
+            int new_value = abs(value) % 2;
+            gsl_matrix_set(result, row_index, col_index, new_value);
+        }
+    }
+    return result; 
+gsl_matrix *LDPC_parity_check_matrix::matrix_mult_mod2(
+                                               gsl_matrix *matrix1,
+                                               gsl_matrix *matrix2) {
+    // Verify that matrix sizes are appropriate
+    unsigned int a = (*matrix1).size1;  // # of rows
+    unsigned int b = (*matrix1).size2;  // # of columns
+    unsigned int c = (*matrix2).size1;  // # of rows
+    unsigned int d = (*matrix2).size2;  // # of columns
+    if (b != c) {
+        cout << "Error in matrix_mult_mod2. Matrix dimensions do not"
+             << " allow for matrix multiplication operation:\n"
+             << "matrix1 has " << a << " columns and matrix2 has " 
+             << b << " rows.\n";
+        exit(1);
+    }
+    // Allocate memory for the result
+    gsl_matrix *result = gsl_matrix_alloc(a,d);
+    // Perform matrix multiplication. This is not mod 2.
+    gsl_blas_dgemm (CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, 1.0, 
+                    matrix1, matrix2, 0.0, result);
+    // Take care of mod 2 manually
+    unsigned int row_index, col_index;
+    unsigned int rows = (*result).size1, 
+                 cols = (*result).size2;
+    for (row_index = 0; row_index < rows; row_index++) {
+        for (col_index = 0; col_index < cols; col_index++) {
+            int value = gsl_matrix_get(result,
+                                       row_index,
+                                       col_index);
+            int new_value = value % 2;
+            gsl_matrix_set(result,
+                           row_index,
+                           col_index,
+                           new_value);
+        }
+    }
+    return result;
+gsl_matrix *LDPC_parity_check_matrix::calc_inverse_mod2(gsl_matrix 
*original_matrix) {
+    // Let n represent the size of the n x n square matrix
+    unsigned int n = (*original_matrix).size1;
+    unsigned int row_index, col_index;
+    // Make a copy of the original matrix, call it matrix_altered.
+    // This matrix will be modified by the GSL functions. 
+    gsl_matrix *matrix_altered = gsl_matrix_alloc(n, n);
+    gsl_matrix_memcpy(matrix_altered, original_matrix);
+    // In order to find the inverse, GSL must perform a LU 
+    // decomposition first. 
+    gsl_permutation *permutation = gsl_permutation_alloc(n);
+    int signum;
+    gsl_linalg_LU_decomp(matrix_altered, permutation, &signum);
+    // Allocate memory to store the matrix inverse
+    gsl_matrix *matrix_inverse = gsl_matrix_alloc(n,n);
+    // Find matrix inverse. This is not mod2.
+    int status = gsl_linalg_LU_invert(matrix_altered,
+                                      permutation,
+                                      matrix_inverse);
+    if (status) {
+        // Inverse not found by GSL functions.
+        throw "Error in calc_inverse_mod2(): inverse not found. \n";
+    }
+    // Find determinant
+    float determinant = gsl_linalg_LU_det(matrix_altered, signum);
+    // Multiply the matrix inverse by the determinant.
+    gsl_matrix_scale(matrix_inverse, determinant);
+    // Take mod 2 of each element in the matrix.
+    for (row_index = 0; row_index < n; row_index++) {
+        for (col_index = 0; col_index < n; col_index++) {
+            float value = gsl_matrix_get(matrix_inverse,
+                                         row_index,
+                                         col_index);
+            // take care of mod 2
+            int value_cast_as_int = static_cast<int>(value);
+            int temp_value = abs(fmod(value_cast_as_int,2));
+            gsl_matrix_set(matrix_inverse,
+                           row_index,
+                           col_index,
+                           temp_value);
+        }
+    } 
+    int max_value = gsl_matrix_max(matrix_inverse);
+    if (!max_value) {
+        throw "Error in calc_inverse_mod2(): The matrix inverse found is all 
+    }
+    // Verify that the inverse was found by taking matrix product of 
+    // original_matrix and the inverse, which should equal the
+    // identity matrix.
+    gsl_matrix *test = gsl_matrix_alloc(n,n);
+    gsl_blas_dgemm (CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, 1.0,
+                    original_matrix, matrix_inverse, 0.0, test);
+    // Have to take care of % 2 manually
+     for (row_index = 0; row_index < n; row_index++) {
+        for (col_index = 0; col_index < n; col_index++) {
+            int value = gsl_matrix_get(test, row_index, col_index);
+            int temp_value = value % 2;
+            gsl_matrix_set(test, row_index, col_index, temp_value);
+        }
+    }    
+    gsl_matrix *identity = gsl_matrix_alloc(n,n);
+    gsl_matrix_set_identity(identity);
+    int test_if_equal = gsl_matrix_equal(identity,test);
+    if (!test_if_equal) {
+        throw "Error in calc_inverse_mod2(): The matrix inverse found is not 
+    }
+    return matrix_inverse;
+// this main() is just for temporary debug/testing. 
+// FIXME need to somehow convert this into a proper qa file
+int main ()
+    // Test for constructor #1
+    // string alist_filename("H_100_3_4_encoding-ready.alist"); 
+    // Test for constructor #2
+    // LDPC_parity_check_matrix H(&alist_filename);
+    // Test for constructor #3
+    LDPC_parity_check_matrix test(600, 3, 5);
+    string output_filename = "H_600_3_5_encoding-ready.alist";
+    test.write_matrix_to_file(&output_filename);
+    // was everything set?
+    cout << "\nDone.\nd_n: " << test.get_n() << "\nd_k: " << test.get_k() << 
"\nd_rank: " << test.get_rank() << endl;  
+    return 0;

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