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Re: [coreutils] -avrd option ?

From: Eric Blake
Subject: Re: [coreutils] -avrd option ?
Date: Mon, 20 Sep 2010 08:38:50 -0600
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On 09/20/2010 05:22 AM, Yann wrote:
Dear all,

I searched into "man cp" and the online manual, but did not find any clue...

What is the meaning of -avrd option after cp command ? (Is it the same
as -a option ?)

POSIX requires support for option-letter compression, and GNU tools obey this by virtue of getopt_long(). That is:

cp -avrd

is strictly equivalent to:

cp -a -v -r -d

The basic rule of thumb is that you can omit ' -' after any short option that does not take an argument and which is followed by another short option. And for short options that take mandatory arguments, such as cp -t, you can omit the space between the option and its argument, so these are the same:

cp -a -t . foo
cp -at. foo

Eric Blake   address@hidden    +1-801-349-2682
Libvirt virtualization library

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