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New coreutil suggestion - tableize

From: Guillaume Kielwasser
Subject: New coreutil suggestion - tableize
Date: Sat, 26 Nov 2011 14:23:46 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15)

tableize is a small text utility that prints a table
from a formatted file or standard input. Example:

$ cut -d':' -f1,3-6 /etc/passwd | head | tableize -sd':'
| root   | 0 |     0 | root   | /root           |
| daemon | 1 |     1 | daemon | /usr/sbin       |
| bin    | 2 |     2 | bin    | /bin            |
| sys    | 3 |     3 | sys    | /dev            |
| sync   | 4 | 65534 | sync   | /bin            |
| games  | 5 |    60 | games  | /usr/games      |
| man    | 6 |    12 | man    | /var/cache/man  |
| lp     | 7 |     7 | lp     | /var/spool/lpd  |
| mail   | 8 |     8 | mail   | /var/mail       |
| news   | 9 |     9 | news   | /var/spool/news |

Package home page for now:

During tableize's GNU evaluation, it appeared that the coreutils could be
the right place to be for this tool, even if it's not ready for a
coreutils' integration right now.

Looking for feedback, comments, experience, tableize is still in development
and nothing's written in the stone yet (options, program name, etc.).

Any input appreciated.


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