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Feature request about "Tail -f": Gentle exit (not using CTRL+C)

From: Brian Wengel
Subject: Feature request about "Tail -f": Gentle exit (not using CTRL+C)
Date: Sun, 21 Oct 2018 11:13:44 +0200

Dear coreutils maintainer team

It seem you can only exit “tail –f…” sending *CTRL+C*, but that can be an
issue if you call it from another process that you want to keep running
after tail has exited.

Another example is “start daemon; tail -F logfile; stop daemon” as
user2394284 commented in this StackExchange

A good and gentle way to exit could be sending “*q*” just as e.g.
“journalctl –b” do.

I hope you'll consider my request.

And of course, a big thanks for the effort you put into the coreutils :-)

Best regards



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