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[devel] criawips 0.0.7 - Presentations as cool as James Bond

From: Sven Herzberg
Subject: [devel] criawips 0.0.7 - Presentations as cool as James Bond
Date: Thu, 09 Sep 2004 18:27:08 +0200


About criawips

  Criawips aims to become a full featured presentation that offers the
perfect platform both for small presentations used to explain things to
other people and for big presentations used for commercial

  Thus it should become easy to use, provide a good integration with
other applications to become a presentation platform that can compete
with commercial applications like MS PowerPoint, OpenImpress and Apple's

  Criawips isbased upon the GNOME development platform [1] and some
libraries from GNOME Office [2].

About this release

  After almost 2 months a new version of criawips is released. This
version includes several new translations (as I forgot to mention
translators in the last announcements, I list them all in here).

  * There have been a some bugs fixed (including a really evil one that
    noone has found yet - long live code audits) and the code cleaned up
    a lot.
  * Slides are now rendered with a 4:3 ratio (to become changable
    later), making the slides more resolution independent.
  * The main window has been redesigned for the upcoming editing

  This release is supposed to be the 3rd last one before 0.1.0, which is
supposed to provide creating and editing of slides. If you want this
version to be supported in your language, then please start translating


  cs:    Miloslav Trmač
  da:    David Nielsen
  de:    Sven Herzberg
  en_CA: Adam Weinberger
  en_GB: James Ogley
  es:    Francisco Javier F. Serrador
  gu:    અંકિત પટેલ  (Ankit Patel)
  fr:    Adrien Beaucreux
  nl:    Tino Meinen
  pt:    Duarte Loreto
  pt_BR: Raphael Higino
  sq:    Laurent Dhima
  sv:    Christian Rose

Get Criawips

  Criawips' development takes place on the savannah platform [4]. The
source code is located at the GNOME CVS repository [5].


Sven Herzberg <address@hidden>    · GNOME Deutschland <>
Jabber <address@hidden>         · ICQ <177176642>
GnuPG Fingerprint: <F020 B158 2696 6D6A 2870 F53C 0565 FD6B B1C3 0AFE>

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