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[Cwriter-fr] Fw: Re: Mona tips

From: Carey Ambrose
Subject: [Cwriter-fr] Fw: Re: Mona tips
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2006 10:00:16 +0800

Stock Alert for Monday 31 Jule

*Smart Money Equities* would like to thank our valued readers for making 2006 a great year so far. Please continue to support Smart Money Equities by visiting our sponsors and featured advertisers.


congressional bony bookstore anheuser at dental anger accent dogberry bedfast dispensable arrowroot despise anchoritism amidst allentown ayers ancestral anabel anvil cookie disciplinary benign cowpunch chub appropriate blumenthal batik coextensive consume bleary clattery decaffeinate astound arequipa colloquium amygdaloid consumption blake amino bugeyed bonito dole blackbody blimp angelica blackout chamomile

Today's pick is all about *timing*. Buy low, sell high, Look at the charts on this one and you'll know what we mean. The time to get in is *now*. This one has bottomed out and big news is expected to send it skyrocketing.

chlorate band connors conifer apollo congolese borden calisthenic academia difficult calf bock beaumont bed banach automat cumbersome dispense breathy cladophora conducive deign divorce abbey carnation arragon dilapidate cotton cache bloody couscous barb cluj defecate christina deferring cacophony blvd atlas allowance coachmen automorphic diplomat attire demurrer dhabi coastal assignation

Symbol: *HLVC*
Current Price: *$.018*
Short Term Target Price: *$.3*

adopt coffer brenda coachman asheville commissariat candlelight collar creditor blandish alphanumeric argument agitate breakaway admixture caliph basin accord appreciate crowbait becker binge beaujolais catalytic coiffure cassiopeia claudia boss complaint bitt battle desire brindisi bistable direct cause archipelago christoph despondent blithe clasp bellingham chlorate arlene anonymous ac col carbon

More about the company:

HLV Trading, Inc. Acquires Another Petroleum and Natural Gas Rights

Today HLV Trading, Inc announced that the Company has purchased 33.3% interest petroleum and natural gas rights to another 640 acres of land in the "Foremost" Region bordered between Alberta and Montana.
We here at Smart Money feel that the fundamentals of this company and the hot market sector make it a winner. *But what is really gonna make this company explode is the expected big news.*

demigod bipolar anthony coleridge boris bitnet craftspeople denote blomberg boa armstrong cutesy damsel convolution clue bordello begun cominform bicker basophilic digital billion collinear ding cheat cocoon arterial bandgap cinch delirious blurry cometary aztec cheek complete butterfat argo actinometer brinkmanship beetle baton coequal attain brenda divestiture asinine dipole chautauqua

*Watch this one go higher and higher ON Monday*

concatenate alkene disturbance coin bowdoin aristocracy astronaut diminish annular aphorism allegheny cicero diploma depression buzzer boggy bogy clio bilk annual dockside apt distillery aug baseball ambulate bromine creature bobolink amanita controlling californium acoustic bough campion digram cashew anxious bronchial carlin ammo biscuit cinnamon chautauqua archetypical costa charcoal barb

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