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Re: [Dazuko-devel] Anyone success in Dazuko 2.0.4-pre2 and Fedora 2?

From: John Ogness
Subject: Re: [Dazuko-devel] Anyone success in Dazuko 2.0.4-pre2 and Fedora 2?
Date: Fri, 15 Oct 2004 11:21:53 +0200
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fred wu wrote:
>  Did anyone success with Dazuko 2.0.4-pre2 and Fedora
>  2? I am failed to compile it


I have the feeling that Fedora has the same problem as Mandrake. Here is the
Mandrake 10.0 solution from my latest post in:


John Ogness

OK! I got it installed for Mandrake 10.0. There are several problems here:

1. Mandrake 10.0 does not have Security turned on in the default kernel
(this is what generated all the error messages). It also means that you MUST
rebuild the kernel with Mandrake 10.0.

2. The Dazuko "configure" script was falsely identifying Problem #1. It
should have exitted with an error saying that Security is not enabled. In
the next pre-release, this will be fixed.

3. After rebuilding the kernel, running "make modules_install" does not
install the security modules.

If you know these 3 problems, then it is possible to install Dazuko
2.0.4-pre3 on Mandrake 10.0. Assuming you have installed the kernel-source
package, here is the step by step procedure of what to do:

(change to kernel source directory)
# cd /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build

(copy in the current kernel configuration)
# cp /boot/config-`uname -r` .config

(configure the kernel)
# make menuconfig
Security options -> Enable different security modules [*]
Security options -> Default Linux Capabilities <M>
exit, saving changes

(build the kernel)
# make

(install kernel modules)
# make modules_install

(create security module directory)
# mkdir /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/security

(copy over security modules)
# cp security/*.ko /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/security

(install kernel)
# cp System.map /boot/System.map-`uname -r`
# cp .config /boot/config-`uname -r`
# cp arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/vmlinuz-`uname -r`

(update lilo)
# lilo

(build dazuko)
# cd <path-to-dazuko-source>
# ./configure
# make

(install dazuko kernel module)
# cp dazuko.ko /lib/modules/`uname r`/kernel/security
# depmod -a

(reboot machine)
# reboot

Since Mandrake 10.0 uses devfs, there is nothing more that you must do.
After rebooting, you can load dazuko with:

# modprobe dazuko

You can have Dazuko automatically load at startup by adding "dazuko" to

That's it! Let me know how it goes.

John Ogness

Dazuko Maintainer

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