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Re: [Dazuko-help] Compilation of dazuko 2.3.5 patch failed on kernel2.6.

From: John Ogness
Subject: Re: [Dazuko-help] Compilation of dazuko 2.3.5 patch failed on kernel2.6.24
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2008 08:49:20 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.1 (berkeley-unix)

On 2008-07-16, Des Gregory <address@hidden> wrote:
> Would you be prepared to write a "how to" do you think? I'm just not
> technical enough to go about recompiling kernels etc but see a real
> need to have on-access virus scanning (and Dazuko seems to be the
> way) and would love to have a step-by-step guide to do this (a
> script would be even better ...).

With the current status of Dazuko, it is not possible to write a
generic HOWTO. Depending on the system, the way to install Dazuko can
be quite different. (Which is why the HOWTO on the Dazuko website is
basically useless for users of a recent Linux kernel.)

Writing a HOWTO for a specific system is easy if I have that
system. Otherwise, I require help from others that have such a system.

The main reason the Dazuko website was changed to a Wiki is so that
others could help improving the documentation.

Perhaps if I create a few partial HOWTO's for various systems (Fedora,
Ubuntu, openSUSE), others will be more motivated to fill in the
blanks. I will try to do something like this in the near future.

> How do you think this would be affected when there are kernel
> updates through the normal update channels for ubuntu?

With each kernel update from Ubuntu, Dazuko would need to be

> I've also seen this:
> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DazukoTroubleshooting - a bit of a
> way down the page, it talks about " Hardy Heron Method - Dazuko
> installation is much more complicated and time consuming than on
> previous editions of linux ...". What do you think?

The page mentions a lot of things that are unnecessary, non-optimal,
or outdated. In the end, as long as Dazuko is installed, I guess it
doesn't matter. (Dazuko either works 100% or 0%.) But I think the page
could be improved to make it clearer when a person is supposed to use
which method of installation.

John Ogness

Dazuko Maintainer

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