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Re: using ssh for remote debugging

From: Andreas Zeller
Subject: Re: using ssh for remote debugging
Date: 26 Mar 2001 17:51:29 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.0808 (Gnus v5.8.8) XEmacs/21.1 (Cuyahoga Valley)


Dave Hoyt <address@hidden> writes:

> I saw mention in the manual, but no specific info, that it is
> possible to make DDD use ssh for remote debugging, instead of rsh.
> How do I go about accomplishing this?  How do I specifiy a
> username/pwd for the remote host, as well?

Try the line

        Ddd*rshCommand: ssh

in your ~/.ddd/init file.  Then, start DDD with the `--host' or
`--rhost' option.

Your remote account should be set up such that entering a password is
not required.  Otherwise, you'll have a couple of security problems. (1)

Good luck,


(1) In detail,
    * you'll have to use `--rhost' and enter your password at the prompt,
    * your password will be echoed back on your screen, and
    * your password will be logged in `~/.ddd/log'.
    You don't want either of this.

Andreas Zeller     Universitaet Passau

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