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Setting text colors in DDD (was: Re: coloring)

From: Andreas Zeller
Subject: Setting text colors in DDD (was: Re: coloring)
Date: 17 May 2001 10:02:55 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.0808 (Gnus v5.8.8) XEmacs/21.4 (Copyleft)


"Naveen Chandra" <address@hidden> writes:

> I am using ddd on linux. How do see the colors in the code( like xemacs)
> displayed by ddd. 

Integrate DDD with XEmacs - this makes DDD use XEmacs for source code
(including highlighting, editing, etc.).  The DDD Manual has examples
on this.

> Can I change backgound and foreground colors ?
> This white background is disturbing my eyes.

Actually, DDD uses does not use white, but `grey96' - a very light
grey :-) Try the following lines in your `~/.ddd/init file', replacing
`FOREGROUND_COLOR', etc. by appropriate color names.

Ddd*foreground:                    FOREGROUND_COLOR
Ddd*background:                    BACKGROUND_COLOR
Ddd*XmText.background:             TEXT_BACKGROUND_COLOR
Ddd*XmTextField.background:        TEXT_BACKGROUND_COLOR
Ddd*GraphEdit.background:          TEXT_BACKGROUND_COLOR
Ddd*XmList.background:             TEXT_BACKGROUND_COLOR
Ddd*graph_edit_panner.background:  BACKGROUND_COLOR
Ddd*graph_edit_panner.foreground:  BACKGROUND_COLOR
Ddd*graph_edit_panner.shadowColor: FOREGROUND_COLOR

For instance, to have a text background in lavender, try:

Ddd*XmText.background:             lavender
Ddd*XmTextField.background:        lavender

Or to have blue characters in texts:

Ddd*XmText.foreground:             blue
Ddd*XmTextField.foreground:        blue

Please note that this is only an excerpt of all color settings within
DDD - in principle, each single element of the user interface can have
its own color settings.  For the actual settings as used in DDD, see
`Ddd.in.m4', the source for the `Ddd' app-defaults file in the source
distribution, and `colors.m4', the place where colors are actually

Hope this helps,


Andreas Zeller     Universitaet Passau

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