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Relocation of ddd binaries & locating runtime source files

From: Robin Bishop
Subject: Relocation of ddd binaries & locating runtime source files
Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2002 16:44:33 +0000

I have a problem with regards to relocating the ddd binaries.

I have 2 machines host1 & host2

I build ddd-3.3 on host1 in the following directory
/ufs1/abc with a prefix directory of /usr/local/packages/ddd-3.3

I now transfer the built ddd items from host1:/usr/local/packages/ddd
to host2:/usr/local/packages/ddd-3.3

When running ddd on host2 the following problem arises.
If the plot command is used then the ddd application tries to
read a source file from /ufs1/abc/src/ddd-3.3/ddd/Box.h
This file does not exist on host2

What seems to be happening is that when ddd is compiled a "hard"
path is encoded into the executables. (/ufs1/abc/src/ddd-3.3/ddd)

Is there any configuration or runtime option to specify where
runtime source code is located.

Is it possible to relocate the dd binaries in this way ?

Thanks in advance

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