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Re: A new maintainer for DDD

From: chen bin
Subject: Re: A new maintainer for DDD
Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2008 10:03:15 +1100

Could support win32 (not through cygwin)?
Since we've got gnuplot win32 and mingw32,  think it should not be
difficult to support win32.

On Sat, Oct 18, 2008 at 6:16 AM, Peter Wainwright
<address@hidden> wrote:
> Greetings to the DDD community.
> As you know, Jose Maria has had to retire from the maintainership to
> make time for other things.  I am glad that he has agreed that I should
> take over.
> My current day job is in bioelectromagnetics, simulating the interaction
> of electromagnetic fields with humans.  This has required me to develop
> programs in Fortran, C and C++ on linux workstations and clusters.
> These never seem to work first time - hence I was grateful to discover
> DDD.
> At the moment, my own efforts are directed towards developing a new GTK
> interface to replace the venerable Motif front end of DDD.  I hope to
> have some working "alpha" code available early in 2009.  Beyond this
> cosmetic change, however, I have various items on my "wishlist".
> As Rocky Bernstein recently pointed out on the DDD list, there are a
> number of gdb-like debuggers for other languages (zsh, ksh, ruby...),
> but it is not as easy as it should be to interface these with DDD.  The
> present interface to the inferior debuggers involves multiple switch
> statements (case BASH, case DBX, case GDB...) scattered through the
> code.  It would be helpful to have a more modular approach to this so
> that we could add new languages more easily.
> One thing which would make my life much easier would be support for
> multi-thread/multi-process debugging such as I believe is offered by the
> commercial product TotalView. I've recently had to debug MPI programs
> which I have done with multiple instances of DDD - It's not pretty. A
> multi-process DDD would I think be be a useful (and ambitious) project.
> However, little can be achieved without a fresh influx of talent to the
> project. In order to attract new developers it will be necessary to have
> some challenging yet attainable targets. Few people are willing to sign
> up just for bug-fixing. So, I'd like to canvas additional ideas from
> users on the list, as well as asking for volunteers!
> There are still bugs in DDD, so bug-fixing should continue (what is the
> Latin for "who will debug the debugger"?). The current releases of DDD
> direct users to the bug-ddd mailing list. However, due to the severe
> lack of manpower many bugs cannot be fixed immediately, and after a
> while are forgotten. On the new official site at Savannah, we have a
> modern bug-tracker http://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?group=ddd
> and I would suggest that this is a better place to record issues so they
> can have a more permanent existence.
> Various enhancements to DDD have been implemented since the last release
> in 2005. To consolidate these, a new release is needed. There have been
> various 3.3.12-testx releases (test6 being the most recent), but the big
> 3.3.12 was never actually released. I shall be looking into this in the
> next few months...
> Best wishes,
> Peter Wainwright
> P.S. Unfortunately "Peter Wainwright" is not a globally unique
> identifier. Just to clarify, I'm not the author of "Pro Perl", "Pro
> Apache" etc.
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