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Re: [Denemo-devel] Custom menus

From: Jean-René Reinhard
Subject: Re: [Denemo-devel] Custom menus
Date: Thu, 3 Jul 2008 19:54:02 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.13 (2006-08-11)

Le Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 06:13:59PM +0100, Richard Shann écrivait:
> Below is a design for how to incorporate custom lilypond-insert menus
> into Denemo, based on Jean-Rene`s code managing the keybindings.
> What is described is the basic building block, an on-line gallery of
> useful thumbnailed LilyPond directives contributed by users would be a
> final goal.
> This is for 0.8.0 and I would like to start soon!
> Design for including custom LilyPond insertion actions into Denemo.
> The simple case of inserting a fixed LilyPond string is described here.
> The basic idea is that we can include custom commands in the keymap
> file, which define an action name, label, location in the menu system,
> tooltip, keybinding,
> and which when the keymap is loaded causes the menu item to be inserted
> and the command to appear in the command store (keymap->commands).
> Activation is a callback to the function that inserts the LilyPond
> directive.
> To achieve this I propose to expand the 
> typedef enum
> {
>       KeymapEntry,
>       KeymapToggleEntry,
>       KeymapRadioEntry,
>       KeymapLilyPondAction,
>       KeymapModeAction
> }KeymapCommandType;
> to include LilyPond and Mode command types (the COL_ENTRY column for
> KeymapLilyPondEntry will be a  GtkAction*
> while for KeymapModeEntry they will be GtkRadioAction* rather than a
> GtkActionEntry*
> I'll omit further details on how the KeymapModeAction type will work for
> now.

The different command type have been introduced to handle different
GtkActionEntries type. The semantics of the commands are not involved. If there
had been a single ActionEntry type, this would not have been needed. If you
intend to use ActionEntry or RadioActionEntry, then you don't have to add
KeymapLilyPondAction or KeymapModeAction. KeymapEntry and KeymapRadioEntry are

> In save_keymap we save extra fields in each <row> which is found to have
> the type KeymapLilyPondEntry
> the fields saved in this case are <type>, <tooltip>, <label>,
> <lilypond>, <location>

I'm not sure the keymap to be the right place for this information. A
curstom-menu file would be cleaner.

I'd prefer if the keymap could remain just what it is, ie the keymap. It should
not handle ui stuff.

> In load keymap at parseBinding (rename this to parseAction) we parse the
> <type> and for
> type KeymapLilyPondEntry instead of lookup_index_from_name we create the
> GtkAction (which will shortly have tooltip, label and lilypond fields
> attached) and register it - essentially this is the add_favorite
> function I have already prototyped (in view.c). We also parse the
> location and insert the menuitem in the menu system.
> The tooltip etc which we attach to the action are now parsed as well,
> and attached to the action.
> Then the code continues as a present.
> When looking up the type, we have extra cases, e.g. in kbd-custom.c as
> well as
>           case KeymapEntry:
>               names[i] = ((GtkActionEntry *) entry)->name;
>               break;
> etc we have
>           case KeymapLilyPondAction:
>               names[i] = g_object_get_data(entry, "name");
> //note: we could use
> gtk_action_get_name(GTK_ACTION(entry));       but this would create a copy of
> the name, whereas the others are just references
>               break;
> another example is
>       case KeymapEntry:
>           f = (((GtkActionEntry *) row.entry)->callback);
>           if (!f) {
>             res = FALSE;
>           }
>           break;
> which has the extra case
>       case KeymapLilyPondAction:
>           f = myactivate;
>           break;
> where myactivate is the name of the function attached to the action in
> the add_favorite routine (this name will need to be something sensible,
> to do with the fact that it is a custom lilypond activation).
> at the end of the load, if we have registered new commands we re-sort
> the list using the end_register function.
> That is all there is to it, I think.
> comments please - particularly are there internationalization issues
> which I don't understand?
> Richard
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