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Re: [Denemo-devel] Jackmidi Status?

From: Jeremiah Benham
Subject: Re: [Denemo-devel] Jackmidi Status?
Date: Thu, 24 Sep 2009 15:59:48 -0500

On Sep 24, 2009, at 11:52 AM, Richard Shann <address@hidden> wrote:

On Thu, 2009-09-24 at 10:21 -0500, Jeremiah Benham wrote:
On Wed, 2009-09-23 at 10:12 +0100, Richard Shann wrote:

Another point about the passing strings convention: I dislike those
NULL separated strings appearing in the scripts. On the other hand, a haphazard collection of different types of parameters, which would then
require a whole apparatus of documentation seems unattractive.

Anybody any thoughts on this?

Strings are fine with me. Is space separation fine? Like
(d-OutputMIDI "0x90" "0x3c" "0x40")
I think we are better with "0x90 0x3c 0x40"

Should we maintain space seperation?

and we could take a leaf out
of the format of the midibytes string so that $ refers to the current
channel and %%% refers to the curent volume - the logic of this is

     * the channel being a single hex nibble
     * the volume is to be thought of as three decimal digits, 0-127

Why is the volume in decimal? Is that to make it more human readable? If so why don't we make the pitch also a decimal. So instead of 3c it would be 60.

(it makes it quick and easy to substitute in MIDI generation).
then you can write "0x9$ 0x3c %%%" to mean noteon 0x3c at current
volume on current channel.

Actually i think you mean set volume/channel to script parameter. If the argument us left blank it should default to current volume/channel.

Which is what you would script into a
DenemoDirective midibytes field. Of course, this can then all be hidden
(PlayNote "0x3c")

If everything is on one set of quoted than the size of the string can determine outcome of an if/else. If length of string == 2 default to staffs channel/volume. If string == 6 then use the script parameters, this is assuming it is all hex. Putting a decimal will create a size of 6-9 depending on how many digits are used.

I must go now

Incidentally, we should reserve (d-Something...) to mean a procedure not
to be found in denemo.scm, init.scm etc, that is, a command
(even though some would never appear in menus).

I think some midi messages are 4 byte. I am not sure which ones off the top of my head though. I think we can start with three and if there is a
demand for 4 byte we can add that. Perhaps d-OutputMIDI can take an
optional 4th byte.

for d-PlayNote we could do (d-PlayNote "0x3c"). This would use the
selected staffs channel/volume etc.. If the user wanted to change that they would use a different script to change the staff properties. So if
they wanted to play a note on every channel they would do something

(d-StaffPropertiesMidiChannel "2")
(d-PlayNote "0x3c")

This can be placed in a loop or whatever. We can also have maybe a more
complicated (d-PlayNote "notenum" "duration").

I also wonder if it would be better for complicated things like
StaffProperties if we used regex or something that way it looks like

(d-StafProperties "midi_channel=1 midi_volume=127")
Then all the other values are left alone. Perhaps something like:

(d-StaffProperties "help")
can list variables to set.
This is the real nitty gritty: at the moment we write
(d-StaffProperties "prop1=value\0prop2=value...")

where there is no way of discovering the names prop1 etc (they are
hardwired into the callback of the StaffProperties command).
This last we can fix, I think, at least with a bit of macho macro work
in the GET_PARAM stuff (in utils.h); essentially responding to the
"help" string by returning the list of parameter names (which already
appear as the macro arguments).
However we still have those NULLs separating the strings. Again, with
more work on the macros we could make them detect the type of the param passed, so that commands could take a list argument. The list would be a
list of strings "prop1=value". Again, that just requires a bit a macho
macro work in utils.h, we could keep the present code for backward
I think that is the way to go.

Sorry I am just kind of brainstorming here.



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