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Re: [Denemo-devel] Selections, Copy, Cut and Paste - Bugs and Comments

From: Richard Shann
Subject: Re: [Denemo-devel] Selections, Copy, Cut and Paste - Bugs and Comments.
Date: Wed, 07 Oct 2009 21:37:27 +0100

On Wed, 2009-10-07 at 21:17 +0200, Nils wrote:
> More on this topic:
>  > > 4) "Delete" on a Selection does not work. Cut does, but it unfortunatly 
> copies, too :) (And there is still Backspace. Don't know about it)
> > There is no RemoveSelection function. Could be scripted
> See my new mail for "Apply to Selection" for further plans.
> > > 2) Pasting more than one measure (Multi- or single staff selection does 
> > > not matter)  into an empty measure  does not fill the empty measure but 
> > > leaves it empty and creates new ones behind it. Shouldn't it fill the 
> > > empty measure first?
> > > 
> > ? well it does now; note if you are pasting into an empty measure, then
> > ensure you have enough empty measures for what you are pasting (unless
> > you want overfull measures)
> Don't you agree that it would be better if the new measures would be created 
> automatically? The most common task, I can imagine, is that someone has an 
> empty measure (mabye as a placeholder) but wants to paste a whole part (>1 
> measure) in it. 
I think it would be better if it always created enough measures for the
pasted music, which it does if you are not pasting into an empty
measure. The only reason it doesn't do that is that I was struggling to
get it to do anything reasonable. There was one major structural error
and numerous other gotchas in there. Enough is enough.

I have not used paste much, but when I have it has been to paste some
notes into an empty measure - in that case I would not want the empty
measure to survive. Occasionally I have pasted two or three measures in,
by opening up space for them. With the new implementation I could just
paste without having any empty measure - I haven't tried it yet (except
testing this work).

> a)Like said in IRC: Dragging the mouse to select should scroll too, so that 
> you can select more than the current visible measures. 
yes, I would like that.
> b)Is it possible to make cursor movement deselect? 
you would need to have the dragging causing scrolling first, else how
would you extend the selection?
> I know Richard does not like it so we could make it optional. But I know many 
> people expect programs to behave this way.
> c) Copying (complete) empty measures works, which is good.
I don't think you can copy empty measures generally, I think what you
have seen is perhaps that it has inserted enough empty measures on the
assumption that they are all non-empty, and that leaves some empties at
the end.
>  But if you have an (non-notation-)object in one of those empty m. it gets 
> buggy. 
> Lets say you have 4 measures, full, empty, full, empty.
> And now you put a bookmark/rehearsel mark in one of those empty measures and 
> copy/paste it: The rehearsel mark will jump to the last non-empty measure and 
> all empty measures will gather at the end of the pasted area.
> My personal point of view is to make empty measures more robust, but its also 
> possible to just forbid them. Whatever the solution is, this is a showstopper 
> bug.
I don't think it is a showstopper, you never lose any data; it would be
nice to be able to ensure that there is a whole measure rest object
there which gets eaten away when notes are added or something, but that
would be an undertaking of some magnitude. Meanwhile it would be
possible to fill all empty measures with whole measure rests
(d-WholeMeasureRest or whatever it is called) before cutting and pasting
and, indeed restore them as empty measues afterwards.
> d) As a sidenote: It would be really great if successive empty measures would 
> be gathered as multi-measure rests as lilypond output. This way we can keep 
> the timeline and vertical arranging in Denemo intact but also save space in 
> printout. Maybe its possible to define a threshold in Denemo preferences, 
> maybe 3. And if there are more empty measures than (d-GetTreshold) in a row 
> they are converted to multi-measure-rests.
Yes, I will want this - I have just got as far as a usable whole measure
rest command, I forget the syntax for multi-measure rests, so I am not
sure how easy it might be.


> Nils

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