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Re: [Denemo-devel] (At least) Three Bugs in current paste

From: Richard Shann
Subject: Re: [Denemo-devel] (At least) Three Bugs in current paste
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 2009 20:36:04 +0000

This may not be too difficult to fix: it looks from your description
that what is needed is to determine some condition for doing an
d-InsertMeasureAfter command or a d-AddMeasure command before the
present script.


On Tue, 2009-12-22 at 21:16 +0100, Nils wrote:
> Now the paste command is finally in git. Bugs:
> 1) and 2) - No barlines and disrupted order of notes after pasting
> New Denemo file: 
> place 4 quarter notes in the first measure, use different ones, for example c 
> d e f. Select them, copy. Move the cursor to the end, paste three times.
> Expected: 4 measures at all with 4 times the same content: c d e f.
> Result: Just one overfull measure with all the quarters, no barlines, and the 
> order of notes is broken because the cursor moves on/before the last element 
> after pasting and not AFTER the last element, which is needed.
> 3)New Denemo file:
> Probably related. Use whole notes now: c d e f . 4 measures.
> Select, move cursor to the end, paste. One time is enough.
> It will look like Denemo build a chord out of the last note, f, and the first 
> pasted note, c. Moving the cusor over the chord "splits" it to two individual 
> notes but in the same measure, without a barline.
> Nils
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