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Re: [Denemo-devel] Compilation on Ubuntu Karmic

From: Jeremiah Benham
Subject: Re: [Denemo-devel] Compilation on Ubuntu Karmic
Date: Mon, 15 Feb 2010 13:58:35 -0600

On Feb 15, 2010, at 1:27 PM, Richard Shann <address@hidden> wrote:

On Mon, 2010-02-15 at 20:25 +0100, Pietro Battiston wrote:
Il giorno lun, 15/02/2010 alle 18.58 +0000, Richard Shann ha scritto:
On Mon, 2010-02-15 at 19:27 +0100, Pietro Battiston wrote:

Richard, I certainly have no competence to teach you about Denemo, but
I'm 100% sure that I compiled with no particular options and I'm
currently able to use denemo through jack (yes, seeing it appearing in qjackctl for instance, and all those wonderful things). I was wrong only in the fact that (as reported in a previous email) this happens with
FluidSynth, not portaudio.

Notice however that I only see output audio channels, not MIDI ones...
is this what you're referring to?

yes MIDI clients is what I was referring to - I didn't know about
fluidsynth talking to JACK as purely audio.

This is the important bit: without --enable-jack you don't get "all
those wonderful things". You just get things created on the fly by
fluidsynth (so if you add a new staff, where does its output go? etc). With --enable-jack you get a "device manager" turning up. It lets you name and define clients, and in the staff prefs you can assign them and so on. I don't know the details here (I don't do this sort of thing) but I am told this is good stuff - you set up your orchestra in the device manager and then you can open up your score and have it connect to all the right devices on the other side of JACK. There is a whole bunch of
stuff there that is quite a step forward in available technology.

OK, now I see, sorry for the confusion... this seems indeed great, and
automatically invalids everything I have said about the (non)
opportunity of creating different denemo packages.
I understand now why you say this - non-jack users will not want the
jack dependency...

Still, when you wrote it is possible to "build it with jack enabled, but
avoid it default to using it", did you mean that denemo compiled with
jack (MIDI output) running in a system with no jack (not even libraries)
will work if the runtime options are set accordingly?
that I don't know, but I guess not, so I guess we do need to think about
separate packages after all; however, they do install mostly the same
files. One thing, you would never need both: you could do everything
with the jack enabled package, and everything except midi jack with the

Finally: apart from possibly changing the default, may I suggest
replacing "use JACK [default=no]" with something slightly more
explicative (such as "use JACK MIDI ouptut") in the configure script?

Jeremiah, does "use JACK [default=no]" refer only to JACK midi out (and

Yes. That is correct.



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