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Re: [Denemo-devel] "group as tuplet" ?

From: Bric
Subject: Re: [Denemo-devel] "group as tuplet" ?
Date: Sun, 12 Jun 2011 23:24:59 -0400 (EDT)

On June 12, 2011 at 11:08 PM Bric <address@hidden> wrote:

> Not sure if this feature already exists -- i haven't found it.
> I'd like to be able to highlight three consecutive notes, and with this new
> command convert the three highlighted notes into a triplet. I guess, upon
> completion of the command, there would appear the starting and ending tuplet
> markers on both ends of the sequence (each marker deletable as it is now)
> maybe generalize it to n-tuplet (for n consecutive, highlighted notes)
 forgot to add:  maybe by default, if you request an n-tuplet with this feature
while the number of highlighted notes is LESS than n, denemo should create the
n-tuplet but compensate for the missing notes by inserting rests (the rests
FOLLOW the highlighted notes, by default)
Maybe for when the number of highlighted notes is GREATER than n, denemo could
either silently ignore the command, or throw some error message somewhere,  or
do something even more clever ... not sure.
> > --------------------
> My current version of denemo (0.9.1) has a glitch, which prompted me to need
> this feature even more. I was trying to produce triplets within a bar that's
> already been populated, deleting some notes at the beginning of the bar, and
> trying to insert triplets in their place (using the "start triplet" and "end
> triplet" commands).  This caused note jumbling such that notes crowd up into
> the
> same space, instead of being consecutive, as I have typed them... The jumble
> can't be corrected through deletion... everything gets deleted
> But, I'm thinking that even when the glitch is fixed, it would still help to
> have such a feature.
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