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Re: [Denemo-devel] Denemo and Ubuntu

From: Bernard Bourdillon
Subject: Re: [Denemo-devel] Denemo and Ubuntu
Date: Mon, 30 May 2016 07:36:12 +0100
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Hi Andreas
Terminal tells me ....
address@hidden:~$ dpkg -l lilypond
| Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend
|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ Name           Version      Architecture Description
un  lilypond       <none>       <none>       (no description available)
I presume that this means it is not installed (or not completely?)
Should I go ahead and install it using "sudo apt-get install lilypond"?

My 'Ubuntu help' tells me I'm running Unity. I think this is a desktop environment? Are either Rhythmbox or Soundblaster sound servers? I have both of these and use them. My sound settings are set to 'play sound through' Soundblaster.
I also use Pulse Audio control.


On 30/05/16 06:42, Andreas Schneider wrote:
Hi Bernard,

lilypond is the program that does the actual typesetting. You can check
if it is installed by typing
  dpkg -l lilypond
in the console. If it is not there, install it with
  sudo apt-get install lilypond
I guess that the problem that the typeset does not work is caused by not
having lilypond installed.

Regarding the sound output: To know which configuration is working,
please look whether you have a sound server running (I guess that you
have) and which one that is. If you don't know what a sound server is,
just tell me which desktop environment you use (KDE, Gnome, LXDE, ...).


Am 29.05.2016 um 23:27 schrieb Bernard Bourdillon:
1) I don't have Lilypond installed unless it got onto my machine as part
of another installation.  It does not appear on the Ubuntu Software
Centre where I get my applications from. The 5 things listed when I
search on Lilypond are Frescobaldi, NTed, Rosegarden, Denemo, and
Scolily Score Recorder.
2) There are no error messages, just no playback sounds (incl no sounds
as notes are input) and blank print preview panes.
3) Sorry, I don't understand what you mean by "What happens if you
export to lilypond and compile manually?" I really am not even a
beginner programmer - I wouldn't know where to start.
4) I'm really not sure if I have the sound set up correctly. I can play
music that is stored on my computer with rhythmbox, and BBC iplayer and
other web audio works fine through soundblaster. I have tried a lot of
combinations of settings in Denemo preferences "Audio backend" and
"output device", to no avail.
5) When I'm trying to get Denemo to produce sound I turn the PC on and
go straight into denemo without switching any other program on, so I
don't think the device is busy with another program.

Hope that helps.
Let me know if you think this is a lost cause!

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