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Re: [Denemo-devel] Melisma Start / End directives

From: Richard Shann
Subject: Re: [Denemo-devel] Melisma Start / End directives
Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2017 18:34:10 +0000

On Wed, 2017-01-18 at 19:10 +0100, Andreas Schneider wrote:
> A question to the implementation: In your version of the melisma
> script
> for the Gregorian palette, you use (d-DirectivePut-chord-override tag
> 16). I have looked up in denemo_types.h that 16 is
> DENEMO_OVERRIDE_AFFIX. I tried to mimic that with ToggleDirective
> (looking at your mail from 11th Jan.):
> ;;;ToggleMelisma
> (let ((tag "ToggleMelisma"))
> (ToggleDirective "chord" "postfix" (cons tag  "(mel") "\\melisma " #f
> #f
> However, that does not work. I do not understand the definition in
> actions/denemo-modules/directives.scm. What do I do wrong?

you are providing the wrong number and types of arguments (perhaps by
analogy with the ToggleStandaloneDirective procedure?, or whatever it is

The definition starts

(define (ToggleDirective type field tag content . overrides) ; four strings and 
an arbitrary number of flags (numbers) for override field.

so it requires four strings and then zero or more numbers.
an example is given just before the procedure definition
 (ToggleDirective "staff" "prefix" "Ambitus" "\\with { \\consists 
\"Ambitus_engraver\" }")

so you need (ToggleDirective "chord" "postfix" tag "\\melisma " 

It doesn't seem to have any parameters for setting the graphic or
display text. So you would need to do that after creating it, which
means that you will have to test whether it is present(*) (so it becomes
a little bit of a moot point whether this procedure is worth using).

(*) you have to test because it may be toggling off, and in that case
doing something like
(d-DirectivePut-chord-display tag "(mel") would create a new (almost
empty) directive :(


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