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Re: [Denemo-devel] Melisma's etc.

From: Joe Wilkinson
Subject: Re: [Denemo-devel] Melisma's etc.
Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2017 14:48:21 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/45.7.1

Having downloaded today's update....
Melisma has been changed to give an extend option, which works,
and add single _ after initial __ or -- , which works fine for separate notes But if notes have a Slur the extra underscore isn't needed until further notes are included.
May I suggest something like the code below (which works for me)
I have also added a button for the -- between syllables of a word (especially where their separation would make it less comprehensible)
And changed the wording of the Lyric Tie button


;For Melismata Button - New RadioBox items plus change of button text
(let ((choice (RadioBoxMenu
(cons (_ "During Word, with Slur") " -- ")
(cons (_ "Word End, with Slur") " __ ")
(cons (_ "During Word, No Slur") " -- _ ")
(cons (_ "Word End, No Slur") " __ _ ")
(cons (_ "Extend Melisma") " _ ")
 (if choice
        (d-InsertTextInVerse choice)
        (d-SetSaved #f))))

;For New DivideSyllablesWithHyphen Button
       (d-InsertTextInVerse " -- ")
        (d-SetSaved #f))

;For Lyric Tie Button - change Button text
(let ((choice (RadioBoxMenu
(cons (_ "Printed as ˬ") "~")
(cons (_ "Printed as space") "_"))))
 (if choice
        (d-InsertTextInVerse choice)
        (d-SetSaved #f))))

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