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From: Raymond Gunter
Subject: gentile
Date: Fri, 20 Oct 2006 20:55:32 +0300
User-agent: Thunderbird 1.0.7 (Windows/20050923)

Originally established as a militant organization, you can bet the network that has been built will be exploited to support militant activities, either directly or indirectly. I am not currently aware of an MOA presence in Florida, but I consider it likely.
But business is bad, the seats half-empty. However, where is it required that the government grant them a license?
They have simply shifted geographically and have become more adept at passing themselves off as moderates.
James Ujaama went to jail for merely exploring the establishment of a training ground in Oregon. The few tourists who stayed on now tan amidst the rubble. , they are rarely even acknowledged. He is attempting to strenghten the perception of Russia in the face of the still-powerful United States and his own dwindling sphere of influence. However, I found one particular angle they covered the other day quite inappropriate. Where is it written that their license can't be revoked? Once KGB, always KGB. The traffickers, thugs and pimps of Southeast Asia have grossly profited from this modern form of slavery and it should be labeled for what it is. A subsequent search of Georgia security licenses connected to EPAI yielded six names. Edward from Austria says it's his way of helping out.
Originally established as a militant organization, you can bet the network that has been built will be exploited to support militant activities, either directly or indirectly.
On the terrorist totem pole, they likely perform a support role. But everybody we've spoken to shares that sense of horror at the terrible loss of life.
However, I found one particular angle they covered the other day quite inappropriate.
Once KGB, always KGB. Sure, they have a right to apply for licenses to operate these businesses. and then visiting Gilani in Pakistan.
Could this trip have been cover for something else, say a courier operation?

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