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[Devilspie2-discuss] devilspie2 0.36 can't handle windows on the second

From: David Mudrák
Subject: [Devilspie2-discuss] devilspie2 0.36 can't handle windows on the second X DISPLAY screen
Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2015 11:36:15 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.22 (2013-10-16)

Hi all.

I found devilspie an awesome tool and was really happy to be able to
switch to devilspie2 with the nice LUA syntax of the rules file. I am
currently experiencing an issue in my multi-head setup.

I am running Gentoo XFCE in multi-head (zaphod) mode. I have two
separate screens and I am able to open windows on them using
DISPLAY=:0.0 and DISPLAY=:0.1

However, I realized that devilspie2 is not able to control windows on
the second screen. Even when executed as

    $ DISPLAY=:0.1 devilspie2 --debug

or started in a terminal on the second screen (thence having the DISPLAY
set implicitly), it always displays debug information about the windows
on the screen :0.0 only.

As a consequence, none of my rules apply to windows opened in :0.1.

Is there a way how I can make devilspie2 control the windows on both X

Thanks in advance for any hint.

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