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[Discuss-gnuradio] SDR article: Missing no links

From: Vanu Bose
Subject: [Discuss-gnuradio] SDR article: Missing no links
Date: Tue, 04 Dec 2001 16:22:10 -0500

>>I found some things of amusement. First, "Vanu Inc, an MIT spinoff
>>getting ready to introduce OEM code for a wideband software radio.".
>>These are some of the guys from SpectrumWare of course. The other interesting
>>thing is that it looks like they are doing a bit of work with Java as well.
>>And they expect to have a release early next year.
>>I distinctly note, however, that there's no mention whatsoever of
>>Open Source.
>Of course not they are attempting to commercialize this stuff.  My
>understanding is that they are making a fair business out of SDR
>consulting, mainly for the military.  I suspect they will not find a
>good open source implementation of SpectrumWare code to be a welcome

I thought I'd respond to this and let you all know that we not only
welcome, but encourage, a good open source implementation of
SpectrumWare. If we did not, we would not have put it in the public
domain in the first place. At MIT we benefitted greatly from open
source software, and I felt that it was important to contribute
something back. In addition, we want to create awareness about
software radio, and I think this open source implementation will be a
great help.

As you all are aware, the code was not that great (although Brett
Vasconcellos' pSpectra implementation was a tremendous
improvement). The code was meant to validate a concept, and if you
guys can make it into a more reliable and robust system, that would be
fantastic. I'm impressed with how far you've gotten, I'm not sure I
could get SpectrumWare to compile anymore.

We intend to make some of the software we are writing at the company
open source, in particular the Radio Description Language (RDL) which
is the java portion of the system. We will post a paper describing
some work implementing GSM in RDL on our web site in the near
future. I hope that the open source community decides to pick this up,
our hope is that RDL will facilitate portable waveform

The results of our consulting work, and the core software will not be
public domain, as that is what we intend to build our business
around. I see the public domain effort as complimentary, and we'll
support it where we can.



Dr. Vanu G. Bose
President & CEO
Vanu, Inc.
One Porter Square
Suite 18
Cambridge, Ma 02142
ph: 617.864.1711x203

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