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[Discuss-gnuradio] using GNU Radio for research?

From: Seth David Schoen
Subject: [Discuss-gnuradio] using GNU Radio for research?
Date: Fri, 19 Dec 2003 15:30:30 -0800
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.4i

While it can be argued -- and has been argued -- that all current uses
of GNU Radio are research uses, I am interested in hearing from people
who think of themselves as using GNU Radio in traditional research or
teaching roles, particularly at academic institutions.

The FCC has issued a Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in its
broadcast flag docket, with comments due January 14 and reply comments
due February 13, on issues including the status of software radios
under the broadcast flag rule.  I would like to be able to describe
some of the benefits in speech, science, engineering, and education
that are resulting from the GNU Radio project.  If you can help, I
would appreciate it very much.

(The FNPRM is buried inside the FCC's Report and Order issued in
November, which deferred and sought further comment on software
radios.  There are many likely arguments from the movie industry, but
one is: _Other_ software radios don't come with source code or
encourage the public to experiment, why does _yours_ have to?)

Seth David Schoen <address@hidden> | Very frankly, I am opposed to people
     http://www.loyalty.org/~schoen/   | being programmed by others.
     http://vitanuova.loyalty.org/     |     -- Fred Rogers (1928-2003),
                                       |        464 U.S. 417, 445 (1984)

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