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[Discuss-gnuradio] complex examples

From: Jim Lindstrom
Subject: [Discuss-gnuradio] complex examples
Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 14:01:47 -0500

Can anyone point me at some very complex gnuradio examples?  I'm curious to see how the control and feedback side of things are managed, and how unwieldly (or not) the building of the graph can be.  For instance, when looking through the HowtoHdTv, I realized that there isn't so much an "HDTV Application" as there is a "HDTV Process" that one goes through to get everything tweaked and serially run through a few tools.  Does anyone have an example of gnuradio being used in scenarios such as:
   - a COTS network stack integrating with GNURadio as the L1 implementaiton?  I.e., has anyone tried making a real radio w/ GNURadio and managing all the communication between some C++ App to do the network stack stuff and the RF-level GNURadio graph?
   - examples like in HDTV where the application manages the feedback of tweaking AGC settings or monitoring the adc3_fftavg in realtime to warn if the levels get too low, or watching ./point in real time to see if error rates get too high..  Has this been attempted?


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