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[Discuss-gnuradio] FLEX900 daughterboard not working with usrp_oscope.py

From: Jon James
Subject: [Discuss-gnuradio] FLEX900 daughterboard not working with usrp_oscope.py
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2006 15:52:07 -0500


I have a FLEX900 daughterboard using with the USRP board. I am trying to run usrp_oscope.py, an example program contained within gnuradio-examples-0.7. I have installed the latest usrp updates from http://usrp.svnrepository.com/usrp/trac.cgi.

First, usrp_oscope would not run due to incomplete definitions for the FLEX900 board in the file db_flexrf.py. There was a divide by zero error because gain_range was not defined for the FLEX_900, and another error because power_on method was not defined.

I don't have a schematic (it's not available yet), but comparing the FLEX2400 and FLEX400 BOMs to what I see on the FLEX900 board, it looks like the FLEX2400 is most similar. (Admittedly, just a guess, but i'm thinking controls will be similar.) Looking at the other daughterboard code within the file, I added the following to db_flexrf.py:

class _900_common(_AD4360_common):
   def freq_range(self):           # I added this based on
       return (800e6, 1000e6, 1e6) # how the other boards are set up.

class db_flexrf_900_tx(_900_common, flexrf_base_tx):
       self.power_on = POWER_UP    # I added this based on
       self.power_off = ~POWER_UP  # how the other boards are set up.
class db_flexrf_900_rx(_900_common, flexrf_base_rx):
       self.power_on = POWER_UP    # I added this based on
       self.power_off = ~POWER_UP  # how the other boards are set up.
   def gain_range(self):#I copied this from flexrf_2400_rx to fix a
                        #divide by zero error, don't know what the values
                        #should really be.
       return (self._u.pga_min(), self._u.pga_max() + 70, 0.05)

These changes eliminated the errors and the o-scope application comes up, displaying the window with adjustment controls, etc. However, the grid lines and vertical scale are not being displayed, and no signal is displayed. It's just blank. In addition, the application doesn't close properly, it hangs. This behavior in contrast with no daughterboard installed, where I can see the noise on channels 1 and 2.

Does anyone have suggestions on what I adjustments I may still need to make for this particular daughterboard? Anyone have the schematic for this board (FLEX900)? It is not yet available at http://www.ettus.com/Download.html.

Finally, is there a favorite IDE for python that allows stepping, breakpoints, viewing variables, etc. Thanks for any advice or tips.

Best regards,

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