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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] build-gnuradio script: Why duplicates in PKGLIST?

From: Marcus D. Leech
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] build-gnuradio script: Why duplicates in PKGLIST?
Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 09:04:00 -0400
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On 06/18/2013 05:34 PM, Monahan-Mitchell, Tim wrote:
For example, for Ubuntu, 'git-core' and 'libusb-1.0-0-dev' appear twice. Is 
that important?

        PKGLIST="libfontconfig1-dev libxrender-dev libpulse-dev swig g++
        automake autoconf libtool python-dev libfftw3-dev
        libcppunit-dev libboost-all-dev libusb-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev fort77
        libsdl1.2-dev python-wxgtk2.8 git-core
        libqt4-dev python-numpy ccache python-opengl libgsl0-dev
        python-cheetah python-lxml doxygen qt4-default qt4-dev-tools 
        libqwt5-qt4-dev libqwtplot3d-qt4-dev pyqt4-dev-tools python-qwt5-qt4
        cmake git-core wget libxi-dev python-docutils gtk2-engines-pixbuf 
r-base-dev python-tk
        liborc-0.4-0 liborc-0.4-dev libasound2-dev python-gtk2"

Probably from merging two lists, and failing to remove the dups. I don't think it does any harm.

Other comments:
- The sudocheck function and others leave out the 'Yes' variant. Tricked  me a 
couple of times!
Noted :)

- It would be good to segregate the packages that are needed for GUI support, 
to make it easier to remove for a non-GUI device.

But make no mistake, thanks to  Marcus for a very useful script.


It was never the intention for build-gnuradio to be anything other than a way for new users to get up and running as painlessly as possible in the "most usual" configuration. Introducing more variance in possible outcomes means a lot more work for me, and a departure from the main purpose.

Since I got no response to my call for someone else to take it over, I'm resisting adding new features...

Marcus Leech
Principal Investigator
Shirleys Bay Radio Astronomy Consortium

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