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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] delete_head_blocking()

From: Johnathan Corgan
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] delete_head_blocking()
Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2013 07:29:57 -0700

On Fri, Jun 28, 2013 at 6:48 AM, Bastian Bloessl <address@hidden> wrote:
so it is the intended behavior that the work function is called all over the time (and immediately returns)? I just checked for the pdu to tagged stream block and its called ~500k times per second.

This is a known issue specific to the design of streaming source blocks that depend on async message input port(s) for their content.  It will be addressed after the 3.7.0 release.  Basically, we need to provide a mechanism to allow a block to tell the scheduler to add reception of an async port message as one of the conditions to be satisfied before calling work().

In general on this issue, the desired block design is to handle all incoming async message port traffic using registered message handlers.  The message handler(s) can then optionally generate futher outgoing async messages on output message ports and/or set block internal state as needed.  Once the scheduler has dispatched all pending async messages to the block's message handlers, if the block has a work() function, conditions will be evaluated whether to call it.  If called, the work function can then deal with streaming port I/O and any state updates created by the prior message handler execution.

Since the GNU Radio scheduler is actually distributed among all the blocks/threads, each block has its own scheduler that wakes up when events occur, evaluates whether to call block message handlers and work() function, sends notifications to other blocks based on the return from work(), and goes back to sleep waiting for another event to occur.  Blocking in either a message handler or in the work() function is very strongly discouraged, as this prevents the scheduler for that block from running and may result in deadlocks.

In some cases, usually in source blocks, making blocking system calls is unavoidable, and we "get away" with doing so by using a timeout with a small value and returning.  This is suboptimal for CPU usage but does allow the scheduler machinery to run. (The pdu_to_tagged_stream block cannot even do this right now.)

Longer term, the plan is to add scheduler provided functions to call so block work() functions can ask the scheduler to "call me again when this happens" and the scheduler can handle the blocking/response in a way the gets along with everything else.

TL;DR We're working on it :)

Johnathan Corgan
Corgan Labs - SDR Training and Development Services
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