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[Discuss-gnuradio] set_command_time ack timeout issue

From: Steve Zygmunt
Subject: [Discuss-gnuradio] set_command_time ack timeout issue
Date: Tue, 3 Sep 2013 10:48:19 -0600

I was wondering if anyone could give some insight into how the 
set_command_time() command handles the ack.  I am having an issue where the 
system/thread locks waiting for an ACK from a set_center_freq() or if the 
set_command_time is far enough in the future then the fifo ctrl times out with:

 line 2827, in set_center_freq
    return _uhd_swig.usrp_source_sptr_set_center_freq(self, *args)
RuntimeError: RuntimeError: fifo ctrl timed out looking for acks

The end goal I am trying to achieve is to tune at a specific time.  The only 
other approach to solve that I can see is to add a tune flag to the stream and 
modify the gr-uhd and uhd software to handle appropriately, which I would 
rather not open that can of worms if I don't have to.  Any advice would be 
greatly appreciated.

Mac Laptop with 10.8 with USRP N210
Macports gnuradio-devel @3.7.1_20130821
Macports uhd @003_005_003

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