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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] How to integrate a specific number of vectors ele

From: Eskil Varenius
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] How to integrate a specific number of vectors element-wise in gnuradio?
Date: Tue, 8 Oct 2013 09:26:50 +0200

Hi again,
I uninstalled what I had installed through PyBOMBS and installed Gnuradio 3.7 through the build_gnuradio script. Then I tried Jareds repo for specest with 3.7 (http://www.github.com/dfxx) and it seems to compile just fine, well done! I can also import specest in python without problems.

Now: I would very much like to use the block moving_average_vff in Gnuradio Companion. Unfortunately it seems there are no xml files for that block, hence invisible to the GRC. I got a hint from Martin Braun that I could use the "gr_modtool makexml" command to generate this. Unfortunately it seems that I don't understand how to use it:
gr_specest_jared$ ls
apps  AUTHORS  build  cmake  CMakeLists.txt  COPYING  docs  examples  grc  include  lib  python  README  swig
gr_specest_jared$ gr_modtool makexml moving_average_vff
GNU Radio module name identified: specest
Warning: This is an experimental feature. Don't expect any magic.
Searching for matching files in lib/:
None found.
There is a file called moving_average_vff.cc in the lib directory, so I guess something more is needed here which I don't know about.

I tried looking at the page http://gnuradio.org/redmine/projects/gnuradio/wiki/OutOfTreeModules?version=16#Making-your-blocks-available-in-GRC where there are links to example xml blocks to understand a bit more, but it seems these links are broken. Also the link to the gr_block documentation in the next section (There's more:...) is broken.

I'm grateful for any hints on how to make the block moving_average_vff visible in the GRC.

Best regards,

2013/10/4 Jared Clements <address@hidden>

I updated gr-specest so it would compile with 3.7, see my repo on www.github.com/dfxx if you want to try that route.  The changes were almost all namespace stuff and cmake stuff, i.e. I don't think I broke anything.


On Oct 4, 2013 7:33 AM, "Eskil Varenius" <address@hidden> wrote:
Hi everyone,
After a long break since June I am now back learning about Gnuradio. I asked in June for a way to average vectors elementwise and Martin Braun suggested the moving_average_Vff block in the gr-specest. He also said it would be available PyBOMBS. Now update:

Since I had installed Gnuradio using the build-script I wanted to re-install it using pybombs. I uninstalled the old gnuradio by doing a "sudo make uninstall" in each build directory for the old release. Seems to work. Now I installed gnuradio 3.6 (since gr-specest is still only verified for 3.6, although I'm happy to see people working towards a 3.7 release). I did the install using the instructions on the pybombs quickstart page:

git clone git://github.com/pybombs/pybombs
cd pybombs
git checkout gr-3.6
./pybombs install gnuradio

Gnuradio seemed to install without problems but: I realised I had path-problems since I could not start anything (gnuradio companion, import gnuradio etc. fails). Perhaps this was related to me using a custom target directory (/opt/gnuradio_pybombs). I looked around and found path instructions for custom directory installs at "http://gnuradio.org/redmine/projects/gnuradio/wiki/UbuntuInstall#Installing-in-a-custom-directory", i.e. put the following in my .bashrc:

# GNU Radio installation
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/gnuradio_pybombs/bin
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/gnuradio_pybombs/lib
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:/opt/gnuradio_pybombs/lib/pkgconfig
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/opt/gnuradio_pybombs/lib/python2.6/site-packages

However, that didn't work completely - I still could not find the gnuradio python module. I realised two things: the 2.6 should probably be 2.7 for me, and also the pythonpath should end in dist-packages, not site-packages, since the site-packages folder was empty. After modifying the pythonpath with 2.7 and dist-packages everything runs, I can import gnuradio and also use gnuradio companion. So far so good!

Now for gr-specest. I tried to install it using app store (cool stuff, you guys are amazing!) and also just command line which is equivalent, i.e. I run using "sudo ./pybombs install gr-specest" I get a lot of output, but the perhaps most interesting one before it ends abruptly is:
-- checking for module 'gruel'
--   package 'gruel' not found
-- checking for module 'gnuradio-core'
--   package 'gnuradio-core' not found
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:100 (message):
  Gruel required to compile specest

I am lost here. Any ideas? I can give the rest of the output as well, but this is the showstopper as far as I can see. I have tried googling this, but it seems to me that the solution used is to use the build-gnuradio script instead of PyBOMBS. I could do that, but then I would not be able to enjoy installing gr-specest through the app-store ;). Grateful for any advice.


2013/6/24 Martin Braun (CEL) <address@hidden>
On Mon, Jun 24, 2013 at 02:09:51PM +0200, Eskil Varenius wrote:
> The grand plan is as follows:
> 1) Use an USRP to recieve a signal, I know how.
> 2) Divide the stream of samples into vectors, I know how.
> 3) Take the FFT of the vectors one by one, I know how.
> 4) Average the vectors coming from the FFT together element-wise. I don't know
> how.
> 5) Save the averaged vector to a file, I know how.
> What I cannot solve is step 4: I need to take the N vectors (each of size M)
> coming from the FFT-block and sum them together element-wise to produce one
> vector of size M.

The spectral estimation toolbox (gr-specest) has a block to do this
(moving_average_vff). You can get it through PyBOMBS, it is not yet
3.7-compatible, though.



Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Communications Engineering Lab (CEL)

Dipl.-Ing. Martin Braun
Research Associate

Kaiserstraße 12
Building 05.01
76131 Karlsruhe

Phone: +49 721 608-43790
Fax: +49 721 608-46071

KIT -- University of the State of Baden-Württemberg and
National Laboratory of the Helmholtz Association

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