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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Install: qa_volk_test_all fails on armv7

From: West, Nathan
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Install: qa_volk_test_all fails on armv7
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 14:21:20 -0600

On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 5:27 PM, Ken Adams <address@hidden> wrote:
> Has there been any progress on this bug?

Hi all,

I have a branch that I'd like to get some more data points for before
merging. I think I've identified a possibility for the issue and it
*might* be a compiler bug, but results are somewhat inconclusive. If
you have seen this bug (or even if you haven't and you want to provide
additional data points) can you test this branch:

If you can take time to test is, please send back the following data:
* success or failure of make test
* architecture (x86, x86_64, arm cortex a9/cortex 15, etc..., also
include hardfloat or softfloat if ARM). If you're running in a VM also
include that.
* Distribution (if oe specify that)
* compiler version
* if you saw failures, please include relevant ctest -V output

I would appreciate reports of success and failures.

Happy hacking,

The headaches continue. After you test the previous branch can you
also look at https://github.com/n-west/gnuradio/tree/volk-qa-volk_malloc
Reviewing my malloc/frees in there would be good. This passes QA on my
armv7hf, but fails on my x86_64. Some kernels were actually reported
to be giving incorrect results (http://pastebin.com/VWPtVk4M). This
might suggest it is memory corruption rather than a compiler problem
after all.

I know this is based off master, but Philip's stuff in master that
makes cross testing a lot easier. Forgive me this time :-)

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