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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] .so: undefined symbol: _ZN2gr6blocks12count_bits1

From: Bastian Bloessl
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] .so: undefined symbol: _ZN2gr6blocks12count_bits16E
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2014 11:31:12 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/24.2.0

On 02/11/2014 11:17 AM, raf raf wrote:
Hi Marcus,

I tried to have a lib/CMakeLists.txt  and CMakeLists.txt with a same
content like in ieee802-15-4 of Bastian, but it didn't work and now I
had  this error after a modifications :

You do not set required components as we suggested in the previous post. Therefore you end up with default libs and these defaults do not include libgnuradio-blocks (which you require).

You tried to set components but forgot PMT, then you got the error:
ImportError: /usr/local/lib/libgnuradio-ieee_868_915.so: undefined symbol: _ZN2gr12msg_accepter4postEN5boost13intrusive_ptrIN3pmt8pmt_baseEEES5_

Currently, you link only against gnuradio-runtime...

undefined symbol: _ZN2gr12ieee_868_91511packet_sink4makeEv

It would be helpful to check in an example. Your GRC bindings are btw not working


  <!-- Make one 'sink' node per input. Sub-nodes:
       * name (an identifier for the GUI)
       * type
       * vlen
       * optional (set to 1 for optional inputs) -->
<type><!-- e.g. int, float, complex, byte, short, xxx_vector, ...--></type>

you have to fill in some stuff here.

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