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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] X300 PCIe issues

From: Marcus D. Leech
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] X300 PCIe issues
Date: Sun, 27 Apr 2014 15:54:16 -0400
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On 04/27/2014 02:45 PM, Robert McGwier wrote:
Backing off to Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS was successful in getting the PCIe Express interface to build, dkms the kernel module, start and uhd_find_device sees the USRP x300.

Now for the fun part.... using it.


To all those entertaining PCIe interfacing, do not install a later version of kernel or distro than is KNOWN to support the interface. PCIe is most decidely NOT USB or GigE. Ettus would not be using a proprietary interface from NI with known working support for various kernels if it were not necessary. Having done multiple projects at work with PCIe, you use it when it is necessary and NEVER when it isn't. My application for the x3x0 series requires it. I find all the pieces of the needed documentation to make it all work NOT in one place. I will give a short summary today after I get my first app going using the device.


I'll chime in as an occasional kernel and driver developer. Developing code, like drivers or kernel extensions, that runs inside the kernel is a *royal pain in the posterior* in Linux. While the "top side" API is very stable so that applications hardly *ever* experience API changes that require on-going tedious maintenance, the same cannot be said of code that runs in the kernel. Quite the contrary. Linus and friends *routinely and regularly* change critical APIs within the kernel, sometimes even across minor version revs of the same codebase. This makes maintaining drivers and other kernel code a complete and utter nightmare, and which is why often drivers are only guaranteed to work for specific kernel versions or kernel version series. It's serious challenge, and it's not a road that should be gone down lightly....

Marcus Leech
Principal Investigator
Shirleys Bay Radio Astronomy Consortium

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