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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Creating New Module

From: Marcus Müller
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Creating New Module
Date: Wed, 15 Jul 2015 12:45:54 +0200
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Not necessarily, but you'd need to sort out why there is a single boost package from Ubuntu 14.04 on your Ubuntu 12.04. That can be easy, but often, these administrative problems turn out to be something strange underneath, and you end up fixing things for hours, where a fresh installation would have been done in a couple of minutes. It basically depends on your willingness to repair your old system.

Best regards,

On 15.07.2015 12:39, monika bansal wrote:
This means i need to re-install Ubuntu and then gnuradio for proper working.

On Wed, Jul 15, 2015 at 3:56 PM, Marcus Müller <address@hidden> wrote:
Hi Monika,

there's something strange in your package versions:
On 15.07.2015 07:57, monika bansal wrote:
ii  libboost-date-ti 1.48.0-3      amd64         set of date-time libraries based on ge
ii  libboost-date-ti 1.48.0-3      amd64         set of date-time libraries based on ge
ii  libboost-date-ti 1.54.0-4ubunt amd64         set of date-time libraries based on ge
I know there were strange times when Ubuntu shipped packages that said "boost-something version 1.X" but contained a different version than X, but I though these days were over.
Now, 1.48.0 is the Boost version of Ubuntu 12.04LTS, and we still do support that, but 1.54 is the Ubuntu 14.04LTS version; I think there might be something broken, here.

To be honest, I'd rather do a clean install of Ubuntu 14.04LTS and start with that before I ran into more problems.

Best regards,

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