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[Discuss-gnuradio] Eleventh Cyberspectrum SDR Meetup this Wed (30th Sept

From: Balint Seeber
Subject: [Discuss-gnuradio] Eleventh Cyberspectrum SDR Meetup this Wed (30th Sept)
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 2015 17:08:41 -0700

Dear all,

Announcing the eleventh Cyberspectrum meetup at Noisebridge in San Francisco!

Come along at 6:30pm for a 7pm sharp kickoff in the Hackatorium, and for those unable to attend we'll set up a live stream like last time (stay tuned to the event's page/Twitter for more info closer to the time). There's also IRC: #cyberspectrum on Freenode.

Full details, including the speaker lineup/topics, are here: http://www.meetup.com/Cyberspectrum/events/224928223/

We'll be hearing about:
Recordings of, and materials from, previous meetups can be found here: http://www.meetup.com/Cyberspectrum/about/

If you're not familiar with Cyberspectrum: "The Bay Area SDR Meetup will serve as a forum to exchange knowledge and ideas related to Software Defined Radio (the software and hardware), and generally aim to get people excited about all the applications that can be realised with the technology. At each meetup, attendees will have the opportunity to present their work/ideas to the group. Engineers, enthusiasts, hobbyists and people of all experience levels are welcome, no matter what your software/hardware background."

As always, if you would like to present at a future event about a project you're working on, or something interesting you've discovered, please get in touch!

Hope to see you there,

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