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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] [PyBOMBS] Relaunch and version 2.0

From: Martin Braun
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] [PyBOMBS] Relaunch and version 2.0
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 2016 16:32:15 +0100
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the repositories have now been updated. For those who don't want to
track the PyBOMBS repo, you can just install PyBOMBS through pip (sudo
pip install PyBOMBS).

PyBOMBS 2.0 has a manual, hosted on the repo:

This should get you started.

If wondering about the transition in general, read my previous
announcement (below).


The main repository for PyBOMBS is still the same one as before
(https://github.com/gnuradio/pybombs/). If you pull pybombs from github,
it will update to PyBOMBS2. To get to the old code, check out the legacy


the old recipes are stored here:


Note PyBOMBS1 will not be officially supported any more.


Because PyBOMBS easily allows multiple recipe locations, we have split
up the recipes into the most popular, and/or known stable ones, and all
the rest. The standard set of recipes can be found here:

- https://github.com/gnuradio/gr-recipes

The extended set can be found here:

- https://github.com/gnuradio/gr-etcetera

The selection is currently somewhat arbitrary. We will certainly move
recipes between repositories as we go along. The idea is to have a place
where we can throw pretty much anything SDR-related while still having a
place where we can endorse certain packages. Suggestions on moving
packages between repos can be made through the issue tracker and are
welcome, but I'd like to restrict gr-recipes to OOTs and other packages
with a fairly wide adoption.


If you're moving from PB1 to PB2, it's probably easiest to just start
from scratch. If you really don't want to, there's ways to turn your old
PB1 prefix into a new one, but that's very specific and a bit off-topic
for this announcement.

In any case, you will need to install PyBOMBS instead of just having a
repository somewhere.

Given PB2 is brand new, I'm sure there's still enough bugs. Not much we
can do about that, other than test, test, test and run it in various


On 01/10/2016 07:55 AM, Martin Braun wrote:
> Now that the most important question pertaining PyBOMBS is out of the
> way (i.e., we're keeping the name), it's time to move forward to PyBOMBS
> 2.0.
> For those who haven't heard about this: We will be replacing current
> PyBOMBS with version 2.0, which comes with a bunch of new features, but
> is also mostly incompatible with current PyBOMBS.
> I'd like to finalize a release version of PyBOMBS during the Berlin
> hackfest coming up soon. Once we have that, we can start providing
> installation through pip, which is a big leap forward from our previous
> clone-this-repo mode of installation.
> Until then, I'd like to invite people to try it out on your own
> machines. You can can download it from
> https://github.com/gnuradio/pybombs2/commits/master, it comes with a
> quickstart guide and a small manual.
> The biggest new features are:
> - Installable package. You can now install PyBOMBS locally, or
>   system-wide!
> - Support for multiple prefixes, limited by disk space only
> - SDK/cross-compile support
> - Support for multiple recipe locations. You can also add your own
>   recipe repositories.
> - Modular design, it's easy to add more system backends (want Gentoo
>   support? Arch Linux? PRs welcome!)
> - Uses YAML, our new favourite file format, for everything.
> - Smarter detection of installed stuff
> - Less cluttered output
> PyBOMBS 2 Five Anticipated Questions (FAQ)
> ==========================================
> * Why the big change?
> Many reasons, mostly because PB1 didn't support a lot of features we
> wanted, but the codebase made it difficult to add those features.
> * Will PyBOMBS1 recipes work with PyBOMBS2?
> No, because we're going to all-YAML, we have a slightly different
> format. However, there's a script to batch-convert recipes.
> * Which systems does it support?
> Any Linux/Unix really, but it uses apt-get, yum and dnf for installing
> packages system-wide if it can. Mac OS X support is in the making. We've
> tried staying portable, but that still needs improvement. Windows support
> is possible, but not yet planned. I guess Cygwin would work, if we
> update the majority of packages to include pkg-config info.
> Using emerge, portage, pacman or whatever as system-wide installer
> backend would be easy and if someone wants to do that, we're open for
> PRs.
> * Does it have a GUI?
> Nah, that wasn't a priority. Would be nice, and will certainly come one
> day.
> * Where did all the semicolons go?;
> We cut-and-pasted the semicolons to the latest additions in gr-fec,
> where they can lead a happier life as actual parts of code.
> -- Martin

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