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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] GNURadio Live SDR update request

From: Marcus Müller
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] GNURadio Live SDR update request
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 2016 11:53:45 +0100
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:) That's the beauty of modern Linux Distros; most of the time, they
just actually work.

Now, it's not overly hard to, for example, take a Fedora Installer, have
a kickstart file (which is a way of automating installation), let that
write into a file that a VM uses to simulate a USB drive, and
automatically install all GNU Radio dependencies during the Fedora
installation onto that drive, then build and install GNU Radio
automatedly after finishing system setup, and do the same for the other
OOT projects that the Corganlabs/GNU Radio Live SDR DVD image has, but,
to be honest:

That would be missing the point. For a known, small, set of Linux Distro
versions, the different automata [1] for building GNU Radio and its
dependencies work pretty well. If you want a full Linux installation, go
get Ubuntu in its current incantation (though I personally don't like
Ubuntu overly much, that's the most reliable choice), current Fedora, or
CentOS 7 (as far as I can tell, that works with minimal quirks with
build-gnuradio), and just install that on your favourite storage medium,
then copy & paste the instructions you need to follow to install GNU
Radio via PyBOMBS or build-gnuradio. I literally did that when starting
to write this email in a VM. The installation is now finished, and it's
currently building GNU Radio itself. No problems so far.

As a bit of tale from the support trenches, having a live DVD makes a
whole lot of sense, because you can just hand that out (and I suppose
that's what Johnathan does when offering SDR courses), it will work, and
there's no reasonably likely way for beginners to inadvertedly mess it
up too much. A reboot will fix it. Of course, you'd be missing
persistence. But to be honest, if you want your work to be permanent,
it's not that much of a hassle to actually get a proper Linux
installation on a USB stick these days, and as support person and as a
community manager, I'd rather let people who know how to build complete
OSes develop the basis atop of which we install GNU Radio, in general,
and write installers that reliably work on any size of USB drive.

Best regards,

[1] those being Marcus Leech's build-gnuradio, Martin&others'
PyBOMBS(-legacy) and the new PyBOMBS
On 18.02.2016 01:22, Fernando Peral wrote:
> El 15/02/16 a las 17:44, Landsman, Arik escribió:
>> Hi Stephen, 
>> To add a few comments on persistence - the Live USB image doesn't come with 
>> persistence configured. Two ways to do this, one of them does NOT work on 
>> Ubuntu 14.04 (fixed on 15.04 as some forums claim):
>> .........
>> Ubuntu is fine though, as long as the image is upgraded to 15.04 to make 
>> persistence work. 
>> Another option is full install on a USB drive - haven't tried, but with 16Gb 
>> usb3.0 <$20 it seems like a good idea all around.  It could be upgraded 
>> locally to >14.04.
> I have. I works very well.  Install ubuntu as if you were installing on
> a hard drive.
> regards
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