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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Module attribute error in C++ guided tutorial

From: Marcus Müller
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Module attribute error in C++ guided tutorial
Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2017 17:37:00 +0100
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Hi Jacqueline,

first of all: thanks for the excellent report! It's rare that we get such well-defined and -researched problem descriptions.

So, regarding SWIG, I guess "everyone" is about as smart as you are. I don't get that warning, though I'm using the same version of SWIG as you are – also, the same version of GCC. What differs between our systems (mine is a fedora 25) is that you're using a more recent Boost version – as we see from the errors, somethings amiss with that.

Now, Boost has a history of not having good autoconf and CMake scripts, and that could be exactly what's hurting us here – the FindBoost in my /usr/share/cmake/Modules has exactly the warning displayed at exactly the code line (744), but it also as a terrible long list of elseifs() before that simple ends for 1.62 – it seems that at least for my CMake Version, no one had the time to fix Boost detection. Luckily, that seems fixed upstream [1]!

Can you do two things:

1. go into your /usr/share/cmake-3.7/Modules/FindBoost.cmake , line 744, and verify the last elseif is "NOT Boost_VERSION VERSION_LESS 106100 AND Boost_VERSION VERSION_LESS 106200" ¹

2. if 1. is the case, go to [1], replace (maybe backup) your FindBoost.cmake with that (maybe putting it in your gr-tutorial/cmake/Modules directory suffices, here, but I'm not sure in which order cmake goes through the different directories) , empty your build dir (really, rm -rf gr-tutorial/build/*) and do things again. Does the Boost warning disappear? If it does, would be a nice time to let the upstream maintainer of Arch's Boost or Arch's cmake package know that this file needs updatin'.

3. Try again with tutorial 4.

Best regards,


[1] https://github.com/Kitware/CMake/blob/master/Modules/FindBoost.cmake#L745

¹ somehow I feel someone missed the meaning of "elseif" here, but that might just be me
On 01/20/2017 04:37 PM, Jacqueline.Walker wrote:

Hello again,


Working through the python programmed modules in the guided tutorial and no problems but I get the same ‘module attribute error’ trying to complete the C++ tutorial.

Following directions exactly, files compile, block appears in GRC, can build the flowgraph but get the same execution error.

Please see text files attached with the error output and the outputs of the cmake..  and make commands. Obviously, there are warnings etc. that do not appear in the sample output as described in the tutorial. Could these be the cause of the error? I could not find any helpful information on swig warning 302 for example beyond what it roughly means.


As before running on a completely up-to-date Archlinux 4.8.13 and GRC I have removed and rebuilt everything several times but nothing works.


Thanks for any suggestions,



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